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    1. eclecticwitch 6 yrs ago


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Ahh, the Queen chastising that prick of a Prince was truly glorious. Really, what had the Dea Al Mon been taught that he believed he could chastise her so harshly? True, she’d put herself at harm’s risk, and Jandar himself certainly intended to discuss proper battlefield protocol with her at a later point in time, but that Dea Al Mon in all his supposed rationality couldn’t seem to grasp the simple fact that this was not the right time for advice, nor had he taken the correct approach (that is, one that would yield the desired results), never mind that he was a stranger. Jandar was mentally shaking his head, but on the outside, he was tranquil, ignoring everything but Fatima. After a lengthy tirade in which he proclaimed he would not serve Fatima (the hasty fool) and implying he intended to remove Xandar (mad idiot), the Prince left in what to Jandar seemed an almost childish fit, sulky and resentful.

After that little distraction, Fatima turned to him and sat herself in front of him, within his arms’ reach. “Only a shallow wound, nothing that won’t heal on its own, not to worry,” Jandar answered with a vague gesture to his left side. The Queen put her hands briefly over his, then laid a gentle hand on his cheek, and apologized. Jandar blinked at her once, then clasped her remaining hand in between two of his own, keeping a firm grasp on her. “You are doing very well,” he commented. Truthfully, he’d been expecting much worse – but perhaps, now that they were alone, she would take a turn for the worse? Those doubtful thoughts were the last thing she needed to hear, however, so the Warlord simply put on his best neutral expression – because he didn’t know how to make a properly comforting one – and raised an arm to the palm with which she was still cupping his cheek, patted it once, then coaxed her hand off his face, guiding it to his lap, with her other one. He squeezed both of her hands once, lightly, then offered her an awkward hug. “Come on,” he said, extending his arms loosely around her, not yet touching, but simply offering.

Fatima closed her eyes as Mikhail's words struck her like swords. She felt like her heart was breaking. Even more, if it were possible. Each sentence caused a flinch from her whole body. She opened her eyes and looked down at her hands wrapped in Jandar's. She was glad to hear that he was not horribly hurt. She wasn't sure she could take it if he were. He was being kind to her but she could hardly understand what was going on. Mikhail's words seeped under her skin. They crawled through her veins like a vile poison and suckered themselves into her stomach. It burned hot inside of her and spread as fire through her nerves. Another mistake in a line of many.

She resisted at first, the hug. She had to be strong and she was afraid that if she let herself be held now she would melt down into sobs. But her body could not deny the warmth of contact. When she was feeling bad, when her mother had been especially volatile, Jassen had been one of the ones to hold her when she was little. Her body was weak. Her heart was weak. She leaned against his chest, resting her face against his shirt. Her hands snaked around his middle and she hugged him tightly. She was shuddering. She would not cry. She would not cry. Something hot spilled over her cheeks and she worried it was blood. She leaned back, hands moving up to her face. Not blood. Tears. No no no no. She looked up at Jandar, the pain and horror of the situation stitched over her face. "Jandar," she said in a shaky, whispered sob.

When Fatima acquiesced to the physical contact, Jandar held her lightly, stroking her upper back. She’d held back for a moment – perhaps because she didn’t quite trust him yet. But that was alright. If his presence could stabilize her than that was fine. “It’s alright,” he told her, echoing his own thoughts. The Queen didn’t hold him for long, though. Sooner than he’d expected, she wrenched herself free of him, and looked up at him. She was terrified. She was suffering. But she was still trying to hold back. Why? Why did she seem astonished at her own tears? What was she attempting to convey to him when she called his name so?

Jandar knew that warriors like himself were trained never to show outbursts of emotions, because it was a weakness an enemy could and would exploit. Was it the same for Queens? Did Fatima want help controlling her feelings? He thought hard, laying a hand on her shoulder as a reassurance while he tried to find a solution. Well, whenever he was in pain, he converted all that wretchedness to anger, tightly controlling it and focusing it on a goal. However, mourning was different, was it not? The Queen was mourning the loss of a loved servant. She may even be pained due to that idiot of a Prince rejecting her so harshly. There was no goal here she could focus her sorrow on. So, instead of trying to hold back, failing and getting overwhelmed, possibly risking being broken more easily whenever the next tragedy hit, wasn’t it better if she just…“Let it go,” Jandar said, with a surprising amount of confidence given his own uncertainty.

“You can cry now,” he asserted in a murmur. “Cry as hard as you can now, and when you have no tears left to give, the pain will be lesser. And you will be stronger. Because if you choose a moment to be weak, you can be strong the rest of the time,” Jandar suggested, not entirely certain where this advice and assurance was coming from. No, actually, he had a fairly good guess. His mother. His experience with being comforted, years and centuries ago, when he’d been but a little boy, young enough to be allowed to cry on occasion. And it had been his mother who’d soothed him, who’d offered a small but incredibly wise piece of advice on courage and strength. It wasn’t about never feeling afraid or never being weak. No, it was about knowing how to deal with it, how to face and overcome their own shortcomings. And as far as he was concerned, it was acceptable – nay, expected – for a female to cry. “Just let it go,” he repeated, giving her shoulder a tender squeeze, then rose his hand even higher, slowly, until he was able to lay it on her head. “I will watch over you,” Jandar assured her, petting her hair lightly, and offered her a small smile.

As he spoke his words with such care and kindness, the tears continued to spill from her eyes. She made no sound just looked up at him, shock evident on her face. The hand on her hair was what undid her. "I can't," she whispered. But obviously she could. Her face contorted as a screaming sob released itself from her chest. She burried her face in her hands. The sounds of her grief echoed through the Eyrie exterior.

Fatima leaned against Jandar again, pressing against him. She moved her arms around his back and held on. Her hands fiercely gripped the back of his shirt as she let go, just as he has suggested. Her body shook with each wretched sob that broke into the air. She hardly noticed the pain from her broken nose or the blood which renewed itself. Fatima could hardly breathe and between each desperate wail was a gasping plea for air. She knew that she was being very un-Queenly right now. If her mother could see her what chastisement she would receive. She was a horrible, ugly mess in her supreme agony. A man who had been her father figure was gone and now she was alone with strangers in a strange, strange land with an even stranger destiny before them.

Jandar hugged Fatima to himself once again, though his grasp this time was firmer than it had been the first time, the gesture no longer as awkward. As the Queen cried her heart out, the Warlord remained vigilant, listening to her sorrow and waiting it out, though he slowly stroked her hair and upper back, a repetitive but calming motion. It took long, long minutes for Fatima's sobs to calm, and even then, he still felt her shudder in his arms, and his shirt was getting soaked with her tears, snot, and blood. Jandar frankly didn't care. He could stay there, kneeling at his Lady's side for another hour - or longer - if he needed to. But he didn't think he would. As time passed, Fatima eventually calmed, and Jandar could feel her breath steadying. He slowly moved away; not far, just a few inches, so he could see her face. He laid his left hand on her right arm, then used the right sleeve of his shirt to wipe her face as best he could. "You'll need to get that healed by Faeril when she's available again," he commented, a hint of a smile playing about his lips. Looking her in the eyes, concern replacing the brief moment of humour, he asked: "Do you feel any better now?"

When she was finally done being a blubbering idiot, she lay for a moment in Jandar's arms. She was catching her breath, each inhale of air a shuddering struggle. As he leaned back from her so to did she from him. Fatima was ashamed at what her face must look like. Eyes all swollen and bloodshot, making the white gold of her eyes seem paler. Her face covered in various fluids. She must have looked a might more frightening than one of the demon dead.

She expressed her outrage as Jandar wiped at her face ever so gently with his shirt, by struggling to pull away. She made little noises of derision. "No," she said in a shaking voice that was rasped at the edges due to her little meltdown. "You're going to get dirty!" And then she spied the right proper mess she had created on his shirt. She cried out in embarrassment. "Ah! No! I'm so sorry Jandar!" Her voice was becoming a croak due to her shredded vocal cords. She placed a hand against his chest and pulled backward. With her hand came the muck and fluids. It left his shirt cleaner than it had been. She dashed the ick away. "I'll give it a proper clean later. You may not know this but I am also a healer in my own right. Quite a good one too! Let me see your cut and I will tend to the brothers as well." She was feeling quite a bit better now. Calmer and much more in control of her feelings. She would give a kingdom for the raging headache to leave her though.

"Don't be silly, Fatima, this is nothing," Jandar smirked at her, but it was well-intentioned. He remembered how frantically she'd cleaned that spilled drink in the bar downstairs (how long ago that seemed!), so perhaps she really was overly sensitive about such things. "I can clean my own shirt, and believe me when I say this is a very minor stain compared to what one can suffer in combat." He shook his head lightly, still in disbelief at how worried the Queen was about such an insignificant matter. He was just glad she'd let him put her at ease and help her.

"Oh, I did not realize you had such a skill," he replied, looking at her curiously, unfastening his leather vest. The long-sleeved undershirt that had suffered the brunt of Fatima's tears and such followed. Jandar crossed his legs under him, getting into a more comfortable sitting position. "After you fix me, perhaps you could do something about that nose of yours, hm? Or would a mirror be needed for that?" he was both genuinely wondering if she could heal herself and teasing her that she should.

The Warlord then looked on at her. Though Jassen's corpse was still laying there, not yet buried, the overall mood was now much better. Jandar judged that now was the proper time to at least alert Fatima regarding their situation. She'd probably sensed the unrest, but they'd have to properly think on it and discuss it, though the latter would most likely be left until Faeril was awake and coherent enough to participate. "My Lady, I don't intend to be impertinent, but I feel I should caution you on our situation nonetheless. We will likely discus this in depth with Faeril, however, I do suspect we may travel or otherwise co-operate with each other for at least a short amount of time. Personally, I more than welcome the Black Widow, however the Dea Al Mon Prince is...Well. You've heard him; he'll likely go after Xandar at one point or another. And such division from the inside when we face opposition from the outside, frankly, is a folly we cannot afford. I doubt a man such as himself will let himself be convinced to act in any way differently than how he'd proclaimed he would. Regardless, if you could think of a solution to our dilemma, that would be...good. I hate to put such a burden on yourself, but you, as a Queen, have perhaps the best chance to resolve this, regardless of that Prince's opinion. Perhaps in conjunction with a word or two from the Black Widow," Jandar pursued his lips in thought, pondering if there was anything else after that bit of monologue.

There was, he realized. He sighed. "I don't wish to admit it, but if we will be facing more situations in which your safety will be compromised as much as it had been today, it would not be unwise for you to learn at least the basics of self-defense, stealth, and perhaps some other combat-related abilities."

Location: Outside the Eyrie

She was relieved that Faeril did not fight her. It made the work she had to do easier. Fatima knelt next to the Widow and breathed deeply, slowly. Each raise and fall a redirection of her power. Each fill of her lung a swelling and each release of breath settled it into place through her limbs. She opened her eyes and set to work straight away. Her hands moved like liquid water over and through the Eyrien Widow's skin. She looked for sore muscles and bruises to mend. She too found the cut on the finger and the rip in her wing. These she fixed as well, but Mikhail distracted her.

Fatima had to pull away lest she accidentally hurt the woman. This left things mostly healed but she was a firm believer in the body's ability to do its own healing. Her whole stature went rigid and she did not move as the man chastised her in much the same way she had the Widow. Her cheeks flushed with her anger and she looked down at her hands which lay palm up in her lap. She was silent for a long while and Faeril imparted a truth that Fatima had already known. This man who so whole heartedly was interested in her safety and then denied his hand in it (all in the same breath) was one of her own. She especially didn't like the way he had spoken out against Xandar with such vehemence. Xandar had said, in not quite so many words, that he was a part of her circle. This man had yet to offer such a thing. Mikhail was both hers and not hers, in a different way than Jandar. No, she would not allow an outlier to speak so reproachfully of someone under her protection.

She was not at all surprised when Faeril fainted. She caught the woman before she fell entirely to the ground and Xandar soon came to whisk her away. She said nothing to him. She did not even look at the Eyrien male. She could not. She was afraid she might vomit or cry if she did. All this time Fatima had been silent. Brewing. At last she stood, covered in blood and streaked with dirt. Still she held her chin high and looked up at the man who dare tell her what to do when he had yet to make himself in anyway a part of her circle. Something caught the corner of her eye.

Jandar. Relief swept through her and she though her knees might buckle beneath her weight. 'Do. not. fall.' she growled to herself. She returned her attention to Mikhail.

"It would do you well to watch your tongue, friend," she said in a voice that was overly calm. Each syllable was measured and the hint of frost pricked the air. "As it stands, Xandar is one of mine. He lay under the wings of my protection." She held the leash for an insurmountably violent man. He was a Warlord Prince. And he was hers. She wasn't going to let someone speak so ill of him, even if she was quite upset with him herself. "If my protection is not one of your jobs then you are under some odd delusion that your word holds weight here." She paused, cocking her head to the side. "Which is to say, the merit of the man you hold in such deep detestation has more worth to me than your own. Think on that before you deliver such words of admonishment unto a person. I believe you a man to be of the sort to think before you act. Perhaps that is a habit you should have taken here." Cold, white gold eyes, which had been eerily unblinking, turned from Mikhail to the body in repose at her feet.

"If you wish to discuss this further, please come to see me later. I am afraid I am far to tired to handle a battle of wits with any modicum of decorum at this present moment." She let her gaze drift lazily to him before it went back to Jandar. Good. He was alive. He was well. She would inspect him more closely for wounds later. She knelt on the grass with as much grace as her protesting body could muster next to the body of the man she had known for all of her long life. She gently swept hair from his oddly pale face. His cheeks were usually so ruddy with drink. She began to tear at her tunic pulling the bottom half of it away. She carefully wrapped it around his mangled neck as if it were a scarf. It hid the disgusting bruises and tearing skin there. With care she gently clasped his hand and lifted it to her face, placing her cheek against the back of the cold hand. She closed her eyes a moment and sighed. Careful, ever so very careful, she placed his hands over his chest, one over the other. She touched his face and fussed over his clothes to make sure not a thing was out of place.

At long last her attention returned to Jandar. She crawled the few steps away he sat to sit on her knees before him. She did not trust herself to stand. Her body trembled as it tried to contain the tidal wave of emotion that threatened to spill from her. Normally it was Jassen who would see her in these moments of weakness. But he wasn't here anymore was he? "Are you hurt?" she asked quietly, feeling guilty she had not asked sooner. Her fingers shakily touched the backs of his palms before a hand reached out to touch his cheek. "I am sorry I am such a mess," she said with a slight laugh that threatened to turn into a sob. She choked it back and offered merely a thin, watery smile.

Location: The Hallway - Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Skill: First Aid

She offered Casper a small smile as he spoke to her in french. Wonderful. The moment of "peace" was short lived as action soon won the day. Mary was kicking heads in, people were shooting bullets, and there was plenty of shouting. All of this was doing wonders for the woman's headache. She wanted to vomit, each pulse of light worsening the effects brought on by the guns. She was thankful Jack had covered her because she was not fit for much.

A splash of something grazed her cheek. She touched the spot lightly and pulled her fingers from her face. Even in the pulse of the red alarm lights she could see - blood. She turned her gaze toward Jack and immediately went to him - damn her headache. She was using one of her tactical blades to remove the sleeves of her garb. She went to work crafting a tourniquet on him, to help stem the flow of blood. Her face was screwed up in concentration and as she worked she managed to miss the fine julienne skills Ben was displaying. "Lemme see yer side," she was saying, almost as if the voice was not her own. The soft Cajun drawl crept into her voice. She had not managed to completely stem the flow of blood but at least slow it for the time being.
Mona Windrider

Location: The Palace Courtyard

It seemed her opinion on the matter was neither regarded with any modicum of appreciation nor a moment of thought. Yes, she was just the stupid mud girl who dug about in the dirt and played with rocks. What did she know if matters such as these... Then again, yes - what did she know? The wild woman looked toward Ahote and Myrus, the latter offering that she should be allowed to come with them. She took a couple of steps to follow but the thought of walking past all of those dead bodies... The sight of them. Even worse, their various bouquet of aromas. No, she would not step into that corridor again if she could help it.

He decision neither swayed nor was noticed by the two men - which was just fine with the young woman. She was left with a god and his consort. She listened to them talk about people and finding helpers and what have you. She listened, recognizing a couple of names from earlier that day. In a wave of flame Bruce disappeared, leaving Mona with Myth. She hesitantly approached the woman with a kind smile. "I would be pleased to join ye and help however I may. Seein' as you helped save my life an all." She was feeling a might shy next to the beautiful, blond woman. An odd thing for the usually oblivious crafter of the stone.

Location: Serval Industries - Training Room

She chewed her thumb nail as she watched the impressive switch Bella pulled on Sapphire. That was pretty cool, actually. There seemed to be a lull in the fighting and from what the young mutant could tell, they might be finished sparring all together. She sucked her cheek between her teeth and frowned. She would have really like to have seen more.

Taking a few steps toward the two women Bobbi spoke. "If you're changing dance partners, could I try my hand at a waltz?" She pushed bushy hair back from her face and stuffed a hand in her pocket. She was oddly nervous and could not place why. It wasn't as if either of these two women made it their soul life purpose to make her feel like absolute shit. No. That was just Watts and herself.

Location: Serval Industries - The Lab
Skills: Enhanced Strength and Military Training

He smiled. Of course she wasn't. He knew she had strength of arm and character. However, if he could spare any young woman the unfortunate displeasure of touching dust and plaster he would. He was about to respond to her when Watts went on a tirade. He went so far as to make light of his predicament. Was this man a sociopath? Insane? Wes' face hardened as he watched the pair speed out of the room, leaving him to his fate.

With a sigh, he scratched his head and looked about the lab. He wasn't a science sort of guy. All brawn though some brain. He had a head for tactics not keyboards. He would need to sneak about and find Bobbi without getting caught by their murderous boss. For a split second he considered cleaning up his mess from falling through the ceiling. Watts didn't deserve that kindness - not with the magnificent temper tantrums he was throwing. With that, the ex-military man made his way through the base in search of Bobbi. He would know she was likely at the training rooms.

Location: The Hallway - Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Skill: Void Reach

Questions done with Mary's acceptance of her words, Bobbi tended to her headache. She continued to rub her temple but it seemed the universe would not be so kind this day. A sudden, flashing red light made the world distorted. The sound of alarm and footsteps brought the adrenaline in her system to a peek. Her heart was about to leap out of her chest. She began moving along behind the others until she noticed Casper trip.

She paused her journey to leaned down and help him to his feet, uttering a soft "Sorry," to him. For earlier, when he had tried to offer her help. Maybe he would connect the two. Perhaps not. Regardless of if he accepted her help, her attention then turned to Anna's request for light. She pushed her hand into the void and rummaged around until her hand clasped a small object. Pulling it through she had retrieved a small flashlight. She turned it on and offered it to Anna.
Mona Windrider

Location: The Future Palace --> The Now Times Palace

Mona smiled with relief at his statement. The sarcasm of it went right over her bushy-haired head. She did have some concern over the black liquid that flowed from his mouth and wondered what it could be. She should probably take him to a healer to get that looked at. Nevermind that he was just a head. She had only ever known him as a head.

She had not anticipated the spark of flame about her again. Her heart raced to a panic as she was transported from the future world back to the past. Back to normal, here and now present. Good. She was all sorts of nervous and flighty about being in the future. She didn't belong there just yet.

Ideas were being thrown about. People making plans hither and thither. Mona turned her attention from the head in her hands to the ground. "Well, cannae much o' nuthin' be done 'til we be talkin' to the Bally-man," she said matter of factly. For all their planning it would do no good if he did not cooperate. Best take care of that when the time came - cross that bridge so to speak. Besides, maybe the Ball-dun would know a thing or two to do. Or maybe their meddling would make things happen? It was all very confusing. Mona came to the conclusion she did not at all like knowing the future.

Location: Serval Industries - Training Room

When Bobbi entered it was not to find Wes. Instead, there was the Ice Queen and Mini Ice Queen having a bit of a spar. Silently, she closed the door behind her and moved along the walls as she watched them. It was not that she was trying to hide, just that she did not want to break their concentration. She seemed to have happened upon the tail end of a match. She raised an eyebrow as Demetria formed an ice weapon in her hand.

Crossing her arms over her chest she glanced at Belladonna, who lay on the floor. Would she raise to the challenge? Bobbi was eager to see them fight, both were skilled - which Bobbi was not. She just flailed punches and threw her weight around. Not that there was much to throw around. Anything she could glean to make her a better person... Well, a better fighter. She could never claim to be a better person.

Location: Serval Industries - Ceiling --> Lab Floor
Skills: Enhanced Strength and Military Training

He had not anticipated a fall. He could feel the ceiling starting to give way and he had intended to do something about the fall. However, gravity and ill luck saw him falling in a heap of tiling and dust upon the floor. He groaned, pushing himself up and rubbing his stomach as he worked to catch his breath. A sudden, painful thunk against his skull had him rubbing his nogging and looking up at the ceiling first. Had something fallen on him? He looked to his side. Calculator. Her pursed his lips in confusion and looked up past the calculator to find Watts.

"You need anger management courses," was his dark, mumbled response. He smiled gratefully at Evelyn but waved away her hand. "Thank you, very kind of you. But I wouldn't make any lady touch all this dirt." He stood on his own, dusting off his front and hair as he did so. He then looked between the two. "I just came from the Library. Gardner was there and I overheard her speaking with someone. It wasn't good... She tried to crush me inside the room. Do you think you can hack her phone? See to whom she was speaking?"

Location: In a bubble, a top a cliff, by the Eyrie

There was no doubt in anyone's mind who saw the Queen that she was absolutely livid. Her body trembled with rage and unspent energy as she turned and watched the pair of Eyriens grow closer. Xandar was holding Faeril and the woman bawled like a cat. Fatima did not listen to her words, her mind was elsewhere. Turned inward as she traipsed along the edges of her power, pulling strings and readying to fight her way to freedom. The bubble finally stopped moving and Fatima stood, blood dripping down her face and staining her tunic. She watched the pair quibble with each other and Fatima found it quite childish after what she had just seen below. The death of her man. Someone was dead and here they were just...

Her lips thinned into a small line when Xandar spoke his condolences. Her eyes narrowed but still, she said not a word. Fatima wore nothing but cold contempt in her features for the man. She just watched him. Nothing to be done now. His apology, while perhaps true, rung as an extra slap to her face. If he were to feel sorry for the man's death, he would have let her go to him.


This and that were not the same, she had to remind herself. He acted in her best interest, it just didn't happen to coincide with her intentions.

Faeril's hand upon her arm, telling her to hush had Fatima turning and finally making a noise - something of which she was repeatedly being accused. Could the woman read her thoughts? They way she howled in her mind? And in her heart? Her teeth were bared and she snarled at the Eyrien woman. "You make the most noise of the two of us," was her bitter remark. She pulled her arm from her grasp and, when having a moment to calm herself, looked the woman over. She was in desperate need of healing. Fatima sighed and ran a blood-encrusted hand through her wild, curling locks. "For a Widow, you seem to read the situation poorly. Sit," she said and gestured to the ground. "I will mend you. It will give me something to do." Her intonations had gone from her harsh, wildthing snarling to a more clipped and brusque healer's commandment. She would brook no declinations of her statement. "Sit," she repeated with a look Faeril would likely recognize in herself when she was about to commence a healing with a rather wiggly patient.

Location: The Stairs

She was not well versed in fighting. She rarely saw it and so she had trouble understanding who was where was fighting what. The thing which caught her eye in the chaos was a single stillness. Her heart stopped for a moment. Was that... Jassen? Bile rose in her throat but she kept it down. She would not show weakness. Not here and not now.

At Dareen's statement that she would watch her, Fatima tensed. She expected something Xandar or Jassen like. Keep her still. Keep her away. Keep her safe. The restless woman was prepared to argue or sneak. It soon became apparent that she would need to do neither as the woman was wholly concentrated on her work. Fatima took a few, slow steps away before rushing along the wall as Dareen made no move to stop her. Made no sound that she had noticed at all.

She kept her hand against the wall, ignoring the way the stone scraped her palm. Surely she would bleed but she had no desire to fall. The wall helped her keep her balance as she ran. She moved deftly past Xandar, hoping he would not notice. She jumped, skipped stairs, until the expansion of the shield around her. Not predicting that there would be an impenetrable forcefield in front of her, she slammed full force into the domed sized. There was a wicked crunch and Fatima knew her nose had broken. She reached a hand up to wipe the blood from her stinging face.

Fatima rounded wild eyes on him and she snarled like a cat in an alley. "How dare you," her voice was ice cold and she thought she detected a hint of frost in the air within the bubble. "How fucking dare you. Let me out. I have to..." No, there was no reasoning with him. Especially since his full attention was on the wildcat in his arms.

She sat in her bubble, face bleeding, while the body of Jassen grew further and further away. Her heart screamed and her body vibrated with energy that wished to be released. She pressed her hand against the side of the barrier, leaning against it in an attempt to make the space between herself and the man she adored shorter. She pummeled her fists against it but to no avail.
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