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    1. eclecticwitch 6 yrs ago


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Rainbow bridge is where dead pets go. What??
In Strings 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Mateo had taken the time to lovingly place log after log into the fireplace. Each one was positioned so the flames may eat them but to also give air flow. He had the experience from the last ten years of building fires into the same hearth to help him. Beneath the logs were old newspapers and important documents which could only be destroyed by an incinerator to keep things safe. Atop the mantle sat a large box of long matches. Picking them up he crouched once again before the logs, struck the match, and lit the papers aflame.

He watched as the fire consumed paper and sensually licked at the logs before finding purchase there. Closing the grate, so as to not burn down his quite expensive penthouse, he went around to the wall of books. His personal study was a sanctuary of knowledge. It held a large mahogany desk littered with law tomes and case papers. His walls were made of bookcases holding all sorts of the written word from smutty romances to geographical maps. Nothing was beyond his interest.

His fingers skimmed over hardback covers, some of them ancient first prints worth more than the penthouse itself. At last his thin, piano fingers found a tome that appeared far older than it was. Animal Farm. He had read this book so many times that the spine was cracked and some of the pages were beginning to fall away from the glue. Someday he would have to replace it. For now, his beloved childhood book was just perfect the way it was. When he had first read it, he had simply enjoyed the animals being in charge of their own farm. In his adulthood, he began to understand the themes.

He settled into his large, leather, winged armchair near the flames. Beside him was a decanter of scotch which he poured over ice. Mateo lay his book down upon his lap and removed a metal case of cigarettes from his inner jacket pocket. Smoothly he lit one up, sipped the liquor, and opened his novel in the anticipation of an uninterrupted read on a rare Thursday off.

All was going well for about an hour and a half until his door opened and then slammed shut. He jumped slightly, causing the last of his second cigarette’s ash to fall to the floor. He quickly stuffed it out in a nearby ashtray before bookmarking his page.

“Mateo!” a feminine voiced called from the hall. The middle-aged man could not help but groan. With a sigh and in preparation for a headache, he lifted himself from his comfortable chair. He opened his study door and as he made his way down the hall the perfume of her hit him before the sight of the woman did. She was slender and frail looking but with a good build that complimented all her assets. She had always worn her hair in blonde, beachy curls and only the slightest hint of makeup to accentuate immaculately curated features. Her dress was bright red, her coat real fox fur, and her smile as fake as Barbie’s.

The lawyer returned the smile to the best of his abilities while his mother threw her arms about his neck. She kissed both of his cheeks with her obligatory statement of “Kiss, kiss,” before standing back and holding the taller man’s shoulders.

“How did you get in?” he asked kindly. His heart and his head were seriously annoyed.

“I made a copy, but never mind that! Oh, my darling son! You won’t believe the news!” The woman was full of fervor and ecstasy so there was no helping his mandated reply.

“Yes, what is it mother?” She wanted him to ask. She so obviously needed him to ask.

“I will, I will, but do give your dear mother a drink. It is frightfully cold outside.” The woman took off her coat and scarf only to drop them on the floor. Mateo led her to the immediate left, a sitting room designed for meeting clients. It was comfortable and quite bland. Soft blue, white, and brown colors adorned fabrics and walls alike. To the small bar at the side of the room he went and poured his mother her usual vodka and soda.

Once this life reviving drink was in her hands and she had taken a sip, she began her tale. “Well, at the office there was a giveaway. You put in more money and the more you spent the more tickets you would get. Obviously, I couldn’t let Carol or Bridget (‘the alcoholic,’ she muttered beneath her breath) win.” She went on to spout some very nasty things of both women before continuing, “So I put in a grand for this raffle. Oh! Your father will shoot me, but it’s worth it. And what would you know I won the grand prize! And Ooooooh,” she sighed in a far too sexual manner, “The looks on their faces when I walked up to receive it. You know I made sure to wear…” Mateo was beginning to drown her out despite his best efforts to listen. After some time he heard the words, “And would you have it, I won tickets to the masquerade! I am, of course, attached most devotedly to your father. But I thought you could use them to find a good woman to keep your house.”

His mother began to dig through her tiny purse. There was no way she hadn’t come upon the ticket by now but she took her time. “Aha!” The blonde pulled the ticket out and offered it to her only son. “You had better use this,” she said in a dark and commanding tone. Even her face showed him that she meant business or he would wind up with the woman in his house, complaining, for a month. “Or I shall be quite disappointed.”

“Yes, of course mother. I wouldn’t dream of anything but your happiness. You worked so hard to get this.” He would reserve the eye rolling and annoyance for after she had left.

“Good boy. You must… no… You WILL call me directly after in the morning to let me know how it went.”

“Of course mother.”

“Now I must be off, or I’ll be late to my hair appointment. Take care of yourself love. Kiss kiss.” With that she was out the door without another word or sentiment. Mateo stared at the ticket and groaned while his eyes moved toward the ceiling. He didn’t need this foolishness right now. He couldn’t even come close to wanting it.

The lawyer walked back to his office, sat in that winged chair, and pulled out his cell phone to call his secretary. The line rang for a few moments before the answer of “Black and Bidwell, how may I help you?” came clear across the line.

“Tell me, Abigail, there must be some urgent matter that needs my attention.”

“Let me look sir.” He could hear the shufflings of papers and the clacks of the computer as she looked through the notes. The long silence while this happened made his heart fall as doubts of relief crept in. “No, nothing sir.”

“Not even anything I could do pro-bono?”

“I’m afraid not sir.” Her tone was sympathetic, and she dared to whisper, “Delilah?”

“Fucking Delilah,” he responded. “Remind me to change my locks tomorrow.”

“Yes of course sir.”

“Enjoy your day.”

“You too, sir.”

He hung up the phone, took a long drag of scotch, and then poured himself another glass.
In Strings 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

In Strings 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

As the woman moved away from the stew pot, Fatima could not help but take over. If she let it boil erratically as it did there would be burnt bits on the bottom and the whole thing would have a tinge of charcoal flavor. The young queen lifted a wooden spoon and diligently stirred the dish. She could see the uneven cut on things like potatoes and carrots. Fatima smiled, remember her own first attempts at cooking. She paused her movements when Faeril mentioned her court. Her whole body stiffened and then relaxed. Relief swept through her entire body to know they were alive. She could not ask for any more than that. "Thank you," she whispered for she could not bring herself any more than this soft prayer.

She tasted the stew and found it to be rather bland. Perhaps the meat had been added too late? The little queen had to have something to occupy herself so she set to work. Using a series of spices she brought out some of the natural flavors of the meal. Once satisfied she reduced the flame on the pot so that it would simmer rather than continue on a rolling boil. She turned from her cooking to find that Faeril was sitting at the table and watching her with something like annoyance? Or perhaps amusement? She had yet to come to understand this woman's facial expressions.

Fatima sat at the table as well and lifted the warm mug to her lips. Just as before the tea was absolutely delicious and she savored it on her tongue before swallowing it down. "You have done me such a great favor. I am completely in your debt and will do my best to help you and yours." She gave the woman one of her very charming smiles before taking another sip of tea.
East of the Sun West of the Moon is my fav if anyone wants to play it out with me! en.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_of_the_Sun…
The Polar BearKing is a movie based off of this and would also be appropriate in my thoughts.

Or rather, anyone who wants to be a part of the same "Fable" It is a well loved story of mine.
Super interest! East of the Sun West of the Moon is my fav if anyone wants to play it out with me! en.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_of_the_Sun…
Hmmm, I have an interest!
I am quite interested please!!!
Pari came to her room, Lavanya padding quietly behind her. The slaves from before dismissed to do other jobs around the estate. When she entered the room her three personal maids began their flutter. Each was in a different stage of life. There was the youngest, just learning the ways one must dote and care for a princess. She was just barely sixteen and learning her new job to care for her family. Her name was Fatima. There was the mother. She had birthed three children so far and if her belly were any sign another was on the way. Though the bump was still small, it was unmistakable to another woman. She was called Rosa for the distant land from which she had come. Finally, there was the older woman. She had cared for Pari's mother and even her grandmother in the later stages of her life. She was a woman who knew the courts and its needs. She was the master of the two girls and nothing passed by her without her say so. The woman was called Naem.

Between the three women, she was bathed in luxurious scents. her body was soaped and cleansed of the sweat one tended to accrue in such a humid and hot climate. From there she was dried and oiled down in earthy scents such as myrrh. Her body was to fully dry naked as the women worked upon her hair. Intricate braids were created, curls curated, and a style only a noble could wear decorated her head. The women then removed excess oils with towels, leaving the girl bare and open to the world while they picked a dress.

Lavanya lounged on a couch, used to this waiting period. She watched the flurry, head laid upon crossed paws. Her eyes never left her mistress and sister. She would watch for the final invitation to come. If the tigress did not approve of the outfit, Pari would not wear it. The three women fluttered and hovered. A soft sky blue skirt of silks with carrying lengths was wrapped around her waist. It did not show any leg but made for an interesting layered appearance. Her stomach was left bare while the matching sky blue shirt was buttoned at her back - a small thing which covered her shoulders and breast allowing the mere hint of cleavage to peek through. Finally, a lace shawl of deep, navy blue was wrapped over her head and thrown over a shoulder while one end dangled down her front. All were embroidered with gold. Some kohl was placed around her eyes and gold applied strongly to her eyelids but also dusted across her high cheekbones. Bangles, necklaces, and rings were added to accent the outfit.

The young Maharajani admired her form in the mirror. She found it quite decadent and pleasing. Perhaps whoever the Elven ship contained would find her quite irresistible. Pari hope, for her own sanity, he would be a competent and delightful suitor. She did no have high hopes though and imagined perhaps her father, if not herself, would send away such a bore. Pari spun and showed her figure to the tiger on the couch. "Well, my darlingest love, what do you think?" The tiger lifted her head and after a pause came down from her throne. She moved around the young princess, sniffed and nuzzled before finally sitting and giving the chuff of approval. Pari hugged the beast, pleased to not have to go through such a procedure again, before making her way down the hall. Lavanya padded behind her as they approached the greeting throne room.
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