Avatar of Industrial Lace
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    1. Industrial Lace 9 yrs ago


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"Baby shower, autumn and apples." Alasdair asked with a light frown. His simple buttoned down shirt had the sleeves rolled up as he looked at the woman with a slight frown. "Positive it isn't a harvest party?"

With a shrug, the man began to prepare a pastry for the clients. The perks of magic as it's known, he thought as he grabbed two apples and quickly cored them, also removed the waxy skin. He dipped them in lemon juice to stop them from turning brown. He prepared a basin with spices; cinnamon, cardamon, allspice, clove, nutmeg and light brown sugar all in one space. He rolled the apples in it, coating every part of the apple. He then moves and rolled some fresh pie dough and placed the apples in each one.

Dropping the apple in the center, he filled the inner cavity with caramel squares and closed the pie crush over the apple, turning it into domes and brushing them with eggwash. He then passed his hands over the two domes, the two began to cook rapidly in seconds turning perfect and golden. He brushed some turbinado sugar on then and placed them onto two identical plates. He then snapped his fingers, chilled bread came out of the fridge, as a vareity of freshly prepared spreads and cheeses all came to the prep table.

Alan expertly prepared some checkerboard cheese sandwiches, sun dried tomatoes and basil, traditional cucumber sandwiches, cucumber salmon, goat cheese and waknut, ham brie with apples, and prosciutto mini paninis with asparagus. He arranged everything together elegantly on their platter. He also got some ginger spiced scones with clotted cream and some jams.

He praced everything on the trolley and sighed looking at the arrangement. The youthful wizard shook his head lightly. "Good thing I kept tabs, you forgot to tell me tea party." He told Willa when a book began to shake lightly. "A squirmish at the barrier, something fun."

Character Sheet

Name: Alasdair Weston

Responds to: Al, Alan

Place of Birth: Jacksonville, FL

Date of Birth: January 2nd

Blood Type: B

Height: 6’2"

Weight: 168 lbs

Witch Stuff

Witch Rank: Wizard (his stones are two cut alexandrites and one polished jade).

Species: Witch

Familiar: A falcon and cheetah Griffin who goes by the name of Reuben, or simply Ben


Spell Casting - able to cast a wide variety of spells, whether invocations, through the use of an item, hand gestures, etc

Spell Creating - capable of creating brand-new spells and using them, sometimes on the fly.

Glamouring - changes the person's appearance into that of another, real or not.

Astral Projection - the ability to project one's consciousness into an astral form outside the body.

Telekinesis - the ability to move objects as well as individuals with the mind.

Abjuration: The power to protect/heal

Divination: The power to gain information.

Illusion: The power to create illusions.

Alchemy (transmutation)- The power to transform living or non-living things.

Astrology - Astrology deals with the theorized "bond" that astronomical phenomena shares with human life. Astrologers have used this to foresee certain events in human life. (Fortune telling and the like)

Dark Art - a form of magic typically used for selfish, self-serving and/or nefarious purposes. Though it is not necessarily "evil" magic per se, dark arts tend to focus toward destruction, harming, cursing and otherwise complicating the lives of other people while advancing the user's own state.

Dowsing - locate people, objects and resources without the use of scientific apparatus.

Divination - gain insight into a question or situation using an occultic, standardized process or ritual.

Curses - User of this power can place a curse on whatever they wish (people, places, objects, etc.), exact effects can be nearly anything user can think, ranging from minor annoyances to tortuously extended death.

Jinx - A minor use of dark arts; jinx’s are less than a curse and tend to remove the probability of luck in their favor.

White Art - a form of magic typically used for help other people by healing the mind, body and/or soul. Practitioners of this type of magic tend to focus toward assisting others, purifying evil spirit, dispel curses, medical potions and respect all the rules about what is forbidden and not.

Technomagic - A magic that Alasdair has created and has been working on perfecting; it combines magic and technology in various ways and to various extents. Beginners can create, control and mimic technology via magic. Advanced users can infuse technology with magic, granting it considerable edge and versatility

Personality and Appearance

Personality: Alasdair is extremely creative and active. He is very confident and sure of himself, which makes him have a bit of an ego. He often thinks himself as handsome and has a high opinion of himself, and is greatly optimistic. Also, he often undertakes tasks with gusto, only to later realize that they weren’t as easy as he had originally imagined. Alasdair seems to embody the kid in him and can enjoy games and the like to keep him entertained. He is very good with kids, and when surrounded by kids he tends to be "adopted" by them; making him a reliable babysitter. He loves his sister dearly to the point of embarrassing her. He knows this and sometimes comes up with elaborate ways of proving his love at her expense. Besides all of this he is a huge romantic, and dorkfish that can't help but be endearing and loving to those close to him. Even then he is serious on his responsibilities, work wise or senshi wise. He thinks himself to be a supporting person, while taking his ‘due’ from the spotlight he is also one to give encouragement and help others around him. When he’s overworked, or has lack of sleep he tends to be more of a cynic, while tending to use sarcasm at any and all moments.

Appearance: His hair is a wheat toned blond with soft lavender tips (lost a bet with Ru). He appears to be physically attractive, with a lean muscular build and slight olive tone to his skin. He has tattoos here and there on his body (some are runes, some to commemorate his passing through each rank). He has a statice flower tattoo located on the dip of his hip falling into the ‘v’ of his lower torso (only place he can easily cover up with no one thinking of looking for a tattoo). His hair is short by the sides while being longer on the front. His clothing style is leaning towards prep.

Name: Rubelle Weston
Responds to: Ru, Ruby (doesn't like her full name)

Place of Birth: Jacksonville, FL

Date of Birth: August 5th

Blood Type: AB-

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 154 lbs

Witch Rank: Witch (training to be a sorceress; but she does have an extensive potion/item knowledge and has a gift for them)

Species: witch

Familiar: A ferret called Toby

Powers: spell casting, potion creating,

Personality: Ru is a calm person, to the sense that people associate her with laziness. Which is not the case; she is a person, who just isn't mainly interested with what others have to say. When around her friends she appears to be a different person. She seems more of an extrovert. With an open love of life and experiences she holds nothing back. She will try anything at least once and isn't afraid to experiment in anything. There is barely no filter between her thoughts and her words, which is a double edged sword when it comes with friends. She doesn't fear being ostracized and speaks her mind at every moment and genuinely appreciates it when people do the same with her. Even then she isn't truly prone of being very enthusiastic; unless it's something that readily catches her attention.

Appearance: Standing at 5'6" in height, Ru is relatively average. Her hair is easily styled, and she likes changing her style often. Day X it may be with a waterfall braid; day y it can be done in a bandana with victory curls; and Day Z can be left alone with a hair clip. She has a collection of stars on her shoulder as a tattoo. Wrapping around her left wrist is the sound waves of herself saying 'Tough love, bitch' in blue. On her other arm she has a small anchor and on her torso a small arrow. On her left foot she has her initials as: QBRW (Queen Bitch Rubelle Weston). She has a cartilage piercing, lobe piercing, angel bites, and a bridge piercing. Her clothing style is very rockabilly inspired with some punk influences. She's always changing her hair thanks to magic hairdye she made (potion specialist). It's long and its natural color is an auburn ash. Her eyes her inquisitive and light caramel brown in color.
Ru turned the silver urn in her gloved hands, studying the intricate engravings through the bruise-colored tarnish that dulled the old work of art. The floral motif tooled into the somewhat polished silver was indicative to a Rococo design yet it was conservative, not as ornate as more museum worthy pieces. She lightly passed a cloth over the urn, cleaning it up from it’s wash removing as much water as she could. When she felt she had removed the most she could with the cloth she placed it down carefully. Cracking fists, Ru lightly touched the twin bracelets in either hand.

‘Aero’. The sorceress in training invoked, as wind lightly passed through her fingers concentrating by her hands. With careful movements, guiding the air to the urn she dried it. ensuring no water stayed with it. Pleased with herself she lifted the wheel of the yagen by her side, and with a spoon began to scoop up the peppermint that she had grind finely.

Filled, she returned the urn to its place in the shelf, grabbing a large glass jar and shaking it a few times before putting it back. A low yawn left Ru as she moved through the basement, making her way to an opened book. She recorded her tasks dutifully onto the old tome. Closing and putting it away when done, Ru moved onto her next task checking up on the large ovens situated on the other side. It looked like the timer was still working with thirty minutes left.

’Pleased to meet you let me introduce myself
I’m a man of wealth and taste’

Sympathy for the Devil suddenly blurted out causing Ru to jog lightly to the discarded phone. Looking at the alarm and the time; 6:00 am “GET UP TO WORK” blaring on her phone screen. She groaned noticing that she pulled an all nighter again. Grumbling to herself over how idiotic she was for losing track of time she made her way to the bathroom. There were cubbies with different labeled boxes and she grabbed the one that had her name on it. Inside was a change of clothes so she wouldn’t be at work with the same stuff as yesterday. Half assed she removed her clothing to take a quick shower and all other necessities. Getting dressed was an easy chore afterward as she arranged her hair with her bangs forming a braid and the rest of her blue hair forming wavy locks.

Phone in hand she went upstairs, organizing trays of cookies, Madeleines, and other small pastries down. She still had a couple of minutes for the coffee cakes and muffins to finish baking. Apron on, she also started preparing the coffee makers and heating up water to make the gallons of sweet tea. Ten minutes passing Ru walked to the door unlocking it while still keeping the ‘we are closed’ sign facing the world. Grabbing a cup of coffee she made herself she yawned knowing today was going to be a long one.
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