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    1. eemmtt 10 yrs ago


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I am interested in play a Justinian empire.
Upon the death of the rat ogre the let go of the abomations arm. With a roar of victory before he started to look for the halberd that was lost. Recovering the pole arm he looked around for his companion. The orc quickly notice that he was alone. Shrugging to himself he took. After a few the greenskin felt foul magic of the gray seer wash over him. The magic force from the spell knock the large orc flat onto his back. As Gorrmar tried to recover a reptilian shaped formed above him slowly took a much more solid shape and the orc was found staring down an angry naga with a trident plunging right at his head. Quickly rolled to the side and avoided the trident taking off his head. The orc quickly brought his ax up and embedded it into the naga's chest. Getting back to his feet he ripped the ax out of the naga.

Gorrmar could hear fighting all around him and set off towards the largest about of fighting. Gorrmar soon came across some orc that were looting the bodies of fallen naga. "OI, you gits were da fightin'?" he asks the orc. The orc blinked before he tried to take a swing at Gorrmar. the larger greenskin deftly doge the attack before delivering a power punch before dropping the younger orc. As the orc collapse Gorrmar realized two things that first the orc are yoofs and second he was larger. A plan quickly formed in the greenskins head, "OI, listen up ya gitz grab a gubenz and follow me ya grotz!" he roared at the Yoofs. The orcs on instinctto listen to the biggest and loudest orc quickly fell in line.

Leading the small band of Yoofs Gorrmar repeated the process in till a sizable mob of orcs were following him. Soon Gorrmar and his mob emerge into the room were the rest of the party was. Seeing his allies sicked his mob on the nagas. As he approach the part took stock on the situation, the elf and Siph look in pretty bad shape. And bug girl was in a middle of panicking as he swaggered over to the group, "Dem Yoofs are zoggin good at fightin' n such," he said as he walked up to the group. 'By da looks of fings ya got dat rat. Good riddance ya magicky git" the green said as he walked up to the portal. "Now letz get some grog." the orc said gesturing to the portal.
(Thanks to Zelosse for helping me edit this)

The sanctification of scoring the wound on the Rat Ogre was short lived. The limb of his foe crashed hard into his chest and sent him hard into the tunnel walls with a meaty thud. Standing, though dazed from the strike, the greenskin heritage bubbled to the surface as per usual. The rage of his people filled Gormarrs eyes with hatred aimed solely at the abomination.

Gormarr ignored the Dwarven soldiers that passed by him and readied his remaining weapon, the other having been dropped in the tumble. The burst of light revealed the monster in all its splendor, twisted steel limbs and armor coating its foul body, but if the Orcish battle rager cared at all for this new set of challenge it wasn't shown.

With a shout, the Orc pushed off the wall and charged the monstrosity while its focus was on the Dwarves. Ducking under a sweeping backhand that wasn't aimed at him, Gormarr struck. His axe dug deep into the creatures elbow joint, luck was on his side and the blade cut deep into the bone. How the beast HOWLED!
It's pain drove Gormarr further into his own bloodlust. Muscles bulging from the strain he held on to the axe handle with as much strength as he could muster. The Rat Ogre would not be stalled for long, but its bleeding and nearly severed arm would put the group at a massive advantage.
I am interested in this.
The orc stumbled through the tunnel as the darkness of the tunnel strained his sense. As he traveled deeper into the tunnel Gorrmar was getting annoyed at the lack of skaven. "Come out ya zogin pansy!" the orc angrily yelled into the darkness. After several moments with no answer the greenskin restarted his trudge through the tunnel. When the ringing of the accursed bell reached Gormarr the greenskin dropped to his knees clutching his head. The orcs body was wrack with the feeling of dread as the sound reverberated through the dark tunnel. But slowly a new emotion began to take hold: Rage. The thoughts of dread was pushed out of his mind a rage burn brightly into his heart. Getting back to his feet as rage boiled over him as he glared down the tunnel. Drawing his ax and helbert he let out the ancient war cries of the orcs. "WAAAGH!," the roar echoed off the tunnels as the orc charge down the path to find who ever rang that bell and beat them to death with said bell.

After a few moment of running the tunnel began to widen and became better lit. Gorrmar soon spotted a large furry mass blocking his way. "Get out of my Zogging way!" the greenskin yelled. As he unknowingly charge at rat ogre he raised both of his weapon aiming the strike at the creatures neck.
Name: Krha
Age: 29
Sex: male
Race: human

Personality: He is a follower of the idea to find balance. Due to this he is very calm and can remain level headed in even the most stressing situation. Zrha also is very inquisitive and is trying to study the world around him. The monk also carries a strong sense of justice and will go out of his way to defend those in need. Zrha also has a passion of philosophy and will depieced his musing to those who will listen.

Backstory: Born into a hidden monastery in tall peaks of the southern mountains to two high-ranking members of the monastery. Krha early life was heavily focused on education both academically, philosophical, and in magic theory. At the age of 13 he the first in a series of magic runes that are inscribe into his skin. Once the ritual was complete Krha began his marital training to master the forms of fighting the monks have used for decades.
The Tranquil life that he lived came to an end. As one day, a chosen mage came to the monastery. The chosen demanded the arcane secrets of the monks. When the grand master refused the chosen attacked. It was a short battle and the monastery was burned and looted the scrolls by the chosen. Krha along with several other monks including a heavly wounded grand master. Taking shelter in an old cave system the grand master set a task for Krha to track down the lost scrolls and recover them from the chosen before he passed away. Gathering up some supplies he set off into the world. Years of wandering he arrived at Bloodied Wolf tavern looking for information on one of the scrolls.

Equipment: He wears simple clothing mostly consisting of simple pants, boots, a set of prayer beads, cestus, a pair of iron bracers, and a robe with a hood. In addition to this he cares a small coin pouch and a dagger.
Magic ability/ ritual
Along certain areas of the body are a series of runic tattoos that run along the leyline or streams of power. The monks that Zrha was with have learn a way to tap into the source of power. Activating the runes require the drawing of blood to active them.
The magic use by the runes enhance Zrha body doing several different things:
Harden skin: magic forces harden the skin of his body making it as hard as iron.
Arcane fist: arcane energy covers his fist making them far more damaging.
Swift legs: Magic energy enhances his movements making faster and more graceful.
Healing: the most draining of the ability he can meditate can heal is wounds.
As the final skaven died Gorrmar let out a roar of victory along with the dwarven warriors around him. striding over to the fallen king given him the warriors salute and a silent prayer to Gormerrok to watch his honorable soul. The orc took a moment to check around the battlefield for loot. One of the corpse stormverim corps one caught his eye. Approaching the dead stormverim he carefully looked it over "Dat git has some flashy kit," Gormarr said to himself as he stared the stormvermin armor. The greenskin took a quick once over at the condition of his own armor and made a decisions.
With efficiency the stormverim was strip of its armor while the greenskin quickly replaced his ruined armor with stormverim's armor. The first bit of armor the greenskin equipped on the plate gauntlets. As the enchantment activated the magic flowed into strengthen the orc. Gorrmar swiftly fitted the skaven armor while stuffing the totems he found into his bag. Picking up a halberd he checked it over the condition polearm. The greenskin grinned as he came up with an idea as he holsters both of weapons. The orc made his way to the hole were Siph went. He saw the elf enter the tunnel. The orc decide to follow the elf and enter the tunnel.
Pulling his axe free from the dead stormvermin the orc quickly turn to face the second stormverim swinging his axe at the second one. The second armor rat was warned to the orc presence by the death of its comrade it was quick to react. The rat could reflect the incoming axe swing by Gorrmar. The stormvermin quickly retaliated by jabbing at the greeskin heart hoping to end the fight there. Thankfully Gorrmar could recover in time to doge out of the jab and quickly embed his axe into the rat’s neck. Suddenly the familiar flame of Sylvia engulfed his body. The greenskin grunted as the magic fire washed over him. As arcane fire burned the toxin out of the large greenskins wounds he could felt his strength returning in force. With his renewed state the orc quickly butchered the clanrats that were trying to sneak up on him.

The cries of the dwarfs drew Gorrmar drew his attention to the main battle. The orc joined with the dwavern ranks helping kill the surviving clanrats and the stormverim. As he and dwarfs were eliminating the last of the skaven he could hear Siph warn about the shaman. Hearing that the shaman is here he doubled his efforts trying to quickly finished off the surviving skaven.
Mizn stepped up to the door of the cabin the automaton swiftly open the door to the cabin. Steeping into the cabin it scanned the area trying to determent if the cabin was still occupied. The light from the automaton faintly illuminated the interior of the cabin.
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