Avatar of Jakeozzy
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: jakeozzy, without the capital J!
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 909 (0.24 / day)
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    1. Jakeozzy 10 yrs ago


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"...Vampires?" Loren questioned, though the assassin had already disappeared. He paced a little more, thinking the threat over, and then left his office to find the captain of the guard. The Thalmor couldn't be taken by surprise, therefore, the night watch would be staffed just as much as the day's. Even with a hand around the Empire's throat, Skyrim was proving a most difficult beast to tame.


Aria yawned after sitting down, and threw her legs up on the desk as usual. "I'll wash everything in the morning... I need to sleep off all that gorgeous cuisine~" she chuckled. A stretch later, and with a similarly drowsy cat coming to sleep on her, Aria closed her eyes and fell into a deep food coma.
"Unfortunate..." Loren replied, though he didn't sound that bothered by the revelation. He took his time strolling around his desk, to sit in his chair covered with warm furs, relaxing there as the assassin awaited the contract. He motioned to the chair opposite him, but figured the dark brother was only interested in one thing.

"What I need is to make an arrangement. The man I need killed is the head of a rebel group here in Skyrim. Intelligence hasn't turned up anything so far, and if we haven't uncovered their whereabouts, I wouldn't imagine your people to have turned up anything either. The man has been at this game of hide and seek since he was a child, you see..." Loren explained, pausing and sliding a few sheets of paper the assassin's way. "Haruyoshi Sano is the contract, worth thirty thousand septims. If the Brotherhood is feeling particularly bloodthirsty, every other rebel head is worth an extra five thousand."

He gave the agent of death a calm smile and pointed to the documents he'd provided. "I've set up a dead drop just outside Dawnstar for this contract. Any intelligence gathered will be there to pick up at the start of every standard working week. I require heads for proof when kills are made."

"I provide the who and where, and you deliver results..."


Aria nodded and sighed heavily, "Make that two, I'm stuffed!" she said happily, yawning and heading to her desk to get some sleep. She bumped Cronic on the shoulder as she passed him, "The master impresses again."

Yuki shifted off her chair and turned to Cronic, giving him a short bow and a pleased smile in appreciation. "You cook remarkably well, sir" she complimented before departing to the spare room upstairs.
"Sweet Mother, Sweet Mother... Why must your child take so long to arrive...?"

In a candle lit room in the depths of a forgotten Nordic castle, the tall Altmer paced slowly and methodically, waiting. It'd been two days since the Black Sacrement had been performed in this very room. But, it was stormy and horrible outside. Many of the Thalmor guarding the walls had instead opted to find shelter, build fires and take the odd watch before recovering. The far North of Skyrim was inhospitable tonight. Loren began to wonder if the 'child' would even reach him, but then, they were bound to. It wasn't a matter of if, but when.

Loren gazed around his office, noting the arrangements. Book shelves full to the brim with knowledge, his desk where he'd constantly deal with affairs concerning justice and enforcement. Letters from Jarls, from guards, from the Dominion... He had tabs on everything worth knowing, except the whereabouts of certain rebel elements. And that was why the Brotherhood had been called upon.


Aria nodded as she ate. She and Yuki were visibly slowing down, having had their fill of the feast.

"Its in the Rift so, yeah. And the place is abandoned to my knowledge. If anyone moved in, I kinda need to throw them out. Or kill 'em if they don't comply! Its basically a shrine to a great man."

Yuki began to yawn as Aria spoke, apparently missing the talk of killing people. She was beat, and after a meal like that it'd be easy to doze off.
"Actually," Aria muffled with her mouth full. She gulped down the vegetables and exhaled before continuing, "I do know this one place that's really beautiful. I could take us there tomorrow. Master's own retreat..." she explained with a little wonderment in her tone.

The stray cat started to rub against Cronic's leg, purring loudly as its nose twitched, inhaling the aromas wafting off the table above. It glanced at Aria as she mentioned her teacher, but quickly lost interest and kept begging with quiet meows.
"Almost makes me want to go camping..." Aria mused, "...But the province has seen better days, safety-wise. Still, it'd be nice if we could find our own peaceful little spot."

Yuki nodded along at the suggestion, but then immediately fell back into feasting. She and Serena hadn't had the best trip to Whiterun, after all!

"Yeah... A vacation," Aria chuckled, "That's what we need."
Yuki waved a tiny hand at Aria as she entered, the girl was full of excitement. She'd had an active day learning about Whiterun, and this would be perfect to top it all off before a heavy sleep. In a new land, with new smells, sights, tastes and peoples, she felt wonderful despite the incidents with the Thalmor and the giants. She'd brushed it off and forgotten already... Young ones always seemed to be full of energy, even in bad times. "It smells so nice, Mr Crystalis!" she exclaimed, taking a seat beside Serena and eyeing up the selection. She looked at the woman's plate with curiosity and would go about trying the same things, slowly shoveling it all onto her own with a fork and spoon.

Aria, needless to say, was in awe once she saw the table! "Gods... This is probably better than what they're dining on in Dragonsreach tonight. I think someone deserves a bonus..." his boss said calmly, grinning as she sat down. She seemed chilled out, with a weak aroma of skooma clinging to her clothes. She untied her belt, hanging it on the corner of the table, the katana's tip just touching the floor. "...I feel like this should be a regular thing."
"I think I get it... I'll train and see how it works out! Practice makes perfect, I guess," Blaze replied before her attention was taken by a man who called for the two. Well, unless anyone else here was in a partnership and happened to have red or silver hair. Looking around to confirm that, the girl nodded and looked at Izzy again, ready to follow him. "After you. If I speak to him first. He'll probably say 'hi', and I'll say 'fine, how are you?' because I'm terrible with new people."
The Akaviri girl soon strolled in, shivering a little as the sun began to descend. She was happy to walk into the toasty shop, filled with a wonderful smell... It was unlike anything she caught a whiff of back home, on Akavir. Foreign or not, she looked pleasantly surprised as she walked closer.


Aria on the other hand was toasty in another manner of speaking. Not that the fire wasn't warm. Skooma wasn't how she remembered, really. Then again, there weren't any rowdy teenagers - she was sitting with the Khajiit trader, gazing up at the sky. A few stars had begun to appear, along with a noticeable drop in the temperature giving the breeze a slight sting of cold. This was a nice setting. Typical Skyrim evening, sat by a campfire with some company. Though, Cronic was probably wondering where Aria was at this point.

"N'garro should rest..." the Khajiit chimed in before Aria could speak. "Goodnight to you, red maned one," he said, smiling tiredly before getting up and heading for his tent. Two more Khajiit walked over to the fire, apparently their turn to watch the caravan now. By this time, Aria was already walking back up to the city. She didn't seem to stumble or lose her way, but instead... she was just nice and mellow.

At the gates, the guards allowed her entry, and Aria headed up the street to the Odd Jobs home.
Sure enough, Aria grabbed a cloak to lift the cold edge off her as the sun started to drift closer to the horizon, hiding behind the larger mountains occasionally. Unlike her, she decided to head down to the Khajiit caravan set up just outside Whiterun. The guards hailed the redhead as she passed, giving her no trouble. It was the least they could do, being that the Odd Jobs team had offed a dragon in Whiterun hold's protection. The Khajiit were allowed closer to the fortifications than one might think. They were close enough to be protected, should bandits or worse show up... And close enough to be watched. They were regarded as crafty, scheming people, but trade was this caravan's game. That didn't mean all of their goods were legal, though!

Aria arrived at the camped caravan, checked for guards, and turned back to face the old-looking Khajiit sitting at the campfire. He seemed rather relaxed. Aria took a moment to compose herself before asking, "Think I could have some? ...I just need a little pick-me-up. Nothing crazy," she tried to explain. The old Khajiit gestured for her to sit, and pulled out a pipe made especially for ingesting the skooma. Without a word, he demonstrated how to use it. While the crystals were still hot and ready to smoke, he passed the pipe over to Aria, letting her try it for herself. Of course, it wasn't the first time she'd done this. After literal bloodbaths a few years back, Lucian sometimes got out his pipe, moon sugar and skooma, too. They'd all share it, and for a moment, death and carnage seemed to evaporate from their minds..

Stopping herself from coughing after a few drags, Aria handed the pipe back, smiling faintly. "Want any money for..?" she began to ask. The old Khajiit chuckled quietly and shook his head.

"N'garro could see you are very stressed young lady... No matter, relax for now," he answered warmly.

Slowly but surely, Aria began to calm. She was still on Nirn, but her mind drifted elsewhere... Somewhere beautiful.
"You think of everything, don't you?" Blaze complimented her partner, giving him an uncertain smile. "What is it you did before the dragon summoned us? You're strong, but really smart, too! Gets me wondering..." she chuckled.
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