Avatar of Grif of Hearts
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    1. Grif of Hearts 10 yrs ago


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As if you could keep me away.
In Over 9 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
I did a thing.

Fierce apology for taking so long doing said thing.
In Over 9 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
Alistair and Vail (Sort of)

Alistair felt his spirit sink when Elliot’s strike failed completely. He should have expected it, and was surprised he had so much confidence in her. Elliot was enthusiastic and acted with the force of a hurricane, and it was not that he should have had no confidence in the young girl, but Joux had so much more experience and had fought against threats that paled in comparison to anything Alistair even knew existed, let alone anything he had fought against. Although he should have seen it coming, Alistair was always the optimist, and would have loved to see a young upstart knock a little humility back into Joux. Still, it was more than interesting to see how each of these newcomers fought, and Alistair watched intently from the side-lines, wincing every time someone suffered an injury that might take more than a night to shake off. So many bruises and broken bones.

When Joux announced that Alistair and the currently-absent Vail would be the new teachers for Elliot and Maeve, Alistair’s only response was a deep breath, followed by a long, exhausted sigh. He was entirely happy to take on new students, and he looked forward to the opportunity to impart some wisdom on these two young ladies… he was just worried about what Vail might do to the poor things.

They’ll be in safe hands, Joux,” he said, bowing his head in a brief nod as the man turned and vanished. A familiar smile crossed his lips. “They’ll be Chrono Asylums before you know it! And luck will have nothing to do with it!

The asylum waited patiently for his two new wards to approach, his smile still wide and his hands crossed over, resting on the handle of his umbrella which stood upright, and used it to support his body. Alistair’s vision fell down to the umbrella he held, and then trailed across the ground to Elliot’s sword, which had been made only moments ago from Alistair’s umbrella that the iron alchemist had cannibalised only moments prior. It sat there, unmoved, although the blade dented from the fall. Alistair had made no attempt to reclaim or repair his old umbrella, clearly, so what on Earth was the identical copy that he was currently holding?

Alistair chuckled.

When the two stood before him, Alistair stood up straight, head held high, and he cleared his throat to speak. He towered over the two women, especially when he stood with perfect posture. “Where do we begin? Well, first of all I believe introductions are in order! While I may have gone through this process myself a moment ago, I believe another, more formal attempt is required now that Joux has designated me as your teacher! My name is Alistair Julius Delacour, also known in some Asylum circles as Doctor Jekyll, and I am Asylum fifty five. I am one half of the Asylum team Pendulum, and I am going to be teaching you today! Isn’t this all so exciting?

First I think we should go and retrieve Vail, lest she find herself in even more trouble than usual, and then we shall see what we can do about helping you harness the power of your alchemic drives prope-

He had not even notice that Maeve had wandered off, weaving in and out of the sparse crowds of people as she made her way to the opposite side of the cafeteria. She appeared to be following the terrified wails of some other lost soul in the cafeteria, and only when he followed the trail that she followed did he see the source. A young boy had phased through the floor and appeared to have gotten himself stuck. Alistair followed Maeve’s footsteps, weaving in and out of the crowds to his destination with more grace than a man of his lanky proportions should reasonably be able to manage. He arrived to Maeve helping a terrified young boy, no older than twelve or thirteen, and could not help but be amused by the scene. What an interesting change of pace for the Celtic warrior woman, who he had assumed might lack a gentler touch.

When he arrived beside Maeve he slipped his hand into the breast pocket of his jacket and pulled the red handkerchief from it. With remarkable finesse he brought the material up to Maeve’s forehead, dabbing tenderly around the injury on her head, wiping away the blood without ever touching the open wound. He held the square at a distance for a while before tossing the blood-soaked rag aside onto the floor, discarding it. Much better, he thought. He had noticed just how badly the woman was bleeding until she walked away, and at least now the blood was not positively everywhere. He tried his best to ignore what blood had fallen onto the floor.

Having finished tending to Maeve, who was in turn tending to the young boy, Alistair knelt down just as she did, and examined him intently. The blond haired boy seemed to have had a small problem with his alchemy and was stuck half-way in the floor, but Maeve heaved him out of the ground almost effortlessly. For an alchemist who had yet to graduate, she had remarkable control over her powers. She will go far, he thought, unless Vail has any say in that.

Are you okay now?” Alistair asked to the young boy.

He opened his mouth to speak again, but another voice called out from behind him, berating the young boy for snivelling over his failed alchemy. It was another student, seemingly around the same age, with a disinterested expression on his face and a disinterested tone to his voice. He seems like delightful company, Alistair thought, although the tone he used to think up such a thing was so thick and fierce with sarcasm that for a moment he wondered if he had actually said that out loud.

There’s no need to be so rude. I thought it was rather impressive! Phasing through solid objects is something most veteran alchemists struggle to manage, and he even succeeded in making a fine recovery! Or at least I think he did. I see no pieces of rock protruding from his body, nor do the cavities his body appear to have filled with concrete… That can get very nasty."
I know everything, Myyt.

I know all of your secrets.

Or should I call you

In Over 9 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
I've been dead because moving into university accommodation.

In Over 9 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
@Grif of Hearts I'm wasting away /because/ of work.

...wanna trade?
In Over 9 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
The opposite of work. Wasting away.
The bandits left quickly, picking up their broken bodies and broken spirits as best they could and scurrying off out of town. Their defeat came as a shock to them, especially the leader, who had thought this town defenseless. It was a hit to their pride more than their numbers, as none of their gang had been killed, but almost every single one was limping or unconscious. Those that were not helped those that were out of the city, as Reynir and Alfen continued to push them out of the town. Their groans of anger and ruined pride could be heard throughout the streets.

Alfen stretched out, a sigh of relief escaping his mouth as the last bandit was taken past the town walls. "So Reynir, good work out, right?" Alfen looked to the large man beside him and grinned. The fact he could call this man his friend still amused him. "Hey guys! Meet the badass!" Alfen shouted as he turned back towards Monarch and Anna.

Reynir's first response was a grunt, folding his arms tightly across his wide chest and staring at the newcomers with his brow furrowed. He held this stance for a moment, staring down Mona, Anna, and Alfen, as he judged them each individually. The tiny pixie that hovered beside them looked mostly harmless, but Reynir had learned long ago not to a mage on their appearance. The woman with red hair looked far more threatening, having replaced much of her body with mechanical augments, but this would not be the first time he faced a magitechnician, and he could think of a dozen ways to disable her equipment. The younger man though, with messy hair and a spring in his step, would be the easiest to overcome. The slightest smirk appeared across Reynir's lips, before he opened his arms wide and gave a hearty laugh.

"Alfen!" he called out in a deep, booming voice, giving his good friend a hug and lifting him just up off of the ground. "It's been years! You must be twice as tall now. How've you been?" he continued.

Alfen felt Reynir's hug grip him tight. If it was anyone else then he might have complained, but he didn't mind at all. Reynir was a close friend to him, and he was just happy to see him. Alfen landed on his feet and looked to his taller friend. "I've been great! Finally mastered the Lightning element, as you can see" He replied, his hands cackling with volts of lightning as he spoke as if to prove it. "Grandfather's workouts have helped me a lot in controlling my magic."

"That's fantastic, Alfen," Reynir replied, sitting down on the edge of a small brick wall that was not too far away from where they stood. He leaned over and supported himself with his hands against his knees. "I was worried I wouldn't be able to teach you enough, but I am glad you found your own path towards success."

He smiled and looked over to Alfen's new companions, eying them curiously. "Who are your new friends?"

Alfen placed both hands in his pockets as he looked over to Monarch and Anna once more. "This is Anna and Monarch. They need your help, Reynir. We need your help. You know I wouldn't ask a favor from anyone unless it was urgent, and it is," he said, lifting his left hand to scratch the back of his head. Alfen explained everything to Reynir, the group that had formed, their job and how one of their own was kidnapped by Kazan and Raldo. "Darren said you were out in the Firaxen Border, so we decided to go out here and find you. We really need a tracker to find this Kazan guy, and there's nobody better at that than you," Alfen said hoping Reynir would consider the offer.

Reynir pondered the possibility for a while. He ran a hand through his short, messy beard as he did so. Despite the great difference in age and experience between Alfen and Reynir, they had been close friends almost since they had met, and Reynir could not refuse a cry for help, especially when a life was at risk... But these border towns were dangerous, and the people here needed someone to protect them, and nobody else would. Helping one in a far off land could lead to the loss of others here.

"I will help you, but my place is here. The people here need someone to protect them, as I have been trying to do since I left the Guild, and if I leave them for too long I worry what might happen to them. I will help you find her, but I trust in your ability to rescue her on your own, and once she has been found I will have to return here. But you have my word, I will help you."

Alfen's face lit up, his smile wide when he heard Reynir accept his proposal. "You won't regret this, bro!" Alfen gave him a thumbs up, barely holding back the urge to jump into the air with excitement. "Reynir, wait till you see some of the spells in my arsenal. You'll be proud, I know it," Alfen said confidence and borderline arrogance.

He turned to Ann and Monarch, who remained mostly silent as the two old friends recollected. "Shall we get going? we need to find Rita!" Alfen was pumped and already rearing to move forward despite them only just getting to the town a few moments ago.

He wasn't sure how Crossbones and Darren were doing, but he assumed they both were sucesssful in gaining the aid from Rita's father.

Reynir stood up, brushing off the sand and dirt that build up on his cloak. "Yes, we shall travel soon, but first I must make sure the town remains secure. I shall not be long, I promise."

He nodded, giving a half bow, as he turned and headed towards the outskirts of the town. Ann followed him curiously, flitting back and forth behind him. "What're you planning on doing?" she asked.

"Making sure the city remains safe," he replied, as he rested a hand against one of the walls of wood that had been all but completely destroyed. The walls seemed still and silent for a moment, before waves of energy pulsed through them. The wood seemed to burst into life, growing tall and sturdy as if they were still trees. Sweat appeared on Reynir's brow as he stood silent, gritting his teeth, and letting the wooden walls reform themselves.

Even as the walls were fully repaired, Reynir did not stop. He brought his right foot up and then down in a swift movement, digging his heel deep into the ground, and as he did so pillars of stone erupted from the ground, weaving their way into the stone walls and giving them sturdy, rigid supports that far suppassed the old wooden ones. Reynir took a moment to breathe as his mind stopped racing, trying to process so much physical magic at once. Creating large structures was difficult for any mage to process, but it was far from Reynir's strong suit.

"That should be all," he said, more to himself than to his companions around him, as he turned to face the recently repaired gate to the city. "Now, I believe we have a girl to save."

Train Station, Town of Yarle

Darren stepped off the carriage of the train, and into the streets of Yarle. Yarle was a much larger town than the town they had arrived from, Lenora, and the streets were visibly much older with cobblestone roads and Renaissance style buildings. If it were not for the street lamps that lined the pathways, glistening with magical energy, Darren might have thought the town was stuck in a completely different era. "Well, Here we are! The town of Yarle. my hometown, actually," Darren said as he turned back to the train.

A hulking figure, now lacking his armour and iconic gauntlets, lumbered out of the train and onto the ground, slinging a huge metal pack over his shoulder. "So where's the guild estate? You know this town better than I do," he said, grunting as he turned to grab another bag out from the train, now carrying almost all of the things Darren and he had brought.

Darren stroked his chin thoughtfully. This town was home to him, but it had been so long. Furthermore he had never visited the guild personally. Enchantment magic, the guild's speciality, had never been much of an interest to him. "It shouldn't be too far away. The Lanna Family are wealthy and the guild is well known. Finding directions should not be difficult".

Cracking his knuckles, Crossbones quickly took the lead. The streets were quiet, although it was earlier, and he expected the traffic might pick up as the day carried on. He turned his head as he heard Darren speak again. "Forgive me for sounding out of line and rude, but you don't seem like the inventor type. I'm guessing that you are indeed handy with Magitech though, yes?".

Crossbones chuckled. "I know the basics, but truth be told I was never all that good with it. Mona's the smart one. She did any work on my gear that needed a particularly steady hand or keen mind. That doesn't mean I don't know how to use it any less." He smirked, showing a few teeth as he did so.

Darren nodded. "I thought as much. No offense," he replied.

The taller man raised an eyebrow. "None taken."

The town had grown much in the last visit fifteen years, and while Darren remembered the times fondly, he was glad to see the town was doing well. He remebered sneaking into the enchantment academy with his friends in his teenage years. It was during that time he had discovered his connection with mana, and a talent for shapemancy. It defined his very life from that point onwards. He smiled wistfully, and Crossbones took note of it.

"What's got you in such a good mood?" he asked. Darren just smiled back.

It didn't take Darren and Crossbones long before they could see the Lanna estate just peeking over the rooftops. It was a large mansion with an equally impressive academy beside it; one of the most prestigious academies in the country, specialising in enchantments and curses.

"The Lanna Estate... Even when I was a kid this place kinda spooked me," Darren claimed, looking to his companion with a goofy smile. "Well, let's hope Mr. Reeves isn't out for our heads."

The mansion's acres of land were as vast and well kept as Darren could remember, tended to almost constantly by gardeners and other maintenance staff, many of whom darted around the place even now.

"I used to sneak into the academy with my friends. It's so strange seeing it unchanged for so long." Darren said to Crossbones as they mad their way up to the steps of the large the mansion, looking up to the sprawling complex. Crossbones knocked heavily on the door and they quicky swung open, pulled back by a man in heavy steel armor, a spear in his hand. He grit his teeth, clearly in a great deal of frustration as he stepped out to see the two travellers.

"That old fool! What business do-"

The young man paused when he saw Darren and Crossbones. He breathed in and then let out a long, heavy breath of relief. "My apologies for the rude behaviour. We've been having a little trouble here lately. My name is Henry Lanna," he said, eventually introducing himself. Henry turned his gaze towards Darren and immediately noticed the hawk insignia on his vest.

"You're from the Hawk Guild? Did master Luwin want to recruit some of the enchanter students?" Henry asked.

Darren shook his head. "Not at the moment, I'm afraid. I'm here with my friend to speak to your father," Darren replied, knowing of the infamous "Young Dragon" that stood before him through other mage's gossip and rumours. Henry was a gifted ennchanter, and a skilled combatant much like his own father, but his temper was short and wild.

Henry sighed. "I'll take you to him. Follow me."

Henry turned back to lead them inside, although Crossbones noted that the man's grip tightened around his javelin as he marched forward. The inside of the mansion appeared gothic, pristine, and perfectly neat. There was not a spot of dust in sight. The large staircase that took up the majority of the foyer was dimly lit by candles, although a few thin beams of light streamed in through the small windows.

"Father is in his study, but I'd suggest you make your visit brief. He's giving a speech at his academy for the new students soon," Henry stated, taking both Darren and Crossbones through another set of two doors and into a small corridoor. Henry waved his hand, signalling for both Darren and Crossbones to wait as he opened a small wooden door to what looked like a study and stepped inside. Not a moment after he entered the young man came back out. "Father says you may go right in. But he hopes that this meeting is urgent and important, and to make it brief. My father is in a rush."

Crossbones and Darren made their way inside the lobby. Crossbones found himself having to crane his head underneath the low doorframe. They arrived to see a figure, standing and facing away from his visitors. His eyes darted over the bookcase that he faced, although it was impossible for Crossbones or Darren to tell that. "I do hope this is urgent," he said, raising a hand to slowly run his finger across the spines of the books on a shelf at about the height of his shoulders, inspecting each book slowly. "So? What is it that a Hawk Guilder and an Ozalian technologist could possibly want so desperately that they insist on meeting me in person? I'm not hiring bodyguards or soldiers. I have no use for extra muscle."

Reeves tone of voice not aggressive or cold. It simply sounded apathetic. He was tired, and cared not for wasting his time dealing with strangers that insisted on speaking in person. He had a speech in less than an hour, and Reeves wished to practice. These strangers were a distraction.

"Your daughter has been kidnapped, sir," Darren explained.

Reeves finally turned around, first turning his head to glance at the strangers, and then his whole body followed. For the briefest moment his eyes widened and his lips parted, just enough to show visible shock, but as the man composed himself this expression faded to the previous empty, stoic expression. Reeves was a a tall man, dark haired and with

"Stupid girl. I told her; I told her to leave my estate but she insisted. It was bad enough that I allowed her to study something as foolish and dangerous as that curse magic nonsense. So what is it you want? Me to pay you for her rescue? To help me rescue her myself?" His tone sounded more agitated by the moment.

Darren was alittle surprised by this behaviour. Did he not care at all about his own daughter? He grit his teeth and, very slowly, loosened his clenched fist. He had not even noticed he had done it to begin with. "With all due respect, sir, she is your daughter," he replied, looking back to Crossbones for suport. The taller man just stood stoic, his arms crossed, staring down Reeves.

"And what say you? huh? do you think it's my duty to keep holding my daughter's hand for incompetence?!"

Crossbones scoffed. "I think that she's a scared little girl a long way from home who needs help. She's tough, but she's in the company of some really bad people, and if something happens to her because you're too stubborn to help your own daughter then it's entirely on your head." He turned his head to glance at Darren briefly, his face still stern and almost expressionless, before turning back to face Reeves. "But I guess we shouldn't be surprised he wouldn't help. He has a history of turning his back on his own children."

Darren was in shock. The verbal exchange Crossbones was like a metaphorical pipe bomb blowing up in someone's hand, and he knew that this would not end well. He was about to speak up and suggest something - heck anything to try and move the conversation away from this point, but the train had already been set in motion.

Reeves was barely able to respond, his mouth open and his eyes wide. A magitech user from Ozalia of all places coming to his home and insulting him? Reeves stunned look turned into anger, twisting and contorting into pure rage. His fists clenching tighter and tighter as he stormed up to Crossbones, pointing a finger directly in his face. "How... How dare you march in here and insult me? In my own home?" Reeves lifted his right hand, and with force that betrayed his older form, struck Crossbones across the face with a right hook.

Crossbones did not even flinch.

Darren did not think Reeves would actually hit him, but the anger in Reeve's voice was real, and the man barely hesitated to throw a punch. Darren looked at his companion, standing there as he took the hit like a well trained shield mage, and other than the slightest wince hd did not react. Darren just hoped Crossbones would not throw a punch back. Even without his gauntlets the man was colossal, and more than strong enough to break an old mage in two if he wanted to.

Reeves paused when his punch seemed to have no effect, slowly managing to reign in his emotions. He turned around, his head drooping, and his eyes turning to the floor. "Just leave..." he said in a harsh tone although his voice had since quietened. Reeves held out a hand, and as he did so arcane energy began to pool around it until it coalesced into a huge black blade too large for most mortal men to wield easily. "You are not welcome here..." Reeves said as he turned, bringing his sword up and pointing it towards them, the tip of the blade held at eye height.

"But sir, your daughter," Darren begged.

The hulking blade that Reeves held turned from Crossbones to Darren. "Just go! Leave!" Reeves shouted. His arm quivered, as if he fought with himself over whether to cut these two fools in two where they stood. Darren motioned for Crossbones to leave and both men leaving the study.

"Well...that went smoothly," Darren groaned as they passed by Henry, the young man from before who stood with his arms folded, leaning aganst the wall.

"You really hit a sore spot, you know that, right? You're lucky he didn't cleave you both in half. He's more skilled with that sword than he looks." Henry pushed himself away from the wall, taking a few steps closer to the pair that he faced. "He may not show it, but he really does love my little sister, and if she's in danger then he'll help... and I will too."

Darren raised an eyebrow. "You want to help us?"

Henry gripped his spear slightly more firmly, showing he was serious. "My father will take a while to recover, and it if Rita is in as much danger as you say then I fear it may come too late. Until then, you have me at your side. If Rita is in trouble then I want to help. She means the world to me," Henry continued. His voice did not waver for a moment. He was completely serious.

"By all means, we came here looking for all the help we could find." Darren replied, a little more hopeful now than he was earlier. "We can head out in the morning. For now we have some preparations to make."

The two walked for some time longer, and as they did Darren moved up closer to Crossbones and opened his mouth to speak. "Why were you so confident that'd work? You didn't waste a moment hitting Reeves with the hard strikes and it could have easily blown up in our faces. Do you really think insulting him and claiming he doesn't care about his daughter would be enough to get him to swallow his pride and rush to her aid?"

"Trust me, he'll help."

"That doesn't answer my question."

Crossbones grinned. "I have a daughter."

Dark Ember Guild Ruins: Oroborus Society

"You know you should really eat something" Kazan said to the young curse witch Rita.

The two of them sat in a small, stone room, seperated by iron bars. Rita was locked away in a cell, furnished only with a small, simple bed. The room was falling apart, with the bars rusted and cobwebs lining the corners of the room. A plate of simple food had been prepared for her and had been pushed into her cell, although this was the second meal that she had refused to eat.

Rita's eyes remained locked on the tiny window on the other side of the iron bars. "I'm not hungry," was the only reply she gave. A tiny magical fire roared loudly, a creation of Kazan's to keep the room warm, which Rita could admit was a welcome change from the usual cold chill that could be felt down here.

"You can keep looking out the window, but we know your friends will be here. Alfen is too stupid and naive to not pass on saving someone. Monarch? Well, she and that other inferior magitech loser will most definitely seek us out in an attempt to prove themselves a better fighter; something which they'll fail at! That pixie will no doubt follow them. They will lose if they try to fight again, you can count on it," Kazan bragged.

"You were the ones who ran away and kidnapped me when they saw they didn't have the upper hand anymore., I think it's clear you guys are the losers since you couldn't beat them fairly," Rita snapped back. She never even looked at Kazan when she spoke, although her tone of voice set Kazan's eyes ablaze and almost forced fire to pool in his palms. "I'll make sure to burn them alive then!" he shouted, hurling a fist-sized ball of fire towards Rita. It incinerated her food in an instant.

Meanwhile, Minerle and Zyle guarded the entrance of the dungeon, silently judging Kazan's fury from a distance. They could hear him shout even from here, but as long as he did not harm the girl then they did not have to stand in. For now they were happy to just let him yell out his anger.

"God, guard duty is so boring," Minerle groaned. She leant against the archway leading down into the cells, her arms folded. "You'd think that Orus would let one of the mooks do this tedious job. I should be practicing my illusions. Who knows when we'll be attacked."

Zyle did not respond. He stood there, carefully inspecting a small, glass-like fragment of arcane energy which he held in his palm. Minerle often spied him doing that, although could never tell exactly what he was doing. Zyle's powers were strange, and Minerle scarcely understood them or the lengths he had gone to acquire them. His eyes glanced up briefly when he caught Minerle staring, but quickly moved back down

"Did you say something?" he asked.

"You shapemancers are all the same," Minerle huffed, although her frustration quickly turned to intrigue as she heard footsteps.

Two figures entered the room; a tall figure in titanic steel armour, and another man... Minerle could barely look at the other man. Gilgan was always fun to tease, but Zinko never ceased to make her uncomfortable. Maybe it was his sense of style, which always seemed to have him dressed in clothes not unlike those of a clown, or perhaps it was his unnerving, unflinching smile. Even Zyle took notice of their arrival, the shard shattering when he clenched his fist. He gave them a brief nod as they arrived.

Minerle moved from the archway and walked towards the two newcomers, a slight sway to her hips as she spoke. Her movements were confident, but her eyes never left Gilgan's form, as if she would not dare look at Zinko. "So I take it your job was a success? Stupid question. If it wasn't you'd have a sword through your throat, Gilgan, which I suppose would at least solve one problem," she teased.

The warrior just huffed. "My job is done. The bandit mages will move their camp here and our numbers will be bolstered. Tell your boss that he got his wish and I want to be paid my second half as soon as possible so I can leave."

Zinko had since left the man's side and had circled around the group to eagerly peer down the hall where the sounds of Kazan's cursing still echoed from, a playful sway to each of his steps as he seemed to dance towards it. "The living mirror and the young sweet lady!" he cackled, his voice high and unnervingly cheerful. Oh what a joyous return! How did the young spider and living furnace fare on their mission?" he asked.

"They failed," Zyle replied. "And thought it a good idea to kidnap one of their own, so now we're just waiting for them to amass their forces and attack us. It's really put a thorn in our plans, in fact." The briefest smile flashed across his face. "At least they make our job a little more entertaining."

In Over 9 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
Alistair and Vail now both have musical themes added to their character sheet, and have a team music theme too. You can listen to them if you like, if you think you can cope with the radical tone shift that comes from using themes from both Steven Universe and Panty and Stocking.
In Over 9 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
So where's the post you were gonna put up, Xodus? ;)
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