Avatar of Gavin
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 177 (0.05 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. Gavin 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
So I didn't get a chance to say it on here last night, but happy new year everyone!
6 yrs ago
I'm seriously addicted to checking for notifications on here.
6 yrs ago
I felt like I should post an update status, seeing as my last one was seven months ago. So here it is. Hi status bar.
6 yrs ago
Currently reading Explorers of the Void while it's going slow. All of it. All 1260 posts of it.
6 yrs ago
I'm back. (Only took 3 years)
1 like


(Awesome Gible avatar made by Ridlins)

To-do List:
1. Write a bio
2. Celebrate for finally having written a bio

Hey, my name's Gavin. If you've seen the RP(s) I'm in, you'll know that I name most of my characters that, too. I'd like to say I do it to keep track of them easier or something, but it's really because I'm so bad at coming up with names that I just use my own. I tend to RP with a specific group of people, but if I find the time I'm not opposed to joining other RPs.

I got into roleplaying a while back from a stray Google search. It lead me to a website with a fanfiction written by multiple authors. (Don't judge me too harshly; that's really what I thought it was.) Eventually, I figured out what this "roleplay" concept was. It seemed like a fun idea, so I decided to track down the people who wrote what I had just read and join their current RP. Looking back on it, I'm amazed that my app was (eventually) accepted. I'm not exaggerating when I say that my roleplay/writing skills were absolutely horrible - I was lucky to be able to write a couple sentences per post. If any of you are reading this: thanks for putting up with it back then.

After that RP and its prequel ended, the group I was with moved to this website. I joined (or tried to join) a few of their RPs, but I kept losing interest along the way. There were times where I would get an idea and decide to work on an app, but those never lasted long enough for me to get back into RPing. I stopped making apps, and started checking in on people from time to time because I wanted to keep in contact with them. I eventually realized that it was kind of rude to keep posting on an RP I wasn't in, so I decided not to keep doing that. I checked back here less and less, until I eventually forgot about it.

Until earlier this year last year. A while ago, I remembered the old RPs I had been in and decided to write one of them into a book for myself. I pulled up the old website and started stitching the posts together in my own words into a continuous story, structured more like a book than an RP. I got about a hundred posts in, and that's when I realized that I wanted to RP again. I could tell it was different now; this time I wouldn't get bored halfway through making an app and give up. So, now I'm back. And I don't plan on leaving anytime soon, so you're all stuck with me.

Most Recent Posts

Oh, good. How far is it through the story? (It might be awkward if I joined right at the tail end of the final boss battle or something.)
This seems to be going a bit slower recently. Is this still alive and well, and accepting applications?
So the website added a little "x" thing next to the names of rp threads in the subscriptions page, and the "x" was red, so I panicked and thought it meant that the rps had died and everyone migrated away. I then found it was just for deleting them from your subscriptions page. It scared the living daylights out of me...

Oh, and hi again. :3
See, this is why I shouldn't say that I'm submitting an application. I'll say it, then get halfway done with writing it and give up. Anyway, congratulations with the one year of the RP! And kazoos, YES. There should be an entire Youtube channel devoted entirely to playing epic songs with kazoos.
I'm going to make a character application soon, once I have the time. I won't unexpectedly forget about it like last time (sorry), I'm finally in the mood to RP again! I'll probably start actually working on it tomorrow or the next day, one of those.
Oh my god, you're right! I saw a puppy looking out a car window, it was so cute!!!
Are you sure you have enough 0's there? :P
How far along is the RP? Like, percentage-wise?
Wait, speaking of which, where is Evanist?

Nevermind. I just haven't seen any OOC posts from him recently.
Don't worry Lugia, it can't jump out of the computer at you... Too much...
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