Avatar of EchoesofOld
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 66 (0.02 / day)
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    1. EchoesofOld 8 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current Welp. Kinda left cause all the games I joined died off. Turns out I got that real bad RP itch. So...I guess I'm back. Hi guys.
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6 yrs ago
So apparently Kryptonite by 3 Doors Down is considered classic rock now...
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6 yrs ago
So there's a Pink Floyd Laser Show coming to town. Ahm gettin hyped. :D
6 yrs ago
Hmph. So all the RP's I'm in either died or I've lost interest in. Back to the drawing board, I suppose. Anyone has any suggestions, I'm game for just about anything at the Casual-Advanced level...
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6 yrs ago
Warframe has released an update with even bigger and meaner monsters to hunt. 10/10, would hunt again.


Hi there! I'm Echoes of Old, and honored that you're choosing to waste your time in my tiny little corner of the internet.

I'm a long time RPer that got my start right here on this site WAAAY way back, dabbling in forum RPs here and there, on this site and others, before transitioning to Star Wars: The Old Republic, where I RPed primarily as Kyyrk-Xho Verros on the Ebon Hawk server (when I wasn't raiding or carrying my RPer-only friends through story content).

These days I spend most of my time working, playing Warframe, or RPing. Feel free to drop a message and say Hi, and happy writing out there!

Most Recent Posts

"Shoulda seen the one that got away."

General Information

Name: Garrett Michael Walker

Nickname/Alias: N/A

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: USA, White

Appearance: 5'10" tall, Athletic, lightly tanned. Garett has minimal scarring across his body from day to day mishaps, the most notable being a jagged scar on his kneecap from where he fell on a rock. This is often covered by long pants, as Garett is happiest when wearing blue jeans and a collared button-up, often with sleeves rolled up to just beneath the elbow. His short black hair is kept neat, and often trimmed rather short, though not short enough to be considered a buzz cut.

Personal Information

Personality: Garett is typically focused and goals-oriented, serious and solemn. from a young age, Garett prefered his own company, and was often awkward around other children. Garett has a history of speech dificulty, often prefering to say as little as possible through his childhood. In spite of his social troubles, when pushed out of his comfort zone, Garett has always been a willing helper, and would often (At his guardian's behest) spend time out of school volunteering with various community organizations.

As he entered his teen years, Garett began to open up with the help of therapy and counseling. He's more social than his childhood, though he will frequently revert to quiet and reserved, often as a result of too much stimuli. He works well under stress, but ultimately will suffer for it. Often withdrawing to his own company and medicating with loud music, among other things, as a result. Garett only appears to be happy or comfortable with himself when he is attending his extra-curricular Martial Arts class, or pursuing similar activities.

Bio: Garett never knew his real father, in spite of having fleeting memories of him. His mother raised him with the help of his paternal grandparents. His grand-father became his father figure, and was extremely supportive of Garett's attempts to cure his social issues. The two were often inseperable through Garett's early years, particularly when the elder Walker went fishing in the lake near his house. Garett never did enjoy fishing as much as his grandfather, but they found it a great time to talk, and recount the events of the previous day.

Garett's life was normal enough until his thirteenth birthday, the morning of which his grandfather spent recounting his father's final days. Garett learned that his father had cut all ties with the family to protect them during a deep cover operation somewhere in eastern Europe. The elder Walker told Garett that he displayed the same aptitudes as his father, and was being recommended for a school across seas. S.P.I.G.A., his grandfather said. The very same school his father had graduated from. from that moment forward, Garett spent as much free time as he could devote to training and preparing to follow in his father's footsteps.

Spy Information

Slight of Hand: Now you see it, now you don't.

Keen Senses: Garett's got an eye for detail, and excellent memory for floorplans.

Quickdraw: Garett had way too much time on his hands, and enjoys westerns more than someone his age probably should.

Pistol Training: Mostly civilian grade, but he still knows the basics of firearms, and how to fight with them.

SmartPhone: Military-grade hardware, Software capabilities limited only by hardware and the minds behind it.

Five-Seven Modified: extended barrel allows for built-in suppressor. Added weight to grip to counter-balance additional weight from barrel.

H.U.D. Glasses: Designed to syncronize with Garrett's phone, and ONLY his phone. Can be configured to route various forms of information to the display, including video feeds, vital signs, Compass, maps, and waypoints.

Other Items:
A copy of The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien. The wear suggests he has owned this book for some time, and very much enjoys reading it.

Crucifix on a necklace. Though not overly religious, Garrett is hardly ever seen without this particular item.

Laptop. High-end rig, for hybrid entertainment and work use. Contains mostly music.

Fishing pole and kit: Just cause he doesn't enjoy it as much as his grandfather doesn't mean he don't enjoy it.

Other Info:

To be fair, that was the best I could manage. If THAT is nightmare inducing, you don't wanna see the other options. Also worth noting that "brown eyes" was damn near impossible to rig up, so yoose yer imaginashuns, Kidz!
I just put it on the CS. Frankly if that doesn't work, I'll just bow out cause I can't be assed to find something else.
Nah, it's from Warframe, so it's more or less a 3-d Render of a human being
Ugh. Alright, I'll see if I can come up with something else. The pictures I had selected were screenshots from a video game, but I had a sneaking suspicion by "Realistic only" what you meant to say was "Real-Life Only"
You know, something just occurred to me, how strict are you on "realistic only" for character pictures, and are they mandatory?
Voph spent most of the journey in silence, fiddling with his visor. Once he was satisfied with the results, he donned his helmet again, and continued to walk in silence helmet rising occasionally to allow him access to his flask. He also checked, double checked, and triple checked his ammo count. Thirty-two in all, split into groups of 8. He hoped it would be enough, else he might have to find a sturdy stick by the end of it.

As the group drew near the obelisk, the vague hint of a smile played across his face. Not that he would dare share this with the group, but the malevolent aura emanating from the pillar reminded Voph of home more than anything else he had experienced. There was a faint whisper on the wind. One he figured only Traveler could hear, though to him, the sound must have been deafening. Voph looked at his hand, and fingers curled into a fist as he drifted into thought. It had been a long time since he had been in a magic nexus strong enough to invoke a reaction from him. The last time....well... The smile on his face vanished just as quickly as it had appeared. His father would have loved to study this place. His mother might have shown an interest as well. Seeking a distraction from the painful memories, he glanced to Rosa.

"Oh, an ego? Lovely. Should make our job somewhat easy. Ego usually means overconfident. Overconfident means exploitable weaknesses. As for accessing his tomb, I'd be of little help. I was never much good at archaeology classes, and the teachers always hated when I pointed out how cliche "blood tribute" entrances have become..."

"Shoulda seen the one that got away."

General Information

Name: Garrett Michael Walker

Nickname/Alias: N/A

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: USA, White

Appearance: 5'10" tall, Athletic, lightly tanned. Garett has minimal scarring across his body from day to day mishaps, the most notable being a jagged scar on his kneecap from where he fell on a rock. This is often covered by long pants, as Garett is happiest when wearing blue jeans and a collared button-up, often with sleeves rolled up to just beneath the elbow. His short black hair is kept neat, and often trimmed rather short, though not short enough to be considered a buzz cut.

Personal Information

Personality: Garett is typically focused and goals-oriented, serious and solemn. from a young age, Garett prefered his own company, and was often awkward around other children. Garett has a history of speech dificulty, often prefering to say as little as possible through his childhood. In spite of his social troubles, when pushed out of his comfort zone, Garett has always been a willing helper, and would often (At his guardian's behest) spend time out of school volunteering with various community organizations.

As he entered his teen years, Garett began to open up with the help of therapy and counseling. He's more social than his childhood, though he will frequently revert to quiet and reserved, often as a result of too much stimuli. He works well under stress, but ultimately will suffer for it. Often withdrawing to his own company and medicating with loud music, among other things, as a result. Garett only appears to be happy or comfortable with himself when he is attending his extra-curricular Martial Arts class, or pursuing similar activities.

Bio: Garett never knew his real father, in spite of having fleeting memories of him. His mother raised him with the help of his paternal grandparents. His grand-father became his father figure, and was extremely supportive of Garett's attempts to cure his social issues. The two were often inseperable through Garett's early years, particularly when the elder Walker went fishing in the lake near his house. Garett never did enjoy fishing as much as his grandfather, but they found it a great time to talk, and recount the events of the previous day.

Garett's life was normal enough until his thirteenth birthday, the morning of which his grandfather spent recounting his father's final days. Garett learned that his father had cut all ties with the family to protect them during a deep cover operation somewhere in eastern Europe. The elder Walker told Garett that he displayed the same aptitudes as his father, and was being recommended for a school across seas. S.P.I.G.A., his grandfather said. The very same school his father had graduated from. from that moment forward, Garett spent as much free time as he could devote to training and preparing to follow in his father's footsteps.

Spy Information

Slight of Hand: Now you see it, now you don't.

Keen Senses: Garett's got an eye for detail, and excellent memory for floorplans.

Quickdraw: Garett had way too much time on his hands, and enjoys westerns more than someone his age probably should.

Pistol Training: Mostly civilian grade, but he still knows the basics of firearms, and how to fight with them.

SmartPhone: Military-grade hardware, Software capabilities limited only by hardware and the minds behind it.

Five-Seven Modified: extended barrel allows for built-in suppressor. Added weight to grip to counter-balance additional weight from barrel.

H.U.D. Glasses: Designed to syncronize with Garrett's phone, and ONLY his phone. Can be configured to route various forms of information to the display, including video feeds, vital signs, Compass, maps, and waypoints.

Other Items:
A copy of The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien. The wear suggests he has owned this book for some time, and very much enjoys reading it.

Crucifix on a necklace. Though not overly religious, Garrett is hardly ever seen without this particular item.

Laptop. High-end rig, for hybrid entertainment and work use. Contains mostly music.

Fishing pole and kit: Just cause he doesn't enjoy it as much as his grandfather doesn't mean he don't enjoy it.

Other Info:

You can mark me off as interested and writing a character! But, before I can finalize it, I do have two important questions. First is the same as the other guy, does any country go, or do they have to be from the British isles, and second, is this like high-school level or College/University level? IE, students 14-18 or more like 18-22 (using generic ages for "Freshmen-Senior").

EDIT: Reading is hard. Answered the second question on my own power. Yay for reading.

EDIT 2: Reading. Seriously. I've just answered both those questions through the power of reading. It's a holiday weekend and I work in retail, can you tell? (I promise I'm smart!)
Voph chuckled quietly at the woman, looking up at the caravan, and lifting a hand towards Traveler in acknowledgement of his response. "You'd have gotten along well with my father, Miss Stoneheart. Perhaps the one being I've ever known to be more grumpy than you. But in this case, I'll defer to your far superior intellect. When the time comes to fight, I assure you I'll refrain from action and be taking very studious notes as to how to properly kill boogiemen. And worry not, you haven't given me the slightest hint you even know the meaning of 'friendly'."

Naturally, Voph had no intention of actually sitting out a fight, even against this Kamarouri. He'd never been one to shy from a good scrap, even at risk of his own life. That said, Voph felt the doubt creeping into his mind. He may very well have underestimated this beast when he first began. After all, a being with the power to threaten entire worlds was nothing new where he was from. Hell, he couldn't even remember a time the entire system wasn't embroiled in some kind of war. As well as Rosa's attitude that mirrored his father, opting to grossly underestimate his own chances, rather than allow a shred of hope to be torn from him. And yet, there was something about Rosa's certainty that Voph found unsettling. He wasn't given the time to mull this over for long, however, as his attention was quickly diverted to the group approaching them. His hand flew to his pistol out of instinct, but relaxed visibly when he saw the group was not brandishing weapons. As they approached, he remained quiet, lest he incur the snark of Rosa once more.
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