Avatar of Grijs
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  • Old Guild Username: Fiery
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    1. Grijs 10 yrs ago


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Date: Unknown
Fararu Luminescence, the Holy City of Aranagh

Kind solace in a dying hour.
Such, Axbak-Kamen, is not now my theme—
I will not madly deem that worldly power
may shrive me of the sin
that unworldly pride hath revell’d in—
I have no time to dote or dream:

You call it hope—that fire of fire!
It is but agony of desire:
Through my atrocities and slaughter --
I still catch cinders of the haunting dream
of the Luminescence's daughter..

''Negh… Worthless. The last lines does not flow…''

In the dark temple of Axbak Aranagh, the Conqueror sits crossed legged before the altar of Axbak Kamen, writing, outpouring his soul on a piece of parchment held in his calloused hands, put against a hand-held wooden board.

An idol of the Luminescence’s daughter rests on the altar before him, though it failed to capture her beauty. Like a depiction of the sunset could never hope to truly integrate the glamour of the true sunset. Replicating such beauty is not in the fingers of the artist, only the Divine.
He takes up a blank slate of parchment, and sets it on the board to put into words his laments.

In my torch I carry your light
Where its rays sear me true
Pain of your flame is reminder of the why-
Of why I took up the flaming sword

In my charger swift I delight no more,
Nor in costly garb and in finery,
Little do I care for conquest’s booty
Who is there the glory that is mine to share?
Before whom shall I of my conquest boast?
Tore whose gaze shall I my rich garb display?

''No.. no.. Worthless, wretched.''

With a savage gash he scratches the last lines, then fumbles the paper altogether before casting it away. He tries again on a new piece of parchment.

O! craving heart, for the lost flowers
And sunshine of my summer hours.
Th’ undying voice of that dead time,
With its interminable chime,

O! Axbak Kamen
Know thou the secret of my spirit
Bow’d from its wild pride into shame.
O! yearning heart, I did inherit
Thy withering portion with the fame,
The searing glory which hath shone
Amid the jewels of my throne,

Tears in the eyes never convince,
But rather defies under weight of sins
All the same, I bid you, grant me your boon
As I walk your armies into the den of Ualfrüm

Finished writing, he is scarcely content with it, yet perhaps the Divine Fire may appreciate it all the same. The Conqueror offers the writ up to the pyre upon the altar. The old fumbled parchment swiftly catches fire and in seconds is subsumed by flames. Smoke rises towards the ceiling dome of the sanctum, and the Conqueror knows that through such revered rituals, the writ has passed the boundaries of worlds into the otherworld, where his loved one is waiting.

‘’Fire of Fire, brighter than all flames. This I dedicate to Axbak Kamen and you.’’

He rises from the altar, about to leave the sanctum’s premise. When suddenly, a flicker appeared from the cinders remaining of his writ upon the altar. A flare. The Conqueror turned around, and his golden eyes widen in disbelief:
‘’Mulk Khamun.’’

The form of a woman appeared upon the altar, a blazing beacon more stunning than you could imagine, her long hair flowing radiantly about her head with the likeness of sun-beams. It is a display of such regal majesty that to behold it, takes the breath from the Conquerors lungs.

When their eyes meet she stretches out a hand to him, smiling warmly and with otherworldly grace. She wants to say something. Possessed and enraptured the Conqueror is not himself, and takes a small step towards her. He reaches out his battered hand to clasp hers.
And at the moment their fingers touch she flickers out. Like a lamp that had been abruptly turned off, she vanished. The Conqueror is perplexed, and the light leaves his eyes.

His knees fall upon the rigid stone tiles before the altar. He is truly alone.

''Amir Shaykh Gurkani…''

The Conqueror had only just left the sanctum when a voice calls from out the dark, with footsteps reverberating towards him.
‘’Forgive my intrusion, it is I; Hierophant An-Mara. Rekindled as your most humble, willing slave.’’
The Conqueror does not look him in the eye, staring stark at the murals on the walls with his arms placed stiff to his back.
‘’An omen, my Amir.

Late in the night, as the silver beam of moonlight shone unto the pond, I beheld therein three carps, two silver and one gold. The gold one had died, but drifted at the pond’s surface, with the two silver ones rapidly swimming circularly about it, as though keeping it afloat. Than.. a single droplet landed on top of the golden carp’s eye.’’

‘’Elaborate now, Hierophant.’’ The Conqueror speaks orotund.
‘’It is a sign from the Sun God. The Silver carp, truly it represents you, where the golden carp represents the late Luminescent. The Sun God at last acknowledges you as The One successor of Kamen’s Lineage, keeping his authority afloat on this mortal coil.’’
‘’Are you certain of this?’’
‘’I speak these words beyond the shadow of doubt, Amir Shaykh. The omens are right.’’
‘’And who, pray tell, is the other silver carp, if one of them is me?’’
The Hierophant lowers his head, and strokes his long grey beard.
‘’Time will tell, Conqueror.’’
The Miranid Empire


The double-headed eagle was based on the eagle of Yllendir, whose colony the Miranids had come into contact with. Miran had adopted the double-headed eagle as coat of arms for his own aspiring empire; one to rival Yllendir.

The Miranid Empire


The double-headed eagle was based on the eagle of Yllendir, whose colony the Miranids had come into contact with. Miran had adopted the double-headed eagle as coat of arms for his own aspiring empire; one to rival Yllendir.

I updated my character sheet to add Abadactus and Raditschs, in relation to the last 2 posts.
Tautom City

The street linking the Royal and Harbour Districts

The Lampert line is collapsing, and the Amalians can sense victory. The advancing Celeseans are held off by only a handful of defiant Lamperts, but they too understand their battle is now a lost cause. Their sole motive for fighting a losing battle is not the pitifully naive hope to turn the tide, but rather the insistence on an honorable battle death in the Lampert tradition. The rest of the warband are already dead, or fleeing.
‘’Finish them off, men! Disperse this rabble, for that is all that they are!’’ Quintus shouts, waving his swords as his men leave their formation to charge down the street into the remaining barbarians.

The cobblestones of the street are wet with blood. The gaps between the stones are filled with red to overflowing, as the combatants’ corpses pile up. Sensing that the battle is ending some of the citizens that had huddled away in their houses glimpse out of the windows. All can sense their anxiety as they motion to the men behind them to come closer.
Whatever is on their minds, it matters not. The Amalians have had a taste of vengeance at last.
‘’Doux Quintus Vitalius!’’ A runner came up from behind to the Amalian commander with a look of intense distress. Quintus turns about. ‘’Doux Quintus Vitalius! It’s… It’s very bad news. We have been flanked. The cohort stationed behind at the gates are being overwhelmed! Troops from inside the Royal District have launched a surprise attack. We battled them for as long we could, but now they’re coming here!’’
As Quintus turned around, he saw the remnants of the veteran cohort he left behind withdrawing towards him, something that has almost never happened before. They can only have been pushed back by a very formidable force...

Lo, a foe enters the battle theatre more dreadful than any assailant of Tautom could dream. A battalion comprising large, and largely undressed barrel-chested men of such bulging beefy muscle proportions that the image of them together is nearly grotesque, carrying great shields as they advance in a mobile testudo formation with metal lances protruding from the gaps. Their shields and bodies both are so slathered in oil that, with the setting sun shining directly on them, the entirety of their formation gleams radiantly as a beacon. It’s a surreal view, any man not familiar with Tautom would be struck numb by the mere sight of them. From the centre of their formation flies distinctly the red Baltian Eagle, clutching the Holy Sword Weishairus.
And driven before them is the bulk of the Amalian soldiers that Quintus had positioned at the gate, pulling back and regrouping to Quintus’ men. Most were exhausted and bore wounds of varying seriousness, but it was clear the enemy had broken them. Quintus looked towards the banner, and his eyes widen in recognition “The Sacred Band…”

The Sacred Band of Tautom, an immovable battalion, sturdier and more cohesive than even the Amalian’s. The metal shields they carry are heavy, enough so that only specialists of immense training and body mass could effectively wield them. The Sacred Band are those specialists.
‘’AUXILIARIES! CUT OFF THEIR MEANS OF ESCAPE! - SACRED BAND; ADVANCE!’’ A sonorous voice resounds through the street from a dark haired officer marching at the fore of the advancing Band, armored in a black breastplate and a red-plumed ornate helmet in similar fashion to Quintus. He is Abadactus Rogan, Captain of Orso’s Palace Guard and Marshall of the Sacred Band.

Quintus looks around, his eyes narrowed as he bit his tongue. Their muteness seemed to last forever as several of the soldiers around him, including Vetellius looked on in apprehension. Quintus finally lifted his gaze, towards a tall watchtower not far away and his mind tore through how to deal with this new threat. His eyes lit up with a spark of ingenuity as he stared at that watchtower, and he turned to Vetellius, he found he needed to take a deep breath before he began speaking to stop the words tumbling from his mouth in one heap. “I want the soldiers to make quick time towards that tower. We’ll set up a shield wall in the street below it and wait for them. Send a runner to the rest of the troops and tell them to rendezvous with us there.” He then looked to Triscus, the man who seconds ago was simply a faceless grunt was now looked on with a newfound respect by Quintus. “You. Take twenty men, and strip the surrounding houses and shops of any oil, alcohol, torches, anything that makes flame, moving with us as we make our way to the tower.”
Triscus stared at Quintus, a puzzled expression in his weary eyes before he stammered out “But… Why sir?”
Quintus turned towards the Sacred Band, whose formation is getting so close that their sweaty oily odour fills Quintus’ nostrils as they’re about to engage his regrouping Amalian unit, a determined snarl etched on his lips. “They fight like us. Godas as my witness, they’ll have the same weakness as us.”

But then to make matters worse for the Amalian unit, Tautan warriors came barging from out the very houses that Quintus had ordered stripped, carrying with them spears, shields and blades, and strangely some of them are not even half-naked! These must be the auxiliaries that Abadactus had issued commands to. The local citizenry had been harbouring them in their houses, waiting to strike at the arranged signal -- the Sacred Band’s banner. For in the confusion of battle, those inside the houses flanking the street mistook the Amalians as Tautan defenders and the Lampert warband as Chlotar attackers.
Now the Sacred Band and their auxiliaries are surrounding Quintus’ unit from three sides, with a handful of Lampert stragglers still fighting on the fourth…

Triscus let out a warning cry as he saw the doors of the nearby houses swing open. Half expecting to see fishermen coming out to assault them, he was surprised when he spotted glints of mail and swords. Ignoring the biting pain in his sword hand, he lifted his sword high once more, his eyes focusing on a soldier running towards him. Clearly past his prime, the man wore a large intimidating beard and wrinkles surrounding his deep set eyes, his armour obviously a bit too small for his frame, contrasted by his thin arms as he hefted a spear, charging Triscus. Triscus hefted his shield high, feeling the familiar slam of a weapon crashing against the shield, he waited a moment, making sure that the man would try to hit him again before he swung his shield out away from his body, and felt the satisfying crack as a wooden shaft was knocked aside. He was met with a look of surprise and fear as the soldier tried to pull his spear back to defend himself, but it was too late. Triscus lunged with his gladius, feeling the metal plunge through the man’s old armour and biting flesh. There was a strangled cry as the man in front of him stiffened, his eyes wide as he released the spear with a clatter and fell to the floor, caught in his death throes. Triscus looked around for his next opponent, around him, he could see small groups of similarly armoured men, most dead and dying as the Amalian soldiers cut through their armour with well honed strikes. A few Amalians had fallen in the initial shock of their charge, maybe they’d have stood a chance had they actually been trained properly, Triscus thought with a grimace, his thoughts broken as a fresh wave of pain ran through his hand, looking down, he winced at the sight of his blood oozing from his hand.

With the Auxilliaries not posing much of a threat to the hand picked and well trained Amalian soldiers, Quintus turned his attention to the Sacred Band advancing towards him. One of the beefy oiled men of the Band jabbed his lance forward, penetrating armour as it impaled an Amalian’s abdomen, who wrongly thought to be out of their weapon’s reach. Then the hulking Tautan tilts the lance upwards with one arm, as the Amalian helplessly dangles from it like a banner, blood squirting from the savage gash.
Quintus watched this with apprehension; he hated the idea of retreating after such a quick victory, but he knew that outnumbered against an elite unit that fought just as his Amalian troops did, there could be no victory. Not yet. He sucked in a sharp breath as he turned to his officers. “Withdraw. Withdraw now. We fight our way to the tower in broken formation, we can move faster than they can. We’ll need to move with the men searching for the oil and alcohol, so prepare the men to fight a beating retreat, but we mustn't engage the Sacred Band until we’re ready.”
“Sir… What exactly are you planning?” A younger officer piped up, his chest was bare of the medallions a more experienced officer would possess, showing his inexperience, but every officer was hand picked, soldiers who would never turn their backs on an enemy. “We’re going to make a stand behind the tower and lead the Sacred Band under it. As they do… Well. We’re going to rain fire upon them.” Quintus ended it with a confident smile, even though he felt the burning knot in his stomach. It was a long shot, but he knew even the Sacred Band wouldn’t hold formation if half of them were burning alive. “Sir, what about the Celesean fire that Arminus was searching for?” Quintus frowned for a moment as he thought, they should have secured it by now. And if they could employ it against the sacred band, they might not even have to fight them, but why hadn’t Arminus reported back?

“Alright, Labienus, wasn’t it?” The young officer nodded, pushing out his chest and standing to attention. “Take Triscus and his twenty men, you are to instead report to Arminius as a priority, secure the stashes of Celesean Fire and bring it back to be employed against the Sacred Band. We’ll Rendezvous by the tower. When you have secured it, Send a runner to the Amalian district. Round up every Amalian loyal to us, and tell them to rally to the harbour, their leader would have words with them.” Quintus finished, watching the younger officer for any hint of a reaction. Labienus simply nodded, his face looking somewhat concerned but determined. “Yes sir. I won’t let you down.” He offered a prompt salute, before turning and running off to find Triscus’s small team of men. It appears Triscus’ team was all the while giving mercy kills to the fallen warriors lining the street.

Quintus watched Labienus leave, as another officer muttered under his breath “wet behind the ears…” Quintus glared at him, causing the officer to lower his head and avoid eye contact. He simply grunted “Move them out.” Around him, the Amalians still fought the Auxiliaries who were brave enough to join their comrades in death, rushing the Amalian’s as single soldiers, they stood little chance, but the Sacred Band’s formation was now only several meters away and slaying men as they went -- and soon upon Quintus’ own bodyguard. It was high time to leave. He began to move away in a jog as the officers ran back to their respective units. The young officer had initiative, but he couldn’t help agreeing, Labienus was inexperienced, but he’d need the experienced officers with him in case he had just sent twenty good men to die.

Further down the street, Triscus and his team were taking care of any surviving Lamperts that had not yet left the theatre, stabbing the throats of the succumbed men lying on the ground, ensuring their (relatively) painless deaths. Triscus turns to the fainted body of Cleph, recognising him as the Lampert he had himself defeated. He wanted to offer a silent prayer to the godless heathen, wishing him good speed as he departed to the afterlife. Therefore, mumbling a short prayer under his breath, he thrusts forth the sword stained red with Cleph’s comrades, straight into his throat, sending his Lampert adversary off from this world. He pulls the sword out and would've turned to Ardoiwn, had Labienus not interrupted him.
Hearing his report, Triscus gestures to his team. ‘’Leave the rest! Move out men, to the pier!’’

The Amalians are at last leaving the street; the Sacred Band of Tautom sent those traitors running. A grin appears on Marshall Abadactus’ stubbled face as he motions the men behind him to quicken the pace. While the Auxiliaries were supposed to cut the Amalians off, they at least managed to wear them down long enough for the Sacred Band to deliver them substantial casualties, but there was evidently not enough time for them to pin the mutineers in place, and they’ve failed to capture their leaders... the elusive head of the snake.
Abadactus raises his left hand, and sticking out a thumb he turns it upwards as he barks: ‘’Sagittars; fire at will! Wear down their retreat!’’ Then proclaiming with a wider grin; ‘’Today is a good day to die.’’
Yet more auxiliaries slip by the Band’s testudo coming from the Royal District, this time with shortbows in hand and arrows ready to fire. While jogging they already pull their strings to unleash a barrage of projectiles at the withdrawing Amalians, most of whom were wise enough to raise their shields in their direction. Those that lacked vigilance however with their backs turned towards the enemy were shot in the back accordingly, some of the bolts puncturing through their cuirasses or striking their heels, crippling them.

‘’The mutineers are getting away, Marshall! Ready to launch the pursuit per your call!’’ The Auxiliary officer barks towards Abadactus from down the street, waving his spear towards the running Amalians.
The Marshall places two fingers on his forehead in thought, mumbling inwardly.
‘’...You believe that I am going to play this game on your terms, Quintus, you fox? ...No friend, I will have none of that…’’ Then gives answer to the officer, shouting; ‘’There will be no pursuit. Our duty.. is to protect the royal demesne above all else! Let the traitors lick their wounds, their bite is but the bite of insects next to the pressing Chlotar threat.’’
Abadactus sends the officer off with a short dismissive wave of the hand, then looks out over the macabre in the street, the aftermath of battle. Amongst the slain corpses that line the street he recognises overwhelmingly the warband of foreign soldiers, mixed in with his own auxiliaries.
‘’As tactician I made no mistakes, though damned be God’s name, underestimating the expertise of the Amalian's Unit might just be one. The traitors fight well...’’
Then he raises his right hand, with his thumb turned down, motioning the Sacred Band to halt. ‘’But not as well as us..!’’
While glancing through the corpses, his dark eyes fall on one of the barbarians, and judging by the ornate armour likely the commander of the bunch. The man twitches his arms as if clutching to life. ‘’Hrm. One of the barbarians is still alive…’’ The Marshall walks up to Ardoiwn.

‘This is the end then isn’t it?’ Ardoiwn’s mind managed to put together as he lay bleeding across the cobble. ‘Doesn’t hurt nearly as much as I thought it would.’ The gastald’s body shivered, ‘No, wait, that was the adrenaline. There’s the pain.’ From his vantage point face first in the stone Ardoiwn couldn’t see what happened around him, and the sound of blood pouring out of him kept him fairly unobservant. His mind was barely in one piece, as darkness bit at the edges of his consciousness. He had failed. His king, his people, and those he meant to save. Perhaps if he let go, perhaps if he stopped thinking, he could go with his friends. Why wasn’t he letting go? He hears footsteps coming his way, stopping next to him.
In a moment of sudden clarity, he hears the close yet distant voice of the Marshall.
‘’I should thank you, barbarian leader. Your company presented us the opening that we needed to make our charge against the mutineers.’’
Abadactus Rogan falls to one knee, observing Ardoiwn’s bloodied face from up close. ‘’The fact you still draw breath is a testament to your strength. Your people fought… admirably. Though you don’t strike me as Tautovigocs. Hrm. Syrovigocs, per chance…?’’
No response. Then he turns towards the auxiliaries yet again. ‘’Bring up the brancards and search for survivors! Pronto!’’

From out of the houses auxiliaries are seen carrying makeshift brancards that were originally beds and mattresses that his men confiscated from the local citizens, and placing several of the fallen auxiliaries and even a Lampert or two on them. Ardoiwn is no exception.
This swiftly done, Abadactus raises his left hand yet again, waving his index and mid finger in another of his various signalling hand motions.
‘’Men! We are moving out! Withdraw to the Palace and bar the gates! I want everyone assembled in the courtyard, ready to engage the Chlotars.’’

In under ten minutes all the combatants in the street had moved away, and only the dead were left behind. Some civilian non-combatants are coming out of their houses to heap their deceased brothers on a great pile, and dousing the pile with oil before setting it on fire with the very torches that Quintus tried to pillage from them. As they burned, a quiet drizzling rain falls down as though the heavens lamenting today's deaths. The day draws to a close.

I forgot to add, since it's relevant to Tautom where like.. 50% of the IC currently takes place:

Tautom City houses a tremendous population unlike seen anywhere in the world. It is Visandza’s sole sprawling megalopolis to remain in the style of antiquity, with a staggering population from 100k up to 200k people. Each Tautan district is a city inside a city. Contrast this to Chlotaringen's capital of Aaixen, which has only roughly 10.000 inhabitants, and even that is considered a major city for the time.

Vast majority of people in the Barbarian Kingdoms live a rural lifestyle away from cities, as tribes do. What constitutes a city in this time, particularly a royal capital, is a castle or longhouse surrounded by housing districts for servants and their families. Aaixen is in a sense nothing more than a glorified fortress surrounded by houses where families of the royal staff live.
Since I like world building I added more trivia to the lore.

--A bit more trivial--
@Not Fishing I like the concept. You've clearly not designed him as a uniform Chlotar but rather a more morally ambiguous and shrewd politician, not so much a warring banner-man. Only thing really bothering me is the names lacking any... 'Germanic flare'. Darius and Gareth don't strike me as sounding particularly Chlotar. It could be explained away by them being from a different part of Chlotaringen, perhaps territory that had once been Celesean, making Darius' family a blend of barbarian and Celesean cultures.
After all, the Chlotars aren't a single race but rather a confederacy of various different tribes and barbarian ethnicities, and even a few Celesean ones deeper south.

Oh, a chronological technicality, but I still ought to bring it up:
Cauroman has only been King for a year. I imagine most of the stuff described in Darius' sheet would have taken place under the reign of King Carlovech instead.

If you are fine with making him a 'southern-Chlotar', Darius is fine. Though if you want him to be more traditional Chlotar, consider a name change.

Otherwise approved!

@neogreggorySorry to see you go. I appreciate you gave this story a shot nevertheless.
Can I convince you to make a final post where Ardoiwn meets an honorable death in battle? I prefer that over just retconning his whole existence.
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