Avatar of iKo99
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  • Posts: 59 (0.02 / day)
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    1. iKo99 10 yrs ago
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"Didn't they say they were short on manpower? Maybe I can persuade them?"

Reason for Decision: I want to go back home, I don't want to be shipped off somewhere, maybe I can somehow convince them to allow to find new workers for them and use my royal connections to accomplish that. If not, maybe I can work myself along with Marco until we're able to escape.
"I'm tied to a chair and gagged. There is nothing I can do. I'll just wait and see what happens."
"Go left. No one can know I'm the crown prince! We can get rid of him there as well if we play it smart"
"I think it's time to put some hit and run tactics to play here."
"Actually I didn't have anything special planned for today, lets just hang out."
Alright, great. Now mind you I have never played those games that you mentioned in your thread so I'm not a 100% sure how that point system works but I'll try my best. And you're gonna start, right?

Edit: So I really have nothing else to do but to pick my answer? And you do all the writing? xD That makes me feel kinda evil. But okies, one more question, where should I answer, should I answer here or in the IC thread?
Alright, let's see. If I didn't get it right make sure to tell me so I can edit it.

The Successor:

Name: Nymeria
Gender: Female
I am the princess of Heroica. I am fourteen year old and the Kings firstborn. I have two brothers, one eight the other eleven.
As a child I used to...
Sneak out a lot. Dad always told me it was dangerous out there but that's a lie! Or maybe he was partly right there are some real mean people out there but my point is that it holds so many wonders. Most of my friends are commoners who are twice as fun as the other stuck up royals or my brothers. Dad didn't find out very often but when he did he would scold me real bad.

I heard many people says the King is mad and should step off his throne...
But they have no idea how hard it is to be a ruler. You have to please everyone at all times with such limited resources. He tries his best but people and events just makes it so hard for him. Maybe in the future I can make up for all the trouble that caused my father if I learn about his misfortunes.

When I become queen I want to...
Live my life in luxury. Not everybody gets the chance to be queen! I'm going to make Heroica the most enjoyable kingdom in the world.

Difficulty: Hard :D

Hope this works.
Alright, so let's see. I can only choose from the backstory/personality traits you have given, right? And I only can pick one answer (Either A, B or C) of each block, right?

And also, how do difficult levels affect the play?
I have a question though, so how exactly would this work and what is your role in it? So I assume you're taking more like a narrator role?
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