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    1. ImperatorBellum 8 yrs ago


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It is the year 12025. It's been an entire two millennia since peace was found under the regime of the Democracy of Terran Nations. It was under them that the peace between the black-bannered Orion Confederation and Mankind was found after centuries of warfare. The supporters of the old regime were angered, considering that the war was in Mankind's favour, and the Democracy's interference in Terra only made peace with the losing side. The Democratic Party, lead by William Frankfurt, took to the streets armed with heavy guns supplied by sympathisers in the Imperial Parliament. William's vision was to free Mankind from what he called the bourgeoise scum lead by the Emperor. However, in order to do this, they first had to get rid of religion: the only thing standing in the way of them and democracy. Churches, Mosques, Synagogues, ancient Buddhist and Hindu temples, all razed to the ground. After the war ended, all colonies outside the Sol System were given up to the Orion Confederation. All Humans left there were enslaved by the mighty alien species that made up the Orion Confederation. The Democracy turned a blind eye to their pleas, and for a whole millennia, communications between the governments of Mankind and the Orion Confederation were cut. Peace was found, with Mankind united under the Democracy. The revolutionary Labour Company discovered a new efficient machine to harvest crops for the workers, and so, the working class was destroyed. Mankind was free from responsibility, but because of that, it was not free from the hold of vices.

The time of the Democracy's dominance over all of the Human colonies ended abruptly, however, when a sudden solar wind cut communications between worlds. Each world was left to its own devices, leading to the rise of warlords outside of Terra. Terra's Democracy eventually stabilised, but billions suffered. This lead to the rise of intellectual students who discovered spirituality once again in this time of struggle. Millions were inspired immediately. Suddenly, for the first time, peace was disturbed as protests against the Democracy turned violent. Finally, after a whole millennium, the Democracy began to find weapons.

A splinter of this new ideology was conceived, and an illegal underground political party was established. It was called the 'Party of the Fasci,' made up of people who found joy and glory in work, who weren't too keen on allowing machines to do their jobs for them. They were loyalists, wishing for the return of the glorious Empire of Terra, which the Democracy rebelled against. They were also very spiritual. Their leader, a man known only by the name of 'Rodney' in Democratic records, lead them to victory. He was a military genius, not only a political mastermind. He singlehandedly took down the Belarusian Democratic Government, and established Belarus as his starting zone. He began the construction of weapons, based on blueprints he found in the city's archives: primitive tanks, rifles, assault rifles. One by one, he conquered nations. From Belarus, to Georgia, to Armenia, to Azerbaijan, to Ukraine, then to Russia. The first Russian city liberated by the Fasci was Leningrad. It was there that 'Rodney' met the Patriarch of the Eastern Orthodox Church. He was convinced that the city be renamed St. Petersburg, and upon Rodney's march to Moscow, he did. He was eventually baptised into the Orthodoxy, and renamed himself Octavius Byzantium I, the first consul of the newly-established Federation of Free Republics, which extended from Finland, to Poland, to Russia, to China, to Mongolia. They stopped there, and from there, they began to discover blueprints to more advanced weaponry. By the end of the year 11992, it was the greatest military power in history, second only to the Empire. Therefore, at the dawn of 11993, they attacked westwards: to Sweden and Norway. Once again, the peace was shaken after around fifty years of rather unsteady peace. Within a month, Sweden and Norway were incorporated into the federation.

By 12020, however, the Federation's advance grew slower as they grew wearier of the new and rather advanced weapons being fielded by the Democracy. Now, they're at a deadlock, with only constant skirmishes by the borders. In the inner circles of both Democratic and Federal governments, they both plan a massive offensive to get rid of the other. The Federation's target: Marx State, in former Washington DC. The Democracy's target: St. Petersburg. The Democracy has begun the construction of static placements, armed with massive high-powered artillery and field guns; bunkers with heavy machine guns; entrenched tanks; mobile weapon platforms/suits. The Federation could not hope to compete against the superior technology and numbers the Democracy had.

Two days ago, in 12024, the Federation began the heavy bombardment of the newly-made Oder-Neisse Static Wall, resulting in a thousand deaths. The Democracy took this as an act of war. Five days ago, the Orion Confederation has slowly passed through the boundaries of the Sol System, returning to finish the job: returning to finally destroy the species that was promised to destroy them. Nobody noticed when they overtook the military outpost of Pluto.

Now, the pieces have been set. Who are you? What part shall you play in this great game?

Hello, and welcome to White Army, Black Banner, Red Earth's Interest Check! I know, it's quite a mouthful, but don't worry about that! This RP follows the lives of several key characters in the world of WABBRE. Yep. "WABBRE." Since this is a large-group RP, I will be accepting many characters, as long as I see their value in the changing of key events. I want to keep this as realistic as possible, but yeah, we can implement some sci-fi technologies, but I don't want them to be over-the-top. I don't want mechs/mobile weapon platforms dancing around gracefully like they're human. I don't want them flying and hovering off the ground in a snap. I want them to feel heavy, and considering the possibilities of shields, I don't think any of them would be able to destroy multiple targets at once, even with lasers.


Players will take on the role of various people from high places from any factions. The three main factions, of course, would be the Federation of Free Republics, the Orion Confederation, and the Democratic Central Government of Terra. What I hope would happen is players would be able to fight against each other, or fight alongside each other. When fighting alongside each other, I hope that players would communicate with each other for battle plans (if playing military officers) or plans of action in the government (if playing as government officials). I have a feeling that a few people would take on the role of a politician; it's boring, to say the least, but they'll be mostly responding to the needs of the people during the war. For example, let's say the enemy admiral has cut my lines of supply, and my people are starving. I have to choose between letting them die, or saving them in some clever way. However, I, as the GM, would be occasionally giving out issues to those that even want to play politicians/government officials, but then again, not a lot of people want to play politics. Sure, you could play as a rookie, experiencing the war first hand. Everyone will face daunting challenges. Succeed, and you bring your faction closer to victory. Fail, and you make setbacks, and depending on the situation, it could be a minor one, or a very major one. Tank commanders, infantrymen, MWP pilots, fighter pilots, generals, politicians; all of them will encounter these challenges and be forced to act accordingly. Disagreements between allies is natural; sympathy for the enemy is unacceptable in this world so dangerous.


Note: Since Human societies outside Terra are rather barbaric and primitive (but have rather advanced weapons), I'll leave it up to the people who want to stay out of the main plot to create their own small tribes.

Defensive-Offensive Technology

Ballistic Weaponry- Ballistic weapons are the most ancient type of weapons Mankind uses up to date. Though old, they still serve the same purpose it served thousands of years ago, as ballistic weapons are very reliable. From being used to penetrate armoured targets, to being used in destroying massive MWPs, ballistic weapons could do it all, except break the shields around modern armoured vehicles. The only known ballistic weapons known to penetrate shields are the anti-tank, anti-MWP siege weapons, which carry around overwhelmingly massive amounts of energy that would overload most shield types' capacity and allow the shell to go through.

Plasma Weaponry- More reliable at taking out unarmored targets than ballistic weapons. They have faster velocities, but end up using up a lot of energy. In addition to that, plasma weapons are only absorbed by the shields on armoured vehicles and MWPs. Despite having shields down, any modern tank design would employ the use of military-grade ceramics, which would disperse the heat of the plasma, rendering it useless. Plasma is basically heated gas, allowing for use against thin ceramic plates like the ones used in regular infantry armour. It is also very effective and efficient at taking out entire infantry units, as they burn through flesh and destroying internal organs. Like lasers, they can be used to break open shields and are actually more effective, but in the long run, they take up more energy.

Laser Weaponry- Lasers are similar to plasma, except for the fact that lasers are one constant stream of light, and dissipate the longer the distance. Lasers are useful at severely burning through lightly-armoured infantry units, but it cannot take out tanks with shields down. In destroying armoured vehicles, laser weaponry plays an important role, however. Most armoured vehicles are equipped with a shield generator, which generates a forcefield around the vehicle. Large-calibre high-energy lasers are used to destroy shields on tanks and MWPs. The killing blow is performed by the following barrage of missiles and ballistic weaponry. The high energy on high-energy lasers, however, is not enough to overload a shield completely. Sudden bursts of high energy, however, are known to create small pinpricks through the shield, allowing for ballistic weapons to go through before the shield regenerates.

Shields- Shields are interesting defence mechanisms. They create an energy-dissipating forcefield around tanks, AFVs, APCs, and MWPs. The larger the vehicle, the larger the shield generator, and the stronger the shield. Shields are nearly impenetrable, and when they lose energy, they can regenerate said energy with the use of nuclear reactors. Shields are still, however, penetrable. For example: a small tank with a small shield generator could easily turn a sabot rod into dust upon impact, but the shield loses energy, but slowly regenerates over the course of a few seconds. However, if a siege weapon fired at it, the sheer force of the shell, and the energy it produces, would be enough to overload the shield and make it shut down. The ballistic shell shot by the siege weapon would lose energy, but it still has enough energy to possibly penetrate, or shatter the armour. A second well-aimed shot would destroy it. However, there are prototype vehicles with so-called shield banks, which are failsafes that generate two or three more shields in the event of the first shield's destruction.

Commonly-encountered Weapons

Good day! Well, I discovered this site, so I might as well say hello to all of you! ImperatorBellum here. I'm not really new to play-by-post RPing. Now, as for my username, 'ImperatorBellum,' it's pretty simple. An Imperator was a military official, and I am very interested in military history, tactics, and strategy. Bellum is Latin for 'war' but honestly, I picked it because it's pretty close to my surname. Once again, hello, and good day!
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