Avatar of J D Jalowiec
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    1. J D Jalowiec 8 yrs ago


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OoO @Skai
Archon of Darkness

"I was just interested in the webbed feet."
Then there was a click and a hiss of his mask, smoke puffing out the side like a thin fog. His body stood still, unaware totally of the situation. It was after she apologized he realized what happened. "Oh. You're Ok." Gideon smiled under his mask, his wavey brown hair bouncing slightly with a head nod. "Just don't actually slice me and we'll be square."
With the chainwhip in hand he dropped the cleaver-end to the stone floor, the loud clang arupting the silence of the corridor.

'She's familiar.' Eredos the Shadow hissed playfully. Peculiar and unnatural- it made Gideon's heart skip.

"I'm Gideon." He kicked up the bottom of his shoe slightly, "I skinned the Brothens to make these boots, and I lived like a hermit for the past years of my life. I like dogs, and I like using them to go hunting." He paused, squinting. "I also very recently realized the benefits of not being sober." A small puff of smoke left the resperator. "What about you?" he spoke heavily. He seemed so nonchelante~ and direct.

I was a boy one day,
a during that day all I wanted to do was hide
through storytelling and pretend playing I would hide my troublesome life
and during my one day I tried to fly away
like superman on a spinny chair I lept not afraid
into a wall to smash both my arms to pieces.
I am no superman
Archeon of Darkness

The click of a lighter, and then bubbling is heard throughout the dark space. Exhale.
"Damn, Eredos, this temple has everything." Gideon chuckled, and wiped the drool off his jaw. Smoke could be seen flowing out of his bedroom into the hallway. "Only the sober appreciate sobriety." Eredos hissed, and Gideon replied promply, "Do you always have to sound so menacing?". There wasn't a reply. A few moments past, and Gideon began drifting off into thought. "Your dream that night was quite intriguing, do you remember?". "Of course I do. And it's tempting." Gideon replied aloud, reimagining figures dancing around him and a new beginning.

Gideon stepped outside his bedroom in newly dawned clothing, wearing a hoodie sleeved rolled and black joggers alongside his iconic respirator.

Gideon exhaled when he left the room, and smoke left the vents on the respirator. The thin fog smelled faintly of Marijuanna. If ones perception was high enough, they might realize he's simply constantly dosing himself with the drug rather than protecting himself from the elements of the air. It was there he saw Talay, and she began to wander. Gideon trailed behind her, cleaver mounted on his back. He wasn't stalking, he was just curious about her findings. If she spotted him, he'd conversate.
this is bangin' tunes yall
"Downstairs and sleep."
Eredos the Shadow hissed in Gideon's ear. Soon thereafter, he heard Ian speak, "Lupus says that if you imagine your room before you enter one of the empty rooms downstairs, the room will adapt to your vision of how you believe it should be. I'm going to find one now. I guess we can meet back he-" and before he finished Gideon stood up, cleaver clunking to the floor being held by its chain within his dirt covered hand shortly behind the girl who walked off. Her silloette moved side to side in front of him as she walked to her room, and she turned the corner of a hallway into one of the rooms.

Gideon scraped by, cleaver dragging, searching for his perfect room amongst the mossy stone clad walls. He found one.. the last one on the left. "Why so private?" Eredos sounded pleased at the result. '...'

It was something only he could see. Darkness inhabited the room. There was even an oil lantern lit, but it revealed nothing. It only cowered before the black shadows before the room. The looming shadow that blanketed the senses felt blacker than black, and the hand could physically feel its touch trailing over the body like small fishes would dodge rocks in a body of water.

A bed, nightstand, an oillamp, a wooden chair, and an armoire on the opposite side of the room resided.


Basked by the protection of Eredos, they sat together. Gideon recalled the night before the crystal, and of the dream he had concerning him. He felt peculiar and unsure about himself and what he felt he was asked, but he thought and pondered. "Do you feel as persuaded as I do?" The hiss of a mask pierced! And soon the soft breaths of clean fresh air enveloped Gideon's lungs within the darkness of his cozy and warm bedroom.

"Hopefully we meet a like minded individual."..
@Mirrodin A free post system for easy conversation. Just be sure to include the @ to the appropriate user its directed at.?
Eredos lacked the compassion for Gideon to explain to him the rift situation prior. With teeth grit and a tired Gideon pushing himself back to his feet within the temple, Eredos began to explain the situation in a hiss. "You're surrounded by different Archeons. Your goal will become apparent." And in response to spine tingling Eredos, Gideon regained his bearings and walked to the edge of the group. He remembered everyone's face at that moment and the names of the ones who spoke with discrepancy.

Light breathing could be heard through the sound-altering filter within the heavy walls of the corridor, and after Aelia had spoke and left Gideon took his Que to agree with her about first names. "Gideon. Archeon of Darkness." He removed the mask, the sound of steam hissing released, and his mouth was exposed with dirt lines around its parentheses like a coffee ring on a newly polished table. Piercing blue eyes glanced at each one of the people at the circle in quick succession, testing his own paranoia.

- Gideon is a brute. He's quick on his feet, and slow to hesitate. He felt it was nessessary to add an element of intimidation towards the others, in order to make himself appear stronger. And through the force of will he forced his shadow to dance underneath him like flames to a curtain. He felt first impressions were important.

He took a step back, and sat, taking slow and calm breaths of the freshest air he'd ever experienced. His cleaver sat in his lap across his chest.
"Hmm. I find pleasure in your distaste for gentle introductions." Eredos seemed to almost chuckle that dozed into a grave sigh.
Gideon felt strong, confident, and excited to no longer be bound by his unforgiving planet.

He looked to Ian, frowned, and leaned back. He lazily grazed over the rest of the group with his eyes, and spoke. His grave voice trailing within the temple's stone chamber. "Who's who.?" he spoke. A pause, and then he pointed sequentially at the remaining faces and the doorways which the others left.

"Ian of Gravity.

He spun his finger lazily to his face, "Gideon". He dropped his finger back into his lap, "I see some strangers still. But whatever." He then clicked his respirator that had lied in his palm back in. And thus, the feint sound of filtered breathing remained. He wore it from force of habit. His eyes trailed down to his cleaver, which rattled softly.

I will post tonight.
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