Avatar of ItsAnan
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    1. ItsAnan 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Are there still Naruto fans out there?


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Sounds fun!
Relatively old series/manga, but I love it. My first watched and favorite still anime. Though people who know it are scarce. Those that roleplay are fewer. I take my chances, though! Worth a shot!

/About Me
I go by Nel, or you can call me Talli. You can call me tonight, you can call me tomorrow. As long as you're calling me (wink-wink).

That's my cheesy flirtation fail for the day. Pick up lines, I am full of'em. So, I am a seventeen years old. A senior in high school. I consider myself very open minded and diverse and think anyone who knows me would agree. Believe it or not, I am a rap-head - I love hip hop, especially conscious stuff. Though, I am not limited to that. I love to expand my horizon - I'm into hip hop, pop, rock, classical, et cetera. You name it. I have been role playing for__ six or so years. Started with writing my own stories and moved on to this collaborative type writing. I think I am a creative mind. At least of my family I am. My brother is a sporty dude, my sister is a academics girl, I on the other hand have been artistic. That's not to say I haven't play basketball and softball in my day. Nor to say I don't give a damn about my grade. We each have our own things. My art is my passion.

/About My Style

Nooo, not that Styles!
Writing style!
I am literate, to say the least. As I said, I've been writing for years. All the practice has helped me improve. Though, I always work toward betterment. I have never been offended by anyone while roleplaying, so criticism is encouraged. I can take it! I try my hardest to accommodate my partners. I write para style - rarely less than three, if ever. Though I can adjust to what you are comfortable with. Otherwise, I'll stick to what I am used to 4-6 paragraph. When particularly influenced, I will write more. It doesn't matter if you match my length. It is cool if I write ten and you write eight. I write ten and you write one, however... Problem.
I like quality over quantity. Just because people write a ton of words, does not make it better. I have had people write me freaking novels, and not say much of anything. I am detailed, but some people go overboard.
With fandoms, I try to keep characters in characters. I usually succeed... I am assuming - I never got any complaints.
I ask my partners to contribute. I don't like coming with everything by myself in role plays... I may as well be writing a story.
I will assume you are not an adequate role player if:
1) You claim you can not play a certain gender. A characters genitals do not make them difficult to play.
2) You claim you can not write a starter or an OP. (Though I usually do because so many people make such a fuss about it. It will still raise some concern.)
OOC is encouraged, both to know each other better and to discuss things regarding the role play and what ever else might come up.
I double and single (Character/Character or Character/Character-Character/Character) for romance.
I am absolutely up for a multi-person roleplay done in private PM - maybe a few people 3-6 in one message. So let me know if you're up for that.

/About My Ideas
They're old ideas, but I still would like to do them - tweak them perhaps. Some would be better if it were a few people.

[ Yu Yu Hakusho ]

Next Generation ♥♥♥
The gang is all grown up! After all their contributions to Ningenkai, Reikai and Makai, their lives have calmed exceptionally. Since they've resigned from their Spirit Work as detectives, they've settled down- they've started their own lives, pursuing careers and families. Over the years, they remained very close. How could you cut ties with a group of people with whom you've been through so much? People who have risked their lives for you, saved your life, given you their loyalty, offered advice or quiet comfort and support. Things have been going so well. They're raising their children.

Yet, elsewhere in the world, there is a rising conflict*. And now, Koenma needs a team on board! The children of his best detectives are great candidates... But, their is some reluctance. It is a dangerous job, afterall. And these kids haven't had much training.

However, as fate would have it, these teenagers have a run-in** and prove to be more capable than expected: using their skills, working as a team.
We can discuss this 'conflict'.
Perhaps, some black markets
scheme. Maybe, some experiments
being done that must be put to a stop.
They can know eachother, through their parents, been raised together as a family. Yet, this particular incident brings them together in a different way.

Koenma's Rival (Detectives Vs. Detectives) ♥♥♥
(This idea provides a lot of workable alternatives.)
Yasu* is a man that Koenma has known for a very long time. Since they were young, they were very competitive**. Once Yasu learns of Koenma's team, he bands together his own deadly squad. He challenges Koenma to a competition*** to prove that his team is the best of the two.
* Name susceptible to change.
** It can be a friendly rivalry, or a jealous/envious rivalry that develops into a malicious animosity.
***We can discuss the nature of the competition.

New Recruits ♥♥♡
Yusuke Urameshi, Kazuma Kuwabara, (Yoko) Kurama and Hiei of the Jagan Eye have all established a fearsome reputation in the Demon World. They've been called heroes and traitors. Allies and adversaries, depending who tells it. Things have calmed down for them, as of late. But, when they each individually encounter enraged enemies, the gather once again to set out on a mission. This time, however, they'll need some help: they are outnumbered severely, lacking intel and it seems that everyone in has it out for them. They have become walking targets for anyone who musters the audacity to approach them.

So, Koenma calls in some favors as they try to dispel lies surrounding them and hunt down the opponents who started the tales and is trying to get the killed. Old friends and new friends alike come to their aide, offering more knowledge, firepower, muscle and hideouts. Perhaps they bring in an array of other canons: Jin, Rinku, Chu, Touya, et cetera.

* Maybe they end up hunting down someone with a personal vendetta. Perhaps a child, father or mother of someone that died at their hands. The ultimate goal here is to clear their names.

Kingdom in Trouble ♥♡♡

An old friend of Koenma's calls in a favor. His kingdom is under siege, being infiltrated and robbed of their commodities and resources. Their people are being watched, harassed and murdered. Even his army has been infiltrated. As it turns, a general was partly responsible for the fall of the kingdom.

So Koenma deploys the team to help his friend regain control of his kingdom.

Terrorism in Human World ♥♥♡

A group of demons have snuck into the human realm. Now, occasionally, such events can slide. A few run of the mill, harmless demons here and there. However, these demons are stronger than usual. Koenma is alert that some of Reikai's most wanted are among the bunch.

They raise concern in Ningenkai*. Perhaps conducting human trafficking business.

A group of misfits* soon catch onto the game, finding many suspicious death and kidnappings. Orphans since childhood, these misfits have learned to handle themselves. The government and police are less than helpful, so they take matters into their own hands. As they're defending themselves and their homes, the encounter Koenma's men. Initially, they think the quartet to be opponents but soon find allies in the four.
*I assume our OCs would be humans with psychic abilities or skilled martial artists.

Evil Organization ♥♥♥
The Cipher* is a secretive, militant organization that has been around for decades, conditioning and training some of the best fighters Demon World has known. Many of the combatants come from broken homes and have come to know the Cipher as a family. Others have come seeking power. Regardless of the reason, a loyalty is established within the Cipher. A loyalty to the mysterious leader**, brothers and sisters.

Unbeknownst to most of these militants, the Cipher has an evil agenda*** disguised as a good deed and intends to use the fighters to carry out their plans.
Koenma learns of this plan, and sends his team to stop them. The team is astonished to discover the skill and tenacity in which their opponents use to accomplish their goals.

Our OCs learn of the true nature of the Cipher. It is difficult for them to accept it, and the vigorously deny it, accusing the team of lying. So, the detectives produce proof. After viewing the proof, our characters are in disbelief: How could they be so gullible? How could their beloved leader betray them? How could their family fool them? Who else knew? Their whole lives and purposes for living have just been proven to be based on lies. Everything they believed. Lies.

****( They have been teamed together for as long as they could remember, trained side by side. They even begin to question eachother).

They reluctantly agree to help the detectives by being their inside eyes. It's difficult to function normally, now knowing what they do. But they manage. As imagined, it's difficult to trust their new comrades.

War ♥♥♡

In preparation of an inevitable war Koenma bands together some of the most skilled demons, psychics, strategists and medics. Some old allies drop in for support. Jin, Touya, Rinku, Chuu, Shishiwakamari, among others.

In Reikai, they begin a rugged training regimen. They run drills, are put on a strict schedule, discuss battle tactics and expand on their abilities. Still, there are clashes among troops- some demons that resent humans and vice versa : a little friendly fire.

They're eventually ejected into battle.

Experiments ♥♥♥

Demons and humans alike have been popping up missing. Koenma receives a tip. A twisted, unidentified suspect comes to light.

It is revealed that these victims have become his personal experiments. He robs some of their memories, he grants some supernatural powers, grants some resistance to certain things, he creates Siamese twins, grafts additional body parts, creates hybrids, transplants multiple organs. His experiments are endless in his attempts to create the greatest warrior and a solution to mortality.
· Note: this idea needs to be developed.

Hope to hear from some folks! Shoot me a PM. 'Til then,

I do not know how to act now that I am learning to use the QQCode Cheatsheet. Heh.
Bump in the night...
Ahh, might have an interest in either Yu Yu Hakusho, Naruto or creating an original world.
Come one, come all. It's a roleplayer's role call! (Hehe, rhyming in fun.)
I go by different names: An, Talli, Nel. Whatever you're comfortable with. I'm new to the site, not to roleplaying. By the sites standards, I would say that I am a high casual style player. My length ranges from 4-10 paragraphs, depending on my level of inspiration. Quality of quantity with me. I am open to mature themes as long as there is a plot with it. I am cool with hetero- and homosexual pairings and like them all equally. I really enjoy good characters, plots and development of both! Feel free to ask questions to see if we are compatible.

General Pairings

/Dark Circus

/Slave & Master

/Egyptian Themed

/Arranged Marriage

/Peasant and Disowned Noble/Royalty


/Urban Life

/ Band

/Fantasy (I have an idea, but is isn't entirely fleshed out so I won't post it. Feel free to inquire about it. )

/ Slice of Life

Fandoms (Cravings)
/Naruto [Shippuden]
/Yu Yu Hakusho

I ask that you suggest some other anime. I'm trying to expand my list. I can watch on Netflix or Online or Fios on demans. I've watched or currently am watching:
Ouran High School Host Club
Death Note
Durarara (Like ONE episode)
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Legend of Korra
Ranma 1/2
Buso Renkin

Some Ideas Explained

Arranged Marriage
A country was once whole, but has been divided into two separate Kingdoms in distance years. Recently, there have been an outbreak of violence between the kingdoms: assaults, murders, mobs, gang violence, et cetera. The rulers of the kingdoms meet to discuss and after coming to agreeable terms, decide to reunite the nation so that everyone may learn from their example and set aside their differences and peacefully coexist. To seal this deal, they marry their children. Back in the day, deciding your child's spouse was not particularly unheard of. So, maybe one of they is in a secret relationship or is an 'adulterer'/'player', so that could be a conflict. Or, for some other drama, after they have been wed, one of the families reveal their true intentions: to overthrow the other and have total control. Though by the time this surfaces, they have already fallen in love and can't carry out the plan.

Dark Circus
So, I had this idea of a corrupt ring leader. In the past, some people have criticized the circus industry for exploiting the attractions for their peculiar abilities or strange birth defects. I thought that the ring leader (or owner) would be interested solely in the money that his circus earns with its growing notoriety. He dedicated his life to scientifically experimenting on people which has proved to be a lucrative business as long as it is kept under wraps: altering genes, joining people together, crossing animals, giving people animalistic traits or tendencies, or what have it. The victims are almost always orphaned children, who are manipulated or brainwashed into believing the ring leader has their best interest so they have a great loyalty to him (or her). Perhaps they forget about the experimentation. Maybe an individual (or group of individuals) uncovers one of his experiments or laboratory or some other dark secret and begins to question.

Slave and Master
I'll only do this if there is a plot. This pairing usually welcomes smut, but I prefer a plot with my story. Also, maybe the typical roles may be switched: The slave becomes the dominant player. Or it can be more romantic than sexual.

Perhaps these two characters grew up together, looked out for one another and created a bond. This could go many routes. Perhaps one is adopted. Perhaps they decide to run away. Perhaps there could be a vampiric spin. I have an idea that I need to flesh out. If interested, PM me.
* I would also be up for something Loveless Inspired. If anyone know the anime/manga, that is.

So, I'm still relatively new here, still getting a feel for the site. It hasn't even been a week yet, but no point in waiting since I am here. Hehe. This list does not conclude all of my interests. I would be open to many things. Hope to here from some of you!

Zmerr said
I might consider YYH myself.

Sorry! Didn't see your earlier post! DX PM please!
:) Cool! Seldom do I find someone willing to do YYH! :)

I actually have seen a bit of Kekkaishi, and I did like it. His and Her Circumstances definitely sounds interesting. I'll definitely at least look into all of them! Thanks for the suggestions!
Hmm... The Lion King is mah ish! Best movie ever, I tell ya! When I was younger I had it on VCR, lol and would memorize the whole movies, sing the songs and quote all of it... But, enough of THAT!

Something you're probably actually interested in: I might want to do a roleplay with you :3 I was thinking either Naruto or an Original.
Orchestratic said
You all are incredibly nice here, y'know. Making it really hard to live up to your expectations, even in one post XD (yes, been working all day on and off but I have to keep doing life-thingies like laundry and eating). Although, I was recently forced to kick it up in speed because my old group has returned to the Guild for our old RP so I have to get this started so I can run this game AND that one. I'm going to be exhausted forever by this site, and it's totally worth it.Also, ItsAnan, read through the Interest Check here and find the necessary knowledge for submitting a character and do so. We'll talk there. ^-^

Do you mean your first post? Or is it further in the thread? Pardon my ignorance ( / . \ ) I'm still trying to get used to this type of thread posting.
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