Avatar of ImmortalToast
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 19 (0.01 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. ImmortalToast 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Current Trying to think of a dank hip radical cool short RP to put in casual that will only last a day or two


Oh god, how do I even start to describe myself? Well I've been RPing for 4 years and gradually learned on my own by watching others and such. I usually look for chill partners and stuff, as long as you can make interesting characters and such, we'll be good friends. I prefer chat roleplays over post-by-post but whatever.

Genres I like to RP:
Basically anything
(mostly prefer generic anime styled bullshit)

Most Recent Posts

They watched the burly warrior walk near the fire, a sour expression plastered on the warrior's face made the cloaked person shudder. "Ugh. . ." They muttered. A bang of pale sea green hair slipped from the cloaked figure.

They stood up and removed the hood, two tiny white horns stuck out of their head. He looked at the burly man and rolled his eyes. "Praying on another patron?" He scoffs.
A figure dawning a cloak sits in the tavern, their hands resting and tapping against the wooden table, their gaze shifting to Kat and back down to the table.
@Kat chan aheeey, alright I'll jump in
Sure, why not? @Kat chan
No problem, I hope you enjoy RPG!
That's a nice intro!
Aheeeeey @JumpNShootman. We can finally do a Cain and Orlando go to Whitecastles. Anyways, I'm glad we can RP here.
Aheeeey, what up @Pair Of Hearts I'm Toast.
Aheeeeeey, my name is ImmortalToast, but my friends call me Toast or IT. I enjoy roleplaying (obviously) and playing fighting games. I'm usually into any kind of RPs but I prefer generic anime styled bullshit. Oh and hey @Cynder, anyways, I'm really hyped about meeting all you guys!
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