Avatar of DoubleFurCollar
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    1. DoubleFurCollar 8 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current I just made my eyes blurrier than they ever were before.
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I'm 18. I'm from Pennsylvania. I play the drums. Good for me.

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I want to talk about something that Mordon and I have mentioned. We will be implementing what will be known as STORY CHARACTERS.

Story Characters will be important people we meet along the story, that will either help, or try to kill, our survivors. This will add a good mixup to characters, rather than just Seven people the ENTIRE TIME, y'know? I will soon create a story character so that everyone will understand what they are.
@Delta44 Well like I was just saying to Mordon in a PM, if you don't minf, we can meet you after our original meet up. Like we can run into you after this ordeal going on right now, which would be more realistic
Not sure if I should post or wait til @Delta44 and @bbyangellike get something up... Hmm...

I'd wait a few more hours. Maybe even like 4-5 more hours. If there's nothing from Delta or bbyAngel, then we can continue to move on, and meet them outside of this original meet up.
Jason Crowley
11:15 AM

Jason slashed away a few of the walkers trying to get to them, swinging with precision at their skulls. He watched carefully as Sam fell to the asphalt. "Sam!" He yelled out to her as she got back up. He knew she was okay. Plus he had his own problem to deal with in the meantime. A walker in a car, reached through the shattered windshield, and grabbed Jason's ankle.

"MotherFUCKER!" He kicked it, in the face, keeping it's disgusting, rotting teeth away from his leg. He gave it another swift kick to the face, and smashed half of it's face off. Gross. All over his shoes and everything. How nasty. "Ugh, come on!" He started to get back up when he noticed something. A 32. revolver on the passenger seat of the car. He knew that it would come in handy at some point, and immediately reached for it.

Unbeknownst to him, the corpse that was in the back of this car, was also a walker. It got up, and moved toward him, reaching for his elbow. "No way, guy." He reached for the gun, trying not to cut himself on the glass of the broken windshield. Just as the walker was at his arm, he gets the gun, and pulls back out of the car. He opened up the chamber. 4 bullets. He closes the chamber, and stands back up.

Looking out onto the street, he sees Sam. And now, someone new. Look away for two seconds, and you miss an entire person out here. Sam was introducing herself to this new character. Jason aims the gun at one of the undead going right for the back of her neck, and fires off a round into its head. Being the movie fan he is, Jason knows that it's not a good idea to shoot out in the streets. But that was too close of a call to let it go. "Let's go! Geeks are all over us! And I know they're gonna flock to the shot!" Jason tries to signal them onto the cars with him. He didn't know this new person, but he can't let someone die JUST because they're a stranger.

Hope this is alright :)

She looks good to me! Good job!
Jason Crowley
Jason stands up off of the ground and nods his head to her."I'm Jason. Or Jay, if you'd prefer to make your life one syllable easier." He says to Sam with a half smile.
"Nice to meet you, Sam. Actually, to be honest, it's nice to meet anyone, really."He puts his axe into one hand, at his side.
"I know the streets here. I've lived here for a while. Bank's this way." Jason says, walking to the end of the alley and pointing to the left down the street. He jumps on top of a car in the street, which is filled with walkers.
"Follow me. If we stay on top of these cars, we should be alright for now." He says to Sam.

Jason stays atop the car, and peers down the street. The bank isn't too far, but it might take a bit of a toll on them to get there, especially dueling through all these geeks to get there. He knew so far that he could trust this girl, even though he didn't know much about her. But having someone to trust would make surviving that much easier. Jason isn't someone with much combat experience, but he knows how to get around what he's doing.
Jason Crowley

Jason looks up from his little behind-a-dumpster spot. "No, no. I just got here." He looks up at her face for a minute. This is the first live person he's made contact with since this began. She seems like she might be a bit out of it, smiling down at him during the end of the world. He holds up his similar, bloody fire-axe. "Nice choice, anyway." He stands up to be on her level. "And uh, no, I haven't been down here since this started. I've been barricaded into an apartment building. I'm off to search for supplies."

Jason looks quickly out into the streets at the shuffling biters. He then takes a look back at the girl with the axe. "Yeah. I can get you to the bank. But I expect something in return. Give-a-little Get-a-little doesn't seem too crazy in this world now, does it?" He asks her. He still wasn't fully trusting her, and knew she wasn't fully trusting him either. He knew that if she swings at him, he could back up, and go for his shotgun in his backpack's side pouch, pretty quickly. But he didn't think he would need to. Jason won't need to feel 100% on guard, until he gets her where she needs to be. Then he should watch his back.

Awwww yiz. First post up. Just gotta ask tho, @DoubleFurCollar is Sam good to go?

Oh btw, dunno if I just missed this but will we be following a post order or whatevs?

She's good. Sorry I didn't mention, i put her in the character section tab.

As for a post order, just try not to get too far ahead while other people aren't responding. AKA, don't continuously post in a row with someone if nobody else is responding. Y'know?
Posted the first post! In my header, I put the time of day and weather and stuff. When important time changes and stuff happen, I'll be sure to post it in the header.
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