Avatar of grandia20
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    1. grandia20 7 yrs ago
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5 yrs ago
Current Rewatching Danganronpa the Animation! I still cry every time I see Alter Ego...
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5 yrs ago
Holidays are hectic. I should be back after.
6 yrs ago
@CAS1006 I'm playing the HD collection at this very moment XD
6 yrs ago
Sorry for the delays. Holidays kept me busy and now some family stuff.
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7 yrs ago
TMW you're trying to watch your favorite movie online and internet sucks. (Summer Wars in my case)


Hello, I'm Kyle. I'm 25 and I love role-playing. Some of my favorite past times are reading, video games, watching anime, and... and... Ya, that's about it really XD Hit me up if you ever want to rp! I like every genre but Romance s a must for me, even if it's not the primary focus. I'm not so into Sci-fi or historical_(except Fuedalish Japan, I love that) but I'll do them if I like the story enough.

Most Recent Posts

Okay! Maybe our characters are from the same island and decide to go after One Piece together?
I'd be interested in a One Piece roleplay too! I'm only up to when the Strawhats get back together after the timeskip.
Hi and thank you for checking out my interest thread! First I'll start by saying that I'm not usually one for futuristic or sci-fi. Hell, this'll be my first time doing so! But I'm really craving something like Gantz: 0. But I'm always open to other rps as well!

If you've never seen Gantz: 0, this is a basic idea of it. When someone dies, they're put into this game. Monsters are attacking cities in real life and they're given a time limit to kill them all. They're given a basic gun that only fires at monsters and shoots a powerful concussive blast and a suit of armor that helps with defences using high-tech that can be upgraded. Upon the game ending, either all competitors are killed if they don't finish in time, or the survivors are brought back to base. If they die in game, they're dead. But even if they're alive but would've died even a second after the game ends, they're brought to base fully recovered. Victors will be given points that accumulate between games based on performance. Once they reach 100 points, they can redeem them for one of three things. Upgraded equipment, resurrecting a fallen teammate (even if they died in a different game), or freedom. If freedom is chosen, they'll be brought back to life outside of the game with no memory of anything about the game.
There are a few I'd be interested in.



Any combination of OCs and Canons

Code Lyoko
Hi there! Thank you for checking this out. I'm a 25 year old male if it matters to you and I usually post between one liners to two paragraphs, sometimes more, depending on what's going on in the rp and what cones to mind at the time of posting. I feel you shouldn't have to try hard to post and instead, just let it be natural, if that makes sense. I don't have many rules, if any. I'm not picky about post length or grammar as long as I can understand what's being written. For ero scenes, please refrain from Scat, Vore, and Worship kinks. I'll refrain from any nos you have as well. Ero between our charas is impossible for this idea. Unless you're a girl who wants a blade up their... well, Ya. So no. Ecchi is A-Okay though! And if you want ero, it could be a doubling situation or a villain. But that's not necessary either. Normally I love my smutty scenes but for this I'm really in it or the story and to try Kyonkyo out.

Now, the idea.

This is a bit of a unique one in terms if rping it. My character, Kyonkyo, is actually a sword. She sealed her own spirit and body in it just before death to save herself. But here's the thing. If your character can get her to accept them as her partner (wielder) then they'll be quite the team. They can switch places as they please. As in, normally she'd be a soul in a sword and they'd be a human with their own soul. But they could switch so that they'd be a soul in a sword and she'd be a human with her own soul. Their bodies would also swap. So the wielder looks like themselves, but upon switching, bodies looks would switch too. They can converse telepathically as long as they've got physical contact. But maybe not just when in contact if they're close enough. Who can earn her trust and friendship?

This would essentially mean that a swordsman would have two skill sets in a way. What your chara is skilled at and upon switching, what mine is skilled at. Their skills would be weakened but usable as sword form, but this leads to lots of different potentials. The sword form could change too if you'd like.

Kyonkyo would fit a kind of magic knight role. She's a jack of all trades. She's not super fast but she's no slouch. Strength is okay. She can use the four basic elements (fire, water, earth, wind) skillfully, even mixing them for other elements combos. To give an idea, if she had stat points of 20, Speed would be a 7, Strength a 4.5, and Magic would be 8.5.

She's normally calm and collected, a tactician of sorts. But she lets her emotions get the best of her at times. She may seem cold at first but that's only because she's afraid of being betrayed again. She's actually very caring and kind. She can be a bit flirtatious at times and loves cute things, though she tries to hide that weakness. Truthfully, unless it/they've done something completely unforgivable in her opinion, she won't lead in a fight against anything cute.

Her sword form: s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/original… (but the green is white and the black wrapping on the hilt is yellowish gold)

Her human form: s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/31/…
Would you be alright with SquallxSelphie? I've always thought that whip could be used for more... Interesting stuff. XD
Okay so I'm SERIOUSLY wanting a Namco Bandai Tales rp. Ice never gotten to Berseria yet, only cuz I don't have a ps4. I've played and beaten all Tales games except the World games, and the two earliest. But I'm open to any Talss after that.
I have a request thread up with an idea. Let me know what you think.

I have an interest thread up. Let me know what you think.

Okay, so as title says, this is a bit of an odd one but I'm actually really craving to try it. I generally post between a few lines to a paragraph, though on occasion I manage more. I'm willing to play the summons or the girl.

This girl is actually a mage in the modern world, hiding her powers. When she hit puberty, she began experimenting using her magic to explore sex. It began with just giving her teddy bear a dick to try touching it or turning her pillow into a cock to rub on it. Then one day she went further. She summoned a cock from seemingly out of nowhere and tried sucking it, finding that she enjoyed doing it.

Now she has a boyfriend but he's extremely pure. He hardly even goes as far as making out. But her summoning spell has begun to come back to haunt her. At random times, a cock or more gets summoned around her and the only way to get it to go away is to get it off. Sometimes it's human, animal, any kind. It could be in the middle of class and her chair could grow a cock, or reading at the library and Bam! Cock in her face.

Will she be able to handle it without losing her virginity or will the summonings win?
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