Avatar of Endrance
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Endrance
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 550 (0.15 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Endrance 10 yrs ago


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Boun Giorno~
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Can there be another season of jojo's bizarre adventure already?!?!
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6 yrs ago
back from da bahamas ^_^
6 yrs ago
I graduate today! Forensic biochemistry. Finally...


Hello, I'm Endrance and I'm probably afk if you see me online.

Hopefully I see you around in a RP?

Most Recent Posts

i want a post up by sunday 23:00 est. If your character is a first year, do an introductory post. If you're a villain and need some interaction, i can make up an npc for you, otherwise continue what you're doing by coming up with a post by the deadline. I'm continuing the main storyline after that.
Rain continued to pour down as and lightning struck haphazardly in the stadium. Kaito was completely shocked as he watched the scene playing in Rikus mind. As Riku's greatest fear came into fruition, the stadium attendees and participants had trouble with what was going on as well. In dealing with the commotion of the ground zero, weather now became an added hassle. The spectator area had a mechanic wing now cover the top, and people sitting in the first row moved up.

Down on the field, Defensive quirks were used as much as possible to help with the ordeal. Maro was unsure of what was going on but was too busy bulling Libra to pay attention. As one of his clones went to grab libras hand in efforts to waste more time, Lightning struck the both of them. the clone poofed away but Libra fell to the floor, electrocuted and unconscious.

"You okay?", the other clone tried to shake Libra. There was clearly something wrong with this situation. Sending out another clone and leaving one to help Libra to a recovery center, Maro was in search of Kaito. Things had gone to far...

"Why did you do this, Riku? Why did you kill me?" Keito watched this scene replay over and over. Normally, the fears he would inspire were juvenile...Spiders, Clowns, Taxes...but this time he had brought up something too dark, and too real and somehow it left him feeling more interested that normal. Keito wanted to walk over to him and say something. He saw, in a different part of rikus mind, a manifestation of rikus younger self crying, sitting alone in the dark.

"Why are you crying?", He was wailing, tears like a faucet and nose running.


Quickly, Maro sent out one of his clones to find Keito. He was standing dazed and out of it, a sign that he was currently visiting someone elses mind.

"Kaito. Kaito. KAITO."Maro hit him with a hard slap. "Stop!"

Kaito turned his head angrily to see that Maro looked visibly upset. His clothes was drenched, his hair was matted, and the placed looked even more decimated with debris than before. Quickly he released his quirk, as him and Maro got out of that area. While the "fake bad guys" were about to make themselves known.
Working on a sheet now. Going back and forth with ideas ranging from a human turning into a kaiju and a human just turning into something like a demonized 15 ft tall sasquatch type creature.

no problemooo
With the conclusion of the provisional exams, one would say these were some of the most eventful times for the new/and old students. Class rosters were sent to each student through various methods to ensure they attended the correct class at the correct time. Some students were thrilled at being accept. Others who did not perform as well, not so much. Thanks to Cloud’s coding ability, the younger looking Voodoo under the new Alias of Doll, was accepted unsurprisingly as a transfer student, and so was Xen.

“Without saying this should be a easy for you. As always if things get out of hand don't worry...I won't be far behind. And I feel like I have to say it…. “No unwarranted fights!! I can't have you---”

Annoyed by Xen’s poking fun at her, Voodoo kicks Xen in the kneecap and with a cold stare she whispers.
“Not another word. I’ve got this. You just sit tight and make sure you don’t give me another reason to skin you alive.”

Xen inhales to say something but Voodoo puts her finger on his lips and gives a devilish stare only rivaling his.


The building seemed a lot more marvelous to Yin now that it was a given she got to attend the school. Her mother wept tears of joy at the same time as going off on her for her room still being a complete and utter mess. Yin would’ve rifted it elsewhere but, she knew she might have to save her teleportation usage for the first day anyways. She smiled brightly as she opened the gigantic doors, walked slowly into the hallway savoring every minute.

As she walked into the classroom she saw less familiar faces than before. A girl with white hair gave her the coldest stare she’d ever seen before turning back to another guy. Funny… She didn’t remember seeing either of them before. She took a seat to towards the left and found herself sighing out loud.

“We too boring for you, princess?”Said the white haired girl with the cold stare. She pulled out a knife and started twirling it, weaving it in between her fingertips.

“Pretty sure you’re not allowed to have weapons here…”She stopped, eyebrows furrowed. This was a hero school. Of course they could… and why was she feeling threatened by a follow classmate anyway.
The girl chuckled darkly, “I bet you’re real fun at parties, kid.” Then she turned back to the guy she was talking to.

Kinda odd that the girl was calling her a kid when they were both kids... Yin rolled her eyes, and turned her attention outside. Hopefully Alexa, Albion or...even that weird kid Herito had made it in...and would show up soon.

The class had all decided to settle in and the two new students were brought to the front. “Class we have new students today, two transfers from America. Their names are Doll and Demu. It will be your jobs to make sure they are caught up on all lessons over the weekend. Do I make myself clear?”
“You got it I call dibs on Doll!” shouts Herito. Demu looks at Doll and gives her the look to proceed with the operation.

[Flashback -- Before entering the school]
“Its important that you learn how to mask your killing intent Voodoo. The students arent really my concern but I’m pretty sure the heroes are keen on sensing auras. We’ll blow our cover before we even start.” Xen instructs.

“Yeah sure. So this is new...How do I go about that?” Voodoo gives Xen a curious look. “You just have to find what makes you happy outside of killing.” says Xen. Voodoo’s face immediately turns red as she tries to hide it. “While I was away you wouldnt believe what I found. It’s this plant that you can smoke that makes everything hilarious you HAVE to try it sometime.” Xen says excitedly. “What makes you happy?”

“Ummmm this is really embarrassing….”

“Oh it cant be THAT bad can it? Even the mighty Voodoo needs to smile every now and then.”

“FLOWERS OKAY??!!!” She yells at Xen immediately covers her mouth.

“Ahhh I see...I think I have the trick.” Xen waves his hand and red rose appears in his palm. He then puts the rose in Voodoo’s hair. This will help.

[End of flashback]
The two new students take their seats on opposite ends of the class, Doll next to Herito and Demu next to Yin.

“Hey doll you’re cuter up close would ya mind helping me with my experiments sometime I could use an extra hand and I promise you I won’t disappoint.” Herito whispered in Doll’s ear with a creepy smile.

Gang Orca cut off the rest of the conversation in favor of asking everyone to introduce themselves. Doll looked visibly annoyed by this childish pursuit, but nevertheless went up when it was her turn. “I’m Doll. I like…”she breathed out because she was getting agitated. “Flowers…”She rolled her eyes and went to her desk.

“Well...that was short…you didn’t even explain your quirk...”Gang Orca said. “Herito, you’re up.”

Jumping up and posing sexy while an evil smile Herito shouts “ greetings my name is Herito Tokai, and I love researching quirks my goal is to improve and evolve quirks and their potential. I hope u all will be willing participants in my experiments and research when asked cuz we can do it the easy way or the hard way the choice is yours but it’s always a yes in the end and yes teacher I mean you too. I almost forgot got my quirk is matter manipulation, I would go into detail but we would be here all day so thank you and with that I’ll head back to my seat and yin please don’t forget about our deal.”

“I’m Demu. I’m from America and oh yeah my quirk well… how can I put this?...ahh. My quirk is sentient. It has a mind of its own but we work together every now and then. I’m not sure exactly what it is yet because I havent had to fight anyone. BUT! It does talk to me.” Demu blabbers and the next student goes.

Yin coughs, and goes to the front of the room. “Er. I’m Yin. Nice to meet you all. I look forward to us becoming friends,” She looked directly at Doll as she said it but she was too busy whispering and giggling with Herito, which, in turn made her more self conscious. “Er… I can open portals to anywhere… kinda cool if you like to travel...so yeah. Thanks” She bowed and took her seat.

After the rest of the introductions were made, Gang Orca claps his flippers. “So, on our first day, I want to see each of your quirks in action, and do a P.E. test of sorts. Let’s all go to the courtyard.
As the group gathered Gang Orca explained what he’d be having them do. “I wanna see the limits of your quirks, and what you all can do so i am better prepared to teach you. Lets test your ability to jump, run, throw and evade. I’ve designed a basic fitness test, better equipped to gaging quirks. The ball you’ll throw has remote tracing capabilities, we’ll test your ability to run a mile, how far you can jump and then my personal favorite, the debris cannon for evasion. Almost all the children moaned besides Demu, whose eye sparkled with a murderous intent. Gang Orca decided he’d keep his eye on this one. He also noticed Herito walking away from the group with Doll emitting a dark aura around him. With a deep sigh Gang Orca thought to himself “ Man I guess this years freshman’s are gonna be a handful.”

“Okay, now begin!”

[Second Year Class Room]

Meanwhile, the start to the semester of second years commenced under the tutelage of Endeavor. He walked with an haughty air about him, as if your question was probably stupid so don’t ask it. Sitting at the forefront of the class coincidentally were Riku, Andrew, and Aneko. In Endeavors eyes, these were the three set to be the top of the class, from their files anyway, The Big three.

“We’re taking over the training grounds today. I wanna see who is worth teaching. Everybody else can leave my class now.” Any other school would’ve found his teaching style more like hazing. Hopefully this class could handle it because it was the second years… versus Endeavor.
i can try though. as long as you try mine too lol
I fell off ben 10 after the first season :x
Alright guys, i've decided there will only be one class for the new students as of right now. Everyone will be shuttled into class A. This roleplay is still opened for anyone to join and if we get more members that are interested in joining the roleplay as first years, we'll just start separating the classes.
As if in a blur, one younger looking hero had entered the premises and drawn one of the bear men away from her. She was thankful for that but she kept her eyes focused on the suspect. She didn't want to have to shoot but she would if she needed to. The Vigilante had his hands up, though. That was probably the neutral party then. Still, a wild card.

This suspect was a cunning one, she would give him that. He already knew her men would be trying to make their way up through the vents. Hearing but a slight vibration, one of the bears emptied a clip into the first tile next to the vent. She could hear a thud and then another, as one of her responding officers fell head first through the vent. It was a leg wound and he was down for the count in the middle. She lowered her gun and ran to the officer out of duty but it was at that precise moment, a hostage was taken by the suspect and the violent one of the bears turned their attention at the Vigilante with a roar. It fired a shot at him, and tried to rush him.

[Cue Cool Battle Scene between the Vigilante and the Bear]

Eyes wild, Chief began searching for ways to get them out of this situation. Officer Langdon had already been helping lead civilians into the safe room, and there was a bear that had taken herself hostage in this situation. The officer moaned, "mmm...sorry..."A raspy wounded voice said. She shook her head and told him to relax.

Two shots rang off from the distance that had missed one of the bears by an inch. The snipers were out now, and the bear seemed more frazzled than anything. Quickly manuevering herself behind the bear she said "DROP YOUR WEAPON" She said but in a big poof, the bear reverted back into a toy. This was why she didn't see these things pop up on the map as enemies when she tried to use her quirk earlier. She picked it up and squeezed it, using some of her own quirk. She now gathered that this thing would take some time to come back to life. For now, she had to worry about that hostage he took. This quirk seemed too deadly on her own so she knew that she'd have to let this one go to the pros or try to talk him down... After she helped her officer. She radio'd the snipers to stand down because of the messy situation that had taken place.

Langdon was still in the room they'd entered from defending the civilians and making sure they all stayed put, but she needed him to help carry the wounded officer out. She attempted to call for backup on her radio, but stopped after making intial contact with HQ. The two baddies she saw on the map... they decided to make their debut.
"scuse' me" "Pardon me" said the young Dave Henderson as he navigated his way through the mid day crowds in his school uniform. "Fuck me this is absurd, god I miss the good ol US. A helluva lot less crowded" he mumbled under his breath as he looked ahead and saw nothing but a writing mass of business suits and briefcases. "Screw it i'll take a shortcut" he said as he slipped into an alleyway between two office buildings.
*one hour later*
Dave Henderson was used to the organised and straight streets and sidewalks, not the winding and twisting alleyways. Upon coming along what felt like the 20th dead end he yelled in exasperation "FUCK THESE FUCKING ALLEYS, MIGHT AS WELL HAVE STAYED WITH THE GODDAMN CROWD"
"Well look what we have here" said an undeniably sketchy voice from behind
"looks like lil ol lightbulb here got himself lost" replied another
Upon hearing these voices he froze with fear, slowly turning around he saw three men, all brandishing a knife.
Henderson could not do anything but watch with fear as they slowly advanced. "Just give us your wallet and bags and we probably wont hurt ya, but only if you do it without making a fuss." said the man with a ragged and filthy grey beard at the front.
"Cmon, we dont want any trouble now"
Henderson was shaking, yet a small part of him remained calmed and started to collect the photons hitting his body
"What the...?" One of the men uttered as they saw a black spot appear where their victim had stood.
"Uh boss? i-I think we should go" stuttered out the man in the rear as he started to slowly back away.
"Cmon you bunch of pansies, for all you know this could be his entire fucking quirk, making himself look black or some shit." said the grey haired leader as he advanced on him while raising the knife.
Suddenly Henderson let out all of the photon he gathered in a wave at the men. A blinding white light flashed over them.
They all clutched their eyes, now permanently blinded as Henderson panicked, charged at them while making a wall-like appendage of what appeared to be light that expanded to encompass the width of the alley. The men still desperately wiping at their eyes had no warning other than the yell let out by Henderson as the wall barreled into them, ramming them into the wall of the alley.
"Hahh,hahh, well god damn." Henderson said in between labored breaths. "Here I was thinking my quirk was bad in fights... hopefully they didn't die, I would rather not have to deal with that"

can you post this in the IC tab please
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