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    1. JacknOph 10 yrs ago


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This RP is so dead lol.
I'm going to make two new characters, those twins I told you about the more I think about it the more I wanna do it, but like then I'll be juggling three characters and urrrghhasgrgfasuybfesyopgyarebgayernbgyreangiegbeigfbepigbripgnbre

Constantine breathed in for a moment and looked up to the sky, his smoke flowing upwards as he opened his mouth. He laughed long and hard, cackling like a madman he stopped as abruptly as he started. He loved stories like that, brutal tragedies that make his life seem a little more normal he realized his little moment probably made him look anything but normal. "Arnold was probably a demon, maybe an unborn fetus or someone who wanted a sister, maybe even a bear himself." He said trying not to smile, "Kids and animals tend to be able to see things a lot easier than older people, or at least that's what I've noticed." Constantine said covering his emotions with his usual smirk he's going to have to stop it with the outburts.
First post of page eight!
I want to die! I'm playing CoC and got Shouldra as a follower, now I want Constantine to have a fucking ghost living inside of him. It'd be so badass GAAAAAAAAH!
Constantine looked at Jessie and Melissa and figured he'd go first. "Everyone's got their demons" Constantine started using an Irish accent he picked up after a pleasant dessert he had once. "I have seen, and slain a few." he said going back to his normal speaking voice. By few I mean a few thousand Constantine thought to himself forming a smile. "I was kinda born into this life, I had a pretty normal human one for a while there but it didn't work out, and it never would." He continued looking up at the smoke he was releasing into the atmosphere.

When Constantine was a kid after he had his first soul, he could sometimes see human souls. It helped him make sure he was getting nothing but taint when he feasted. There was always a slight spark of humanity when a demon would take someone over, well sometimes. He thought back on a little girl he ended once. His old demon pal, brought the filth to him as a birthday present. Probably one of his better birthdays.

Constantine realized he was being pretty quiet after speaking and made an awkward laughter of sorts, while he scratched the back of his head with his left hand. He was trying to mimic Corwin, most people bond faster when they are alike, that was something he was taught.
Alright, this is my chance to get my grub on Constantine thought to himself with a smirk. Hands starting to tremble from the excitement, his eyes ablaze yet he still holds back his pressure as he feels it might start being noticeable. He continues listening to Anelle. Who would ever want to miss out on this. He pulls his cigarette from his mouth blowing clouds of smoke above all of their heads. He looks at "C" she still doesn't seem to have forgiven him not that he cares.

I wonder how much more pushing it's going to take He thinks while putting his cigarette back into his mouth. "Well then I guess we should get this show on the road huh." Constantine trying to sound indifferent but anyone who knew him, well Anelle would be able to sense his eagerness. He shot a sly smile her way, he was going to eat well as soon as he was given the chance.
"Constantine's the name, and I'm sure you've heard of me." Constantine said not at all oblivious to what's going on around him, he was enjoying it. He could tell C wasn't going to like him, but he never expected to make friends. The way he saw it was with her strict and probably by the rules attitude, she was never going to like a lowly half-breed like him. He might as well have fun while he's at it. He tried not to laugh out loud, a small smile forming on the edge of his lips when Corwin pulled C away. He felt like pursing further until Corwin pulled him aside.

"What do you think you're doing?! Do you want to die?!" With that Constantine let out a loud laughter mostly at C, but also at this man before him. He wondered what he could do to and hoped to be impressed. As of now he seemed little more than an awkward appeasing clown. Nevertheless he listened to his words, making it seem as though C was the strongest of their little group. Only making Constantine want to push her even further, if he thought Anelle was powerful this woman must be a God.

Constantine held on to his arms laughing pretty hard at this point his cigarette fell out of his mouth. "So I take it she's stronger than all of us then?" Constantine said looking at Anelle a little more serious, his half-cocked smile forming into lustful one. "Thank you" Constantine said realizing that he was indeed paid a compliment. "That's probably one of the nicer things someone has said to me" When he said that he tried to think of any compliment he's been told. It seemd like a life time ago, but he did use to get compliments on his hair, he began to rub his buzzcut. The only reason he shaved it was because he couldn't keep it from burning up. He pulled out a cigarette using the one on the floor as a muse and lit his new one with his thumb before stomping the old one out.

"Well after you I guess" Constantine said to Anelle blowing smoke above their heads. It seemed she would probably be the only one he could call friend, at least for now.
Jessie, Melissa, Corwin, C, Anelle:

Gauging the reactions of the people around him Constantine felt like he was doing an okay job as far as first impressions go. I'm on a roll today He thought to himself.he continued his chain smoking when Melissa asked her question and it dawned on him that he forgot to introduce himself first.

"My name is Constantine, and I'm something most nightmares are made of."

He became really quiet after what he said changing his face into one of complete anger. All of a sudden he began laughing heavily at his own joke smoke coming out in heavy stacks from his nose making his nose. His laughter stopped as he noticed the tension building up around them, It was probably because he asked C her name. He looked toward Anelle thinking she might have something to say about this making a sly smile in her direction. The underlying reason towards his question was he was hoping for a fight. How else was he supposed to know these people were able to cover him in the need of battle. Especially with his soul being choked up the way it is, with that his smile became a little more pronounced and his teeth were showing. He looked back towards Cyclops awaiting and answer.
"Things are always better when you have to fight for them I suppose." Constantine said walking behind Anelle. He was actually looking forward to fighting along side her, a chance to gauge her moves when she's serious and to find out just how much he's going to need to beat her one day. There was also the fact that she seemed to enjoy violence almost as much as he did. They were walking quickly to meet the others Constantine's cigarette dying out, "Three guys three girls eh, meeting suspiciously this sounds like either a bad porn, or a bad movie." Constantine said, When they finally made it to this new group of people.

He saw the woman who was oddly named "C" and noticed how Anelle and her didn't seem to want to alert the others to their presence yet. It was time to really meet the new team. Pulling out another cigarette and lighting it with his finger he inhaled deeply and said, "Okay so you're Corwin." he said pointing towards the man who was obviously trying really hard to make people comfortable, but failing miserably. "You two I don't know the name of" He said blowing sparks from his mouth having them dance around his new "friends". He looked at Corwin and wondered what his position to him would be if Anelle is his boss who is this man, and what about the cyclops?

He hoped Corwin's childlike nature was just a facade for some immense power, and as for this cyclops from her commanding presence she had to be a least somewhat stronger than him. Constantine looked at the man Corwin seemed to be trying to rub and wondered if maybe Corwin fancied himself male company, since it seemed he wasn't paying any attention to the other woman.

"Magic is pretty darn real buddy." Constantine said to the man who was feeling doubtful. "I'll show you" Constantine said while inhaling deeply on his cigarette. He exhaled upwards making tiny little fireworks of stars, flowers, playing cards, and of course rabbits. Feeling like that was a good first impression for his not so easy attitude he began to get serious. "I don't know why they saved you in particular, but something about you makes you special. More special than any other person who's died before you and that makes you needed. Think of it this way, most people see death as an ending but luckily for you, it's a new beginning."

"Enough with the monologuing, so what are your names my new companions?" Constantine asked looking at the man and the woman, they both seemed pretty clueless about everything and figured they both must have died somehow. I guess that's a cool thing about being a half-breed, I never really needed to die. He thought to himself letting out a slight smirk. He realized that the cyclops was not very into this conversation that everyone seemed to be having.

"So I was told you only like to be called "C" and that it was a touchy subject." he said stretching while blowing smoke out, he could feel his spirit's seal when he stretched. "Well C I'll have you know I'm not a big fan of secrets especially if we're all supposed to trust each other with our lives and what not, and so I feel it's only fair if I get a full name. I expect the same from all of you actually." Constantine said looking out over everyone, he could feel his face in it's default scowling position and made a smile instead showing off his teeth. He expected his sudden demands to seem a bit bossy but he felt as though they were pretty understandable. I probably could have asked better, oh well I guess I was never a people person He thought to himself.
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