Avatar of FiroIV
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    1. FiroIV 10 yrs ago


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Hi all. Currently takibg care of a personal emergency. Will be back and online by the weekend. If you see me online its because i just leave my accpunt on.
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Placeholder 2 - GM's NPC/CS
Placeholder 1 - Master List

Placeholder 2 - Story
Placeholder 1 - Setting, Terms, Misc.


You live in a world where the word Pokemon doesn't mean anything. Nintendo exists and is still a powerhouse of multimedia tech ang gaming company. So when you encounter a creature that you can only describe as being a living breathing science-fiction fantasy creature your surprise and shock are to be expected. One way or the other, you bond and tame it, and soon enough it's pet, but more like a partner or teammate if you're being honest. The story however only starts there.

Some time after you've decided to take this creature in you received a box from an unknown sender. Inside was a letter and a small vial addressed to you and your pokemon. It was from the Pokemon Underground Network and Community, PUNC, the letter said. Their message danced on the fine line between informative and helpful to threatening and downright blackmail. They've been watching you they said, and thanked you for taking care of the pokemon all this time. They told you what the creature was called, a Pokemon they called it, and what kind it was, it's species name you figured. They informed you that this creature came from an unknown world, and all they ask if for you to love and care for it, but if you wish to be rid of it, simply open the vial and you will forget all that has happened. You contemplated what to do, but decided against opening the bottle.

Days passed and you received another letter from PUNC. In the letter, they thanked you and welcomed you into the network. It also contained a query, if you wanted to know more there was a time and place written down. Simply arrive at the designated location with your pokemon and someone from PUNC will be there to answer all your questions. Skeptical as you were your desire to know more was overwhelming. Arriving at the aforementioned time and place you met with someone who represented PUNC, he identified himself as a pokemon trainer. Since your meeting with the trainer, you have become more and more involved with PUNC.

Time has passed, you've trained and fought in pokemon battles, and you yourself now identifies as a trainer. Your story will follow you and your fellow trainers, active members of PUNC. You aide in trying to keep the peace when rouge, wild, and often very dangerous Pokemon start causing some real chaos to an unknowing public. You are privy to your own life, but when needed you perform your duties as needed. How you play your part within PUNC, and how you influence the greater world as a member is up to you. Since becoming a trainer the day to day is all about keeping balancing your duties to yourself, and being a trainer, keeping the world of Pokemon a safe and secret from itself and from humanity because one day there may be more Pokemon than there are people, and you are the first line in that defense.

Overview & Format:

Insp: Digimon Tamers X Pokemon Adventures
Style: Animorphs, Grimm, Pokemon Adventures Manga

Setting: Seattle, and it's neighboring areas, year 20XX.

The story as stated prior will be a day to day action/comedy/drama type of story with a Monster of the Week format separated into an A and B Plot.

The A-Plot will most often revolve around the actual monster of the week fighting which will involve a Pokemon appearing in the wild. Pokemon encounters will begin with a Pokemon appearing in and out of the real world, referred to as "Glitching", appearing as crying orbs of light and color with static electricity in one moment, in the next, an actual living, breathing, creature. If you're lucky and early enough they will simply disappear on their own, but in most cases, by the time you encounter them, they will have already be physically present enough that it requires engagement, if necessary, combat. Once engaged in combat your job as a trainer is to incapacitate and make the pokemon faint, and in doing so hope that they're still somewhat transitory that they may begin gitch out and disappear, the damages dealt going away with them. In the event that the pokemon doesn't disappear your options become greatly limited, in most cases the pokemon has to be given safe and adequate housing wherein it won't cause any trouble, in some the trainer can take the pokemon in themselves, and in truly dire and horrible situations the pokemon requires termination.

The B-Plot will be you, and your Pokemon's daily life and what the life of a Pokemon tamer is really like. The B-Plot will also involve the comedy, drama, shenanigans, and dangers of what it means to take care of a real life Pokemon with actual animal needs such as feeding, bathing, enrichment, etc.

At the beginning of the story, encounters will be limited to one-off Pokemon causing chaos, but as the story progresses I will introduce the element of Pokemon encounters affecting the space of the world as well, aka reality getting somewhat distorted to cater the needs of the story, and the Pokemon of the week.

As stated above you are, at this point, already a battle capable trainer, and integrated into the community somewhat that you have established yourself among fellow trainers. You have already fought pokemon of varying strengths and destructive capabilities, and combat may not be your specialty, but as a trainer, you contribute in other ways. Maybe you provide transport via your truck or boat, or house and keep an eye out on unpartnered pokemon, wild pokemon, in the nearby area, or maybe you provide information to PUNC studying pokemon behavior and biology. How you contribute outside of your battling duties is truly up to you, but for your services, you have been adequately compensated and rewarded by PUNC.

I will write up episodes, depending on the number of players two episodes can be happening at the same time, and much a like a TV show we will go through seasons with overarching arcs. So plan accordingly for your character.

The Pokemon Underground Network Collective:


Rules and Character Sheet:

Notices & Status Updates

  • The RP is still open and accepting. Message me all CS applications is what i orginally had but seems everyone just posted then might as well ignore this part.
  • Added new OOC rule #9 and #9A
At the minimum, I wanted to start with 4 people. At the moment we have enough interest to start, at least make an OOC. I just am not a fan of how little interest this gathered compared to the other. Given the timing of the movie and the new pokemon game I was hoping for some increased interest, but in a way, I suppose the two are not mutually exclusive to one another.

Expect an OOC to come out by the end of the weekend of the middle of next week on my day off.
I should let yall know that the CS has changed a bit from the original and there are also some changes in how the story will start so I recommend going over your character once that information is posted or when we get to the OOC/IC thread if you see the need to make your own changes.

This is all assuming we can take off.
This is still happening it's just slow, which is fine for me.
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