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[Sorry for not posting for a while]

David turned his gaze towards the captain in curiosity when she told her story. Or rather, a heavily abridged version of it. Odd, she's withholding information from us. I think I'll avoid prying deeper into it though, too many things that could go wrong if I do." Since he didn't feel like having small talk with the others, David decided to spend the rest of his time on the ship examining things further. After all, it was highly unlikely they would be attacked by actual pirates, and even more so that they would be assaulted by denizens of the sea.

Imagine his dull surprise when a few hours later, he saw a scaled form underneath the waves. The entire ship then lurched forward after this discovery, causing David to fall sideways and hit his arm. Thankfully, the landing only brought a light and dull pain that David could handle. David quickly rolled unto his back, and from there carefully stood back up. He didn't want to get knocked down on his ass like a fool. "Let's just say these kind of creatures were a...decent emergency food source for me and the last crew I was with. My suggestion? Aim for whatever doesn't look like scales."

David leaned against the ships edge and grabbed on with one arm. With the other, he opened his hand and clenched it shut as soon as he felt the wooden shaft of a spear appear in it. David then threw this spear into the water a few inches ahead of where he could see scales, aiming for the monsters head. Once one spear was thrown down, David would raise his hand up and repeat this process.

(Bleh post is bleh)
David merely let out a snort at Runa's attempts to get him to eat. He wasn't willing to waste thirty minutes eating when they could be setting sail. With how roughly they handled those pirates, they were bound to want some form of revenge. Knowing how two of the crew members were quite young...Well, David didn't want to truly question his morals today. So he decided he would stay on the deck of the ship until they were ready to set sail.

Which after half a bloody hour, the captain finally gave the order to go. "Finally. I was getting bored of waiting for you both." With the order now officially given...David set to work on unfurling the sail and severing whatever linked the ship to the docks. During this he would switch his mind off, letting old memories of setting sail on a ship do his work for him. Though this time, he wouldn't be working with several others on a much larger ship. "Step four: Try not to get killed by the navigators skills. Or possibly lack of them." David would then ignore whatever comeback would come from the redhead, content with messing with her for now.

Course...then the captain asked for information about them. Something David wasn't quite sure he wanted to talk about. "All you need to know about me is that I'm Ex-Military, I dislike fish, and my family is a forbidden subject." There, that was all he needed to say. Nothing more complex than that.
"I suggest we put up a normal flag for now. We could drop the pirate flag whenever we wish to initiate combat, or perhaps take over another ship for supplies and plundered treasure." David then heard Raine make an insult about his face. A rather...friendly one compared to what David has heard before. "I'm sure your face on a flag wouldn't be very good on a journey either. We'd become a laughing stock." David wouldn't admit it, but he missed having someone around to throw insults back and forth with. It was...an odd kind of fun.
David then turned his gaze towards Runali. "I assure you that you will not find us killing each other. Nor will I attempt to sink this ship and kill you both as long as I get my share of spoils." As the captain walked down to the cooking area of the ship, David walked to the decks edge and stared down at the water. Here David would wait until the order to set sail was given...
...Or until the captain spoke up about lunch. To which David had this to say: "I'm not hungry."
Step 2: Survive insults being thrown around due to the flag.
David blinked when she accepted his offer. To be honest, he believed she would actually decline it. Not every pirate captain was too keen on letting one of their keep spoils of victory for themselves. "I worked in the military. I wasn't 'trained' to backstab people." David spoke this, but briefly thought of how he was still quite capable of taking down most people in an honest fight. 'Honest' being without him using his powers to their fullest extent. "My name is David. Don't bother asking for a middle or last name." David then looked to her hand and decided to shake it. Mainly as a unwritten signing of their deal.
The captain (Which he mentally calls her from this point on) then invited him unto her ship. "Before I do, I would like to know the name or title of my new captain. Yelling the word captain when I need orders is bothersome." David still took a brief glance in her ships direction though. If only to make mental notes of what they may eventually need to improve upon. All he really noticed from this distance though was how plain it seemed to look. Just your average ship that can support a somewhat small, but full, crew. Its flag wasn't even that detailed, as it was merely a skull and crossbones motif...with some kind of stitched X over one of the skulls eyes.
This particular flag was of the most bother to David though. "...I never understood some pirates need to have that kind of flag up. It only attracts attention from the military, or worse, makes potential victims flee like bugs."
"If I walked all the way here to say no, I would've brought officers with me to arrest you. They don't care too kindly about those who sail the seas freely." David mentally smiled at Raine's (He had overheard the girl introduce herself as he arrived.) statement, knowing fully well that his family tended to have a stick up their ass 24/7. Why else would they all act so rudely? "I'm here to accept your offer, only on one certain condition."
David briefly thought of how to make this trip more worthwhile. Would he demand a payment at each stop they made? No, he would be quickly sent away with that one. What about asking to be second in command of the ship? With only three people so far, that wasn't going to work out so well. Then, finally, an idea struck him.
David looked straight at the girl captain, and spoke clear enough for her to hear. "If this ship gets into any engagements with other pirates or ships, I wish to have a portion of the spoils set aside for my use alone. When I leave the crew, or if we find this treasure you speak of, I will take the spoils set aside for me. Is this condition acceptable?" David stood still, waiting for the girls reply.
So the girl wasn't stupid. A bit easier to anger though, since some would take that information more as a friendly reminder. David took this knowledge and repeated it in his mind, to keep it actively in his memory as long as possible. "So, the girl is most likely going to get killed. Possibly sold off to slavery. Hrmm...maybe I could follow and join the slavers as a hired guard. Or kill them for a bounty or reward. Whichever feels better at the time." With that, David rose from his seat and walked out of the tavern. Not before stopping next to a knocked out drunk on the floor, one of the few who was involved in the fight. "Lazy pig." Quickly stomping on the drunks hand, David smirked as he left the building and began walking towards the shipyard. "Or its also possible the girl wasn't lying, and was actually meaning to take us to some form of treasure. In that case, I may join just to get away from this damn town."
David brooded mentally on his walk to the ships, most likely glaring at any townsfolk who looked his way. He probably even kicked over a beggers money can, just because it was in the way. Once he finally caught sight of the one-eyed girl, David walked towards her ship. Not surprisingly, the redheaded girl was there as well. Speaking up, David...sort of made a joke. "Ah, so you haven't been abducted by fat pirates for slave labor. There goes my potential pay."
David listened to the girl talk to both him and the resident orphan. Something about how she would split a treasure with them if they joined, and that they should be absolutely sure they wished to work for her. Before David could say anything the girl left the tavern. However...this did leave him with a little time to think over his decision. "Working for the promise of treasure. Hmph, could be a trick...but false work is better than sitting in here and pretending to get drunk." David thought to himself.
Already knowing he wished for some work, and that he could just get rid of the girl if she betrayed him, David decided he would work for her. However...looking over at the orphan who wished to work for food, David unknowingly glared her way. "You do realize she might be trying to trick you."
David blinked as he overheard a girl talk about needing to find people. The main two that caught his attention, were the needs for a shipwright and a weapon specialist. Odd, considering Davids past training almost fitting this role exactly. So, curious, he turned in his seat towards the speaker. Looking at the girl with an eye patch, the former warrior could easily imagine her as a pirate or member of some crew. Though, by how she was asking for people... David pointed his finger towards the girl and spoke. "You. How much would you pay for a shipwright and 'weapons specialist'."
"Our family has been in the military for generations David. Never has any of our line decided to deny that heritage. If you choose to do this, you must know that we will cast you out of our family. Is this goal of yours truly worth throwing away your bloodline?"

David blankly stared down at his cup on the taverns counter. It was nearly full of some alcoholic drink that David never bothered to actually order, but got from the bartender after he asked for a drink. Staring into it, the trained soldier could almost see his past playing out before him once more. He could even hear the cries of combat roaring in his ears, parts of his time fighting in bar-

David blinked, realizing he never fought in a bar before. He then looked around to notice that the noise he was hearing wasn't in his mind, but from the brawl happening around him. With an annoyed glare, he grabbed tightly unto his drink and brought it up to his mouth. Before he could even drink it though, a chair leg smacked into his hand and knocked the cup down. Which, only annoyed David more. So with a deep breath, he merely closed his eyes and tried to keep calm. He knew everyone was either drunk, or an idiot unable to control themselves. They were at no fault for breaking out into a childish fight once in a while.

Then someone swung a wooden stool down upon the back of his skull. Suddenly, the world seemed to stop for David as the brief spark of pain rushed down from his head to the rest of his form. The person who struck him went on to attack another patron, but the damage was already done. All David did after that was slowly stand up, his back to the chaos behind him. "Bartender, I'm going to need another drink." He spoke in his usual deep tone, and reached into his white shirts pocket to drop some coins on the counter. Oddly enough, one could count those coins and determine that they were the exact price one would pay for a fine of getting into a bar fight.

David turned towards the violence going on, and stared darkly at the scene before him. He merely saw unskilled children at work, striking at each other as clumsily as possible to try and knock each other out. Nothing he couldn't take care of in a few seconds. Reaching out his hand, the soldier smirked as a wooden sword appeared within his grasp. No flashy entrance, no lights, just a practical ability at work. Then, he went to work on ending the fight. Which may or may not have resulted in him knocking out a good portion of the drunks before they all decided to cut their losses and run off.

After this though, David would let go of the wooden sword and sit back down on his stool. As the blade disappeared, the bartender placed another cup before David. With the same unknown drink the soldier hadn't tasted yet. With a simple thank you to the bartender, David resumed his act of staring into the glass. Trying to figure out at what point he went from someone in the army...to a simple mercenary willing to sell his skill for money.
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