Avatar of duskreaper
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    1. duskreaper 10 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current Sorry to anyone who is currently roleplaying with me, I will be on hiatus for a bit due to a loss in the family. I'll be back once I am able.


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Jube woke up in the morning, and looked around. He noticed Lupo sleeping between them, and smiled a little. He felt good for once. Milo stirred a bit, but didn't wake.

The sound of the waterfall filled the cave in a peaceful fashion. Jube looked at Kestral, and gently pushed her hair out of her face. She always looked so peaceful when she slept. Jube got up after a moment, and sat near the waterfall. He cupped the water in his hands and began drinking from it. The cool water tasted very fresh and clean. It somehow reminded him that he should likely wash up today. He'd wait and see if Kestral wanted to do the same. he didn't want to bother her as she slept.
Jube nodded, "I am... I just hope I can get comfortable on this stone floor..."

Milo closed his eyes and rested against the wall of the cave. He seemed capable of relaxing anywhere regardless of comfort. "Tomorrow we'll head out." Jube decided looking back at Kestral.

He yawned and patted Lupo on the back gently before he moved and got himself a place to lie down using his blankets. It wasn't much, but it was going to have to do for now. He longed for another Inn to stay in. A real bed...
Jube smiled a little looking back at her mass of hair, "I think I probably could give it a shot. I think I still have some things to work out... like magic. I'm hoping perhaps we could find somewhere that can teach magic... I'd love to be able to do more."

He stroked Lupo gently, and relaxed with her. "I don't know what's in store for me... but I know I need you to be part of it, yeah?" He looked back curiously to see her reaction.

Milo ate quietly, and stared at the falls. They were beautiful, and very relaxing as the sunset proceeded to illuminate the water in various colours.
Milo thought for a moment, "Its very freeing. It makes you feel weightless." He took the food she offered slowly. "You shouldn't feel useless you know? You seem to emotionally stabilize Jube when he is upset. Your friendship means a lot more than you know." Milo spoke quietly.

Jube ate quietly paying attention to Lupo, he played with the pup by dragging a stick around the cave floor.
Jube ate the meat content, and stroked Lupo gently.

Milo looked up at her and smiled handsomely, "I like helping people out. I don't get much interaction with other people... it's nice not to feel lonely for once." He looked at the food, "You know, you don't have to feed me. In bird form I eat seeds, and worms. I can always find food. Thank you though."
The two finally managed to succeed in their practice. Milo had taught Jube how to steer himself properly through the air. He felt confident about his new abilities, and knew that he could safely evade any danger he couldn't handle. The two flew back into the cave, and shifted back into their human forms.

Jube smiled at Kestral, and it was one of the few times she was ever witness to his genuine smile. "I've gotten much better, Kes. You just wait and see." He was elated.

Milo sat down with his back to the cave wall. "Mmm... I think we could use a rest for today..."
Jube watched her lay down to rest and smiled gently before shifting into his dragon form to follow Milo out of the waterfall cave. He landed next to Milo who climbed onto his back immediately. "What are you doing?" Jube asked annoyed.

"This is the best way to teach you how to fly. Now start by jumping straight up into the air and flap your wings in slow powerful flaps." Milo instructed.

Jube jumped up, and did as he was told, flapping much more controlled. Before he had just taken a run and he flapped. It had worked, but this was getting him used to taking off gently. "Next, I want you to flap harder, this will make you go up." Jube began flapping a bit faster, rearing to one side, "Ah, ah!" Milo tapped him, "You need to move both wings in unison, in identical motions or you will be off balance in the air."

Jube did this, and rose up more evenly. "Now that we're in a clear area, show me how you steer!" Milo told him.

For hours the two worked together, making Jube a much better flyer.
I'm interested in making a private message harem style rp. It would be X-Rated, but I want to see who would be interested in this.
This post is for people who are interested in x-rated private fun. The storyline is simple: a character you have made will spend a weekend (or longer) in this hotel. It is a fantasy domain in which any x-rated fantasy is capable of coming true. The workers of the hotel will do their best to ensure the stay is perfection, and no guest leaves unsatisfied.

Fill out the form below and message it to me.

Preference: MxM, MxF, FxF, Trans, etc.

Your characters...
Appearance and race:
Personality and or bio:
Sub or Dom:
sexual fantasy:
Anything you will not rp:
Partner appearance preference: (if its unimportant choose: surprise me)
Multiple Partners or one on one?:
Anything else to mention?:
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