Avatar of GoldForest
  • Last Seen: 2 days ago
  • Old Guild Username: GoldForest
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 233 (0.06 / day)
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    1. GoldForest 10 yrs ago
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Current @kingoftheskies try Watchcartoonsonline... stupid phone sent early...
5 yrs ago
@kingoftheskies are
5 yrs ago
@AlternateMan Look at the post before the one you asked.
5 yrs ago
Nightcore =/= Chipmunk, saying so is BLAPSHEMNY!!! ... lol. But seriously, imo they are two different things. Nightcore messes with music as well as vocals, Chipmunk version just makes hgh pitch voice
5 yrs ago
Inverted rainbow is weird...


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And I find it funny how much people are freaking out about it. They're freaking out because it's not the Titan P.

Well if they stopped to think they would see that the Titan P is supposed to be launched in August during Gamerscon or PAX Prime.

Serious, look at the specs of the new Titan X.
25% more performance than the 1080
12 gigs of GDDR5X.
384 bit memory bus.

3 red flags all right there.
1) Titan P is supposed to be 50 percent more performance than the 1080 not 25.
2) It supposed to boast 16 gigs of HBM2
3) Based on the Tesla P100 which has Pascal and HBM2, the memory bus should be well over 3800 bit.

This is just a scheme to get people to drop 1300 dollars now and then 1300 dollars when the Titan P drops.

Sorry for ranting, I'm a techie...

Anyway, I wanted to see if there are any other techies on the site and what your opinions on the Titan XP are. Btw calling the 2016 titan X, XP for X Pascal.
@GoldForest No problem, thanks for the credit link =)

No problem! ^^
@GoldForest It's cool, I forgot to put pushpins to hold on the news articles anyways. Here ya' go.

@Esoteric Opss, just noticed a mistake I made while requesting it. The second picture. I see I added a E to Scarface, that's not supposed to be there. Could I ask you to edit that E out of scarEface?


If you could put a tiny little credit link to the shop somewhere in your sig I would really appreciate it, but it is not required.

Holy cow, that looks awesome! I like the addition of the news articles. Nice touch. Thank you so much! And I will add credit to your shop!

Edit: Done
Not too fast haha, I'm off to bed but I'll try to wrap it up tomorrow.

Okay. Looks great so far.
So far, progress. That second image was a pain in the vag, the one with the logo right on the wing. I had to go grab a second image with the logo moved up (but the thing had like a quilted overlay which was weird) and transplant that wing piece man. The top will get trimmed a bit. Gonna move that third picture over a tad too (If I need too, gonna be a challenge to squeeze 8 on there.), you know, to obscure the wing I spent all that time on XD.

Wow you work fast. O.o and it looks great so far.

Yeah, you can cover up the planes if you need to. Not too much please.
@GoldForest What do you mean by "safe for cutting it off x 300 px"? You mean Width X - Height 300?

Yes, also, what I mean by safe for cutting it off, I mean keep it a size that fits the sig bar and it doesn't need a scroll bar to see the whole thing. This isn't a must. If you can't fit it within the signature without going past the max width, that's fine.
@GoldForest Cool idea! This will give me a much needed break from my character I've been working hours on. Working on it now.

Just added a characters tab for a character portrait I recolored and spiced up. She came out fantastic.

Awesome! Can't wait.
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