Avatar of Entropsy
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    1. Entropsy 10 yrs ago


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Heya, I'm entrops and I'm bad with commitment.

I'm an 18 y/o from Pennsylvania, USA -- so EST (-5:00) -- and I like the X-Men, doodling, and game soundtracks. if my replies are too slow/I'm gone for too long, or you just wanna chat, my skype is apocalick.

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Thinner bones, better joints & landing? It's objectively easier to cripple a house-cat than a human yet we still have this video of a cat jumping off a telephone pole. If he strikes you & co-gm as too improbable or OP, I can just make a zarat or something. I honestly just wanna have fun, not worry about the particulars of a fictional species. No offense meant.

Alright, I did some edits! Took away the strength and focused on the agility and stealth, set their durability very low, however. How does it look?

Alright then, can do! I suppose I was thinking more of a rogue type when I created them and 'not built for combat' was a poor choice. It more along the lines of a light-armor, fast-attacks, and those kind usually are easier to cripple RPG-wise. (To be perfectly honest I was thinking khajiit).

Another weakness I didn't mention was that Kite himself is still a child (22 compared to a 300 year life span) and while stronger and smarter than a human child in certain ways, he's weak compared to an adult of his race and the other characters, assuming that they're all older than him from here on out

In any case, I'll be on later tonight to finish them. Do you have any ideas as to how I can nerf these guys, what I should modify them to? I'm drawing blanks here.

◆ sandy fur, sable hair / markings◆
◆ Kite ◆ male ◆ 22 ⦃juvinile⦄ ◆

Faction: Talon Merc.
Job: specializes as a spy or body-guard
Abilities --
-- DHAKANI : Enhanced agility (compared to a terran), adaptable senses, stealth.
-- TECH. : Cloaking device (invisibility).
Skills: Stalking, pick-pocketing, haggling. Can handle rudimentary weapons and firearms but doesn't claim to be an expert. Rapid language acquisition and four-dimensional cognition (inborn, neither fully developed).
Backstory: TBR --
Personality: TBR --
Name: Clement “Clem” Blackwell
Age: 14

Bio: Clem was a runaway before he was at that orphanage, and he’s always been a bit skittish and socially awkward. Being a freshman in highschool hasn't helped this. Worse, it seems that he’s never quite able to pull the trigger, regardless of how dangerous the monster is.

Weapons: Short combat staff, utility knife, and this, when he's desperate.
Slayer Weapon: Compound Bow and arrows.

Other: Diagnosed with GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder). Thinks fast but seems to have a knack for making poor decisions.
Right, I understand. I might just take Nightcrawler or Scarlet Witch instead.

Edit: oh also, is this based around mainstream marvel or cinematic?
Villains acceptable? I'm interested.
Why not just a sandbox? Unless there's some reason they'd all be drawn to each other.

Last survivors of an enemy attack?
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