Avatar of Drewden
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    1. Drewden 6 yrs ago
    2. ██████ 9 yrs ago


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Current Sadness isn't the absence of happiness.
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Erelith is back, baby.
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Feels bad man.


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(Holden d’Alnharte, Training Yard, Paline, Praelium)

Motions honed to perfection by over a decade of constant usage sent plumed messengers of death across the range; the arrowheads piercing the red of a bullseye. Where one landed, another joined in tight grouping. If the archery range was the forests, jungles and deserts Holden was accustomed to, the targets would have been the patrols he took by surprise. The first arrow always took the rear guard; the second the point man. The Exile would have ducked into obscurity, as the enemies would scramble for cover. However, this was not the ambushes that costs countless soldiers their lives. This was simple target practice.

Were it that the targets could move,” Holden muttered, before examining his bow. The grip was not too foreign to him, but it would take some time before his hand adjusted. A thought crossed his mind, and he looked to the soldier – who had taken to accompanying him around the training yard. “My knife,” he said, patting his empty sheath. “Where is the man who I gave it to?

Holden set his bow against the wall, as he motioned for the soldier to follow him. He had not bothered to learn the greenhorn’s name. It was not out of disregard, but his experience in the various conflicts he was thrown in. The more names he knew, the more it hurt to see them lost. He approached the target, studying his handiwork. While he was greatful that his marksmanship had not been ruined by his time in the dungeons, he would not give anyone the satisfaction of his glee. “Find the Sergeant. Tell him to meet me for sparring.” He drew Yusil, and ran his thumb across the flat of the blade; eliciting a soft, pleasant ring. When was the last time he engaged in a duel? A fight was common enough, but a fair fight was rare. He looked at the soldier, and gestured for him to go. “Go on. I’ll find my way there.

(Alon d’Trilith, Waters of Daradium, Territory of Benaduza)

A meaty thunk mixed with the flavor of wood elicited cheers from the Sea Tigers manning the Spectre. The headsman kicked the small, headless body into the waters, before turning to Alon. “Lieutenant, are you sure you don’t want any part in this?”

I’m sure. Get back to work.” The Lieutenant glanced at the next Benaduzan they captured during the swift attack. Of course, the defenses around Daradium still stood, and it would not be long before reinforcements came. Or so he had hoped. The human had steel hooks through both of his lips; a crude device designed by the pirates to keep prisoners from running or struggling, and to let the heads drift behind the ship as they sailed across the seas. Part of him was appalled, but he knew better than to protest it. These men were not just following orders. They were fueled with rage.

He turned to look at Daradium, and the smoke stacks surrounding it. With minimal casualties, they had taken the shoreline. The sounds of battle carried out across the waters, competing with the ever-strong winds of the open waters. “I hope the General-Kings know what they’re doing,” he muttered. This was a strong declaration of war; one that left a good portion of Erelith open to invasion by smaller nations. Change was heavy in the air; what terrified him was the uncertainty of the outcome.

(Holden d’Alnharte, Paline’s War room, Praelium)

Holden stood up, and nodded to Claudius. “Do what you feel is necessary, though if I may offer some advice…” He approached the dragonborn, and lowered his voice. “If the General-Kings have Praelium on their plate, they’re going to make swell friends with Benaduza.” It was not the first time such a strategy was employed by the On’hinian military. A war with two fronts was a war with no victory, after all.

Be it by diplomacy or by force, Benaduza should not remain a threat for the On’hinians to use.” With that, he bowed to Claudius. “I’ll make my way to the training grounds. A dull soldier is far more dangerous than a sharp one.” Holden left the war room, motioning for the scrawny soldier to follow him. “Take me to the yard, that I may practice for the battles to come.” He looked out, and was glad to see there was still some daylight left. While he was confident that he stood a significant notch above a common soldier, he wanted to work on his swordsmanship. Surely, the Praelians had tactics and maneuvers that his military experience had not prepared him for.
(General Kings, War Room, Okeluiso, On’hino)

Are you sure that’s what happened?” Thibault folded his arms over his chest, staring at the messenger. He sighed, and gave him a dismissive wave. Once the messenger left the room, the general turned to the other two. “Recall the diplomats from Benaduza. The Distant Frost contingency is to go into effect.

We’re not exactly making many friends,” Galedrith said, “perhaps this isn’t the best course—

So we should let them spit in our faces like this?” Thibault snapped. “Contact the Knights of Stal. They’re to join the Sea Tigers. When the Seventh Cavalry take that rock in Daradium, capture anyone who surrenders. Sail them to the Benaduzan coast, and let them watch as their people are executed!

And what of Praelium?” Val asked. “We cannot fight two wars at once.

To the Umbra with Praelium! They’re not flexible enough to mount an offensive.” Thibault looked to Galedrith. “Have the forces recovered from the mess in Perona?

They have. The Seventh Cavalry has already set sail.

Then we wait for them to do their work. Once they’re complete, we’ll have their ships meet with the Sea Tigers for an assault on Estantum. A thousand drops for every drop of an On’hinians. Do we know who was responsible for the attack in Perona?

Galedrith shook his head. “My spies have drawn up nothing.

That seems to be about all they’re good for,” Thibault grumbled. He turned his gaze to the clear skies, outside his window. “You know what the good thing about halflings are, Galedrith? You can stuff two in a casket.

My plan is to make an Orc, is that cool?

Sounds good, stop by our discord!
"Do what I say, and you'll die a king. Disobey, and you'll die a rodent."

Alon d'Trilith (SIDE)

A lieutenant of the Royal Navy, Alon is a veteran of several conflicts. Even though he is not as old as some of his peers, his career is lined with spectacular accolades. He is a scout, much like Holden d'Alnharte, however pushes himself far harder to achieve perfection. Anything he can do to improve his performance, he does. He is devoted to the On'hinian cause - even if he does not understand why, sometimes. The greatsword he carries -- Shieldsmasher -- has seen him through long, bloody battles.

He is quick to anger, and even quicker to make the offender regret it. Both officers and Sea Tigers alike know better than to challenge his authority. While he is not always the smartest of tacticians, he is not to ever be underestimated. He chooses to wear less armor in combat not just to be agile, but to terrify his opponents.

He cares little for honor, nor formalities. He was born, trained and honed to get the job done. All means are justified by the end.

Age: 25.
Place of birth: On'hino.
Occupation: Scout, Ranger, Lieutenant (ORN).
Hair: Chestnut brown, ungroomed, full beard.
Eyes: Auburn.
Fitness: Strong and muscular, resilient.
(Lieutenant Alon d’Trilith (Side), Officer of the Royal Army, Perona, On’hino)

See to it that the Goliath-Class vessels understand their positions.” Alon watched the Sea Tiger run off down the bustling streets, before he turned to Colonel Marius. He looked up at the half-giant. “That’s the last of the preparations. The Expeditionary Force intends to beach near Daradium. They won’t fly any flags, but the port will go down in flames before the Seventh Cavalry hits the beaches.

“Excellent.” Marius grinned, and ruffled the lieutenant’s hair. “Establish fortifications there, and we’ll turn it into a gathering point for the rest of the march.”

Alon broke free of Marius’ grip, and fixed his hair. “The brass still hasn’t said a word on what further orders we have, once the fortifications are complete.

“In due time, Trilith, in due—“

The ground shook as an explosion shattered the air, and the quiet ambience of the port. The barking of vendors was replaced with screams, and the barking of orders. Alon was quick to run towards the harbor, cursing under his breath. A towering inferno swarmed several of the ships; the crew all but swallowed in its fiery embrace.

At the docks, several of the Sea Tigers clashed steel with armored soldiers; any sign of an insignia scratched off of their plates. It was a cowardly attack, with nobody there to take responsibility. Alon ran onto the docks, and behind one of the attackers. Grabbing him by the shoulder, he kicked the soldier’s leg out before shoving him down between two Goliath-Class ships. A scream was cut off as the two ships collided; turning the armored warrior into a giant, gory, steel coin.

Drawing his blade, Alon blocked the blow of another soldier before sinking down, and running him through. He grabbed the soldier’s sword-arm, and held it in place until the blood loss sapped the last of the foe’s life. Ripping his sword free, the lieutenant looked around to find the rest of the attackers already dispatched, but not without losses of their own. He looked at the burning ship; charred forms barely distinguishable from the deck.

Hino’s balls,” he muttered, before looking at the remaining pirates. “Drag these bodies off the docks, so we can look into this. And put that damned fire out before I throw you lot in!

Several of the ships still in the harbor set sail; loaded to the brim with Sea Tigers, with little more than bloodlust fueling their sails.

“As of this moment,” Marius declared, walking onto the docks, “I’m authorizing the Sea Tigers to sieze and search every non-military ship in the region. I want the men responsible for this… this insult, to hang from atop the Shining City’s walls!”

(Holden d’Alnharte (Main), Paline’s War Room, Praelium)

I’m many things, Claudius,” Holden assured the dragon born, “but a liar, I would think not.” He folded his arms over his chest. “I care little for revenge, as well. What I seek for now is refuge. As much as my providing of information could be considered treason, my standing records with the On’hinian government leaves me a wanted man.

Approaching Claudius, the Exile offered his hand once more. “I’ll offer what services I can to stop the conquest, spare bending my knee to a new king. If left unopposed, the General-Kings will undo everything that King Torin and his ancestry have worked so hard to achieve.

(On'hinian Royal Navy was attacked at the Port of Perona; any ships that aren't flying the Naval Flag are going to be stopped, searched, and seized if the Sea Tigers deem it necessary.)
(Holden d'Alnharte, War Room, Paline, Praelium)

"It's a long story," Holden explained, "and not exactly a pleasant one." He sat down, and leaned back. "Charges were drummed up against me, and it's part of why I've come here."

"Actually, never mind. We have more important matters to attend to. Specifically, the paper you just brought me. You say you killed a spy for it? Have any proof?"

"If you travel to the Artis Port and search along the outskirts, you'll find your 'proof' in a ditch with two halves of a bow through his throat." Holden smirked, and reached into his pockets, before setting a blood-stained pendant on the table. It was a blue chip; one side metallic. "Common military pendant for officers in the Royal Army. I caught him before he could make the drop. Unfortunately, I don't know where he was going to drop it off, so his contacts remain anon."

Sliding the pendant to Claudius, Holden cleared his throat. "To make this plain and clear, On'hino is sizing up Praelium. They have the size of your armies, and where they're concentrated. If they're not on the move already, it's only a matter of time. What do you intend to do?"
(Holden d'Alnharte (MAIN), War Room, Paline, Praelium)

Holden turned his attention to the soldier. Where his actions lacked aggression, his eyes compensated two fold. It was not a look of violence, but of cold calculation. Sizing up the possible threat. Determining how fast said thread could be dispatched. It was nothing entirely intentional, but rather something that happened out of instinct. Such tactical analysis got him this far. To abandon it now would have been foolish.

"How long have you been a soldier?" he asked, leaning back in his chair. "I wouldn't say you're green. But, you don't look like you've seen a lick of combat outside of drills." With a sigh, he stood up, and gestured to the soldier's legs. "Bend your knees. You keep them completely straight like that, and you'll pass out."

As the door opened, Holden folded his arms over his chest, and turned his attention to the dragon born as he entered the room. "I... presume you're Claudius, then." The Exile tried his best to keep from staring, but through his entire career he had never seen such a race before. And the high Dec's stature did not help to ease the thoughts racing through his mind. "That, or they sent an executioner to make a mess in the war room." With a smirk, he offered his hand. "Former Major Holden d'Alnharte."
(Holden d’Alnharte (MAIN), Outside of Paline, Praelium)

Claudius?” Holden raised a brow. He had heard a few names popular around Praelium, before. After all, it was his duty as an officer to understand the nations neighboring his own. However, Claudius was not one of the names he knew. “Food and lodging are appreciated, but they are second to not having another sword at my neck. Have you a spare bow in Paline’s armory?

He wanted to make some sort of small talk. Having spent a long time alone – with nobody but himself for company – he welcomed a conversation that was not revolved around threatening his life, or the fate of nations.

I’ve heard stories about turmoil within Benaduza,” Holden said. “I doubt little that you haven’t raised your guard of the coastline, but do you think they would mount an attack should the government be turned on its head?

(I don’t care too much if you ignore the conversation topic, if you want to skip straight to them waiting for Claudius.)
Off to work, will be back this evening!
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