Avatar of Finris
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 5 yrs ago
  • Posts: 111 (0.06 / day)
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    1. Finris 5 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current I'll be somewhat absent the following week thanks to renovation.
5 yrs ago
Being a GM in tabletop can apparently mean driving your players insane - I was surprised how "well" everyone repsonded to being surrounded by crazies and care takers. Hope they get out in the end...
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5 yrs ago
My love-hate always kicks in when learning words without an equivalent in other languages, and complex meaning. It is amazing the word exists, but hard to grasp its usage.
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5 yrs ago
The strangest thing about learning new languages is still that they have words your language can only desribe and vice versa: Torschlusspanik, dépaysement, l'appel du vide, madrugar.
5 yrs ago
I am out on a tournament for the next two days - so less answers, but hopefully a fun weekend!
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I have some experience (well rather some years of experience) in roleplaying, but I am rather new here.

This will most likely not turn out to be the most helpful Bio, especially as I am currently blissfully unaware and somewhat apathetic to everything concerning cosmetical possibilities. It is partly due to the fact that there is no fascinating, wonderfully rounded and polished characters - I just fought I would share some insights about the things I like.

For the roleplaying part I came here looking for something rather relaxed in a classical fantasy environment. More or less along the lines of a typical tabletop adventure or classical side quest (or row of side quests) in gaming. I am also fairly interested in longer, more elaborate plots but currently not in the position to think one up and keep it running.

Apart from that there is a broad variety of settings I am interested in. It ranges from historically themed ideas over to our current time and world up to futuristic scenarios, including post-apocalypting settings in this range. Any of those might be high or low fantasy. In short it is not one specific slice of things that is fascinating me, it is the possibility to dive into another world. That is the reason why there is also a small set of fandoms I like.

I prefer creating my own characters for a roleplay. This means that I can easily create characters requiring a set of skills, sometimes even character traits, but I often have a hard time to fill a pre-shaped role already described with character traits and (parts of a) backstory. For me this creation process is an important step when immersing into a new world.

Before finally concluding I should mention that the better part of my characters has at least dark spots in their history or behaviour. Many of the topics touched are mature, so if you feel unconfortable (or just aren't mature) please inform me beforehand. I usually also try to outline the problematic traits beforehand.

To round things up: If you found something interesting here, or have an idea that you want to share, just send me a message. It would surely make me happy!

Avatar is from Rogier Hoekstra on Pixabay - very nice side for free images.

Most Recent Posts

Reading on things again, that could get fun :).
I will pst aome informative links sometime soon
As I am utterly untalented in computer based design - so yeah the help may be appreciated as soon as I got some.things sorted ^^'

So that is finally done - sorry it took a while we had a big family birthday and magical powers are not that easy.

I guess I will be playing with some kind of "mana" system just to handel what she can still and can not do anymore (at least not without hurting herself).
Lynn just nodded to Kira's word about her father. No way she would say or even think anything that might challenge this opinion. She just raised an eyebrow when Kira growled at her about the soup and arched it even further viewing what she did with the pills "You're not dying - I'm not even and I'm quite a bit nearer to it." She could be brutally honest and took the first spoon of her soup, laid the spoon down and started scratching under her left sleeve. To be honest Lynn was not up to become collateral damage in the chaos that was unfolding at the moment...

And Ace did not make it better. She had looked at both of them when he talked about it. Sure she recognized his attempt to pull her attention, but she had not held his look for long, just a very short moment and it was more than obvious that she did not like being looked in the eyes. Her gaze had turned to her food rather fast. "Not the same as you. And not as interested in doing shit again under supervision, shackles and cameras - but hey that's your boat and your axe to sink it." It was merely more than a whisper, just loud enough for Ace. Even Kira would most likely not hear all of it. There was no need to get him into trouble, in her eyes. Not her cup of tea, not her job and shit she had learned that angry fellows were as dangerous as pissed off guards. It was still always useful to show that there was still an ace up the sleeve.
"Dad send me here, my name is Lynn." She spoke louder again, while stirring her soup and only very slowly eating it. WHY her dad had sent her here was either to remain a secret or it had no reason. Her eyes were either on her tray or she looked around, waiting for hell or some kind of chaos to break lose.
Ok some things took longer than I thought, it might take me up until the weekend - a family birthday is coming up. But I still jave it in mind!
Give me a little time, I nee to dig around the lore a little to pin some knowledge together ;)
Map of facility depends a little bit on how lore struck you want to be - facility maps might exist but as far as I understood facilities are fairly well separated and do a ton to sort between SCP classes and such
Lynn viewed the whole exchange between her room mate and her guard. It already looked like the beginning of a wonderful, fun friendship like they were written in the books. She shook her head. A little more cynicism in her thoughts and she would reach dangerous territories with it. She shortly nodded when the girl was forced to sit down at her table "Might be."

She spared Kira the remark that she had no idea what unfortunate could mean. They either way were in this together - which made none of them happy. So things could also just roll on. A little absent minded she stirred her soup before deciding that it was to hot and picking up one of the meat dumplings. She either way wondered if she was supposed to eat all this. She sighed "Dad decided 't was a good place." She was definitely not eager to ellaborate on this. Maybe she would have in some time, but she had learned to keep her mouth shut concerning her thoughts on if she belonged to this place or not. Even with her peers. Maybe especially with them...

At the moment she apparently got away with her answer as another boy sat down with them. Another person. She took another of her dumplings and looked at him for a short while, taking in the rather strict security "Don't jinx it." she turned her head, took a sip from the bottle and shook her head slightly. Everything was better than being locked in, but she was not all too sure that she wanted to talk to anyone. it would also highly depend where the talk would flow. Right now she was at least neither stressed nor worried. That could be counted as a good sign. And maybe these two could be helpful "You've been here longer..?"
I still need to flesh out the magic and write a little bit about clothing and such, but here is the first sketch. Maybe that helps some others.

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