Avatar of EchoesofOld
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 66 (0.02 / day)
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    1. EchoesofOld 8 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current Welp. Kinda left cause all the games I joined died off. Turns out I got that real bad RP itch. So...I guess I'm back. Hi guys.
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6 yrs ago
So apparently Kryptonite by 3 Doors Down is considered classic rock now...
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6 yrs ago
So there's a Pink Floyd Laser Show coming to town. Ahm gettin hyped. :D
6 yrs ago
Hmph. So all the RP's I'm in either died or I've lost interest in. Back to the drawing board, I suppose. Anyone has any suggestions, I'm game for just about anything at the Casual-Advanced level...
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6 yrs ago
Warframe has released an update with even bigger and meaner monsters to hunt. 10/10, would hunt again.


Hi there! I'm Echoes of Old, and honored that you're choosing to waste your time in my tiny little corner of the internet.

I'm a long time RPer that got my start right here on this site WAAAY way back, dabbling in forum RPs here and there, on this site and others, before transitioning to Star Wars: The Old Republic, where I RPed primarily as Kyyrk-Xho Verros on the Ebon Hawk server (when I wasn't raiding or carrying my RPer-only friends through story content).

These days I spend most of my time working, playing Warframe, or RPing. Feel free to drop a message and say Hi, and happy writing out there!

Most Recent Posts

Awesome. Got a post up, and anyone who wants to play off of it is welcome to
If not for the matter at hand, it might have been a lovely day. Sadly, Voph found himself sitting at his campsite and realizing that he was most assuredly going in the proper direction. The corpses of several re-killed undead were strewn about the campsite. The campsite's owners laid dead with them, taken by surprise some time in the night, by Voph's guess. They were near the border of Rzail, which was a dangerous prospect even for an armed individual. Voph used a single boot to shove an undead corpse off a fallen tree, and sat down on it, reaching up to unseal his helmet. He pulled his Datapad from his travel pack, and set it on the tree beside him, tapping the screen a few times to call a voice log to the front.

"Day five. Ten Ayy-emm. I found a campsite, undead all over it. The ones that weren't killed in the struggle, I finished off. One of the campers had a sword, used that to save on bullets. Broke during the fight, though. Pity. It was a good sword."

Voph took a canteen from his belt, and knocked back a swig of water. As he re-caps it, he continues: "I'm going to spend the rest of the day here, I think. The campers deserve a proper burial, as do the undead. Least I can do for the poor souls. Perhaps tomorrow I'll push further into this...Rzail place, unless something changes. End Log."

Voph sighed quietly, and tucked his datapad into his backpack. He looked at his surroundings for a moment, then pushed himself to his feet, looking around for an implement he might use to dig a grave. It had been a long time since he'd taken a job of this scale. Well, Job might not have been the best term. Voph had heard the rumors, same as others in all likelihood, and decided to come investigate. It had been a while since he'd last dealt with an undead uprising. Not since....well, that wasn't important. He'd dealt with such matters in the past, though this was his first time on his own. Last time was under the guidance of his mother and mentor. Now, he had nothing but his own wit and knowledge to go on.

Voph found a shovel that one of the campers had brought, and picked it up. He looked at the surrounding area again, and nodded to himself quietly. Bury the dead today, and if divine intervention didn't offer a better course of action in the meantime, he'd sleep on things, and try to formulate a plan of action for his journey into the Rzail heartland the next day.
Hark! What light through yonder window breaks? Probably just Voph blowing himself up again...
So for someone that's interested in jumping in and kickin lich, would it be best to go ahead and post something in the main thread here, or wait till yall move to the other thread that was mentioned a couple posts up?
Name: Voph Daeka
Title: The Exiled

Influence: 3 (Regional)

Group(s): None


Height: 6’1”
Weight: 190 lbs.
Age: 25
Race/Species: Human/Unknown hybrid (non-cosmetic traits detailed in Background section)

Appearance: Voph has white, lightly tanned skin, darker around face, arms, and neck. His eyes appear to be entirely white (except pupils), but closer inspection reveals a silvery-white iris. Midnight black hair worn short, with bangs brushed out of his eyes. A scruffy appearence suggests he wears it shorter, but has not cut it in some time. Usually sporting some level of scruff, most often the results of a low-maintenence shave. Athletic build, but not overly muscular.

Personality: Voph has a quiet and reflective temperment, and as such usually keeps to himself. Can come across as gruff, at times, but often observes social niceties. Always polite and cordial while conducting business, or with friends. Under pressure and stress, Voph forgoes niceties, focusing solely on the task before him.

Abilities, Talents, Traits, Powers: Traits with a * are species trait, and are explained in the Background section.

(2): Ambidextrous: Voph is capable of using weaponry in his left-hand with only a moderate loss in dexterity and accuracy.

(3): Tracker’s Intuition: Voph possesses the ability to ‘read’ memories from items, watching the last five minutes of the previous interaction with/around said item. Magically imbued items are immune to this effect.

(1): Reduced healing*: Voph takes longer to recover from severe wounds than the average human. IE, broken limb will heal in 6-8 weeks, Voph may require 8-10.

(2): Combat Training: Voph has been trained from a young age to fight with a Blade or Gun, and in some cases he employs both at once.

(1): Near-Blind*: Voph can only see vague blurs without his visor. Would be considered legally blind in most societies.

(3) Armor Training: Voph has trained to increase agility while wearing armor, allowing him to move more fluidly in lighter armors.

Items: Include this section if your character has any unique or significant items. If not, omit it.

(3): Tech Armor:

Voph’s armor was designed for form more so than function. Devoid of the normal bells and whistles of many Tech-armors, this suit only offers the protection expected of a suit of armor. An inherent hazard in hailing from a Tech-based world, it provides adequate energy-weapon defense, but leaves something to be desired for physical defenses. Voph choses to wear the helmet on his belt, only donning it in firefights or open combat.

(2): Datapad: Rugged design and solar-charge panel built into the back mark this device as intended for field use. Often gets used as a journal, and has limited ability to interface with other computer devices. (Or to sum up in one word: iPad).

(2): Sidearm:

Voph’s Sidearm is unique on his homeworld in that it is a slug-thrower weapon, relying on physical ammunition rather than energy rounds. Voph has adapted the item over years of use to accept any bullet small enough to fit into the ammo clip. (The reference image is for a duel-wield weapon, however Voph only possesses and thus wields a single pistol).

(1): Visor: A worn and battered visor, this device has seen years of use, possibly since his early teens. While it once possessed many features, the Visor only works at its full capacity at Voph’s homeworld. Now it serves no purpose aside from correcting Voph’s vision, allowing him to see clearly. The Visor’s age requires it to be calibrated at least once a week, or sooner if the device suffers physical trauma (IE, Dropped, thrown, or hit).

(2): Parry Dagger: This combat knife has two bladed fins as a cross guard, which can be used to disarm opponents. While it can be used to attack, the blade is often dulled from blocks and parries, and thus is ineffective.

Background: Voph is a hybrid of Human and an as-of-yet unidentified species that has resulted in several deformities, most being unnoticable to anyone but trained medical staff. Voph’s eyes, a silvery-white color, lacked the nervous system to relay information to his brain, rendering him totally blind from birth. Various surgeries as a child have attempted to remedy this, with mediocre success. Voph’s eyes function in the basic sense of the term, but still require him to wear high-grade glasses at the least. At the age of 12, Voph’s Father designed a visor that could compensate for this shortcoming, and Voph has done his best to use nothing but ever since.

His second noticeable deformity is an inability to heal wounds at a natural rate. Medical personnel on his homeworld were unable to determine the cause for this, and subsequently are unable to offer a remedy. The result is Voph requiring extra care for serious illnesses, and extended recovery periods for physical wounds.

Voph spends his days traveling with the wind. His gear suggests that he was once a well-supplied individual, but the state of disrepair suggests that his supply has been cut off. Voph’s meandering nature suggests that he is searching for something. However, he has not confided in anyone enough to share his reasons. He refuses to speak in depth about his homeworld, offering only snippets of childhood memories. He often grows somber at the mention of it, and avoids questions concerning a possible return. Voph has never stayed in one place for more than a month since departing his homeworld, usually working as a gun for hire, or general laborer for the community hosting him.

I spent a good deal of time and thought on the abilities and item section of the sheet attempting to get Influence ranks set properly, but still feel less than confident in the execution. Any feedback or suggestions about level or ability adjustments would be appreciated.
So...Passengers, meet Alien? I mean, I'm game... Here's my take on a character for this:

Name: James "Jim" Glover
Age: 25
Nationality/Hometown on Earth: United States

Appearance: Jim stands about five foot ten, and sports sandy blond hair that is usually worn in an unkempt mop, prone to being brushed down by his fingers more than any actual brushing implement. Well-tanned white skin from near constant work outdoors, bearing an array of scuffs and scars, primarily on his limbs and around his hands, as befits a man making his way as an outdoor laborer.

Personality: Jim is perhaps a textbook definition of "easy-goin' sutherner", cracking wise and spreading a positive outlook on life wherever he goes. Having grown up with his head in the clouds, and a nose in every book he could find, he's very open-minded about the world around him, and always looking forward to the next big discovery.

Jim is proficient in:
-Caring for Domestic Animals
-Operation of Agriculture-class machinery
-Operation of Civilian ground transports

Jim displays adequate skill in:
-Maintaining Agriculture-class Machinery
-Maintaining Civilian Ground Transports
-Using and Maintaining Civilian-class hunting Rifles
-Hand-to-hand combat (if a bit rusty)

Jim displays a layman's knowledge of:
-Computer Operation
-Medical care for Domestic animals
-Application of Neosporin, Band-aids, and Rubbing Some Dirt In It.

What was Jim doing on Earth/What was their occupation?: Livestock Farmer

Why did Jim sign up to be a colonist?: The idea of adventure has always excited Jim. He and his father decided to travel to one of the colonies to help establish food supply after his mother was given the family farm when she divorced his father.

Why should I, the GM, allow your character to be one of the lucky few to wake up?:

One of the key traits to horror is unfamiliarity. Jim's opting to leave everything behind to help his father carry on the family business, and is well over his head in doing so. He's never been in space, doesn't know how to fly anything, much less a spaceship, and his mechanical knowledge is limited to four wheels and maybe a front loader. He's well skilled for what he does, but ultimately would have little to reliably offer beyond "heart and soul." Plus, what tense situation wouldn't be better with a well meaning individual trying to fix that malfunctioning airlock and having a fifty fifty chance of either saving the day, or utterly buttf***in everyone left onboard?
Hey folks, I'm Echoes of Old, returning to the site after a mother of a hiatus. Proud to say this is where I got my start RPing, oh so many moons ago, but I ended up leaving after all the RPs I was a part of at the time dwindled, and there wasn't anything that really captured my interest.

In the interim, I spent a good while RPing on Star Wars: The Old Republic, and had a great time there, but network issues have made playing the game unenjoyable, and my character was beginning to grow stale, so I finally made the call to pull the plug, and wrap up his story. Left that game for Warframe hoping I could join in with the community there, but I've yet to find anything substantial. So, I'm back, looking to scratch that RP itch. Look forward to writing some awesome new stories with yall.
I might allow custom frames, but I was thinking more in terms of, say, Frost. Surely his control over ice allows for more than just snow globes and freezing people, you know? But if someone can piece together a custom frame that fits well enough, I'd allow it.
More or less, yeah. I'd basically be writing a sub-plot that runs along side the main story that's covered in-game, but I'm not sure where exactly it would go at the moment. I'm going to hold off on devoting serious resources to this till I know people would be interested in participating.
Warframe: The Second Awakening

Dream. Not of what you are. But of what you want to be...

In a future far beyond our own, Earth has been left behind in favor of other worlds. People go about their lives under the shadow of two great empires: The militaristic Grineer, and the corporate powerhouse, the Corpus. Constantly warring with each other, Both factions seek the key to upsetting the balance, and seizing control of the system. They both agree about one thing, however. The now-extinct Empire of the Orokin holds the secret. The Grineer were the first to find them. Hidden deep in the mountains of Earth, the Grineer found an ancient vault. They named what they found "Excalibur." The first of the Tenno, piloting the military super-weapon, Warframes.

One known as "Everest" has sent out the call to Tenno, new and old, gathering them to his sanctuary. He seeks to train newcomers in the ways of the Tenno, providing some level of stability to the otherwise traumatic re-awakening.

You are one of these great warriors. Will you answer the call?

NOTE: This takes place AFTER the Second Dream quest from Warframe. If you do not wish to have this questline spoiled for you, I'd advise you wait until you have completed the quest before participating.

Now for the OOC stuff, This is based on the shooter RPG Warframe, a wonderfully gigantic universe set in the far future. To describe this for those of you that are not familiar with the game, the Tenno are ninja-like warriors, who control combat suits called "Warframes", built to contain and channel the abilities of the Tenno, much in the same way that the Avatars worked from James Cameron's movie of the same name. They work in conjunction with the mysterious woman, The Lotus, to keep the peace all across the Origin System.

Each Warframe, in the game, have four abilities, each following a specific theme (Fire, Ice, Swords, Insanity, ETC.) though for our purposes, players will not necessarily be limited to these four abilities, though do consult with me before implementing a custom "power."

There will be support for each level of player, from hardcore Warframe fanatics to people who have never even heard about the game. Let me know what you think, though be aware I am limited by the source material. If this takes off, I'll provide more assistance on establishing yourself in the lore, IE, your chosen frame, how to pick it, what weapons you have available to you, and so forth.

Happy Hunting out there!
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