Avatar of HumbledHeron
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    1. HumbledHeron 8 yrs ago


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I mistakenly double posted. Forgive me.
Here is my character sheet. I left certain fields vague as I hope to have developments occur during roleplay, however, if you would like me to clarify and/or modify anything, then I will happily do so.

Name: Donald “Mac” McAllister
Alias: Woot
Age: 37
Gender: Male


Dere Type: Deredere (Ongoing Tsundere Rehabilitation)

Dere Abilities/Gear: Dere to Love- Mac's Dere cannot be made manifest by its lonesome, instead it will bond with the Dere of another individual, which may alter the potency or potential utility of the target Dere. The nature of the Dere's alteration is mostly determined by Mac's current feelings toward the individual with targeted with this Dere ability. Only one target should be affected at a time, as the process of bonding multiple Dere has proven to be catastrophically unstable. Mac employs this ability by making affectionate displays for an individual such as cheering, hugs, or motivational proclamations. Contrariwise, if Mac disparages a target which possesses Dere, said target may have their abilities nullified to some capacity.

DokiDoki Ultimate: You will feel his love- If Mac feels overstimulated by the amount of affection and approval he receives from his allies, then it is possible for him to undergo a hideous transformation resulting in his form becoming that of a pink and fleshy spheroid with gargantuan eyes and a wide smile. This new body radiates sparkling stars and beams of sunshine consisting of a rainbow pattern of colors. This visual flare is actually a massive outpouring of Dere from Mac, which dilutes all other forms of Dere in the vicinity while amplifying his to a substantial level, which permits Mac to perform a devastating physical assault with his augmented body. Once Mac transitions to this state, he is incapable of feeling any sensation other than sheer bliss and his inhibitions are cast aside. Unfortunately, this means he will likely inflict physical abuse to all subjects nearby as his old habits are no longer kept in check.

Backstory: Mac voluntarily recruited himself to the Dere force after hearing a guest speaker from the organization's rousing motivational presentation at a group therapy session that Mac attended. Originally, Mac was unaware of his latent Dere abilities and consigned as a cook. It was a short while before Mac's Dere ability was revealed when an unsuspecting former member of the force with flying capabilities found herself spiraling into a billboard after receiving an influx of speed when Mac gave her uproarious applause. Ever since Mac has trained as a fully fledged member of the Dere force. Most of Mac's past is not discussed with others in the organization, but Mac does routinely partake in therapy to diminish “Intolerable levels of Harem Tsundereism,” which is treated as a serious condition by certain staff members and Mac himself.

Talents: Mac loves to cook, but is only moderately skilled at it. His specialties are pasta dishes. Otherwise, Mac enjoys watching movies and drinking beer with friends. He always over-steeps his tea.
I am interested. After recently learning of the Mayadere, I must apply my new-found knowledge.
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