Avatar of HellHoundWoof
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    1. HellHoundWoof 10 yrs ago


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Name: Nikolai Arkaden
Age: 17 (January 29th 1999)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
He stands at 5'11, with green eyes. His hair doesnt stand without gel and once washed it tends to flop to one side or the other. Though if he can find a hair tie he'll put it all up.


Born to none and left on a doorstep he grew up in an orphanage in a rough part of the country. He grew tough from beatings from the older boys in the orphanages and eventually grew to the size that he was the one giving the beatings. He knew he liked fighting, it gave him a sense of power. He rarely went to school except to enjoy his power. Eventually the orphanage bored him, he packed the small amount of things he had to his own. He took to the streets, stealing, pick-pocketing and fighting for money just to get a good meal in. Though he never was unhappy living on the streets, he liked the grime of his new life. Eventually he grew very fond of the under ground, and started making more money fighting. He attended parties with people that he had no doubt the women at the orphanage would not approve of, eventually he found himself a home with several other outcast teens. The home they stayed in was a broken down old apartment building, one of the teens was the son of a plumber and managed to hook up water to one of the lower bedrooms. Nikolai enjoyed his time there and eventually began getting many tattoos, he liked the idea of being the most interesting person in the room and he knew that his mohawk and tattoos would do just that. It was rare that he didnt get a look on the street but that was fine with him, in the circles he ran in he was the man. It wasnt long until his abilities starting showing up. He began spasmodically teleporting around the run down building, then eventually into the air outside a window of the apartment. He fell about a story down and injured himself, his ribs were bruised and he had some small level of internal bleeding. His house mates had told the people at the hospital how he injured himself and when he found out he made a speedy exodus from the medical wing.

He quickly went home and grabbed whatever he could find that he wanted to take. Nikolai decided he would get his dragon finished before he left. He had one dragon on the left side of his head and was getting the right side dragon completed. As he was finishing up the tattoo artist offered him a drink and Nikolai graciously accepted as was the custom in Russia even in the worst parts. He started to feel a bit dizzy soon after. He wasnt drunk, his tolerance wasnt amazing but it was certainly too high for that. He was definitely under some kind of influence, he looked around and saw shadows dance behind the door, the shop owner looked nervous and took a few steps back telling the artist to step back. Nikolai looked towards the door as it was blown open by a battering ram. Men dressed in black combat gear stormed inside and Nikolai tried to lift himself off the chair but could hardly move his legs, he managed to stumble about a foot away from the men then crumpled to the floor. While on the floor he shouted at them but it no doubt came as slurs, they clearly did not fear him. One brought out an electric baton and brought it to Nikolai's temple, momentary pain then instantaneous darkness.

Power: Capable of Teleporting himself within short distances but entirely accidentally at present. Eventually he will develop a control over his powers and hopefully increase the range of his abilities.
As do I, hurricanes are nasty business.
I hope Myst is doing okay.
So when do we think Myst will be around?
I remember when the discussion of Iwaku popped up before the most recent season, it was a pretty even split but we tossed it to RPG. I know I faded shortly after because I was more on Iwaku than on RPG.
I'm gonna vote Iwaku, if I get a vote.
I vote rpg

Hey chica. How you been?
Sorry everyone, for this RP basically dying! That's not something I expected to happen so suddenly (or perhaps it really wasn't that sudden), but it seemed the Summer didn't free up our time as much as we thought it would. I was thinking about the RP and wondering what everyone's thoughts would be on a reboot of sorts? A reboot implies we'd reset everything but I was more thinking a new thread under a new name with the same characters if we want with the same history.

I'll need the opinion of those still around, especially the opinion of QT and Myst. Unfortunately, Myst has been going through some hard times lately and has been very busy. I imagine she'd want us to come up with a way to get this going again, but I'm unsure I'd want to do something like this without her direct consent. In any case, I'd like to hear some feedback on this idea if any of you are available!

Hey bud, it's been a while. Since I left you guys I've gone through some life changes and whatnot. I decided to check in on this and seeing that your looking to reboot I would be incredibly happy to participate in it.
I'm still here.
I'm here, sorry RPG is a site that I dont frequent anymore. I forget to check it.
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