Avatar of Fairy Tale Dreamer


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3 yrs ago
Current I hate working during the Holidays and Big Event runs me ragged
5 yrs ago
Hey all Hurricane Dorian has passed and I am back from evacuation let’s have some fun now.
5 yrs ago
Hey all Hurricane Dorian has passed and I am back from evacuation let’s have some fun now.
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5 yrs ago
Hi everyone just to let you all know Inlive in Florida now and by the looks of it wen have a hurricane heading our way so if I stop coming on it’s due to lost of power or internet or both
5 yrs ago
I need new rp ideas anyone got some good ideas out there maybe even a Harry Potter one.......


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"She is just scared and this normal for her to sht people out she...she did it to me for years." Anna said to her.

Kai was glad to see her asleep still and palced another blanket over her since Luna was not there and gave Luna's blanket to Audaerin.
yeah and now I am more busy due to my new job s WLL post as much as I can so sorry
Avery was glad that they got in the car fast and drove off without being detected by the media. She let out a small sigh of relief and just wanted to relax and forget about what ad happened to her and the press hunting her and messing with her just for a scoop. Avery sat in the back seat wth her head abck trying to take in the calm and hoped it would stay calm For a long time and that it would all blow over soon for her.

All she wanted was a peacful life and wnated things to return to somewhat kind of normal for her. She then listened to Roland and what Mr. Noonan said and just nodded at him as she went quiet and just looked out the car window wondering what her next step was gong to be and where she was going next after all this soon dies down and when she turns 18 making her a leagal adult. SHe only sighed and wished her life had not come to this.

She just looked blank as she watched the trees and houses pass by as the drove to t the Noona's home. She knew it was not big enough and that Roland had the guest room and she did not want to kick him out of his room because of her. She looked tired and slowly closed her eyes and had fallen into a light sleep in the car as Mr. Noonan drive to his place.

It was the first time she had felt at peace for a long time and felt like she did not have to be so tensed or be always cautious for once in her life or have to sleep with one eye open.
Ok first so so so so so so so so so so so sorry been so bsy and other crap going on in my life and. rarely check my subs. am normally in my pms so I am so sorry for taking so long to post. am truly sorry
"Why not?" Anna asked Luna for she thought it would be better snide for her then outside.

Kai was busy keeping his twin in line and to keep Audaerin warm the best he could.
Avery felt bad for Roland and Mr. Noonan and his family for they have to deal with someone that was the biggest story of the year she guessed. She still did not understand how other stories like murder, kidnappings, even politics are not taking the news attention away all of a sudden. She guessed some of the reporters are local papers in hopes it will make the big news but still wanted to report it first.

She sighed a bit just wanting to be free finally from everything her past, the news, her father, her pain, and basically from everything in the world. She just hated it so much for she felt like that she was just forced into another cage after finally leaving the one that her father had her trapped in. Now News and reporters have forced her into another cage and it only made her wonder which cage will she be forced into next. Everything in the world now only scared her more and more everyday a world she once saw with wonder and joy now was all nothing but fear and darkness that she wanted to hide from.

Avery heard Roland say that their ride was there and she nodded at him and took his hand and left with him into Mr. Noonan's car so they could get out of there as fast as possible and hoped that the press would not appear all of a sudden and scared her even more. "Hey Roland you said you know how the press is, it sounds like you know from experience?" She asked him while she looked at him letting Mr. Noonan drive and get them out of there away from the hospital.
bump bump bump
Avery looked at Roland as what he said about him not letting anyone near her especially the press for she was wondering why the press was still on her for their had to be more stuff out there that were more important but her and what happened.

The nurse lead them to the back with a security guard to make sure no one tires anyhting. Avery held Roland's hands as they walked for it made her feel more safe as they walked and she did not care if she was holding his hand or what people thought she just wanted to feel safe.

At the front an officer helped Mr. Noonan get to his car so that way he can drive. "Might want to take the long way to the back sir that wya they think you are driving off and won't follow you." The officer said and gave him directions to get to the back a different way and hope that helps out for him.

The nurse gt the two in the back and the officer waited on the other side of the door to wait for Mr. Noonan to come around then he will let the two out and get in the car once he arrives. The nurse got them something to drink and Avery just waiting still a tad scared. "I just wish the press leave me alone there has to be other stuff going on more important then what is going on with me and my father." She said to Roland all of a sudden scared out of her mind and just wanted to be normal.
Avery looked at mr. Noonan after he basically cut off Roland as he was agreeing with her about the outfit being a good disguise to get out of the hospital and saw the outfit that he got for her. "Ok um can someone close the curtains here so I can get changed?" She asked for it felt weird if they can see her get change.

Once someone got the curtain closed for her she slowly got out of the bed and it hurt to move at how stiff she was but thank to the moving around. She got into the doctors scrubs that was given to her and opened the curtains looking at the two.

"Ok I am good now." She siad and a nurse came in and gave her some old crocs she did not need so Avery can walk out without hurting her feet. Avery thanked the nurse and put them on.

"Alright her paperwork is all set and ready to do and I will lead you guys out the bad so sr you can go to your car and drive arond back and I will take the kids to the back exit and have security to keep them safe." The nurse said to Mr. Noonan so he can rest assure that she will take care of them. Avery though mainly looked scared for she did not want the press to stop and and surround er with flashes and questions it only terrified her by a lot.

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