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    1. geurls 6 yrs ago


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His look chilled her bones. Anger and adrenaline pulsed at the corners of her eyes. Pale soft lips turned to a grimace. Like whispers coming from her bruised skin, the signal came to clench her fists. "Knights? Knights?! The butcher bloodies his hands fewer times than you. Crimson dyes white wings pink, I hope you know."

She was about to spit more hatred towards him, when something hit her like a wave of warmth. The mist in her vison cleared. She whipped her head towards the source, and she realized why. Like a fervor to friendliness, the aura of what felt like the sun crashed into her. Harsh emotions washed out, her muscles relaxed. It's amazing how much of a double-eyepatch anger can be.

Was she truly seeing what she thought she was seeing? Was this King Vrondi? For the first time in her life, her ears filled and her sight cleared. What was he saying? She didn't have a clue. He was so much like her mother, too much, just by look alone. Water filled her tearducts, but not for sorrow, but like wind was rushing at her face. Clarity.

She was surprised to hear Mirror first. "With this, you can help the Aion and achieve whatever else you desire...". Fresh thoughts came to the forefront of her mind of her mother. Her whole body turned to face Mason and Dremmick. Without a second thought, she spoke loudly. "I'm going."

@Rai @Jollan @Guy0fV4lor
The chandelier crashed above her, shards of glass and whips of candlewax fell like rain. She sucked air in so hard it felt like she punctured a lung. Finding no time to rest, she made a mental note to pray to the gods her armor didn't completley fall apart. Luckily too, she was on the edge of where the chandelier fell. She heard moans and cries of people behind her... But at least it meant they were alive. As she struggled to breathe, she was reminded of the girl, and the seraphim. She... Couldn't stay behind.

Practically pulling herself up the steps and through the portal, she stumbled in, going spread eagle on the warm grounds. So much for shield 17.0. The temperature difference was enough to shock her, but the warm sizzle on her skin did just that far better. She quickly took off her chest piece and her wannabe-chainmail over her bloodied and bruised skin, and with her bare arms, she basked in the sunlight falling through the windows. Healers quickly came up to her, but she was preoccupied feeling what actual sunlight was like. Weak beams always peeked through the clouds during he days, but this was out of the ballpark.

Is this what her mother grew up with? Sunshine and helping hands in a less-than-harsh environment? Her skin-deep wounds quickly closed, with shards of glass now littering the floors. A few of the stabs at her would need some help, but the feeling of warmth had spread through her, and her pain was totally gone. When she was addressed she was brought back to reality.

A frown quickly moved in on her face. Him. She was here for the kid, and the kid alone. She wouldn't let her fall into his hands... A child shouldn't have to be a warrior. Why couldn't everyone just get along? Why was blood spilled today? And why would a seraphim be behind it all? It was despicable. She kept silent on the way there, glaring daggers at him.

"Hold on, hold on- we are not allies now. The fight is over, and so is our pact. You best not be going to put a sword in her hands. I don't intend to sit down and have a drink with you."
Shit, shit, shit. Seraphims probably couldn’t see in the dark very well, or at all. Only a few things clattered on her shield from the chandelier. Stumbling back as something hit her lucking armored knee, she grit her teeth. She smashed the back, ignoring them after that. Oh...

Before she could think out an idea fully, she heard a moan of a seraphim, while she felt people closing in on her. Taking a sharp breath in, she proceeded with her very, very stupid plan.

Grabbing the a side of her shield like a frisbee, she sparked the room with light for one second to spot the chains, she used the battling twilight energies inside of her to throw the frisbee-shield at the chains. Like throwing a tree at an anthill.

She dove at the seraphim, hiding him under her, as she held her head down as low as possible from the possible impact- but with her luck, it wouldn’t work, of course. All of this within fractions of a second, though it felt like hours to her.

Constance grit her teeth, holding her ground as some advanced before her. As she hunched her shoulders, ready to take a blow, she looked at the girl wide-eyed in fear. "It's ok... Everything will be fine." Hearing Mirror's words, she nodded. Looking towards the portal, she looked back at the girl. "Run, run as fast as you can. I'll make a distraction, ok Odel...?"

Odelia. The girl looked so much like her whenever they heard dragons in the forest. Odelia always had a gaze of wisdom and courage, far more than Constance had had at her age. The girl had streaks from where her tears had gone, but now stepped up to her role.

Wiping her bloodied cheek, she nodded to her one last time. "I... I'll come through the portal once everyone is safe." God, she looked so much like Odelia. Pangs reminded her of her siblings, her home, and the fact she was their only protection. Not much like she could slip out of this, even if she wanted to. Standing quickly, she already her the girl's feet pattering through the blood. Game time.

She bolted the opposite way, trying to knock back anyone trying to go after the girl, skidding to a stop and she saw an opportunity. Her lip was bleeding from biting it so hard. Unclasping her boot in one swift movement, she grabbed the biggest rock she could find in a quarter of a second. Willing something deep inside of her as she saw she shimmer of the city of light from the corner of her eye, she threw the rock towards the enchanting chandelier swaying furiously above them all. Just before she though it would hit, she tried to release some strange solar fusion she felt like butterflies in her stomach upon that medium sized rock. Before she could even see if it hit the chains or not, she was under her shield, bracing for impact.
Constance's breathing was heavy and hard, blood stained all in her light hair as she looked at the seraphim in front of her. As the girl cried in her lap, Constance looked at him in dismay. Anger formed on her tongue.

"Do you think violence stops violence? If you cared about anyone you wouldn't engage in such heinous acts as this! Many don't have a choice to be here! You.. you..." Her voice became raspy as a choked sob formed in her throat. She became much quieter as the cold grew in. She felt trapped. Next to her were slavers and killers, and she felt like she couldn't tell who from who.

Brothers and sisters? Was... Was she related to these people? Thoughts invaded her mind. Would her siblings- her actual be capable of something like this? She connected her eyes with Mirror's. "You can gain nothing from a bloody sword unless it is in defense. No one should be stolen away from their families like the seraphim, but do you not realize you are doing this for all of these people here?"

The cold was pushing in more. The tears on the girl's face were frozen when they hit the ground. The chaos around Constance seemed calm, for some odd reason. "I only ally you for her," She said. A sting on her cheek brought things back to reality, as she turned sharply towards where it came as crimson fell across her face. She hunkered down, scooping up the girl into the curve of her large shield. "Mirror!" She yelled out, hoping he trusted her enough to save the girl as she tried to created a body block from anyone who could attack her from her exposed back.
The girl slipped in after Constance, clutching her leg as they went about the hall. Constance tensed up, trying to hide the girl at the sight of the angelic being down the side of the passageway. Was this who she was being pulled towards, a person from her storybooks? "Friend of the King?" Who was friends with the King? Simply allies, a tool. One has to put their people first, always be on guard. Every leader was pretty much like that, right? He was the person who tried to protect her. She thought back to her siblings, with the rampant dragons and thieves... Though she didn't have time to answer.

Like a trumpet from the heavens, something in the other side of the keep sounded. She looked back, and it seemed like the citadel started to shake- or it was just her legs quaking. Screams echoed. She looked to the mythical being. "What is the meaning of this?" She barked, as she quickly got her shield and halberd out, starting to back up. "How do I save them?" She cried, just as the girl started to actually cry. Constance looked down, an expression of horror on her face. The girl was running into the kitchen. Constance had no time for the seraph.

She bolted after the girl, crashing her shoulders into corners. Flying beings were tumbling out over her head, their wings like lashes against her skin. "Please! Come back here!" She bellowed, though she doubted she'd be able to hear it. The seraphs she was told of... If they are to cause screams of agony like this...

Her eyes fell on her black hair, and she charged. She fell to her knees, sliding in the blood, to get in front of the girl. Putting her shield down, she pulled the girl by the scruff of her dress. She was wailing, her cries of trauma filling the air more than any other. "MOM! MOMMA!"

Constance didn't realize herself crying too.
As festivities filled the streets with laughter and barks of glee, Constance arrived with foreign feelings infecting her. She looked down at the little girl holding her hand. "Where did you say she was? Which kitchen is it?" Constance asked. The girl looked around, finally pointing at the gargantuan fortress in the center of the city. The corner they were standing on seemed to darken, as Constance's eyes seemed to waver a bit. What was she going to do, just go up, knock three times, and tell them "I need to get to the kitchen?"

"My momma's a good cook," The girl assured. Constance offered a small smile. "Oh yeah? Does she make food for the guards?"
"Naa, the King!"
Constance looked down, eyes wide.
"Yaa, she's awesome. She's been gone a few days though," She added. "We always hang out on the festival." Constance pursed her lips. She already promised the kiddo they would find her...

She carried the girl now, as they wound around the streets. People were rejoicing around them still, and Constance gave polite smiles to all of them if they looked at her. She might've looked a bit strange in all her armor with a shield and halberd on her back, and a kid on her hip, but a promise was a promise. Something seemed to pull her towards the castle, and it wasn't the girl's mom. It gave the feeling of watching one of her siblings getting lost in the tunnels, even getting hurt, or just being in danger. Looking up at the castle as it rose above the streets, she knew she had to get in.

Smoke and decadent smells poured out of a few widows on the eastern side of the keep. Bums seemed to be hanging around the grounds of the whole citadel, wanting to get some gold coins from officials, but they sat here especially, like dogs waiting for meat to be thrown in a cage. The snake around her neck had been sleeping up until now. Whether that was from the smell of food or the sense of danger, who knew. The two heads seemed to be on guard, whichever it was. The homeless seemed to look at her as if she were a piece of that meat about to be chucked to the wind, but she tried not to acknowledge any fear. An iron gate was barred the one entrance into a small courtyard it seemed. She put the girl down, who gazed on curiously at what she was about to do. Looking, and assuring to herself no guards were nearby, she attempted to find some strength deep within herself, and tried to bend the bars.
Constance Marit
Age: 23
Bloodline: Nayu/Sol, Seraphim
Appearance: Very light hair, rosy skin, largeish pointed ears, with kaleidoscope green eyes- kind of misty.
Group: Unaffiliated. Tries to keep to herself due to sticking out like a sore thumb.
Physique: Built up well through back-water jobs. Very strong it seems, but she wouldn’t show it unless dire.
Abilities: Trained to use her halberd, as well as carrying heavy (and poorly made) armor.
Spells: Very very weak healing, maybe could heal some minor bones on others with a day’s worth of energy. Rare regeneration of self. Minor blood manipulation, only on herself as well. Can cast a room in darkness/light if she tries hard, plus some minor sol/luna magic. The healing really only comes into play when her -many- brothers and sisters scrape their knees and such. She really only can use most of her magic with an adrenaline rush, though she does try to practice her sol magic on plants and her luna magic on the various invaders. It tires her out so fast though, which would make sense that she's terrible at magic. The blood manipulation mainly comes from her father’s help, often used to stop bleeding on herself if she gets an injury smithing.
Pet: Double headed snake she keeps around her neck, which helps her 'sense’ things. The snake makes certain hisses around certain things that she has learned to understand over the years.
Experience: Constance has spent most of her time alone trying to make a full set of sturdy armor. Aka, blacksmithing experience, though not even close to anything Fotian/Tearian level.
Motivation: She wishes to protect, foremost. For that, her driving force is to master the art of defense for her little village, protecting it from the bandits and dragons that plague the people. Also is curious about Vrondi- her mother’s birthplace.
Birthplace: Born in the southernmost caves of Nayu, lived mostly underground up until recently.
Extra Info: Poor eyesight. Mainly relies on colors to pick out what she is seeing if she has to use her eyes. Very sensitive skin, can feel around instead of using her eyes most of the time. Also, smells pretty nice for how much work she does.
+Strong Willed
-Socially Inept
-Disregards Own Safety
-Too Trusting
-Goes Off on Her Own (mentally and physically)
-Terrible at magic
Constance Marit
Age: 23
Bloodline: Nayu/Sol, Seraphim
Appearance: Very light hair, rosy skin, largeish pointed ears, with kaleidoscope green eyes- kind of misty.
Group: Unaffiliated. Tries to keep to herself due to sticking out like a sore thumb.
Physique: Built up well through back-water jobs. Very strong it seems, but she wouldn’t show it unless dire.
Abilities: Trained to use her halberd, as well as carrying heavy (and poorly made) armor.
Spells: Very very weak healing, maybe could heal some minor bones on others with a day’s worth of energy. Rare regeneration of self. Minor blood manipulation, only on herself as well. Can cast a room in darkness/light if she tries hard, plus some minor sol/luna magic. The healing really only comes into play when her -many- brothers and sisters scrape their knees and such. She really only can use most of her magic with an adrenaline rush, though she does try to practice her sol magic on plants and her luna magic on the various invaders. It tires her out so fast though, which would make sense that she's terrible at magic. The blood manipulation mainly comes from her father's help, often used to stop bleeding on herself if she gets an injury smithing.
Pet: Double headed snake she keeps around her neck, which helps her 'sense’ things. The snake makes certain hisses around certain things that she has learned to understand over the years.
Experience: Constance has spent most of her time alone trying to make a full set of sturdy armor. Aka, blacksmithing experience, though not even close to anything Fotian/Tearian level.
Motivation: She wishes to protect, foremost. For that, her driving force is to master the art of defense for her little village, protecting it from the bandits and dragons that plague the people. Also is curious about Vrondi- her father’s birthplace.
Birthplace: Born in the southernmost caves of Nayu, lived mostly underground up until recently.
Extra Info: Poor eyesight. Mainly relies on colors to pick out what she is seeing if she has to use her eyes. Very sensitive skin, can feel around instead of using her eyes most of the time.
+Strong Willed
-Socially Inept
-Disregards Own Safety
-Too Trusting
-Goes Off on Her Own (mentally and physically)
-Terrible at magic
Constance Marit
Age: 23
Bloodline: Nayu/Sol, Seraphim
Appearance: Very light hair, rosy skin, largeish pointed ears, with kaleidoscope green eyes- kind of misty.
Group: Unaffiliated. Tries to keep to herself due to sticking out like a sore thumb.
Physique: Built up well through back-water jobs. Very strong it seems, but she wouldn’t show it unless dire.
Abilities: Trained to use her halberd, as well as carrying heavy (and poorly made) armor.
Spells: Very very weak healing, maybe could heal some minor bones on others with a day’s worth of energy. Rare regeneration of self. Minor blood manipulation, only on herself as well. Can cast a room in darkness/light if she tries hard, plus some minor sol/luna magic. The healing really only comes into play when her -many- brothers and sisters scrape their knees and such. She really only can use most of her magic with an adrenaline rush, though she does try to practice her sol magic on plants and her luna magic on the various invaders. It tires her out so fast though, which would make sense that she's terrible at magic. The blood manipulation mainly comes from her father's help, often used to stop bleeding on herself if she gets an injury smithing.
Pet: Double headed snake she keeps around her neck, which helps her 'sense’ things. The snake makes certain hisses around certain things that she has learned to understand over the years.
Experience: Constance has spent most of her time alone trying to make a full set of sturdy armor. Aka, blacksmithing experience, though not even close to anything Fotian/Tearian level.
Motivation: She wishes to protect, foremost. For that, her driving force is to master the art of defense for her little village, protecting it from the bandits and dragons that plague the people. Also is curious about Vrondi- her father’s birthplace.
Birthplace: Born in the southernmost caves of Nayu, lived mostly underground up until recently.
Extra Info: Poor eyesight. Mainly relies on colors to pick out what she is seeing if she has to use her eyes. Very sensitive skin, can feel around instead of using her eyes most of the time.
+Strong Willed
-Socially Inept
-Disregards Own Safety
-Too Trusting
-Goes Off on Her Own (mentally and physically)
-Terrible at magic
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