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So... Anyone interested in trying to stop a raging dragon from killing everyone it sees?
And the post has been edited as well. Had to spell check.

All the doors on his way up the stairwell had been locked, so Grundy had kept climbing, figuring that he'd find an open one eventually or he'd just had to rip the last one he saw off the hinges, which is exactly what he ended up having to do. He found himself on the roof just as a large shadow passed above him. He looked up and saw a winged wolf following a hawk.

Hmmm...could be fun to kill, Grundy thought as he watched what direction it was flying in for a few more seconds before beginning to jump across roofs after it.

Alissa and Tyrian flew for a short while southeast until they reached the suburbs. Alissa banked toward true east and began descending, pulling up in the backyard of a lovely two-story home. She fluttered a few times, then shapeshifted back into herself and landed lightly on the grass. Tyrian circled once before descending gently and landing with a great flap of his wings. He folded them tightly against his back and faced Alissa.

"Are you sure your father can help me?"

"Sure," Alissa replied with enthusiasm. "Gareth can fix anything."


"Oh, right... Um... I was... Well, my real parents were...normal. They didn't want me, so they left me at an adoption agency. I was fostered in a few different places, and then I was adopted by these people I never met. Turns out, they knew I was a..." Alissa paused, feeling as though she was about to say a dirty word. "They knew I was different. Because they are too. I've lived here since I was eleven."

"And how old are you now?"

"Sixteen." Alissa stared absent-mindedly at Tyrian.

"What?" he asked self-consciously.

"Oh, I was just wondering how old you are, and if you age like a wolf or like a person."

From any other mouth on any other day, a comment like this would have infuriated Tyrian, but from her, it was actually kind of cute. He made a half-smile, snorted a short laugh, and replied, "I'm eighteen, and I age like a person."

Alissa smiled awkwardly at him. "Cool. Me too."

That very moment, Gareth came outside and spotted them. "Alissa! You're wearing your super suit! Who is this?"

"It's okay, Gareth, I brought him home. I was hoping you could...help him."

"Help him? How, make him look human?"

"No," Tyrian interjected before Alissa could answer for him.

Gareth turned to him. "Strange, typically when we look other than human, that's what I'm asked for."

"I don't want that. I just... I need help controlling my powers. I...can't. I can't control them. I..."

"Slow down, Lobo Man. I might be able to throw something together than can help focus your powers. What kind of powers are you exhibiting?"

"I... I don't know."

"Well, perhaps we should test them."

"I don't know if that's a good idea..."

"Just try," Gareth assured him. "Alissa, my little Supergirl, do you want to let him try his powers out on you?"

"Okay!" she squeaked excitedly.

"NO!" Tyrian shouted. They stared at him, confused. A woman came barreling out of the sliding glass patio door.

"What is going on here?!?"

"Sara, honey," Gareth mused, spreading his arms wide to hug and intercept her. "Our little Ali brought a friend home!"

Sara stared menacingly at Tyrian. "Who are you?" she muttered coldly.

"Sara, it's okay," Gareth assured her.

"I'm sorry, this was a bad idea. I'm just... I'll go." Tyrian turned and spread his wings to leave.

A noise in the bushes stopped him. His ears twitched. "Inside. Now. Everyone needs to go inside."

No point to hide now. Grundy pushed through the hedges he was crouching behind and into the yard. He wasn't planning on taking all four of them on at once, but maybe this was for the best.

"How adorable. You know, I don't think I've ever been able to kill a whole family in one go before."

"Get out of here, you disgusting demon," Tyrian growled, spreading his wings as menacingly as possible. He was hoping to shield the family from view and give them a chance to escape, but Alissa moved forward.

"Get. Out. Of. My. Back. Yard." She was angry, and Tyrian could see it. Almost steaming. Her eyes glowed angrily, and she shapeshifted into a massive bear, growling at the zombie-like mutation standing before her.

"Disgusting?" Solomon said, taking a step back like he was insulted, "Isn't that a bit like the pot calling the kettle black? You aren't going to be winning any pageants yourself."

Alissa roared, pure fury. Sara stepped forward as well, assuming a fighting position. "Leave now and we won't hurt you."

Grundy laughed at them.

"Hurt? Me? What ever would you do that for? I only want to rip the skin off your bones. I don't think that's too much to ask."

"Alissa," Sara growled, "let him have it."

Alissa lunged forward, tackling the creature to the ground. She reared back to strike, but missed as it rolled out from under her.

"Rude," was all Grundy said as he jumped up and kicked the bear across the yard like a football.

"Stop, please, don't hurt her!" Tyrian howled. "Please, leave her. Take me, and leave this family." His eyes shone with tears that threatened to fall. He couldn't understand why he felt this way, much less about another person, but he needed to protect her as if she was a part of him. He stepped forward. "Please, just let them go."

"No, this is just getting fun. Come on, surely you can do better. Honestly, I saw four of you and was hoping for something to pass my afternoon."

Alissa the bear lumbered to her feet and shook her head, then shifted into a kangaroo, hopping swiftly toward the creature and kicking him hard, sending him into the bird bath, and shifting back into herself. "Who are you, and what do you really want with us?" she screamed.

Grundy picked himself up out of the broken bird bath, pulling chunks of cement and plaster out of himself.

"Honestly, a guy can't even go on a killing spree without everyone questioning his motives. Maybe I just really need to rip someone in half. Is that better?"

'NO!!!" Alissa screamed, running at him. She balled up her fists and changed her legs and feet into an unidentifiable animal's, flying at him with inhuman speed. She punched him, hard, punctuating each one with a word. "TELL! ME! WHO! YOU! ARE!"

Grundy bear hugged her as she hit him and began to squeeze the life out of her.

"Solomon Grundy, at your service" he said, throwing her back towards the house to punctuate his sentence.

Alissa flew through the air and smashed partially through the wall. She fell unconscious to the grass beneath her.

"ALISSA!!!" all three heroes yelled. Sara turned and hurled herself at Grundy, screaming as she delivered blow after blow of incapacitating punches and kicks all over his body, throwing him up in the air, and finally scissor-kicking him through the ground.

Tyrian rushed to Alissa as Gareth ran into the house to retrieve his medical supplies. Tyrian felt that same inexplicable rush of power and couldn't stop himself. He tried desperately to turn away from her, but he couldn't. His paw-hands gripped her tiny form and a white light flashed brilliantly from his palms to her body. He howled, releasing her, and she woke up as if from a nightmare, breathing heavily. She looked up and watched Grundy pull himself out of the ground. "No..." she whispered.

"Better!" Grundy said as he picked himself up from his beating, "Much better. This is the kind of reckless mayhem a guy could grow to love."


Gareth ran outside with the medical bag and a specially-designed energy blaster. He threw the medicine to Tyrian and aimed the gun at Grundy. "I couldn't agree more."

A blinding blast of continuous electric-blue light flashed from the mouth of the gun and directly into Grundy's torso. It blazed straight through him, burning a hole in him like a lightning bolt.

Grundy took a step backwards, watching smoke curl up from the gaping hole in his chest, a crooked smile under his mask.

"You shouldn't have done that. A guy comes to the suburbs to unwind, and he gets blasted in the chest. You...really shouldn't have done that."

Grundy crossed the yard to Gareth and grabbed the gun out of his hand and threw it on the ground, smashing it with his foot. With his other hand, he picked Gareth up by the shirt and held him several feet off the ground.

Sara rushed him as he lifted her husband off the ground and swept his feet out from under him. He hit the ground hard, but his grip was tight on Gareth's shirt. "Let him go, you demon!" she yelled, then ripped the shirt to shreds, releasing Gareth from the fist of death.

"MOM! DAD!" Alissa screamed. It was the first time she had ever called them by anything other than their names. It was enough to distract them from defending themselves for a split second. A split second too much. Alissa leaped for them, but Tyrian held her back. He knew they couldn't defeat this enemy.

Grundy kicked the woman in the stomach, knocking her off away from him. He stood up and cupped his hands around Gareth's face. They felt cold and leathery, like they had been buried in a dark cave for far too long.

"Solomon Grundy. Born on a Monday. Christened on Tuesday."

Grundy began pressing his hands together, watching the man's eyes bulge out of their sockets as he applied more pressure.

"Married on Wednesday. Took ill on Thursday. Grew worse on Friday. Died on Saturday."

Blood started to leak from the man's eyes and drip down his nose as he started to gurgle.

"Buried on Sunday. And that was the end. Of Solomon Grundy."

As Grundy said the last line, Gareth stared at Tyrian holding his daughter back. He silently thanked him and pleaded for him to protect her.

There was a wet cracking sound, and chunks of flesh splattered through Grundy's fingers and over his hands. He dropped the headless corpse, blood gushing out of the neck.

Sara screamed, rushing toward Grundy in a frenzy, lashing out with a fury that no man had ever known before. She laid every blow she had ever learned on Grundy, managing to break his right arm. She pulled the knives from her wrist sheaths and stabbed him over and over and over, sobbing and screaming at him, then finally gashed his abdomen open with the blade in her right hand. She stabbed him in his left eye with the other one, breaking down and losing her strength. She sobbed, then turned to run, but Grundy grabbed her around the middle.

"GO!" she screamed at Tyrian and Alissa. "GET OUT OF HERE! SAVE HER!"

"It was a good effort," Grundy said, pulling the knife out of his gut and slipping it between the woman's ribs and into her heart, "But I've done this a time or one thousand."

And he let her crumple to the ground.

Tyrian was frozen. He couldn't think, couldn't feel... Everything was numb. Alissa wrenched herself out of his arms and shifted into a lioness, rushing into Grundy with a powerful leap. She clipped his head, ripping out the knife and a chunk of what could have been flesh at one time. Her fury raged, and she felt her humanity slipping as she slashed at his legs, ripping a gash open in both calves. She roared, finally letting go of what little human was left in her head, and reared back, eyes glowing, shifting in a flash into a creature that should never have existed. Her tail grew long, her snout became slim, and her torso grew enormous. Wings exploded from her back and scales covered her body, then spikes grew out of her spine.

Tyrian watched in horror as a dragon stood furiously over Grundy. It screamed out a roar, and mid-roar, fire erupted from its maw, engulfing Grundy. It finally snapped its mouth shut and flapped its wings, rising into the air with rage in its eyes.

"ALISSAAAAAA!!!" Tyrian howled, and he took off after her. He forgot about Grundy and chased Alissa the dragon into the city, wishing he could fly fast enough to catch up to her and stop her.


Nobbs, we are good to go.
Hey, GG, you talk to Enso a lot? If so, let him know we're here for him. Hope he's okay.

Tyrian didn't want to know what he'd done to the mutant. He rose and spread his wings, taking off form the street. His eyes burned with tears that he was too proud to shed, and he couldn't see, but it didn't matter. He didn't have to worry about being seen when he was in the air. He hated himself. He hated himself so much more now than he did only a few minutes ago.

"TYRIAN, WAIT!" Alissa cried. She glanced at Hank, then stood and shapeshifted into a hawk. She took off, trying to catch up to Tyrian. She flew as fast as she could, finally catching up to him as he landed in an alley. She shapeshifted back just before she hit the ground and landed with a thud, running toward him.

"Tyrian, are you alright? Did it hurt you?"

"What? Alissa? Why are you here?" She touched his shoulder and he shrugged her off. "Go away! I don't want to hurt you too!"

"You won't."

"You don't know that!"

"Look, my dad is really smart, and my mom can do some cool stuff too... Maybe we can help you." She caught his eye. "Please, Tyrian. Let me help you."

She gently took Tyrian's paw-hand and held it in both of her tiny human hands. He was confused. Torn. He didn't want to hurt her, but he needed help...

"Okay," he sighed. "If your dad can tell me what's wrong with me..." He looked away. "I need to know."

"Just come with me," Alissa soothed. "Everything will be okay. We'll figure this out."

She led him out of the alley and walked with him to the park. There, she shapeshifted into a hawk and they took off toward the southeast.
It's Sara and Gareth Faye, and they adopted Alissa when she was about 11. They've had her for about 5 years. Just so we all know.
As long as Hank goes with Tertia instead of Alissa, I'm set for some action. Nobbs and I are killing Alissa's parents. She's gonna be a real hero now. Even though she's adopted...
And then he's not...
FINALLY. Enso is online. :D
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