Avatar of Jakeozzy
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: jakeozzy, without the capital J!
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 909 (0.24 / day)
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    1. Jakeozzy 10 yrs ago


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"There's at least one Imperial ship in every direction on leaving Nar Shaddaa... They'll launch fighters to pursue us, a fight is inevitable unless you plan on surrender," Lunaris said as she got to work at her console, arming and getting ready to operate all the cannons. The ship had more firepower than she thought, but any targets would have to be in front of them, making being chased by fighters a pain. All would work itself out if only they could reach a good spot to make a jump to light speed, and get the hell out of the Imperials' grasp.


The Imperials guarding the spaceport took aim at the approaching speeder, but upon noticing the ones flying it, they stood down and moved aside as Izumi brought it in to land on the walkway to their landing pad. The Fury-class Interceptor waited for them, its engines burning up, and service crew moving their equipment away as the craft's owner returned. Izumi hopped out of the drivers seat and ran for the ship; Zerenis would get there first with his enhanced speed, and all the better since it was "his turn" to fly the ship.

"Even if we can't shoot 'em down, we might be able to hop on the same hyperlane, try and predict their path!" Izumi suggested, dashing up the ramp.
Lunaris didn't really have any arguments, being led along by the human. He was being decisive, he had a way off Nar Shaddaa, and any ally was worth it at this point. Imperial starfighters had already begun to fly over the speeder traffic, signalling the beginning of the lockdown over the Smuggler's Moon. Considering the place was practically lawless, it was doubtful the populace would settle down at all. The naval might of the Empire would deter any Hutt Cartel naval assets from intervening, but pirates, gangs and the like wouldn't accept being confined to the glowing ball of neon light for long.

"I'm ready, I don't think any Imperials followed us to the ship," the Chiss said as she sat at the co-pilots station.


"How about we get to your ship? They can blast into space and we can chase them, or we can show up at the spaceport and watch in disappointment as they blast off. Besides, it's your turn to fly, that's always interesting!" Izumi suggested as she halted the speeder, changed lanes carefully, then sped back toward an Imperial-held spaceport. At least the Pureblood Pride Parade wouldn't be there, the Imperial and her master could avoid the berating and the condescending attitudes!
"FRAK!" the Zeltron man flying the speeder yelled as a blaster bolt flew past his head. "Okay, we're driving! Relax!" he said frantically as he shifted flight lanes. Soon enough, they were on course to a busy Nar Shaddaa spaceport. The Imperials there were having a little trouble shutting the place down - if they caused a massacre just to stop people from coming or going, the Hutts wouldn't be happy at all... There was still time. And there was something else, Lunaris thought... Something was diverting her attention to the distant spaceport, like a calling. She seemed spaced out as she tried to put a finger on what the strange feeling was, but to anyone else, she might simply appear shocked after what just happened!

"...That's one way to deal with a Sith," the Padawan commented, arms still tightly wrapped around the human's form while the speeder accelerated, "You do have a ship, don't you?" she asked, "We've already caused enough trouble without having to steal some gangster's ship."


"That's Azure Tritails-! I mean.. Azure Clawcat.. and I tailed you since you took that leap of faith onto their speeder, my Lord~," a young Imperial female's voice sounded over the private comms. Moments later, a black speeder with the Imperial insignia on the hood flew straight underneath Zerenis, hopefully to catch him in a seat rather than leave him hanging off the side! The young lady piloting the speeder had dyed blue hair tied into a single long ponytail, emerald-green eyes and wore a tight-fitting black bodysuit like a spy would wear. Additionally, she wore over it: a load-bearing vest, a utility belt, and holsters for vibrodaggers and two blaster pistols and some knife-like blades that looked to be for throwing more than anything else. This was Lord Aotisa's favoured underling, but she rarely acted as such unless in the presence of others. Her boss' reputation as a Sith Lord mattered, after all!

"Follow the Jedi?" Izumi deadpanned, already bringing the speeder back on course after catching Zerenis.
"Right. So we'll get that done first. Your belongings are going to be delivered to the island that houses the majority of the Time Patrol's warriors in the meantime. Do you want us to come with you, Ms. Tsila?" Trunks asked on his way out of the room. Soon enough the group would end up leaving the hospital, on their way to another of those mirage-like warp gates.

As they approached the gate, Blaze finally spoke up, "Y'know what? Why not. I'll be fighting alongside you guys, and entrusting my life to you both, so... I'm sure my mom n' dad would love to meet you! Just.. ignore my brother when we get there," she decided.

Trunks shrugged a shoulder as they paused at the gate, "What's our story?"

Blaze made a long "Hmmm~", and stepped through, coming out again at the Time Nest, where they'd first witnessed the sinister changing of Earth's timeline, involving the two Saiyans and the Namekian. "Izzy, any ideas? I'm real tempted to tell them I'm part of a space-time-defending organization, but I doubt that's what they want to hear!"
'Here's my answer, Sith!' Gathering herself as much as she could, Lunaris took one hand off her lightsaber and pulled it back, as if she were taking hold of something invisible. Giving little time for the Force Push to grow into something truly dangerous, she unleashed the burst of telekinetic energy at the Chiss Sith Lord's chest in attempt to throw him off the speeder, or at least destabilize him. Any slower, and he might have the opportunity to do serious damage to her or the one piloting - any quicker, and it'd be like a Force-flick to such a powerful adversary.

Whether it worked or not was of little consequence. All they needed was time to reach a space-worthy ship, but was the Sith oblivious to this?
"I think that would look pretty awesome, myself," Blaze chimed in as she strolled up to Izaroth. He looked much better than before. Those healing tanks were magic or something! "I guess we've survived day one."

"Usually Glacia drops anyone he fights in seconds. You two have a lot of potential!" Trunks said as he entered the room, "We should get going. If I remember correctly, Blaze wanted to talk to her family but hasn't gotten the chance yet. What about you?" he asked Izaroth.
"Sir Crystalis?" The tiny Akaviri's voice came from behind him, "Are you buying food for tonight? I'm very interested in trying Tamrielic foods!" Yuki beamed a smile up at the man. She had a heavy bag in her arms, full of ingredients for alchemy works. The aromas rising up from the bag were a strange mixture of pleasurable and disgusting all in one.

Aria stood in the door after Haru had walked out of the shop, discussing something with him before finally the two embraced, laughing. After they parted, Haru tipped his straw hat a little, and made his way toward the gates of Whiterun. Aria returned inside meanwhile. She'd seen a friend after many years, and it took her mind off the state of everything. Unfortunately it wouldn't be long before Dragons, Vampires, Cultists and the Dominion threw work the Odd Jobs' way again... Well, someone had to generate work for them!
'I think we're in the clear... We just need to get ourselves to a spaceport-' SLAM!

Lunaris' train of thought was suddenly derailed as something grabbed hold of the speeder. That something was then revealed to be one of the two Sith Lords, as he hopped up onto the back of the speeder! Before he had a chance to speak, the Padawan reignited the blue blade of her lightsaber, back still pressed against the windshield as the civilian continued driving. The Sith gave them a simple command, and was ready to make sure they carried it out. But, against all sense in the moment...

"Keep driving!" Lunaris yelled over the engine at Ashtev, bringing herself to a stand carefully, one boot against the windshield, the other on her seat. "You have one chance to surrender!" she continued, ...but only realized after saying that, that it probably wouldn't work on a Force-sensitive. No, a Sith would laugh off the idea, probably even if she were stronger than them. It was strange to think this Sith might be the same as her. Did he become an outcast of the Ascendancy by becoming a Sith, or was this some twisted sense of alliance between the Empire and Ascendancy? A gift to the Sith Order, in the form of one of their own people?
"Well then! I'll be doing my thing and causing havoc in their ranks where possible. I'll leave you two alone for now. Unless the whole nation wants to rise up against them, there's not a lot of point dragging you into it, it'll cause more suspicion than anything else. Just.. know there are pieces moving against the Dominion's, Aria, Cronic." Haru said calmly, shrugging as he looked back at the door. Apparently he wasn't a zealot who would stop at nothing to achieve his goals - if he went around conscripting people into the resistance movement it'd be dangerous for all involved...

"Eager as we both are... I'll get back into that game when the time is right. For now, we have people to make happy and ridiculous jobs to take." Aria smiled, "Don't worry, you can still find allies in every city. We had Altmer of our own in the resistance, didn't we?"

Haru grinned, "We still have a few today. Ones that are more mindful of themselves than the glorious bigger picture the Dominion are painting for their people. It'll be good to see you two on the field once the ball really gets rolling."
The speeder kicked into action with Ashtev at the controls, lifting into a hover before the human maneuvered the craft up and away from the Imperial forces. There would've been enough of a delay to let one of the Sith grab hold of the speeder, but the Pureblood made no move to chase them. Instead, she began instructing Imperial units elsewhere to assign security to the spaceports all over the Smuggler's Moon...


Lunaris hadn't let her guard down for anything. She knew they wouldn't just be able to run, or hide - the Empire never relented, and had the power to pursue them anywhere, even in such a place as Nar Shaddaa, where everyone came to get away from the rest of the galaxy.

"Why did you commandeer the speeder? Are they after you, too?" the Chiss asked, still looking behind them in case something unexpected happened. Her scarf fluttered in the breeze as they flew. Luna extinguished her weapon as the scarf nearly got singed on the lightsaber's blade. Still, she covered all sectors, ready to fight should she need to.
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