Avatar of hyperbunny
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 44 (0.01 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. hyperbunny 9 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current squuueeeezing out all the inspiration as much as I can >.<
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8 yrs ago
I am dry to the bone atm.... *sigh*


Okie for the funnzies:

Roleplay Genres I like:
○ a little pinch of romance (never plotted...)
○ fantasy and au
○ modern, and maybe medieval (if I remember my research... PFFFT XD)
○ there may be more that I'm forgetting.... Also, I'm not into a lot of vampire stuff... werewolf maybe.

RP Pet Peeve:
○ my main pet peeve - and this REALLY annoys me... - When someone wants to rp with me, we discuss the plot, the characters and then you just leave. I LOVE rping let alone writing. so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't leave me hanging...

side note:
I have a lot of life happening at the moment. Also my fountain of muse is running completely dry so I'm really sorry if my replies are slow. The average times I'll reply are like... maybe once a day if I'm not busy. Maybe even three times on a good day ^^

Most Recent Posts

sorry that took me forever and a day XD

Sena had found her room, finally at peace and was able to hear herself think. She bit her lower lip and started organizing her things in the drawers, and on the well made bed. She took out a photograph, placing it on her desk. In it, was a middle-aged red headed woman, who was smiling brightly, her hair already graying and beside her a man with his arm around the woman's shoulder with the same bright smile. What stood out in the photograph was a light brown-haired boy with blue eyes and herself with a darker shade of the bright red hair that she had at the moment, riding on the boy's back with their eyes closed and their cheeks pink from running. The boys eyes were blue and whenever Sena looked into them, it was like looking deep into the ocean with the golden sunlight reflecting against the surface. It was hard to recall the last time her childhood friend smiled.

The voice just outside interrupted her train of thought and startled her to jump. She quickly places the still-life memory on the desk and peeked her head out of her door with an inquisitive gaze. Five minutes? Might as well start heading to the kitchen now. She grabs onto a stuffed bunny, holding it close to her chest before slipping out and closing the door behind her. She might as well move on with her own life and not dwell in the past; no matter how complicated it has been.

Sena walked into the kitchen with the little stuffed animal still held close to her chest, her head peeking into the kitchen before quietly slipping in. She kept her gaze onto the floor and well away from the group of people.
school has started for me... So as the weeks go by, i may or may not reply as much as I do now (which is hardly any different from now actually. lol)
Sena nods, looking from Akia to Shiro with a grateful smile. There seem to be plenty of friendly faces around here and for that Sena was thankful. Little to no words have been exchanged when Akia started to babble on about her residence. She only nodded in responds to the question. Sena would rather pour hot oil on her foot than to share a room with someone else; she was a person who valued her privacy.

When the intercom buzzed on followed by a voice, Sena's attention was averted. Six? Change of plans? She glanced at her watch. Over thirty five minutes left before then. She was more worried about what to do for the time being. Maybe try to find my room? she suggested to herself and wordlessly slipped out of company to explore a bit while she went looking for her room.
In her state of despair, Sapphire had not noticed footsteps pressing towards her. When an ever so gentle voice spoke, her wings twitched stiff and her ears reddened. How embarrassing, she thought and lifted her face to reveal the watery violet eyes. Sapphire blinks a couple times against the light, her wings moving to shield her face as her eyes finally adjusted and focused on the hand held out for her. There was a long, awkward pause as she stared at the hand, slowly reaching out to take it.

The first thing she noticed was the texture. Besides the grass beneath her legs, the material felt foreign to her. Despite the fact that it was not her first time on Earth, the five senses that she experiences during her stay here never cease to fascinate her. She was like a mere child on her first few years living. Realizing that she still hasn't responded, Sapphire's cheeks redden and hastily pulls herself to her feet, "My name... Sapphire, and... they are real," her face morphs into a frown upon hearing her own voice again; in her ears it sounded high-pitched and surprisingly soft.

Sapphire tilts her head up to meet the eyes of her encounter and found herself captivated. His eyes were so blue - it was a nostalgic reminder of the Crystal Sea - and his hair against the moonlight seemed to glow. She tips her head to the side, her wings fluffing out behind her, expressing her internal curiosity.
Tristan stuffed his hands in his jeans pockets, walking around like nothing happened. In his left pocket his fingers wrap around the hilt of the knife has he crossed the street. Inside his mind was chaotic. All he can ever hear is the screaming, a loud crash as the support beam fell; the scorching heat intensifies. His head starts to throb and his eyes glow an eerie crimson red.

There had to be someone else he could feed off of. The thug from earlier did not satisfy his hunger. He shakes himself back to the surface of his consciousness, running a thumb over the sheath as he continued his walk

Since his decent, Tristan hardly ever sleeps, always wandering tirelessly around the city searching and finding nothing. When he did, he did succumb to sleep there were always nightmares and questions that haunted him. The morning would come and he would wake up more exhausted than if he were to stay up all night.
The bell had already run when Skylar stepped into the school. Most of the kids had already gone into their classes but Skylar had no care in the world. A few minute wouldn't kill the teacher. Besides, it wouldn't have been his first time being late to class. He walked into the school in his usual ripped jeans and baggy hoodie his pale pastel turquoise hair falling over his eyes as he kept his gaze on the floor. Taking a deep breath, Skylar turns the knob open a sly smirk crossing his lips when he opens the door.

"Wassup bitches??" Skylar yells as he runs down the isle high fiving his buddies to his seat, more profanities leaving his mouth before taking his usual seat at the back. The whole class had turned to look at him. Some rolled their eyes while others tried - and failed - to stifle laughter. He tips the chair onto it's back legs until the just about touches the wall, making himself feel at home in the class room. The teacher, who was in the middle of her lecture glares at Skylar looking like she would be able to murder him with her eyes. Skylar only smiled halfheartedly and gestured with his hand, "Sorry, I wasn't feeling too well earlier this morning," he yawns, not even looking one bit sincere.
There was a flash of pale, golden light in the afternoon sky. The silhouette of an angel silently lands on the ground with a slight wobble. Sapphire took in her surroundings whilst smoothing down her white dress. Today she was determined to find him and bring him back home somehow. But first, where was she? Blinking rapidly, she adjusted her eyes to the light and recognized that she was perched up on a hill and below her she could see the view of a city ahead of her. It looked so big... How could she find Tristan in a place so big? Heaving a sigh, Sapphire decided it was better starting nowhere than running around in circles. She takes one confident step forward...
"Waaah!!" In a tangle of limbs, hair and wings, Sapphire tumbles down, down, down to the bottom of the hill and finally stops at the bottom of the hill face-down in the grass.

Residing in a part of that same city, a heavy thud bounces off the walls of the ally way. Tristan draws the blade to his mouth, dragging his tongue against the sharp edge. Satisfied, he slides the dagger back in his sheath, tucking it into his pocket. He stares at the body bathing in it's own blood and nudges it with his foot. Yep. Definitely dead. He emerges from the darkness blinking the light away from his eyes. There was another presence he can sense; one that was awfully familiar and Tristan couldn't decide whether he should be irritated or, in some way or another, grateful. The former seems to be winning.

(Sorry if the replies are crumby... My muse is slowly seeping from my body.)
Sapphire and Tristan were both angels with no memory of their past life or the cause of their death, living happy and free until the greed for revenge took over Tristan. Eventually, he grew tired of the questions and the restrictions and manifested himself into a demon. Tristan now wanders the Earth to find their killer while Sapphire peruses after him in an attempt to bring him back home. Though it becomes a problem; the longer she roams Earth, the more visions she gets about her haunting past.

Takes place in a small town, secluded and a bit isolated. (More details later ^^")

hyperbunny's characters


Sapphire, is a quiet and clumsy character who focuses nothing more than to bring her brother home. For someone who is almost an adult, she can be a bit of a cry baby.

Tristan:(age 17)


Tristan is pretty much a foil of what Sapphire is. He is always in the mood for teasing (in more ways than one), and playing around just to give himself a little bit of entertainment. Tristan does not hate his sister, but would rather her drop the subject of his goal hence the reason why he continuously pushes her away.

EclipseDragon's Characters


Leon is close-minded, and refuses to believe anything unless he can see it first hand. He has strong beliefs that things should be logically explained. He is a keen explorer and loves to travel, having done so from when he was young. His best friend had different beliefs to him, and end up pursuing a different life-style to him. He believes in helping those in need.


Hannah is impatient, angry and spends her life preying on the weak. She has a cold exterior and has gotten through life defending herself and those she cares for, but after a disagreement in methods ended up on her own in a big city. She is quick to violence, and hasn't a problem using anything she is in possession of for personal gain but is reluctant to take a life.
Quick synopsis:
It's senior year. Everyone is hustling and bustling about with promposals, jobs, and post secondary applications. We find two people of different personalities with a rivalry carried on from childhood. Though the reason for it is long forgotten, they still remain the same, bickering and fighting like an old married couple. If you must ask why they simply decided not to cut the communication if they didn't get along so well, I will sum this up with two words: Mutual. Friends. Be prepared for drama, tears, laughter, and maybe all of those things at once.

Takes place in the big city with skyscrapers, apartment buildings, and regular residential housing. The school is just a few blocks away from town square (for convenience), and the main roads are usually busy with cars zooming to and fro.
Night View

My Character: Skylar

In School:
He can be obnoxiously loud; he likes to make himself as comfortable as possible. Especially in the class room. Skylar is the visual/performing artist, but has no intentions of bringing his talent to the public; he would rather just keep that to himself. There were times that he wouldn't show up to school for a day or two. Fellow students would assume that he was just skipping because he was too lazy to get out of the house.
Behind the Scenes:
Skylar has a lot to hide. Like the fact that he no longer lives with his parents, but resides in a shabby apartment with his sister. And even there, he has trouble. Instead of doing homework like a good child, he spends most of the late nights in the allies painting graffiti, picking fights, or getting caught by the police. His friends, even the people who knew him from childhood barely know a thing about his life.


Behind the Scenes:
@Jangel13 eh...? It's more like... ummm well... I'm not exactly for plotted romance... It's more like, just make your characters and we'll wing it.
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