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    1. dwyer austin 5 yrs ago
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I hope this is good! Let me know if there is anything you would like me to change, edit, or add!

I too am rather interested in this role play, it seems like a lot of fun, I’ll be sure to start making a character as soon as I’m able to do so!
Bhaskara Doran

As Bhaskara awaited for the answers to his questions, he would see Noriko arrive, and upon seeing her current visage he let out a panicked yelp and jumped back a bit. "Captain! Y-Yes that is me ma'am, but you're hurt! What happened to you?!" He then took hold of his sword and looked in the direction she came, not pulling the sword from its sheath, but rather holding onto the hilt to pull it out in case he spotted anyone hostile making their way towards them. He then took the time to listen to the conversation between Ujiteru and Noriko while determining that none were coming to harm them, which allowed him to release his held breath and let go of his blade. Seeing Noriko in this condition and still walk made him not want to see the other guy involved in said brawl, no doubt it was an ugly sight. Still the knife in her back deeply concerned him as well as the fact that she had blood in her mouth. But for the time being he would allow them to finish their discussion as he nervously tapped his foot against the solid ground.

Then Ujiteru turned to him and bowed to him, which in Bhaskara's eyes didn't really need to happen, he brought his arms up and waved them a bit as he apologized. "No no! No need to apologize! We were both startled by Noriko, you dont gotta apologize for being distracted with that!" He would then listen to the rest of what Ujiteru had to say and nodded, he could imagine the scene he mentioned a little bit but not extremely well, he'd hope to see it one day for himself! As for the plans he had, he could understand why he didn't have any plans as of now, he was a pretty serious guy, at least by Bhaskara's viewpoint he was, he hoped he'd figure something out soon. "Well whatever you do decide to do today, I hope you enjoy it! This is our day off after all! We don't get many, do something you like with it! If haggling prices is what you want to do than go for it! As for right now however..."

Bhaskara would move around to get closer to Noriko as he pulled out some water. "Here! You should clean your mouth of the blood, not exactly a great look for you, you look like you tried to eat a living goat. Is there anything I can do to help you until we can get to one of our medics? I could carry your things to lighten the load!" Bhaskara stared at Noriko, his hand holding the water outstretched to her so that she may take it and rinse out her mouth, he had no idea what happened in that bar fight, but he wanted to try and help her if she needed it. Even if she said she was fine, he felt that if she was injured she should at least make sure she doesn't push her injuries too far, otherwise they might become worse than they currently are. Rule one of survival, treat your wounds, no matter how small, any infection could kill you! At least, that's what he figured in his mind.
Bhaskara Doran

The scent of burning incense permeates the room, candles lit aflame in a circle as the gentle light fills the otherwise dark room in which Bhaskara stayed, his eyes closed and mind deep in ritualistic prayer to the god of flame, a practice he hasn't gotten the chance to do for some time. Between the missions in which the Silver Hawks partake, and his attempts at socializing with the other members of the group to make friends with them, he hasn't given himself ample time to pray and thank the God of flame for both his continued survival, and the plentiful opportunities he's been given in this life. However, even despite this, he finds the work he does rewarding, helping those in need and stopping those with malicious intentions, it filled his heart with a satisfaction that could not be described with words. But with this day off, Bhaskara planned to make prayer to his deity and make up for lost time, with planned prayers in the midday, and the late afternoon, to show his faith has not wavered upon his recent joining of the Silver Hawks. As his prayer came to and end, his shirtless form reached forward to the candle before him, his burnt arm hovered over the flame to feel its warmth, the orange light, revealing clearly the charred skin of his young actions years past. His fingers closed, and the flame ceased to be, where now only a light smoke remains, he would continue to do this with each of the six candles until his ritual was finally over.

Bhaskara would now clean up, making sure the room would be as he had first entered it late last night, putting on his common clothes for the day ahead. Opening the blinds and then the window to let the air do the rest of the work in removing the scents left behind by the incense and smoke, all the while Bhaskara readied himself to return to the encampment where his allies likely stayed, though he planned to look through the market and see what was for sale. After a last look in the mirror and straightening out his clothing and hair, he left the room with his belongings, his sword on his hip within it's sheath and made his way out and towards the market of the city. The bitter cold of the winds dared try to bite at him, but would find no reaction from Bhaskara, to him this was a normal day, his time back home with his tribe had experienced much colder days than this, and he has sense built up a resilience to the cold temperatures of the world, the way he saw it, no cold or wind could ever best the flame within him. As his eyes wandered his lips would curl into a bright smile, he loved seeing places like this, it was all so new and exciting to him, the more they traveled the more of the world they got to see, and that was always worth it in his mind.

As he came upon the market he began window shopping almost immediately, his curiosity heavily piqued by all the cool little knickknacks and toys about, not only that but the foods, clothing, armour, you name it! He was almost like a child in how he was prancing about looking at everything, but how could he not be excited? The world was still so new to him in comparison to the small world he lived in back home, everything was a marvel in his eyes and he wished to learn more about everything he found. And while he'd like to just take everything here back, he knew his rear end could be kissed goodbye when Beato found him, and so he would resist his urge to get anything that he didn't deem as necessary. However as his eyes wandered he would spot a certain Sergent-At-Arms walking through the market, and as such, the groups Signaler would rush over towards him to speak to him.

"Toda! Wait up!" Bhaskara would arrive beside him and followed alongside him. "Isn't this place so cool? It's so vast and interesting, there are cities and markets sure, but each one is so different from one another! Not only that but you'd think the morning would be brighter around here, but its always so mild due to the clouds!" Bhaskara was speaking out all about how interesting everything was, somewhat forgetting to give Toda a chance to reply back to him. Sometimes this happened when they went somewhere new, so it shouldn't be much of a surprise to many at this point. He then ended up stopping himself and the bashfully rubbing the back of his neck. "Ah, sorry, I got carried away again didn't I? Still, what do you plan to do for your day off? I plan to take some time every now and again to catch up on my prayers and faith." He would look up at Toda as he asked him this, his bright smile filled with warmth and enjoyment of his current company.
My character is like the energetic and excitable newest recruit and best friend of the group. He means well and does his best but his eagerness to prove himself may get him into some tough spots. God I’m so excited for this to start!
I’m loving the characters being submitted, they are each so distinct and interesting! I can’t wait to see more about each of them!
<Snipped quote by dwyer austin>

Not bad. Let me see just how many we get before I start promising people to move their sheets to the CS tab, though. Might end up coming down to the wire a little, but I sorta doubt it. Can't hurt to be cautious, though.

Sounds good!
<Snipped quote by dwyer austin>

Yeah, you should have.

Right. Apologies. Like I said, it’s been awhile and I don’t remember the proper order of things.

Edit: Just decided to add a little trivia about his names meaning.
Man I'm excited for this, I haven't been on here in a long time. Wait should I have posted my character here first to be approved rather then the Character tab to be approved?
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