Avatar of Imortalmage1
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 9 (0.00 / day)
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    1. Imortalmage1 9 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current I am superior to skynet.


I am a person. All you need to know. I'm paranoid.

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Thank you TheUnknowable.
Interesting... I was thinking of more of a humans made an AI and it tried to kill humanity. It failed but humanity now hates Ai on the whole and try to remove it from society. One day someone who didn't care of the laws and the hate created a human emulating AI. Somehow people find out and come to kill it. (As you can tell the concept is a wip.)
I am not familiar with the animatrix. I am familiar with the matrix. I just went on Wikipedia and read about it, to little avail as I still know nothing about it.

Someone likes it, yay! *dances in chair*
Bumpedy bump.
What if an AI was born, as intelligent as a human? What if this AI was born into a world where a public distrust of AI ran rampant? Many precautions against AI have been made. I have one question for you, are you willing to accept a new form of life? Or will you stop it, making sure another "Zx82-3" never arises again?

This is my concept. There will be an AI, and the AI will NOT be evil. If anyone wants to rp. I have a mixed writing style, fluxuating between casual and advanced.
Welcome to the forum that I am also new to.
*claps* Amazing concept!
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Hello Internet! I'm new! (If you couldn't already tell) I'd like to try roleplaying on this site and... Stuff!

My other rp site told me to advertise because it is dying so here...
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