Avatar of Eodwyn Aether
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    1. Eodwyn Aether 9 yrs ago
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4 yrs ago
Current My body was not ready......
6 yrs ago
OKAY so like remember how I said I'd be back in like full swing? yeah didn't work out really as you can tell but hey I'm here know and my body is ready.
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I should also get a post up today, fully rested and no longer sick so yay.
Still here but I have been very sick the past few days so I have been resting...
I too will get a post up tonite hopefully
Laine laid in a tent, lost in his own thoughts. Being a blacksmith, Laine was never short of work so being left alone with his mind was something he had come to cherish, yet hate. For whilst it gave him some comfort, the memories of his darkest times always kept creeping back to haunt his mind time and time again.

Tonight was no different. Thoughts of all the carnage and death he had witnessed slowly started flooding his thoughts as he tried to sleep. Unfortunately, sleep did not come. With a muttered curse Laine slowly got up and walked out of the tent. As he did he was met with the warmth of a fire, and a chorus of hearty laughs.

“O great one, how you humble us with your presence. Why have you awoken from your slumber? We did not awaken thee from thy ever so needed beauty sleep did we?” one of the men chuckled. “No my oh so incompetent subject, I have awoken to bestow a gift upon thee, cherish it for only you shall receive it for you are indeed, very special. Now excuse me for I require a walk among the greenery.” Laine grinned slyly as he slowly stuck his middle finger up at the man, which then prompted yet another chorus of laughter.

As Laine walked he forced his mind to reflect on the past few days, which were the busiest. Laine personally had not seen as much battle as the others did, but most of his day was spent tempering blades, maintaining weapons and armor and making a steady supply of arrowheads. By the time nightfall arrived, Laine practically fell unconscious, accepting the sweet embrace of sleep and rest until the morning dawned yet again and his duty to the order beckoned once more. If he was being honest with himself, this expedition was one of the more tougher ones for him.

However he refused to show any form of weakness or tiredness, especially during an expedition as huge as this one. "You got this Eldor, Just a few more days then we would have taken that blasted fortress from them. And besides, you probably wont see much battle until the final showdown at least seeing as though you'll be helping around the forge and all that. Its practically smooth sailing from here on." Laine thought as he gave a slight smile at the night sky before walking back towards the camp.

A few hours had passed and now Laine sat at the campfire, as most of the others talked amongst themselves. The man that had teased him earlier took a seat next to him as he stared into the flames. “So got any stories worth mentioning yer highness?” The man snorted as he Laine a hard smack on the back. “Well there are a few, there was this one time wher…” Laine replied before being cut off by the messenger informing him that General Kaldor wishes for him to go to the command tent.

“Ah, stories for another time then friend?” The man said as Laine gave a quick smile and nod before walking off towards the command tent…

After the briefing , Laine stood in silence. Having rarely taken any delight in the act of killing, Laine was shocked and perplexed at the way he was feeling. He felt...excited. His body started pulsing with adrenaline as though his body was telling him this was what it wanted to do ever since they started off on their journey. “So much for smooth bloody sailing eh Eldor?.” Laine murmured with a smile before realizing he did so abit too loudly.

“U-uh I- mean if what they say is correct, the archers should be nothing more than a small nuisance at best, what worries me is the shaman. I really doubt he will be up there alone with a bunch of measly archers. Assassinating the bloody sod might prove difficult. Do we have any info on the Shaman himself? Do we know of any guard detail he might have with him? if so how many of them are there and so on and so forth anything that might give us an edge on the bastard?” Laine said with a weird cough as he awaited an answer.
I'm working on a post that should be the posted soon...

I...dont really know aboat pokemon so yeah.... I guess my character would have a (Insert pokemon name here) cause (Insert reason here).
Im working on an app so yeah....
Ooh ooh Im interested...
As Liam entered through the portal he felt…weird. In an instant he went from standing on solid ground to feeling like he was mid air before finally finding himself in a completely different area.

Vincent bowed his head towards Liam respectfully. "Well done."

“Right back at ya buddy. Go team and all right?” Liam said as he started catching his breath and calming himself down. Liam suddenly saw a flash of red as he gave a slight grunt. He clutched his stomach as he was met with a horrible sight. Blood was now dripping profusely from his wound as he slowly bled out. His vision began to blur and his head spun like a top as he tried to find a place to sit.

Suddenly everything went black. Liam felt like he was still standing but couldn’t see. It was then that he felt the soft touch and an even softer voice. A voice he had heard all too often and was now accustomed to.

Liam stepped onto the sigil, and the queen stopped short before touching him. "Oh, gods. You need medical attention." She looked up to her robot escorts and motioned in the air; a tall, red-plated robot jogged forward. The queen smiled warmly and touched Liam's face. "You'll be all right. We're safe here."

Liam’s vision returned to him as he stared at the queen, mouth agape. There standing before him was the actual queen of Periphery. And to top it all off she was touching him. Liam tried to move backwards away from the queen…but couldn’t. His whole body was not responding to him at all. As the queen walked away from him, Liam continued to stand in that position as his body slowly came back under his control. With what little movement he had, Liam slowly turned to Vincent, mouth still agape as one trembling finger pointed at the queen. He was about to say something before the medical robots rushed him and began tending to his wounds.

As the conversation between the group and queen carried on, Liam tuned out everything around him, deciding to recount the events of the past day. So what has happened so far? Well let see I narrowly evaded lightning that turned people to stone. I came into contact with a demon rabbit child thing that probably has rabbies and…other things. oh and said rabbit child controlled an army of Grit who were pretty adamant on killing us and eating our flesh. Then said Grit decided that candy tastes way better than meat and decided to fight for the candy instead. Then a robot savior swooped in with that laser pistol and got us here, where the queen...” Liam thought before his ears picked up a part of the conversation.

"I was under the impression there were more of you."

"There were. We lost track of them."

The realization that many of the group was not present hit Liam hard. With everything that had happened at this point he had forgotten about the rest of the group. In a rage Liam hit himself on the head a couple of times before sinking his head into his hands. “You fool Carter, you fool.” He mumbled. As much as Liam wanted to put the blame on himself for the others not keeping up with him, he knew that those who fell behind knew the risks before going ahead with the plan. “If you’re up there, keep them safe will you?” He mumbled as he looked towards the sky. Yet again his focus shifted from his thoughts to the conversation between the group and the queen.

"But all is not lost. The stone people can be returned to their former selves. We only need to draw a rune on the statues and place a soul stone on the rune, and the person will breathe again. It is a simple rune, I will teach it to you, if you don't know it.

Almost instantly Liam sprang up upon hearing those words from the queen, pushing away the medical robots, who were just about done with his wounds anyways. “W-wait. Your saying that we can bring those people who turned back to normal?” He said, a weak smile appearing on his face. “T-that means we can save Da-“ Liam immediately stopped himself as his smiled vanished and he realised just how stupid his idea was. Not only would the Grit be swarming the top of the wall, Liam would potentially cause the loss of an innocent life just so he could save someone he had considered a very good boss and friend. “On second thought, forget I said that…er your majesty.” Liam said as he stepped back and let Vincent finished before continuing.

“I have to agree with Vincent somewhat, As much as I want to help you and believe me I do, I worry for my family, and unfortunately in this case family comes first. “ Liam said, all the while averting the gaze of her majesty. “However I think its very clear that all our families live on very different sides of the city. So unless you have a portal that can get us to our houses very quickly we are going to be spending a lot of time away and worst of all, not in a group. But whatever you guys decide, I’m with you one hundred percent.” He said with a smile as he decided to look around.

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