Avatar of dereken
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: dereken
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 578 (0.15 / day)
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    1. dereken 10 yrs ago


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I think we could all use a hug. ;_;
Just a-waitin' on Lich for to do the boyos.

Caractacus stood his ground ,watching the axeman carefully as he pulled something from his pocket. He breathed an inward sigh of relief, just a cigar. He watched as it was lit, and huffed briefly before the axeman spoke. They wanted him to join them in their personal crusade against the Dark Lord and his empire. The axeman offered a couple conditions to such an arrangement, demanding Caractacus release the undead guardsman. He didn't much see why, the man was passed in any case. The body itself could still serve. The knightess was in agreement, both to his joining them, and using only forces of the dark lord as his servants.

Then the knightess stepped closer, and threatened a most terrible and painful death should Caractacus betray them. Somehow, Caractacus managed to turn even paler as he tried to make a response, but she continued speaking. No undead in towns either. He'd be practically defenseless. The axeman finished the offer, asking Caractacus to choose whether to join them, or continue fleeing for his life. Wait a minute, choose? Caractacus narrowed his eyes. They surely were not just going to let him go, were they?

It struck him, flashing back to harsh learned lessons, that they were testing him. It was obvious now that they only offered him a choice to gauge his reaction. Of course they wouldn't just let a necromancer like himself walk away! If he refused, he surely would be cut down. Plastering on a smile, Caractacus nodded. "Of course I will j-join the pair of you." With a wave of his hand, the undead guardsman crumbled, wasting away into dust. It didn't feel right to do so, leaving just one zombie under his command, but whatever it took to avoid these warriors' ire he would have to do. At least until he was able to make his escape.
I think she was threatening Caractacus.
Awesome possum! I'm gonna have a response post up after work tonight if all goes to plan.

They didn't believe him. Caractacus took another step back. "What p-proof can a man offer? I deserted his ranks, I s-seek no conflict." He held his hand out in a sign of surrender, though his other hand gripped his staff tightly. He wasn't about to throw down his only protection to these strangers, but still, he wanted to avoid a painful, chopping, stabbing death. "I suppose the zombies are, eh, perhaps a b-bit off-putting, but these are dangerous times, are--are they not? You would not g-go about without your armor or, er, your axe, would you?"

Caractacus wasn't sure if he should keep up trying to make friends, or just make a break for it. His two zombies surely wouldn't last long, but perhaps, if he empowered them, they could hold the two warriors at bay while he lost them in the forest. Teeth clenched, Caractacus flicked his eyes from the knight and axe-man, to his zombies, and back again. It was obvious he was weighing his odds. "S-surely, if nothing else, we can go our separate ways, yes?"
I'm sorry, it is only a kobold post. I'm so terribly tired but I will do Caractacus tomorrow.
Yikk, Yakk, & Yukk

The cloaked figure had turned around to face the bar once more, picking up and quickly downing the ale in front of him. Around him, the murmurs and whispers in the corners of the bar had slowly turned to angered mutterings. A trio of men, bolder than the rest, stood and approached Dru'marish. The cloaked figure turned his head slightly too acknowledge them. "Good day, my friends. Was there something I could do for the three of you? Some monster troubling your lands?"

"How about you get out of here, dragonborn. You come in here making noise, causin' trouble." The first man approached, fists clenched. The two behind him nodded their assent. "Your kind are a bad omen."

Dru'marish turned about fully, to face the three humans. They were not warriors, likely travelers or refugees. Yakk let a soft smile show from under his hood. "Come now, friends. There is no need for conflict. Let me pay for drinks for the three of you, yes? A show of good faith." With a barely perceptible turn, a bag, clinking with coin, was deposited on the table. "Barkeep, give these men what drinks they desire."

The humans muttered to themselves a moment, before begrudgingly approaching the bar to get their ale and beer. They stalked back to their table, the lead throwing a glance back at the figure by the bar before losing himself in his drink.

"Yikk, ask Yakk for something to eat, and more ale." Yukk whispered a bit too loudly. Luckily, it seemed no one was paying attention, and Yikk silenced his brother with a hurried 'shh'.
Okay, I'm back! I shall have a posting to the up very quickly.

Edit: As an aside, I changed Yakk's weapon of choice to one I think would work better with his stature. Hope that isn't trouble.

Double edit: Whoops, expect that post in the early morn. Four hours or so.
Probably won't be able to have a post up until friday, but when I do, it should be Caractacus and the kobolds.
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