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Hey all Hurricane Dorian has passed and I am back from evacuation let’s have some fun now.
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Hi everyone just to let you all know Inlive in Florida now and by the looks of it wen have a hurricane heading our way so if I stop coming on it’s due to lost of power or internet or both
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lol yeah when i get a gift i normally open it right away depending on the setting O am in and too it did make it fun
Raven didn’t know what to think for how she lived everyone opened their gifts in front of each other especially if it was not really a special occasions at least that as what it was like it’s her family. He dad always liked to watch her open the gift he had learn to make for her since they could not afford a lot for her. She then looked at Eliezer as he opened her gift and was glad that he liked it and had noticed that she engraved his name into it. She did a small smile back but she was still wondering why he felt well distant from him.

“Thanks I am glad you like it I learned how to engrave things in my spare time also was something good to learn when your siblings borrow things from one another and never return it.” Raven said with a small laugh.

Allister had walked away after things was taken care off but Raven looked at him. “Eliezer is something wrong?” She all of a sudden asked him. “You seem kinda distant all of a sudden did I...did I do something wrong?” She asked looking at him looking nervous and a bit scared now for she has seen this in the village with many couple before they broke apart.

Raven thought she finally found happiness again thanks to Eliezer and their fateful encounter even though it was an assassination job but she decided not to after she shallowly started falling for him. But now she felt like she she was just going to end up back in her dark world but only she would make it permeant t avoid pain again.
Raven was noticing something off with Eliezer she expected to see him a little more happy to see her but she noticed how he was all of a sudden awkward but her hug and he did not even open her gift at all. She gripped the brooch he gave her feeling that something was just not right it honestly scared her a bit. For they were happy and last time they had finally shared their first kiss.

But she did smile and said hello to Hildebrand and how it was also a pleasure to meet him also. But all this just gave her a bad feeling in her honest opinion.

When he offered her to go sit she did a small smile and nodded. “Uh yes lets go sit.” Raven said as she went to go sit in the Pavilion with him that over looked the garden. Once she sat down she just felt uneasy as if now the prince was just pretending with her and she just felt her heart slowly breaking.

Allister saw this form the distance and knew Eliezer was giving Raven doubts thanks to her ability to see and read things more then Eliezer can. When the servant was coming down with tea and snacks he went to her and told her that he would take it the rest of the way with a smile. The servant thanked him and went back to her other chores.

Allister took the tray to the Pavilion and placed it on the table. “Here we are you two some tea and snacks for your enjoyment.” Allister said with a smile and noticed the unopened pen gift. “My I see your lovely lady has brought you a gift and you have yet to open it isn’t that a bit rude your majesty.” Allister said and Rave knew what he was doing.

“Allister stop he does not have to open my gift I can see it was stupid to bring it now I thought he would like it but I ca tell I was mistaken.” Raven said looking down. Allister can see the pain and sadness in her face but also that she felt something was off off with Eliezer.
Raven was smiling as she walked towards the gardens to meet Eliezer while holding his gift and she just smiled happily and really hoped he would like it at least and be able to use it. She walked happily in her new dress that was inspired by Snow White since most of her siblings say she has the looks of Snow White with her dark black hair, pale skin and icky blue eyes. As she walked all she could think of how nervous she was to give him the gift for even though Amy was right it did come from her heart but still someone like Eliezer must have a million pens even though she tried to make the one she got different and engraved his name and painted it in gold to make it different and stand out a bit more. Though she did try to stay calm and relaxed while just hoping he at least like it a little since she did not really know what he fully liked yet since that has never been brought up in conversations.

AS she walked she looked at all the nature around her and smile at all the small critters doing their thing as she walked by before she soon finally reached the gardens but also noticed something odd for the guards were noticeable for last time she knew they were there but they stayed out of sight. “Hmmm I guess after the assassin attempts on the way to Sorene they must be playing it safe for now honestly probably not a bad idea to have some extra protection.” She said to herself before making her way to Eliezer.

“Hello Eliezer thank you for meeting me.” Raven said with a bright smile and gave him a quick hug and kiss on the cheek before moving away from him smiling. She did notice the night Hildebrand but figure it was just his personal night and did not mind him at all. She had no weapons on her except her secret blade that she only carried for protection. But she soon handed him the simply wrapped gift to him of the pen with his name on it and the two ink wells so he could write. “Here this is for you while me and my brother were n town after you returned home I saw this and thought of you.” Raven smiled and let him take it. “I do hope you like it when I saw it I thought it could be at least useful and I even added something extra to it to personalize it for you.” Raven said to him.

Allister was there but hiding and watching the two interact e could tell that Raven was just acting like a typical girl in love for that was how his sister acted with Aster even though he had no clue it was his sister that loved the prince. “Eliezer I hope you do not break her heart for if she is anything like my sister she will be in great pain.” He mumbled to himself watching the two.
Raven was busy getting this done along with the cooking stuff for the day and she had pulled out her kit to engrave the pen with Eliezer’s name when the massager arrived and she smiled at the beautiful Rose and read the letter smiling glad he was able to meet her and figured that he must be playing catch up back in the palace after being gone so long in Sorene. She told the messenger to wait and went to write her response to Eliezer.

Dear ELiezer,

I would love to meet you in the gardens again and can not wait to see you. I hope you will like your gift that I got you it is also a useful gift too. I hope all is well after your return from royal business in Sorene and not overworking yourself. Until we meet take care Eliezer.

With Rest regards, Raven

Once done Raven handed the letter to the messenger to send to Eliezer. Raven smiled once the messenger left and after she finished cooking and feeding her siblings she started engraving the pen.

“Sis you getting excited to see your prince.” Amy said with a smile watching Raven smile as she engraved the pen.

“Yeah I just hope he like this.” Raven admitted and Amy sat next to her for sure the two never got a long but Raven knew the meaning of a gift from the heart where Amy was used to getting beautiful expensive things that mean nothing.

“I am sure he will after all this is coming from your heart and those gifts are better then buying something shiny and fancy to impress people for they just discard it later its gifts like these that make people treasure them more you always had that gift about you Raven finding things rom the heart unlike me.” Amy said and Raven looked at her sister that she caught with a lot in the past.

Raven then smiled. “Thanks sis we may not have gotten along for a long while but you truly are there when I needed it.” She smiled as she finished engraving Eliezer’s name and used some gold paint to to make his name pop out more. Once she was done she put in the box with the two ink wells one being black and the other being gold. She then closed it and wrapped it with a ribbon to create a bow.

“There it is all set and ready for me to give it to him.” She said with a smile and Amy could not help but smile back for Raven was so anti love when they were growing up even before she meet Eleizer but Eliezer opened her up and to see her smile and do stuff like this was a nice change especially to see her so happy.

“Well just to let you know I made a new dress for you to wear when you go meet him that I am sure will knock his socks off.” Amy said and Raven laughed a bit for her sister was a great fashion designer. “You should just stick to designing dresses for nobility and even the royals you have a great eye for this.” Raven smiled and Amy ruffled her hair.

“Maybe one day for now my job is to keep you safe.” Amy smiled and Raven smiled back and waited for the day to come for her to meet with Eleizer to give him his gift.
yeah hopefully I will have a post up today soon
No i was aware as of yesterday but been so busy anyway i just now started my three days off from work
lolbthat is so true

and no worries totoally understand
“What was I suppose to do just flat out yell stay away from the girl she is a cold hearts assassin that your dear brother hired for he wants the throne instead of Eliezer.” Allister said to the knight getting angry at him. For he could have but he was still a true Lunaran and he would not of mind seeing the death for what happened to his sister and the prince of the king from he hailed from. “I could have caused an uproar in the ballroom and the day he went to town I did not find out after I returned on some business.” Allister explained to them.

“Eliezer think hard what you are going to do with Raven if she is anything like my sister and gets her heart broken she will vanish and you might never see her again.” Allister warned Eliezer and sighed as they walked out and knew it was a mistake to tell Eliezer that she targeted him and it was his brother but he was just trying to protect him and her but he may of just caused a possibility to get Ravens poor heart broken.

“She can go either way she could go totally dark and kill with no remorse or vanish as if she was never here and I can not lose her she is the last family I have and for the King of Lunar.” He said to himself.

The next day Raven was up and about with her siblings and Andy had a good shiner around his right eye. Amy was Busy sewing a new dress for Raven since she needed to at least look a bit nicer when she is out with the prince.

Raven was in town with Scott getting food for everyone back home and also looking around a bit to see what the market had to offer. She and Scott walked around and she soon stopped at a stand that had trinkets and other small things. She soon spotted a pen and ink set that was a lot nicer then she ever seen. It was black with gold detailing on it of roses and it had two ins one deep black and the other was a gold color which was are to see. In the end she haggled the sealer down to a good discount and bought it and got it wrapped up.

Scott saw the whole thing and the big smile as she carried the quil pen and ink set. “Let me guess a gift for your beloved prince.” He said and Raven smiled and nodded.

“Yeah he has already given me a nice brooch and my favorite moon flower before he left for his important meeting so I wanted to give him something.” She said with a smile for the kiss was also still on her mind.

“Well write the letter and I will relieve it for you sis.” Scott said with a smile.

“But I want to give this in person he has given all my gifts to me in person I want to do the same with my gift.” Raven said to her brother.

“Then write a letter saying you want to meet with him to give hi a gift and I will get it sent to him for you.” Scott said with a smile and Raven thanked her brother and they both returned home and she went to write to Eliezer.

My Dearest Eliezer,

I wish to see you soon for I have a gift that I wish to give you in person and hope to be able to see you as soon as it is convenient for you. Also I still can not get the kiss out of my mind for it was like as if we were in another world. I never wanted it to end and all I can think about is how happy I am to be with you and how I wish to return the happiness to you also. SO I hope to meet you soon so I can give you your gift.

Love, Raven

Raven finished her letter and gave it to Scott who went off and delivered to the palace and asked a servant to take it to Eliezer saying it was from Raven. The servant then went to ELiezer and held the letter to him.
“Your majesty a letter just arrived from Lady Raven.” She said and handed him the letter and left the room.
Allister gave a death glare still to the knight for he did not trust the fool around his niece but turned back to the prince. “I knew since the night of the ball for how she was alone and her skills in fighting are the ways of the assassin.” Allister explained to the prince ELiezer. “But as I said the day you were not suppose to come back from the village with her was when I notice the change in her and turning back on her employer.” Allister explained to him and HIldebrand looked at him. “Then you must know who hired her.” He said and Allister sighed and looked at the prince.

“Eliezer who was the one that brought Raven here who was the one the pushed you towards her in the first place and I know you snuck out one night like your brother has done to gloomstavern and learned he was there in a place known to house refuges and mainly assassins.” Allister said to him basically making him think about it but it was Mathazar who hired Raven.

“She sent the kids away in fear for her employer threaten to harm the orphans if she did not finish the deed so to stall as long as she could and protect the children she sent them away even though she did not want to do so.” Allister explained to the prince. “She did all this so she would have no ties and risks that could cause her to turn on her heart get rid of what is being threaten and bring in her siblings and it creates a bit more protection for her and you.” Allister explained to the prince.

“But still does not answer who is this person that hired her?” HIldebrand said confused.

“AS I said to Eliezer the one who hired her pushed him towards her the night of the ball and to keep meeting her multiple times until recently for he found another to do his dirty deeds for he has now gained the help of the Red Robin.” Allister explained to them both and opened a drawer.

“Also Eliezer I know all this for she has spoken to me and she has confirmed her love for you but I have not even told her this.” He said and pulled a book out with lunar history of all the royal family with illustrations and it was still waiting to be written to involve Raven. “This book is Lunar history of the royal family it holds all the past rulers of lunar how ow they all shared the same features in hair, eye, and skin color every first born with those features is always named heir and their precious heirloom that is passed down to each heir to the throne.” ALlister said to Eliezer. “When the time is right I will let you look into it Eliezer but for now I will hold onto it for this involves Ravens past that she does not know.” He finished explaining.
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