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    1. DoNotLetMeBeGM 10 yrs ago


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And I'm back, and ready for my second character. Consider this post a teaser of sorts.

From the beginning, I knew what I wanted my second character to be-a comedic relief character, something that all (or most) RPs need. Let me take you through my thought process as I mulled it over these past five days.

'Okay self, when you think comedy, what comes to mind?...I got it-The Eds! Yes, I can get laughs out of them easi-oh yeah, I've already had one character turned down due to not really being a fighter.

No problem, I'll just use a character from an abridged series! I can write for those easy, and...And one of the big rules is for a character to be as close to their canon personality as possible. Friggin hell...

Okay then, a character from Bo-BoBo then! That show's entire canon is basically an abridged series, and I know them like the back of my hand! Wait...I forgot, the fourth wall in that show is basically a myth and medium awareness is a no-no. Sunavabitch.

Maybe a specific character...Bingo-Waluigi! I've done him before, and it was an absolute blast! He doesn't break the fourth wa, he can hold his own in a fight...And I already have a purple centric charACTER DAMN IT ALL! Whoever said 'dying is easy, comedy is hard' was right on the money, shoulda gone on The Price is RigHT, MADE MILLIONS!'

So yeah, coming up with a character to make the funnies: not as easy as I thought. Then it hit me...

That was...Cold. Buwaro sighed-if this person didn't know one of the biggest cities in Media, chances were her traveling companions didn't either. The carnival stops here did cheer him up a little bit though, and the smell of food did even more for his mood.

He stuck around the girl with the sword as she made a beeline towards one particular stand, where apparent a friend of hers was cooking. He saw her icy mood dissapate immediately as she looked at Archer's cooking ('white hair, red cloak...' Buwaro noted). He had to admit, it did look very good, and if he was serving it..."I'll have whatever she's having." Buwaro told Archer, curious as to what that would get him.

As he stood at the stand though, a rather loud yell rang out as the man with the strange hand held weapons approached the stand, looking like his adopted older brother Iratu looked after he drank. He caught bits of a story he was telling a short yellow lizard as they came, something about trails and dragons, and that piqued his curiosity-any information he could get at this point was welcome. Besides, he seemed friendly enough. He approached the stranger and cleared his throat, hoping that this newcomer wouldn't be as rowdy as Iratu was when he got drunk.

"Excuse me," he began "but can I ask you what was that about trails? I think I'm supposed to help you in them, but honestly I'm...Well, kinda lost..."
GreatSalmon said
I feel like no one read my post.that's fine, I'll just make a introductory post for the festival thing...

Sorry, that's probably my bad-I gave you some bad instructions when I had a shaky grasp on what I was talking about and...Well, yeah :c
Just a quick heads up, I'mprobably not going to available again until Sunday. I might be able to post again today, but only if I need to.
Much to his relief, the new company Buwaro found himself in seemed more interested in whatever weapon had engrossed them to notice him too much. Before long, they a started to leave the building, and a wafting scent told the purple furred fire demon why-food. His stomach grumbled, reminding him that he had not eaten after last night's soup debacle.

'As long as they're okay with it..' Buwaro thought as he followed behind the group, deciding to tag along till he could figure out what happened.

And what a colorful group it was. Among other things, there was a large man in a gold suit of armor with a flourishing red cape behind him, a girl with pink hair in what looked like a marching outfit, and a tall guy in a red trench coat and blonde hair that stuck straight up. He briefly wondered how he could get his fur to do that when he noticed...Well, he wasn't sure what they were. There were two of them, and they had handles of some sort, but the shape of them were completely unknown to him.

'Probably a good idea not to be on the side that has a hole on it though...' Buwaro thought warily, gravitating towards the only person who had paid him much mind since he arrived. Well, it was only a glance, but it was better than nothing. She was a girl dressed in armor, not unlike the Knights from the books Rhea used to read him whenever they had to hide out somewhere, if a bit less covering. She seemed quite comfortable in the armor, as well as with the sword she carried at her side.

Normally, it would be easy for Buwaro to open up a conversation with anyone who didn't try to chase him out of town, but between the sudden change in scenery and the strange company he found himself in, he still felt a bit rattled. Eventually though, he found his voice.

"Um..." He began, hoping to get the swords women's attention "Can you tell me where I am, and...Maybe how to get to St. Curtis from here?" He finished, still hoping he was at least close to where he needed to be.
Lost Cause said

Huh. At least it's a different reason than 'he's got too many powers and weapons, he'll kick everyone's asses' that I usually get when I apply for Deadpool.

I know this may sound like arguing, but hear me out-in most mediums Deadpool appears in, the writer is writing the main story and Deadpool himself, so yeah he can do that. In this case though, I'm writing Deadpool and someone else is writing the main story. Ergo, I don't know what's going to happen, therefore I can't write Deadpool like he knows what's going to happen.

As for the constant fourth wall breaks...I know it's a stretch, but I look at it this way-Deadpool breaks it as often as he does for two reasons: one, he gets bored, and two, he wants to know what goes on in the plot. Since we've already taken away the latter, it means he'll only start breaking the fourth wall if he gets bored. If you keep putting things in front of him to maim, that's not going to be as often as you'd think.
Flamelord said
Which Marvel Universe? 616, 1610, 5700, 11080, 12091? There's a lot of AU's in the Marvel metaverse

Tis a fair point. Fixed up.
Okay, backup character time...Who was I going to use aga-*gets shoved aside* what the hel-*Gets booted out the door*

Phew, glad he's gone-no fricken way he could've captured my manly Essenes!
"I think you mean ours."
"No, I think he meant to leave you out."

You two can settle this later-time to make magic...

Let's see...I think the main group has just killed a dragon and has ended up in an armory full of awesome weapons as a reward. At least I think that's what's going on-jumping into new RPs when they're in progress ain't easy for me x3

Also, I appreciate your use of Simpsons gifs.

Also also, I think I just cajoled a buddy of mine into joining this RP. Keep an eye out for his application in the sign up thread.
Flamelord said
Yeah, uh, we're not at the mountain or cave anymore. We're at an armory full of weapons.

Sh**, I'll fix it...
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