Avatar of GlitchyBugger
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 102 (0.03 / day)
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    1. GlitchyBugger 10 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current How metal would it be if I said that I was ironically saying Irony is extremely metal this whole time? I think it would be an unparalleled level of metal, myself.
6 yrs ago
Irony continues to be extremely metal and in space everyone can hear you scream: This and more tonight at 25:74PM on your local CRT Television.
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7 yrs ago
Day 126.5: No one has suspected that irony might not be extremely metal, will make contact again when the situation changes.
7 yrs ago
Breaking News: Irony hasn't stopped being extremely metal.
7 yrs ago
Will irony ever NOT be extremely metal?


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I refer to him as shinichi out of dialogue, but never really use any name for him whilst talking, so for all you know Niji might know :U
Awesomeness, Fox.
-whoopsie, doublepost-
Kumogatarui Dobustu - Another one? What a coincidence!

The web flowers had caught the panther, Kakashi, and Kumoga along with her clones were about to descend on him to wrap him up against the tree securely. But a second Kakashi came into the clearing followed by Takeshi, with no sign of Naoto anywhere... That was concerning.

In the mean-time, Kumoga and her three clones all gasped in unison at their arrival and froze for a mere second. "Get him pinned down, you two!" She said, pointing to two of her clones whom would nod and begin launching web flowers towards the newly arrived Kakashi, trying to be careful to not catch takeshi in it as well. Meanwhile Kumoga and her other clone hurried to the tree that the first Kakashi was stuck to, joining fingers for a brief moment before separating, creating the beginnings of a net to further encase the beast. "We must keep an eye out, if he can clone himself there may be more coming this way!" A clone called out, still trying to secure the panther that Takeshi had been chasing, as soon as they could they would try to wrap him up as well once if he was pinned down.

"Is it safe to use our fangs on an animal? We're not sure if it'll be too much."

"Don't worry about that for now, just secure him and we can resolve it when everyone is accounted for!" Kumoga called back, almost disregarding Takeshi's presence in terms of how she threw out her orders, just as they were in the middle of wrapping up the Kakashi against the tree, the clone with Kumoga collapsed into a mass of water that soaked into the ground and left Kumoga to finish wrapping Kakashi up. To which she took up the mantle quickly, artfully darting around the tree with the webbing from her fingers spooling out further until she was certain that he was wrapped up securely. If she had the time she'd keep her eyes peeled for any other arriving Kakashis, just in case either of these were the fakes. "Fujiwara-san? Do you know where Shiratori-san is?" She'd also chance asking as they dealt with these two struggling panthers.
Kumogatarui Dobustu - An unexpected visitor? But we didn't prepare refreshments!

Weaving away at webs in the clearing, Kumoga and her three clones were feeling quite peaceful with all the nothing going on as they worked, one of the clones stopped at the sound of movement and looked towards the others. She was about to say something as she dropped down from the tree she was working from, but Kakashi (which was actually Tora but they don't know that) attacked, cutting through the webs and bringing the attention of all of the Kumoga's right to him. The one closest to him who soon became his next target, tried to flee up a tree to avoid being caught and mauled, clones or not they had self preservation.

"What is he doing here? I thought he was going to be chased by the others and I don't see them!" Kumoga called to her clones, for some reason expecting a useful answer.
"We don't know either, we know what you know and we wont know about this if you don't know about this!" One of them answered, of course giving an answer she didn't need to know.
"Stop talking and help! The one up the tree cried, trying to pelt Kakashi with the small hail of Spider Web Flowers she began firing from her mouth, the other three tried to do similar, aiming ahead and behind Kakashi to try and prevent him from making any moves and to stick him to the nearest object.

"Don't let him get away!"
I'd suggest that maybe due to a previous (NPC) Jounin being unable to teach (by dying or something), you've been put into another team despite the fullness of it?
Solok, Nathan, you guys carry on hunting the Panther down and I'll be sat here talking to myself :D
Niji Yakei - The Still Saddening

Quietly Niji listened to Shinichi as he built up his response to everything she said, he'd killed people and regretted it also... Of course he had, he was a shinobi as well and they'd all had to deal their fair share of death throughout their lives. But to her this felt different, it felt like he was trying to say something without truly saying it, like he'd done more than just fight and kill other shinobi. It was a bit disturbing to consider but maybe he'd once been someone terrible, a mindless killer maybe, before he became a shinobi. She didn't dwell on the idea much though, even if it sat at the back of her mind, scratching at her thoughts.

The topic shifted to what she'd wanted to do, and about how it was actually a very noble thing of her to want, she at least paused from her gaze down the cliff to look at him as he sat next to her. When she really thought about it, he was a very supportive teacher, even now when she'd proclaimed wanting to live without killing unless she chose to he backed her up and thought it was a good idea. She held her gaze at him as he explained further as to why some had to die at the hands of shinobi, it was all to stop peace from ending again after the wars were over, to keep the other villages happy that each and every village had shinobi killing others. But it was always targets whom were a threat to peace, like her first sensei, they killed a rogue Kirigakure-nin whom had made it off with one of the seven swords... They had to die to make sure that sword wasn't used for wrong reasons or shed innocent blood.

But Shinichi was right, the men whom had been burnt alive had been threatening that peace by bringing a war against shinobi to their doors, there was likely nothing to make them change their allegiance when the only option otherwise was to work with the very people they despised. She gave a small nod of understanding as she looked back down the cliff. With care she wiped the tears away before they really began. "Of course it's what I want to do, I didn't go through the effort of getting this forged just to change my mind after a little talk with you." Niji began as she brought herself onto her feet, drawing her reverse-bladed katana, catching his previous gesture. "The blade is on the inside of the curve with the blunt edge on the outside, it means that I have to choose as and when I kill instead of killing effortlessly." She'd explain as she showed him what she meant.

"I guess all I need to do now is to find something to fight for, I don't feel like saving innocent lives is enough of a cause... You think you can help with that or should I be finding that myself?" Her voice had a hint of a cheeky tone to it now after she sheathed the sword and began to follow him.

A moment later she spoke up again, allowing him a chance to respond. "Although it may be my imagination, but it sounded like you weren't always so kind-hearted, like a hardened killer turned soft by his students, you know? Like some heart-warming story about friendship and proving even a senseless killer can be good on the inside."

Kumogatarui Dobustu - Talking to Oneself is a sign of Madness... Or is it?

Both Kumoga and her clone continued their work over the whole area, quiet for the most part until the clone looked up from her weaving, hanging half out of the tree she was in and looking towards her creator. "I think that due to the low chakra reserve I have, what with only possessing a small amount of your chakra, perhaps it might be smart to create a few extra clones, only two more I would say... It would get our work done faster after all and give us more time to calm down after we finish. If you are as stressed as I about this situation we've put ourselves into, I feel we would deserve a longer resting period before we have to put on the mask of command again."

The original Kumogatarui looked across from the gap she was still working on. "You think so?" The clone nodded whilst continuing her weave. "I do indeed think so, we could even double-weave these webs with the spare time we have to ensure that panther is captured... But we must consider what Hatake-sensei said, things are not as they seem, so this may all be for naught if that is the case." The clone sounded slightly disheartened at her own comment, gifting a small frown. "Do not worry, if our team mates are as capable as they seem, they will be able to handle a situation wherein this plan fails, remember we still have our backup plan, even if it means we have to get into combat with the beast." Kumoga smiled to her clone, quickly creating two more which smiled and bowed in greeting. "Ladies, we need to get these webs woven fast and we need them in a double weave to ensure they'll retain their strength and help us catch a panther, you both start from an alternating end and work around so we all come to a stop on the opposite side to where we started. But remember! We need to keep the threads subtle as well, so not too thick, just weave your webs around the other ones." Kumoga smiled widely to her doppelgängers and they all nodded.
"Understood!" The other two chimed in unison as they both skipped off to get to work.

"I do hope this works, I would not like for all our efforts to have been wasted on him escaping. It would also make us seem like we're not as useful as we are, maybe even a poor leader."

"But we didn't want to lead, remember? We had to because neither of them seemed willing to do it."

"That is a fair point, we didn't want leadership, so what fault is it to us if they deem us as a poor leader? It allows us to step back and let them try to take charge, no skin off of our backs in the end of it."

"Whilst all of this is true, do we really want Hatake-Sensei to think ill of our capabilities because of this? She is no doubt going to grade how talented we may or may not be with these training sessions."

All the clones went quiet and gave thoughtful nods.

"We would not want Hatake-Sensei to think of us as useless, this is true."

"Indeed, we need to show Hatake-Sensei that we're capable and ready to go out into the shinobi world again!"

"Of course not, we must impress Hatake-Sen-" One of the clones gasped and stopped. "What if she's watching us!? She may have heard this entire conversation and think us mad! There was alarm in her voice as she looked to the other three with concern.

"Then where would we be?!"

"At home with our little darlings, I would hope, they may hunt insects for themselves but I can't bare leaving them alone too long..." Sorrow seemed to fill this clone's voice as she looked down sadly.

"Don't worry about them, our parents will look after them for us!" The real Kumoga chimed with a little clap before she went back to weaving her webbing. "Now keep going! If we can get this done perfectly we wont need to worry about failing and being seen as useless! Come on ladies, let's get it done!" This coaxed the other three into making firm nods before they quietly got back to work. Surely if Hatake-sensei saw this scene she'd think her student to be mad.... Right?
Kumogatarui Dobustu

Takeshi spotted a location to make their trap after stopping at the clearing and Kumoga came to a stop also, looking around at the trees and the area itself, it would work well enough with the space available.. It'd look like a somewhat safe haven for the panther, where he could really get his bearings whilst being chased by her teammates. But before Takeshi left Kumoga raised a hand. "Wait... try to find it's tracks and follow whatever lead it gives, but give it time to lower it's guard, it wont be able to stay alert at all times otherwise it'll tire itself out. We can catch up to him in our own time. When you find him try and lead him here, I'll set up webbing on as many trees as I can whilst you look for him and if I can I'll cover every opening with as fine a webbing as I can to make it harder for him to see it. Just be warned that you may accidentally get caught in it also. Go when you're ready..."

She was so uncomfortable with this, but she'd condemned herself to this role the moment she said she had a plan so she had to tough it out and try to shove leadership off to one of the others next time, if not just let Hatake-Sensei lead when they go on a mission. Kumogatarui herself spawned a water clone, funnily enough in a mirror-image of herself, whom waited for their team mates to go before they both took off in preparation for spinning her clan's webbing.

They would start at opposite sides of the clearing and work on the webbing, spinning a stereotypically styled spider's web between the trees and sizeable gaps in the branches that looked as if they would let the panther rush through them on the off-chance it took to the branches, it was going to be somewhat taxing on the young kunoichi but she was confident that her and her clone could cover the area in just enough to entrap the panther in webbing at least thrice.
She'd even extend little strands of webbing across the ground and along branches to act as feelers so she would know which direction that they would come from as it would all link back to the minuscule holes at the tips of her fingers, as well as take on the webbing of her clone, attaching them to her own in a fine weave. As soon as the somewhat exhausted kunoichi would finish, she'd quietly sit in the middle of the clearing and activate her dojutsu to keep an eye out for any movement nearby using the vibration-detection granted by her eye.

Granted, if she was interrupted she would have to do something about it, but she had a feeling all the secrets would end up revolving around the panther.
Kumogatarui Dobustu

At the apparent agreement of the other two to co-operate with a plan she had in mind, young Kumoga suddenly felt as if she was put on the spot rather suddenly, but she quietly nodded and pointed towards the forest. "Let's be quick... Don't want to lose him just yet." She said before taking off in a sprint into the trees, looking back to make sure that her new team mates were behind her.

"It revolves a lot upon the webbing I can make, but if we can find and chase him we can try to get him to run into a web like a fly into a spider's, my clan's webbing is stronger than it may seem, so capturing him in it wont be too big a hassle, but I will need you to try and get him to flee towards me. We'll need a space wherein I can set up multiple webs though, as I doubt just one will suffice compared to a panther running about. So first we need a sufficient location where we can set up the trap, then if the both of you can, go out to find him and try to lead him towards me." She explained quietly, already loosing webbing from the tips of her fingers so she would know if something crossed it. "We must also try and get a better view of things, I can loose some of my webbing to act like feelers, so if he so much as glances my web I will know where he is. But I'm unsure if that's enough, do either of you have anything sensory?"

The main thing about this situation was how out of place Kumoga felt trying to co-ordinate everything, she wasn't fully used to making decisions of her own, let alone making decisions for others... Maybe she could grow into it though.
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