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Hey all Hurricane Dorian has passed and I am back from evacuation let’s have some fun now.
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Hi everyone just to let you all know Inlive in Florida now and by the looks of it wen have a hurricane heading our way so if I stop coming on it’s due to lost of power or internet or both
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lol i thought youbwould
Raven was able to get a glass to quench her thirst even though she did not break a sweat fighting she was a tad thirsty from the fight. “Hmm those boys were no challenge at all true ametures.” She said to herself with a smirk on her face for she liked to be challenged a bit when she fights. The only person that was capable of challenging her was her master that trained her in the ways of the assasin realm after she gave him a run for his money a long time ago.

She still remembered that day when she meet him for she though he was going to kill her at first. Raven had arrived to the village after loosing everything, her parents, her home, and possessions. No one would help her many turned in disgust of her thinking she was a bad omen or something so she started to restore to stealing money or food just to survive on the streets of the village. She was able to out ru the guards all the time but one day she stole from her a mysterious man and he was chasing her down. Raven had pulled every trick she knew to lose him but he warble to keep up with her until she had finally out smarted him. It was after she bought food for herself and the other orphans on the streets that she was finally caught by that man and she remembered how she flung her arms and legs at him trying to make him let go of her and also told him that she would stop stealing for her and the other children survive. It was that saying that made the assasin take her and the other children in making them his pupils and Raven was his top pupil.

The other children had left to go travel and look for work in different places while she stayed in the kingdom still striving for revenge. Her master had left for a long missions and now here she was an assasin who as now paid to kill the crowned prince. She had no desire to be queen she just wanted to do her job right and make sure she truly killed him and not leave any loose ends.

As she thought of her past she was brought back to reality when she heard the Prince talk to her and she smiled at him. “Please just call me Raven your highness.” She said to him and smiled when she had taken her hand for she has had that happen and knew they were not just tricking her. “And I would love to see you again but the next time we meet you are letting me choose the destination I will even provide the clothes for you.” She said to him for she had a plan to take him to the village and let him see first hand his people up close but it gave her an idea but she was keeping it to herself at the time.

Once she left the palace to return to tomorrow to meet up with Eliezer she has taken it the dress off and was back in her assasin gear and on along with her hood and had snuck into Mathazars room where he was pacing back and forth.
“Nervous dear prince.” She siad with a smirk on her face and Mathazar looked at her angry.

“Uhg those punny assasins ruined the plan Eliezer is suppose to be dead now.” He siad to her and she rolled her eyes at him.

“May I remind you while I was fighting you could of had him join the fight he would of been killed that way but you did stop him.” Raven points out at him with her arms crossed.

“Uhg how do you plan to fix this dear assasin.” He said knowing the walls can have ears but he made sure no guard comes near his room along with maids and he also knew his brother was getting ready for bed at the moment.

‘Relax dear Mathazar believe it or not I think those ametures gave me an opening for your brother wishes to see me again and I plan to gain more of his trust this way that way he will not suspect that I am trying to kill him.” She said to Mathazar. “SO the plan will take longer but it will get done and you will be taking over the role as crown prince which do not know why seems like a hard job I mean look at your brother he is more like a doll or puppet for the kingdom then a person.” She said to him as she sat in a near by chair.

“Hmpf to get officially seen its always Eliezer this Eliezer that and why cant I be more like him.” Mathazar said as he looked at her. “I am skilled in military, strategy, sword fighting and many other things and have more sassion for it then my brother to him its just an obligation to me its what I want more then anything.” He siad and Raven gave him a look of why has he not told his family this. “Do not give me that look I have tried talking to my parents but all they say is that the law states is the first born son takes the throne and all I am is a back up prince.” He said angry.

Raven just sighed and sat up. “ALright I get it just keep your end of the barging though I kill your brother you pay me but also allow me to take my revenge on your father.” Raven said and walked up to him. “And one more things.” She said sweetly at first before grabbing by his throat before he could even blink. “If I find out you plan on betraying me or once I kill him you pin everything on me know only will I kill you but I will let them know you are the master mind behind the whole hit on your brother.....do I make myself clear.” She said to him and he nodded then Raven removed her hand. “Good then I will see you later then have a good night Mathazar.” SHe said and laughed before she disappeared into the night.

The next say it was sunny and a beautiful day to be out along with the villagers doing their daily work and children were running around playing happily. Raven was in her village dress and she had some similar clothing to here which was a simple button up shirt, pants with suspenders and comfy shoes for walking. She even has a hat and fake glasses to help prevent anyone from recognizing him in the village. Once at the palace she waited for him rocking on her heels a bit as she waited for Eliezer while a servent siad had told him that she arrived and of course when he arrived to meet her she would just shove the clothes in his hands and coax him to go get change no questions asked.
Raven smiled once the dance was over but after hearing him she knew this was going to be tough for she has seen this before. Those with obligations and duty were the harder prey of an assasin job but she did love the challenge. She watched him walk away and she tapped her chin thinking a bit at what her next step will be to get him to focus on her and only her. But a she was thinking she saw the assasins that she posted early make their way to the prince.

“Oh so that was it wait till he got tired so he can not fight back armatures.” Raven said with a smirk and rushed over.

The first assasin rushe over with his blade. “Prince Eliezer we come for your head now die!” He yelled as he brought his sword down but did not see someone had stepped in between him and the prince. All that was heard was a loud clang sound and the assasin was shocked. The one blocking the blad was Raven using her metal cuff like braclets (they are like wonder women’s bracelet but they are all siliver). “My my my such naughty boys I saw you all a mile away.” She siad with a smirk as the assasin stepped back and the other two joined his sides and the crowds parted getting away from them. “Awww three agains one that does not seem fair.” Raven said as she giggled. “For you boys at least.” She said to them with a smirk.

The assasins growled not knowing that it wa Raven the number on assasin of the kingdom and all three attacked her. “Oh don’t blink boys.” She said as she blocked and dodged all their attacks with ease. “Hmm are you all new at these seems so ametureish in my opinions.” She said and soon got her openeding and attack. One she did a down kick that involved her getting close to the floor that allowed her to dodge one attack and then took the other one down but took his blade in the process and took the other one down but the last one grabbed her by the back of her hair and pulled her. “Now I got you brat.” He said for he knew women loved their hair but Raven just smirked and one swift moment her long hair was now shoulder length for she had cute it with the blade she had in her hand and kicked the the one of the man that was now holding the now cut hair. She caught the blade that she kicked and pointed it at his neck.

“I suggest you surrender right now for if I were you for I do not wish to end your life.” She said to him and soon all the assasins ended their fight and surrendered. Raven smirked and gave he blades she used to the guards as the other took them away.

Raven felt her now shoulder length hair for it felt weird. “Hmmm I guess this is not bad for me it will grow out again in time.” She said to herself as she then turned her attention to the prince. “Forgive me your highness I actually noticed them earlier but thought they would chicken out due to how many people were here but I was wrong.” She explained to him but looked at him. “also did not mean to startle you with my skills I was trained to fight when I was little so I could defend myself and others as I grew up.” Raven finished explaining before she turned to walk away.

“Oh by the way Raven is my name my mother gave it to me the day I was born when she saw a Raven flying one day carrying a moon flower in its claws I saw the frustration on your face when I said my name and I am from the village hope that helps get ride of your frustration.” Raven explained for she did see he got frustrated something that she knew the Prince was tring to not show.
But what she was doing was proving that she was right for what he needed in a queen for she was strong and will not let anyone stop her, she could see things that others can not, and she can read people with ease.

Raven let out another smile at the prince. “Now excused me I need to get something to drink that fight took a bit out of me.” She siad as she walked away but what she was doing was getting the prince interested in to want him to follow her.
I actually never seen it believe it or not i was looking up certain musics and stuff and found it by chance
Raven smiled but felt this dance was a bit to stiff and well over done she has done the same waltz over and over that she was bored of it. But she did what she thought was best but she did wish she could spice it up a tad. But she soon drew out of her daydream a bit when she head the prince speak but just did a simple smile t him. “My name I Raven your majesty Raven Omrea.” She said to him as they waltzed together the same old steps that were to predicatable.

“And where I come from would you just believe that I might of appred from the beauty of the night.” Raven said joking a bit trying to also not convey where she was from which was basically the slums in a sense. “Or we could of meet once upon a dream.” She said with a giggle to him as the dance soon came to an end when the music slowed to its end. But she was not ready to let him out of her sight just yet she wanted to are sure she makes the impression she needed.

When the music came to a stop Raven came up with a smile idea. “Your Majesty if you do not mind would you honor m with on more dance but no ordinary dance.” Raven explained and soon rushed over to the band playing and whispered in the conductors ear and the man smiled and nodded. Raven then returned to the prince and held her hand our to him with a smile as the music played. “Just follow my lead in the beginning and let the music flow through your body.” She said with a smile as the music started to play. (Click me and Watch! And the dance is similar in the clip note be sure to watch the whole clip)

Raven smiled as she took him and began to dance with him while some were a bit confused by the tune for it was not a score normally played. t was a score Raven learned about and she loved it for it was more fluid and made you feel more free. “Some your majesty do not be stiff and relax like I said do not just listen to the music feel the music in your body along with your movements as we dance.” Raven explained and smiled as they dance and once she knew that he was ready he handed th lead of to him so he could lead the dance.
A grand ball that as to extravagant for Raven’s taste for she liked minimal things in life for it made it easy to move around to place to place. “Uhg the noble life how pathetic have t keep up a certain way and keep a social status among others that believe that it matters.” She said and sighed for she lived in the world of so call commoners that worked their fingers to the bone to make life easier ad better for this rich people. Then ther were her kind the assasins that were paid a high price to kill those who are wanted dead. She has done it all for she has killed husbands, wives, daughters, son and more just for selfish gain and here she was again about to do the same thing for Prince Mathazar just so he could get the throne.

She listened to the eldest prince speech and could tell it was very rehearsed and he almost sound well like he as an unfeeling human being. “Hmm is it me or does that seem well as if he does not truly want to be here.” She said to herself a she tapped her chin thinking about this carefully. “Hmmm I do know Mathazar wants him dead immediately but I want to keep a low profile in this kingdom still so looks like I will deviate from the plan a bit.” She said with a small smirk for the best assasin knows to not rush into a kill but to take their time to gain their trust then strike when the time was right. Raven knew the prince would be attracted to her fast for she was different that was why most men fell for her fast, when she disguised herself in parties or noble affairs, for she was not like all the other noble ladies out in the world.

Raven then just went to an area that way she would not associate herself with the other noble ladies. She just waited patiently but did notice something and glared a bit. “Looks lie either Mathazar took extra precaution or someon else is after the princes head.” SHesaid to herself and decided to go with the second on and that made her mad but would deal with them later for she needed Prince Eliezer’s attention. But soon her luck finally came for the prince approached her and she did a small smile before curtsying to him and took his hand.

“I would love to your majesty.” She said to him and let him lead her to the dance floor and she could feel the glares on her but only shot them her icy glare that scared the other measles a bit for they could feel from the stare that she was not someone to mess with. When it was time to dance she returned her attention back to th prince with a smile and started her dance with him.

Mathazar Of Dainia

Age 24

He is the second prince to his older twin brother. The two had always been treated differently for he has been Called back up prince or how his brother was better then him. But what he has hated the most was watching his brother not look like he even wants to be the next king and that was what he desires. SO in front of his family he acts simple and sweet but also acts as if he is weak like many have played him out to be. But behind close doors and in front of his hired assasin was his true dark colors and he could not wait until his brother was finally out of the picture for good.

Raven (last name changed so much she doesn’t really have one and picks random one once in a while)

Age: 21

Her whole story is in the first post but her family heirloom is a special pocket arch that is actually passed down too royal family members in the opposing kingdoms but has no knowledge after her parents where killed

In a far away and between two different kingdoms lived a family of three a simple woodcutter, and herblist and a sweet little girl that loved both of her parents and was loved by both of her parents. They may not of have that much money but all three of them were happy. The young girls mother taught ear about all plants and herbs that existed along with how to make certain passions for protection and medicines that help heal ailments. While her father taught her about how to be kind but also to defend herself from any danger in life. The little girl was truly happy and cold wish or anything better.

But one night her mother had rushed into her child’s room waking her up and talking her to keep quest as she hid her under the floorboards of the home. Her father telling her mother to hurry and the child looked up at her mother watching her cry and kiss her forehead before losing the floor. The little girl watched through the floorboards to only see both of her parents being slaughtered right before her eyes by intruders....intruders with the royal seal on them.

Once they had left she made her way back up to only see her parents on the ground dead along with blood everywhere. Tears filled her eyes before the smell of smoke reached her nose and she realized they intruders had set the house on fire to burn evidence land if there was someone else in the home. She was able to get a couple of her favorite belonging along with her family heirloom that her father gave her and rushed out of the home before it was fully engulfed in flames. After that day the young girl swore revenge for her family and she was going to do it by taking down the royal famil that caused all of this.

Years have gone by the streets of the Dainia Kingdom many people walked around the streets with no care in the world but one man wearing a cloak walked down the streets with a mission and a bag full of gold. Once he turned down one dark street down into the dark parts of the kingdom and made his way into a tavern that did not look safe but made his way in. The tavern was filled with brutes, thrives and raft rafts. But the one the man seeked was one female and he finally caught her sitting at a booth with her drink and he made his way to her.
“Miss. Raven Omare I presume the most well known assasin around?” He asked the female and made a blade appeared from her cuff bracelet and pointed at him with a dark glare from her ice blue eyes.

“Who wants to know pretty boy?” SHe asked in a dark voice and the man pulled his hood off revealing he was the second prince of the kingdom.

“That is no way to treat the Second Prince Mathazar Of Dainia.” He siad and a bunch of the brutes turned their heads and Raven sent a glare at them telling them to back off or they die.

“One never announce who you are in a bar like this and second give me one very good reason why I should not kill you right now.” Raven said to him as she pulled her hood off showing her raven long hair and fair white skin.
“As you know my oh so dear eldest brother by a few minutes is to be the next king and its not fair, for from what I know he does not desire it but I do.” Mathazar said and Raven just yawned.

“Look Prince boy pretty much everyone in this tavern hates the whole royal family even me to where all of you are on my personal hit list why should I bother helping you.” She explained to him and he pulled out a large bag of gold.

“I need you to assasinate my older twin brother so all rights to the throne goes to me if you complete it successfully I will grant you anything else besides the gold.” The second prince said with a smirk and Raven looked at the bag and at him.

“I will take the gold but I want one other thing and that is your father alive for I want information from him before I kill him.” Raven explained and the Prince nodded holding his hand out.

“Looks like we have a deal partner.” He explained and SHe held her hand out and shook it.

Now Raven was at the palace all dressed up with the clothes Mathazar gave her and she felt unformrtable for she was used to her assasin outfit not a form fitting dress. All of this was just to sneak in as a so cal potential bride for the prince and Mathazar lead her to the room where the other girls are and Raven recognized most of them being from nobility.

“Now then gain m stupid brothers trust and kill him once you do I will give you my father along with all the gold.” He whispered to her and she shooed him away before she walked over to the other girls waiting for the eldest prince to arrive.
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