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    1. FoxFire 8 yrs ago


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Current Finally back, this semester was extremely rough on me. I even had to annul it.
6 yrs ago
I'm back again after the holidays, I'm sorry to everyone that had to wait for me.
6 yrs ago
Would anyone be up for a Steampunk Westeros RP after the events of the series are just another part of history?


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I'm deeply interested.
Is this still open?
∼January 1500, Confederation of the Herater∽

∼Conmotion in Lellail: Dux Xhore Javor renounces his position!∽

“Citing old age as a cause, Dux Xhore Javor of the region of Lellail, often considered the most powerful person in the Confederation of the Heratereh, has renounced his position and abandoned the political arena in which he had been a dominating force for over 40 years.” Read a piece of paper in elegant black letters inside an announcement board made of glass. The typical perfection of a printing press making itself apparent as it was the tenth one Aeresk had seen in the short period he had been in the city and all looked exquisitely similar.

The drawing room in which the half-Kitsune admiral waited was one of many of the uncountable ones in the Grand Palace in Lellail; this time, for waiting an audience with the advisor in chief of the Dux. The door suddenly opened, startling the admiral even though he gave no outward signs of it. There were very few people of very certain species which would do that, no human he had met yet could even approach it, but that was no surprise. However, the person which did was indeed a shock for Aeresk. “Grandfather.” He mouthed on the cold air of the antechamber to his mother’s office while said pair of Kitsunes looked at each other with a somewhat mischievous challenge in their eyes. His ancestor only made a gesture with his head, smirked and with a nod turned back into his fox-form in a ring of multicoloured flames which soon engulfed him. As they dispersed, there was no fox inside of them. Oh, how he envied how easily they could use that ability. He was a prodigy and still it took a great amount of effort to turn into a fox himself, never mind transporting himself through solid matter using flames. For once in almost a century he cursed his inexperience and young age.

“Aeresk, come inside.” His mother announced and led him into her office. He discussed absentmindedly his findings as both Admiral and through his network of spies while his eyes looked at the vivid portrait of his father in the back of the office.

There was no time to lose, they were right on time for their opportunity, but life was never as easy as that and as such, they both were worried. It was too much of a coincidence, however good it was, and they had to be careful now. In that same manner, they couldn’t afford to lose this chance. So, Aeresk continued absentmindedly with his report.

“I miss your father too.” Said Jya in a tone of resignation, cutting through the conversation. She had lived long enough that she mostly knew when her feelings would decay enough for her to be able to function almost normally again… But any being that is alive wouldn’t die from the inside out as long as they could experience and awe at life and as such, at the age of seven hundred and fifty five years old, Jya had met and married Aeresk’s father, soon giving birth to her firstborn. His father had passed away at the age of a hundred and twelve, through magic he had stayed alive that long, but no magic could keep people alive and mentally sane forever, so for more than three hundred years after that, Aeresk had lived without a father. It was normal in his life; normally he didn’t miss him, though there were times when he gave himself some licence and breathing room.

Aeresk was suddenly startled again for the second time that morning and the first two in several decades when his mother encased them both in a hollow sphere of multicoloured fire. “We are to execute what we discussed in private ten years ago. This is the moment.” – At last, some fun – Thought the half-kitsune.

“I’ll call the captains loyal to me and we shall move forwards with the plan.” Answered Aeresk without emotion, it was business now, except for the part when Jya cut him off by grabbing one of his hands in between hers and holding him in position before he could leave with that simple gesture.

“I told you not to talk to me as I was a stranger. I soon will be your commander but before that I carried you in me, so, please, never forget that.”

“Never trust the eastern winds.” Said a part of the Oath of the Admiralty and recited Jya. Instead of the normal “Never turn your back on Lellail” Which would complete that verse of the Oath, Aeresk swore.

“Never turn your back on loved ones.”


“And you expect me to believe I shall be free to act after this? I’m not innocent nor naïve enough for you to believe so… Thus tell me, why do you believe you have power over me, Lady Jya?” Asked the half-elf Rag Sau-Sau while pacing around the room before setting in a fixed rhythm in which he travelled from one corner to the next one. They were in the studio of the chief of the Great Guild of Lellaili Traders, seat of T’zah.

“I do not expect you to do anything. We both know what you will do; you shall castling yourself in the fortresses of T’zah, raise your shields and prepare your Holy Heratereh Fire while having a leg outside the city in case escape is needed. You want to weather this storm; however, it will engulf us all.” Answered Jya Alexeria with no apparent malice in her voice, just security behind her words.

“Trust when I say I do not believe this is the best for our nation, if the single noun “nation” can be used for the Heratereh, and we both know it likely can’t. Regardless, the fact remains that you’ll be playing a dangerous game.” Warned Rag as he semi-hysterically paced in another, more complex pattern on the floor.

“Please, you know a few hundred years too old for those warning to have any effect on me, or be useful at all. I know the game.” Jya drummed her fingers on the table as a possible sign of annoyance; nobody really knew how to interpret Kitsunes’ gestures, especially those who lived as long as Jya had, except for those who had spent as long a time around them. Jya was simply too old for her gestures not be completely under her control. Nobody even knew her real age except her family.

“And that will be your undoing, nobody knows the game. When you feel as you do, you fall. It is as simple as that.” Accused Sau-Sau with a slightly shaky finger.

“Hide in your towers as much as you like-” She was cut by his following statement.

“I know you plan on gaining the title of Dux once and for all, it has been decades since you had all your husbands and wives in one place. They have lives on their own, nonetheless, with something as important as your ascension to Dux it is obviously now a time for celebration and to reunite them.”

“Your spy network is impressive, yes.” Started Jya, with some superiority. “Your conclusions, not so much.”

“I was not hoping to impress you, I was simply stating a fact we both know as clear as the Sun. You control the Arsenal of Lellail and plan to get rid of the corrupted official within as soon as possible. It is likely you use your newfound political power to try to remove Morm and Kiv.” Continued Sau-Sau acidly.

“It is interesting that you see them as more of a threat than Crerom. Very well… You seem more capable and informed than you show. Most importantly, more perceptive. Good.” Congratulated the Kitsune as she was talking to a small child, she liked to play with people, that much was obvious.

“Do not treat like I am incapable of handling my business – and someone else’s – I might not be ageless but life has given me intelligence and wisdom.” Jya snorted just to provoke the Dux, he didn’t heed her. “We might be allies, but that doesn’t think we have to enjoy each other’s presence; tolerate is just enough.”

At some point in the conversation Jya had stood up and was leaning on the table, Rag being none the wiser thanks to his concentration on the many ways this supposed conference could kill or injure him. Finally he was stopped by the Kitsune offering her hand, which he shook with fervour to calm his perennial nervousness. “Alies.”

“Of convenience, Kitsune, for as long as we find use in each other; Albion spins in that manner. I’m sorry.” He pierced her multicoloured eyes with a glare.

“Of course.” She smiled, showing her pearly white teeth, much more sharp than a normal human should have them. Another indecipherable gesture. It might have been a predatory stare but it could also be just a sardonic smile, one never knew and Jya, while having proven herself completely reliable in trade deals for more than a few generations, was enjoying sending confusing body language to the Great Paranoid of the East.

-0- A week later -0-

“Why would admiral Aeresk dethatch all of the galleys from his fleets?” Asked an advisor, a rather novice one, to one of his seniors while they were passing through a half-broken and partially eroded hallway in the inner city of Gañau, one of the many monstrous constructions of old casting its shadows upon them.

“He’s done what?” The elder of the two asked in surprise, then the cogs in his agile mind started turning faster and faster, in compensation perhaps of what his body could no longer do.

“He wants a high seas fleet, galleys aren’t good for that… But that should be no problem, except if you count that some admirals are tied to the number of ship they control, selling them or scrapping them is also a demonstration of power and a way of removing other admirals from a position of enough power to threaten him.” Continued the senior advisor in a surprised tone of voice, speaking faster and faster, his mind leaving his speech very behind in terms of speed.

“Why employ such a drastic tactic now? He knows that he is also being as subtly as using a pyre of Holy Heratereh Hellfire as a bonfire.” Asked the novice with some trembling in his voice. The elder understood it as a sign of nervousness, but in reality it was an expression of eagerness.

“That would be especially effective if he wants to ensure that whatever he does is a triumph only for him and which benefits would only be given to those of his choice. Probably he yearns for battle and glory, he must be preparing to invade…”

“The hysterical voices of Dux Dutte and Dux Sau-Sau shall rise.”

“Yes they will, now, how do you think this will affect our lord Bluesun-Muth?”

“Isn’t this dangerous enough that we should just go directly to him?”

“Indeed, but your proficiency as an advisor has been compromised and thus you must answer satisfactorily or I shall give you my vote of no-confidence in the inner council of Gañau.”

However, the senior advisor would not live to see more than a week after that conversation and the Dux of Gañau wouldn’t be informed immediately. The junior advisor would receive the vote of no-confidence and disappear in the shadows through a supposed self-imposed ostracism outside of Herater.


The ceremony was reaching its apex when Jya rose as the newly appointed Dux of the city of Lellail. She was dressed with a large series of tunics one over the other, each more glamorous than the last, some with precious stones and plates of precious metals interwoven in the cloth of the garment. In Venetian red she stood with pride as the past Dux, Xhore Javor, took off his hat with seven horns, red beryl stones incrusted and platinum jewellery feathers and put in on the head of the kneeling new Dux.

Jya smiled triumphantly at her family reunited after so long, her husbands, her wives and her many children watching from the galleries at the sides of the Great Galley she was in. The ship wasn’t truly seaworthy with all the ominous and opulent decoration that made each of the parts of the monstrous vessel a piece of art, nonetheless, it could travel around the canals and lagoons in the city in calm waters and thanks to the very intervened environment of Lellail, the Great Galley could be safe even with a snowstorm thrashing the waters of the small bay to which the city opened the gates of its hundreds of dams. But now the galley was just a mobile platform located in front of the Great Palace of the city of Lellail. Marble sculptures, precious metals, paintings, woodworking and many other things made the Great Galley a mobile palace in itself and the tremendous celebration in the city only accentuated it, when all the coffers of the merchants and government officials were opened and used to their fullest to demonstrate their economic power and grandstanding above every other city in the continent.

And so Jya accepted her position as the new Dux by swearing the Old Oath. The people which had been deathly silent up to that point, exploded in cheering and the Grand Cannon of the Crow, with its fuse on fire by the Kitsune-Bi of Jya, launched the first of the many fireworks that would be extending the day into the night for the following hours. The celebration would be for every inhabitant of the city and the region, no matter their race or social standing. It was the moment in which many would ask for the hand of their loved one, the enterprises would be blessed by many of the churches in Lellail and people would forget their old grudges in and out of the city. Merchants and travellers from the entirety of the continent were invited by their peers and many more arrived simply because of the fame of the event. A day of celebration of the inauguration of the Dux and then a week of celebrations dedicated to the city of Lellail. The largest celebration of Albion would also include the blessing of the fleet of Admiral Aeresk, which would set sail to war.

In the meantime, in the thrones of the Great Galley the other Duxes speculated and planned.

“The Commonwealth is moving its large weight around, amassing their forces on the borders, training troops, laying down ships.” Spoke calmly the half-elf in his shaky tone of voice.

“They have allies in the continent, hidden but they are here, in this very city.” Spat Crerom Dutte, his contempt almost palpable in the very air around him.

“They would be foolish to start anything now, they know the city is filled with important people from the sixteen winds, they can’t risk harming or antagonizing one of the many nations here reunited.” Kiv Eadrath spoke in a flat tone, almost innocently.

“Most insidious indeed, nonetheless, the danger is here, many could die today and there would be nothing any of us could do, even if we summoned the Violet Banner of the Parliament of the Fires.” Spoke Morm Bluesun-Muth.

“We are all protected the same, and as such, we are all in the same danger.” Continued Rag Sau-Sau.

“You spend your time hiding in the darkness because you are afraid of the shadows, Dux, don’t you think you are not in the best position to speak about danger?” Crerom ground out.

“It might be true, but I am still alive.”

“Alive enough to enjoy life?” Dux Kiv of Schwah asked.

“This conversation will not lead us anywhere.” Crerom continued, in his ever tired and angry tone.

“Most wise advice.” Spoke Morm in conciliation. “So, what do you think about the current situation, Lords?”

“Aeresk is a danger, he always has been, though he has been moving silently, he has made an announcement so loud to the lands of Albion that he might as well have been the Grand Cannon of the Crow firing during all of his lif-” Sau-Sau began before being interrupted.

“Everything a worrying situation in the last hundred years.” Eadrath pushed air through his nose, maybe in laugh, maybe in a sigh, maybe in a snort. “Don’t you all think?” He twisted his tone in a manner which couldn’t be classified even as a question, a statement, irony or sarcasm.

“Of course…” Crerom failed to imitate the tone of his younger peer but then continued normally. “Aeresk will ingratiate himself with the admirals, he shall be Arch-Grand Admiral before the year has completed its cycle and there is nothing we can do openly or not without compromising the entirety of Herater. Heh.”

“The new Dux is brilliant.”

“She has been alive more than us all combined, Kiv. She probably saw the fall of our Old Empire even.” Spoke Morm referring to the old glory of Gañau, as always, present somewhere in the conversation of the Dux. “We cannot move our pieces now, we have our hands tied.”

“Maybe, maybe not.” Sau-Sau smirked, likely forcefully. However, with his face deeply marked by his constant worries it was impossible to tell.

“Aeresk will take the islands and the Arch-Grand Admiralship. We can expect a massive rearrangement in the Parliament of the Seas.” Morm brought the conversation back on track.

“And it will be the destruction of the comparative advantages of many nobles. We can expect another massive rearrangement in the Parliament of the Lands.” Crerom continued that line of thought.

“Precisely, and so a crisis of economical nature shall follow. But, what does she want with it?” Morm finished.

“She will take advantage. That is assured, my lords.” Kiv intervened. “How is the question. I’ve heard she shall invoke the Parliament of the Fires, but why…”

-0- The Following Day -0-

“Did you know that Admiral Aeresk has a new flagship. They say there are only a dozen or so in the fleets of Herater that can come close to it and none that can match its speed.”

“Really, father? What kind of galley is it?”

“It is no galley my ray of sunshine.”

“But the Great Galley is the largest ship ever.”

“Well, we don’t know, it is likely it might be so, but the ship of the Admiral is another type of ship entirely.”
“A gelleen?”

“It is galleon, and yes, that ship you see in the front is the Stormbreaker, his flagship.”

“But it isn’t as large as the Great Galley!”

“No, but size isn’t as important as speed and manoeuvrability in combat sometimes, it depends on the situation.”

“And why are there so many ships? There must be more than a hundred!”

“Many don’t sail under the flag of Lellail, but under his personal command. Even then, more ships are waiting outside the bay; he has many mercenaries under his command.”

“And what about pirates, won’t they attack him, Dad?”

“Admiral Aeresk has bought all the pirates in the sea of Southern Albion. They will join in later, not attack him.”


“Pirates and mercenaries can’t hope to match him in firepower nor they can they coordinate themselves good enough to muster a fleet to overwhelm him.”

“Isn’t because he isn’t fully human?”

“That should be also part of it. It is incredibly hard to injure, much less kill, a Kitsune.”

“And if he is a Kitsomething, why is called the Dragon?”

“Most Kitsunes can control a special type of fire they produce very well. He is such a prodigy he can control natural fires… In this case Holy Heratereh Hellfire.”

“What is that fire?”

“I pray you’ll never get to know it, ray of sunshine. A good shot of it can easily annihilate an entire city.”

“But battles in the sea are full of water! Water kills fire.”

“The Holy Hellfire can burn even underwater.”

“How is that possible, Dad?”

“Only a few really know how, it isn’t magic though."

“How can it not be magic?”

“Wizards, warlocks, witches, druids, sages and many, many others tried to decipher the secret of how to put it out. They all reached the same conclusion…”

“What is it dad, why do you look sad?”

“It can only be extinguished when there is nothing else that can burn and the fire itself has no fuel left.”

Here is my NS.

Pass it through a filter to make it look old, like the maps of the time which had really notorious drawings of stuff that was recognizable for those who read them, such as castles or wind currents.
My sheet is ready:

Warning, WIP.

Yay! The RP is growing (this is also my first NG by the way).
Jailed for smoking in a no-smoking area.
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