Avatar of Denalz
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 144 (0.04 / day)
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    1. Denalz 9 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Finally back.
8 yrs ago
Everything's changing...
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9 yrs ago
Been through some loss, but thankful for what I have...
9 yrs ago
Getting back to enjoying life...
9 yrs ago
It's like riding a bicycle...


Been writing for years. Waiting for the day that I get "good" at it.

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Good to hear :) *Bump*
Excellent! I'll keep you updated. If we have some more interest by Monday night, then I will start an OOC. My goal is to get the RP going with IC posts by no later than the 21st.
“Authority breeds corruption. Corruption and boredom breed horror”


The story begins with our player characters being held within the dungeon of Lord Allen Castor. Some are there for crimes they have committed. Some are there through no fault of their own. It is unclear whether they shall be receiving a trial, or even formal charges. One day, who should arrive within the stinking prison but Lord Castor himself, attended by his son. With an unnerving pleasantness, Lord Allen explains to the captives that they will be given a chance to absolve themselves of their “crimes”. This will be accomplished through participation in a game. The objective? Escape the Washwood alive. As if the prospect of being left in the Washwood were not terrifying enough, the prisoners are informed that they will be hunted by Lord Allen and his companions.

Waking in groups of twos and threes, the player characters find themselves in various locations within the Washwood (If we don't have enough players, they can be released in the same location). Thinly supplied and even more thinly armed, the groups are left wondering how they will escape. Will they work together, or will they turn against the strangers they find themselves stranded with?

It doesn’t take long before each group is challenged by Lord Allen and his allies. The motivation of these sadistic men is unclear, but one thing is certain, they lust for blood.

Lord Alllen Castor

Sir Allen is a man of some esteem throughout the kingdom of Fyord. Famous for his family’s long history of valor on the battlefield, Sir Allen adds to the Castor name by providing Fyord with the majoirty of it’s coal. He owns an extensive stretch of land at Fyord’s west most border. This land is separated from the rest of Fyord by a treacherous mountain range called “The Nether”. The only passage through this spine back toward Fyord is by way of boat over a river that winds around cavernous cliffs. Up against the west side of The Nether presses “The Washwood”, named for the flooding rains that run off the mountains in the Spring. This expansive forest is ancient and rumored to be haunted. A pity, as many have suggested that Lord Allen could expand his profits by dealing in lumber in addition to coal. In spite of the potential profits, Lord Allen has never taken advantage of this opportunity and has gone so far as to forbid his serfs from entering The Washwood... for their safety of course.

Lord Blakely Castor

Lord Blakely is the son of Lord Allen Castor. He matches his father in cunning and surpasses him in ruthlessness. As the eldest son, he is first in line to inherit his Father’s land and also his traditions. In the meantime, he and Sir Allen make sport of head-hunting together. While his father is satisfied to make clean kills, Lord Blakely prefers to revel in the terror that he has become so adept in iliciting from his victims.

The Washwood

The Washwood is densely filled with deciduous and evergreen trees. The ground is soft in the warmer months due to the frequent rains that run off The Nether mountains.Flash floods are common and deadly in certain areas. There are a number of cliffs and crags throughout, especially the closer one comes toward the mountains. The terrain is not easy to travel.Creeks are abundant throughout. The Southern border is lined by the Tegal river which also paves the only passable road towards the rest of Fyord. The Washwood is lined by The Nether mountains on it’s east and northern sides. To the the West lies fertile and civilized regions.

There are a number of rumors and legends surrounding the ancient Washwood. Most are steeped in fear and superstition. For this reason, few ever venture inside. Myths aside, trekking throughout this land is forbidden by law which was laid down by Sir Allen Castor, the wood’s legal owner. It is generally accepted that the reason for this is a desire to keep Sir Allen’s subjects working in the coal mines rather than drowned or worse within the forbidden woodland.


1.Characters will die in this RP. Frequently, that’s just the nature of the arena genre. I’d like all interested parties to come to terms with this now and be prepared to either create new characters to replace their old ones, or decide to be finished once their character dies.

2.If you don’t know how to use basic spell-check, I won’t be shy about giving you a tutorial. That being said, if English isn’t your first language then let us know so that we can all cut you some slack.

3.I expect participants to be able to post at least once per week. I understand people have vacations and other circumstances that come up. But please, be considerate and let people know when you are going to be gone for a time, and then make sure you give us an update if you end up needing more time.


**This will be my first attempt at GM'ing. So I'll likely require a bit of patience. Maybe more than a bit. Please express your interest below. If we get a few potential players, I will begin an OOC. Thanks**
Random note, does this picture not look a lot like Lady Buxton? @Fat Boy Kyle

Is there an OOC for this yet?
Finally got caught up on reading everyone's posts. I'm getting so excited to get going again!
I am possibly interested. Is there an OOC yet?
I'll jump in on the trend... PRESENT!
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