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    1. eclecticwitch 6 yrs ago


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I just bring watched ALL of the new Dark Crystal! I now have nothing left to live for. I need more!
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Location: Operating Theatre


This was better than a daytime drama. Everyone was yelling at everyone. There was so much infighting going on. She stopped thinking it was amusing though when she realized she was about to be a part of all of this. She hoped they could get their shit together, otherwise, Mancini wasn't going to need any sort of mind control to break up this group. She could see things coming to a collapse.

Bobbi popped up off her desk again, figuring it was likely time to go. Well, upstairs - not completely. She was going to give them a chance, after all, it was tough coming back from something that fucked with your brain. Before leaving though she approached Ayita in the moments when Richard had stepped aside to speak with someone. She crouched down in front of the girl. Looking up into her eyes, Bobbi gave her the charmingest lopsided grin. "Heya," she said. Her voice was soft and low, not quite a whisper. "Sorry to overhear all that stuff that was being said. Was hard not to. However, I know a thing or two about what happens when your brains is in an altered state. I know what sorts of things can happen to a person. I seen 'em. I done 'em. Lots of things I regret. If you want to talk about it, well guess what honey - I still gots two ears." She tugged on one of her lobes and realized she still had the cotton balls inside of them. She took them out with a smirk. "Fuck me. Anyway, see ya 'round hun."

Standing up, she was ready to leave when Richard came back. "See ya' 'round too hot stuff." She winked at him before giving the pair a small wave. Beast directed that everyone should head out and so she followed the group, crunching down on the dwindling bits of her sucker. "God damn, what a day. Y'all got any whiskey?" she asked as they exited the operating theatre.

Location: Grocery Store
Interactions: Talking to Carter
Color: E0633C

Bea watched the conveyer belt slowly work the groceries toward the older woman who quickly scanned the items before pushing them toward the bag boy. There was a click as a divider was placed down and someone else's items joined hers. She watched for a moment, noticing that they were much like her own - snacks. Her eyes returned to her own things. She began to dig through her fanny-pack to get her wallet when the man next to her spoke.

"It's Beatrice, right?"

Stopping the digging, hand still in the pack, she turned her face toward the stranger. Who was this? How did they know her name? She frowned slightly - just a small twitch of the corners of her lips and a furrow of her brow. It was brief but he might have caught the minor instance of an expression on her cold face. Tilting her head to the side, the curly haired girl responded, "That's correct." Her voice was a soft, gentle monotone. She then put her attention on the woman handling her things as she had almost finished ringing her up.

"You having a party or something?"

He was still talking to her? Bea was surprised, she didn't know him. Attention back on the young man beside her, she chewed her lower lip as she took an uncomfortably long time studying him. "Ah," she finally said, eyebrows raised and a kinder tone warmed her bronzed face. "I go to school with you. Yes, I am having an 'or something.' You are welcome to come if you like." She dug through her fanny pack and pulled out a little notebook and pen. She quickly scrawled out her name 'Bea' and phone number. The handwriting was elegant and almost like calligraphy. She pushed the paper into his hand as the woman who was checking her out recited - "Your total comes to $123.89."

Bea then, like the strange little hurricane she was, quickly paid for her items and left the store.
I would be very much interested as well please and thank you~

Location: Operating Theatre

Bobbi blinked rapidly as the flash of light briefly blinded her. Shaking her head she glanced at a father and son duo who were having a bit of a to-do. She rolled her eyes but her attention was quickly caught as the blue dude told her that her blood could not be used. She frowned slightly, her past once again causing her trouble. With a shrug, she rolled the sucker in her mouth and went back to her desk perch. "Your loss, I'm sure some of these kids would love to get high," Bobbi said dryly.

What a fucking day.

SO absolutely and completely boring, sitting here watching the teens bitch and moan and few adults being all adulty. She felt like the biggest and fattest pimple on a pubescents acne ridden face. How much more could she stick out as different and weird and so very very unhelpful. She sighed and leaned back against the wall the table was up against. And all of a sudden there was a girl who popped up out of fucking nowhere.

"Shit y'all. Are we being attacked again?" But the girl didn't seem to do much at first. Obviously not a danger at the moment. "Aw fuck, that was just one-ah youse guys huh?" Was this what life with mutants was going to be like? Just random shit happening all the time forever? It was gonna be tough to get used to but at the very least it would be interesting. Never bored. It was a bit like being on LSD again.
Mona Windrider

Location: The Palace
Skills: N/A

She paused when the guards came into view, as well as the palace. She whistled softly, clearly impressed with not the building but the well-kept lawns. It clearly said that these people had money, wealth, and time. To have the kind of hired help who could keep the grass trimmed. Then again, maybe they used magic? She hardly knew. Mona would admit she was not at all well versed in the Small Wet Country Across the Sea.

The young woman decided that it would be worthwhile to keep following the stones. Her curiosity was getting the better of her and she had clearly forgotten her original plan of getting to know the city. She was not completely focused on gathering these stones. Mona nodded to the guards as she walked past them and made her way into the castle.

Location: Queen's Residence, Eldan, Hayll

She was placing some necessary, womanly items into a bag (hairbrush, soap, perfume) when there came a knock at her door. She paused and glanced over her shoulder. "Come in," she called lightly. A young maid entered all nervous and unsure. Fatima gave her one of her famous, charming smiles. "What can I do for you?" she asked softly, turning away from the bags to watch the girl carefully. She mentioned potentially knowing a person. A person who what? In what way could this person be helpful?

Finally, the girl got the nerve to speak up on her thoughts about her Queen leaving her land. It was as if an arrow had struck her directly in the heart. The Queen absently smoothed the skirts of her dress as she moved toward the windows at the other end of her room. She was quiet for a long moment, looking out over her little town. It wasn't much but it was hers and she loved it so dearly. She had never thought she would feel such a connection for a single area of land. In her younger years, she had always assumed she would just travel the world. That her mother would live forever.

"I'll tell you a secret," she said as she approached the young maid. She took the girl's hands into her own and sat down upon the bed. She invited Illyria to do the same. "I would very much like to stay and help here. So, tell me little one. Who is it that you know and in what way might they help me?" She paused, considering her verbiage. "Help us."

Location: Table at the Ballroom at the Plaza

There came the warmth of a hand at her back as he clutched the chair's back and leaned slightly over her. His shadow fell over her face as she looked up at the man she had only ever seen on screen. For a moment she was stunned. Noemi had never considered herself to be the sort to become star struck, but it felt as if her lips had become numb and her tongue jelly. For a long moment, she just peered up at the man as if a deer in the headlights. Slowly a smile formed over her mouth and brightened her eyes as her usual jovial demeanor took over.

"I know who you are," she said politely, though there was a slight shiver of fan excitement in her voice. She hated herself for it. He was sure to have heard that shiver a hundred times over and hoped it would not cause him to dismiss her as some sort of airhead. Well, that wasn't to say she wasn't a bit of an airhead. But she was a clever and learned girl, there was just a certain something about meeting a person in real life you would never expect to meet but had seen multiple times regardless. Fame proceeded him but that was not her main interest. Just a slight hurdle she had to overcome. Like when you opened the contents of someone's stomach.

"Noemi Wayward, such a great pleasure to meet you." Her shimmering smile became more natural and less forced as the moments ticked on. She had to remind herself that this wasn't Jerry Peters. It was Lee. She breathed in deeply as she turned her attention to the people beside her. "I think sitting together would be easiest if there was a general rearrangement," she stated most matter-of-factly. Noemi leaned a bit forward and said, over the conversations of multiple other tables, "All in favor of shifting our spots so that we can converse with our new found partners, just get up and play a game of musical chairs! Grab your name tag, probably easier for the servers!" Her light, feminine voice carried well over the others and she moved to stand.

There was an awkward moment where Noemi stood and her small frame was trapped under the unsuspecting actor. She was tiny and so even standing she did not come up far enough to cause damage. It did cause her to be close enough for him to smell the sandalwood perfume in her hair. She tilted her face up, finding herself inches from Lee. At first, she flushed, embarrassed and then a mischevious grin took hold over her features as she pecked his cheek with a chaste kiss. Noemi ducked out from beneath him, grabbed her name card, and moved toward where he had been sitting.
Mona Windrider

Location: Wizard's Way - Trader's Stall
Skills: N/A

Something blue sparkled at the corner of her eye. She lowered the labradorite and turned her head to find an odd trail of lapis weaving its way through the crowd. She furrowed her brow and set the stone that had once entranced her down. There was a new mystery to distract her. Mona did not look back at the seller as she approached the nearest of the stones. She bent down and lifted it up, holding it in the palm of her hand. Her curiosity caused her to probe the odd stone.

Something like nausea formed within her belly. She felt as if she were riding the winds, up and down and over. Her head spun for a moment and she wobbled but caught herself before she fell. Mona leaned heavily against a nearby fence and looked down at the little stone. It was not from here and now. It was from far away and another time. How strange. She began to follow the trail of stones, picking them up and pocketing them as she moved through the people. Her path took her away from #13.

Location: Queen's Residence, Eldan, Hayll

Just as she suspected there might be, the Court had much doubt. She did not blame them. When was the last time any of the lands, including her own, and provided a bountiful harvest? It was extremely frustrating as a Queen to see her people and her lands in such a state. While she loved her mother, she also cursed her irresponsibility. Fatima rubbed a hand over her tired brow. "Of course. All people are welcome here and we shall do our best to protect and nourish them." It was a whispered statement, one that hinted at the knowledge that too many could mean their downfall. But Fatima could not bear to see the look on a battered and starving child's face if there was something she could do to help them.

"I know my lands are not ideal. It will take much work." She laid her hands on her lap and grasped them tightly together. Her knuckles turned white and her nails bit into the backs of her palms. "I will use what money I have and will dress the beggar to work in the fields myself if it means that my people should survive one more day." The tone was bitter and defeated. "It would not be the first time I have bled for the lands or gone hungry." She wondered sometimes if they forgot that she had also been through similar hardships when she had run away for those fifty years. There were whip marks on her own back, and scars on her hands from having never used farm equipment before. She had shared in the tears of both the Blood and the landen. Then, how could they forget? She was sure she had worried them during that time.

She lifted tired eyes in shock when Jassen mentioned the tangled web. Her entire body stiffened and she felt the cool caution that filled the room. Yes. The tangled web. She had heard rumors of witches who could weave and read it. Something so terrifying could be of extreme use to them now. And she had an idea of someone she might speak to in order to get close to such a woman.

Fatima rose from her seat and approached the drunk. A slender hand touched his cheek and lifted his face so she could look into his bloodshot eyes. "Jassen, my darling," she murmured, her face a concerned frown. "I beg that you never speak those words in the open again." She stroked the cheek gently before moving toward her original place at the front of the room.

"I think, perhaps I should travel at least once more." She folded bleeding hands in front of her as she looked upon her court with an expression she hoped was queenly certainty. "Just once more. Durik, you are in charge of choosing one to accompany me on this trip. I hope it should take no more than a couple of weeks. You and Garren will be in charge of implementing some of the things we have discussed. I have complete faith that you will know what information will be useful. You also have my leave to use what is necessary from my coffers to ensure this can be done properly. I leave you all, much more knowledgeable on these things, to continue this discussion. I will make preparations for my journey." She inclined her head slightly and then swept from the room before they could tell her such a trip was ill-advised.

This she knew. But not going on this trip would be worse. As much as Fatima loved to travel, she promised herself it would be the last time she would leave her land until she got it operating in all of the ways she saw fit. It was not as if she would need much for it. Perhaps a handful of coin, her old, tattered clothes, and her tent for sleeping out under the stars. She was practiced in staying under the radar. Fatima would do anything for her people.

Location: Outside of the Mansion ==> Operating Theatre

With a shrug, Bobbi walked over and easily scooped the taller girl into her arms. It looked awkward, all of those limbs and the tiny biker holding her up as if she weighed no more than a bag of potatoes. She followed everyone down to the place where the stuff was about to happen. She admired the undamaged parts of the mansion. And then all the techy bits she was introduced to. Quite impressive really. She was directed to lay Bethany down on one of the beds and she did so as carefully as she could. Which was to say, a difficult act as the bed came to her mid waist.

The young woman then popped herself up onto some table at the edge of the room. She let her legs swing freely and managed to find a sucker in her pocket which she put into her mouth. She watched the scene before her unfold with someone mild curiosity. There was a big blue hairy guy, that was pretty killer. A bunch of kids in beds all sorts of beat up. And then a pair are snuggled up. Bobbi made a face. "Oi, if I hope this doesn't become one of those things where I constantly end up walking in on teenagers dry humping. Had enough of that in hostels," she grumbled, rolling the lollipop stick in her fingers before popping it back into her mouth.

Then came the mention of blood. Uninjured person blood. The small woman looked around at everyone. Most people seemed pretty dang wounded. And finally, she came to realize she was one of the few. She hopped down from the desk and quipped, "Well don't everyone shout all at once. Geeze. I gots blood and plenty of it. But if any of these kiddos become addicted to cigarettes it ain't my fault." She pointed her sucker at Big and Blue.
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