Avatar of Embalmer
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    1. Embalmer 9 yrs ago


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Oh my gosh! Golly, thanks for notifying! Uh the cheerleader is back.
The Boxing Club

The Ultimate Heimlich CRUSHER MIRACLE technique had indeed saved Johnny Pots. Emerging out of Johnny's mouth was a golf-ball sized of chewed up gum of many different faded colors. The drool and spit rolled down the ball of chewed up candy, before the candy itself started to twitch. It appeared that in the turmoil, Johnny Pots accidentally swallowed too much gum while probably practicing his power of turning candy things into a weird state of pseudo-sentience. That power didn't come up much, but it appeared to be at the crux of why he was choking.

As for Johnny himself, he was hunched over breathing in and out heavily. "A-yeahwa." Coughing a bit, Johnny spat some pinkish color saliva towards the ground. "Biiit more than I intended for." The assorted individuals in the Boxing Club watched in awe, as the screaming in agony appeared to have come to a pin-drop silence once more. The Shadow King did not appear to slaughter Johnny. He was right there, he had Johnny exactly where he wanted. But against all logic, the Shadow King did not murder the man. Once more, the sounds of discussion around the Shadow King commenced.

"D-did the Captain tame the Shadow King?"
"Holy crap! The Captain tamed the Shadow King!"
"What if he is only doing this to draw us into a more comfortable state so he can enjoy our tears more?!"
"I have seen the blessing of Amaterasu this day."
"...By Jove! Did Amaterasu actually hear our plea for survival!?"

As the ramblings of the superstitious lot were spoken once more, Kurosawa Misaki gave a relieved exhale. She glanced towards Kingsley and spoke up, "Whew. That could've been far worse. Thank you for the help."

I hadn't really considered what would happen if Kingsley ate a human, but theoretically, he would gain their qualities and/or abilities for a day

Bolded the part you probably missed in the initial answer.
"Didcha hear that Horace went missing after having class with the Shadow King?"
"OH SWEET JESUS! The Shadow King's bloodlust has no mercy! He must've grinded his bones into a seasoning, while boiling chunks of his flesh in a cauldron full of his own blood in a cauldron made by Satan himself!"

Probably something like that, I'd imagine.
The Boxing Club

"WE HAVE AWOKEN HIM FROM HIS DARK SLUMBER! The Shadow King will show no mercy to us!"
"THE END OF ALL LIFE IS UPON US! ...Or at least the school!"
"Someone who against all odds manages to survive this apocalyptic event, tell Mister Mittens to not open that book! Trust me, he'll know!"
"Amaterasu protect us!"

Among other cries were heard. Even in the Boxing Club, there were many members who feared the rumors of the 'Shadow King'. Some of them swore that this figure was a myth, a legend told to keep people in line. Of course, now they knew, the Shadow King was in fact an individual that existed. They did not know what horrible darkness stitched this abomination to life, but somehow the cook was alive and scary to others than they initially thought he was.

The Captain quickly turned around as she noticed the giant dressed in the garments of chef. This, was the form of the Shadow King. With hardly a word she let go of the blue boy, who still needed more help in freeing whatever was clogging his airway. Turning around she removed the rose from her teeth and gestured to him. "You know? HURRY AND GO DO IT!"

Upon her declaration, the crowd was warped in various thoughts on the matter. Some grew silent, wondering if the Captain was sacrificing one of her own to save the rest of them. Others pondered if this was the Prophecy of the one who brought the light of binding upon the Shadow King. Others, were still screaming out in horror due to the sudden realization that the man was still there.
"The Fifth Seal is going to be broken!"

"STOP SCREAMING OF DOOMSDAY!" Misaki yelled out. If there was one thing she didn't need right now, besides one of her own choking to death, it was them panicking of doomsday due to some guy who wanted to help out.
The Boxing Club

Kurosawa Misaki had just procured some more muscle to help set up the stage for Boxermania. And besides muscle, this Luchador had a spectacular form of showmanship already trained. This boy would do well in a No-DQ match, and help keep the crowd entertained. As her thoughts were focused on Boxermania she noticed that Alphonse was trying to get her attention.

"Oh yeah, I saw." She said turning towards Alphonse, "You gave the crowd quite the performance extravaganza. You'll should be fine in a No Disqualifications Match." Alphonse did garner quite the reception from the crowd. In that match, despite the illegal move, he showed that he had the potential to become a champion. That boy could become a true boxer one day, and Misaki knew that in time he eventually would.

The cheerleader listened to the roars of the crowd, knowing that they were inspired. The members of the audience were hyped, and it appeared the luchador did awake the FIERY PASSION held within them. Misaki peered around, gauging the sheer hype gathered from this match. Oh the luchador did earn a spot in battle in Boxermania. Though despite the wonder and the hype filling the air, there was something wrong. In the midst of the awe-struck crowd, there was a nasty situation at hand. One of her peers was turning into a sickly hue of blue.

And that poor fellow wasn't Iko 'Bane of the Bakery' Gorou, who happened to be accidentally activating his power to become the tastiest of blueberry muffins! No, the poor fellow was Johnny Pots. And that scene of color changing was certainly not natural for the boy. Misaki focused on the boy, and immediately dropped her pom poms. "OH no! He's CHOKING!"

Kurosawa slammed down her left hand on one of Rudioso's shoulders, and used the rose she took to point at the blue boy. "Wanna show your strength to be used at my command? HE..." The cheerleader thrust the rose forward in the direction of the kid who needed help. "...NEEDS THE HEIMLICH MANEUVER. FOLLOW ME! I'll start it." And with that, Kurosawa Misaki departed from the luchador and ran off towards the boy.

Great, this was just spectacular. She had one of her own choking to death. Misaki was not going to let one of her own get taken out like this. The crowd continued to roar on, still not noticing that one of the others was suffering so. Misaki quickly yelled out, "HEY JOHNNY BOY IS CHOKING! GIVE SOME SPACE!" And, it appeared that those near him finally noticed. They began to move aside, as Misaki plucked the rose betwixt her teeth so she could have her hands free. Misaki stood behind Johnny and quickly wrapped her hands around the boy's stomach, keeping a tight grip on him.

And so now that she had the position, she began pulling quickly and forcefully on the kid to perform the Heimlich Technique.
The Boxing Ring

Well these turn of events were certainly unexpected. Really it wasn't too unexpected, considering the fact Boxermania was coming up. However the luchador had gone beyond the expected flash and flair of the ring. His passion gleamed like the Barcelona shores, and was fueled by the FIERY PASSION which was carefully molded from the finest potential, just like his physique. This man had attracted the attention of the crowd with his booming voice, and a natural charm. And he even was able to do impressive sleights of hands!

Kurosawa Misaki just watched on in awe, as her mouth was left agape. She had seen such stellar performances before, but the quick and on the spot dialogue was something else. Perhaps it was the masked guise, which managed to enshroud such passion. She was enthralled by the speech, that she hardly noticed how swift the man was. Nor did she notice the fact that Kingsley had entered the club's room.

The Masked Man knelt down in front of her. Once again the man spoke of conditions that he wished for his services in helping Boxermania. And beyond that, he spoke of her own passion and fighting prowess! Such words, delivered in such an emboldened and passionate manner, they caused the Captain's cheeks to flush pink. The Captain even felt a quiver in her legs, as they shook ever so slightly.

No. She couldn't show that! Quickly Misaki shook her head as she glanced towards at El Rudioso. "I-" She stammered, trying to regain a sense of composure from the startling improved performance. This man, he was definitely going to have a part in Boxermania.

"Right!" Kurosawa Misaki took in a quick breath and gave a slight smile. "I will find a grappler for you to face...Probably at Boxermania itself." She spoke, her smile growing. Oh, if he could deliver in the ring as if he did now, Rudioso would be a fantastic asset at the event. "As for the second requirement..." Kurosawa Misaki, lowered her pom poms and rested them upon her hips. "Let's see how Boxermania goes first and how well you set up, it is an important event. Then we can discuss further details on the date."

Captain Kurosawa watched the match go on, examining the performance as the fight progressed. It was something. Al was able, against all odds, to maintain the favor of the crowd. Well this certainly showed off the prowess of the Bayou Baron in being skilled as a Heel. He was even able to help Al come out looking like the face. Misaki grinned, amused at the results garnered from the crowd.

"Woo!" Misaki flailed around her pom poms. She glanced around the crowd as she yelled out,"Keep up the good work! Use the break to practice some dialogue, keep practicing your delivery of strikes!" Misaki paused for a moment as she swore something wafted into the Boxing Club. Some delicious smell managed to enter the room. Perhaps someone was messing with the ovens in the Home Ec room?

Misaki moved the thought back in her mind. Right now, she had to worry about booking the matches and getting everything prepared so that it would be a fantastic show. "Any interested volunteers just say the word, cause we got plenty of stuff to do setting up!"
It was time for the first match. Alphonse was going to brawl against the Bayou Baron. The crowd was getting hyped, as was par for the course for whenever Roy Bivvens gave the opening announcements. The Captain made a mental note to speak to Roy and get a few of the boys. After all, there were other preparations that needed to be done. Mickey thought about the matter, and knew what was needed. But for now what he needed to do was prepare to watch the fight.

However, Kurosawa knew that the fight would not be merely watched. No, these two spirited contestants would deliver as much passion as possible in this match. The flurry of fists would be grand, and as the Captain, Kurosawa needed to keep things as grand as possible. And what that entailed for this match was simple.

Misaki needed to cheer on the sidelines, for the contestant that showed true skill. Or perhaps she'd cheer for whoever was the underdog at the moment. Whoever she would cheer for, she needed to make sure to keep the hype real. And so, Misaki grabbed her pom poms and headed into the crowd.

With an eager grin she moved her pom poms from side to side as she gazed upon the ring. "Woo! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" Once the match actually traded a few blows she could do the actual cheers. There was one thing she knew for sure, this match was going to be an entertaining show of individuals with their fiery passions on the line.
So where would the zombie fighting shenanigans take place?
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