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    1. Jensoman 10 yrs ago


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Jenso nodded at Bruce the moment the maze appeared. Jenso dashed forwards through the maze, sliding and hopping quickly in order to reach the exit while using the constantly twisting pathways to his advantage. Jenso moved to attempt to advance up the staircase. 'Here goes nothing..!' He thought.
Jenso's eyes widened as the ground appeared, but fortunately he'd prepared his hands if he had managed to reach the staircase. He landed on the palms of his hands and quickly stood back up as Zelriane and Shaidra spoke. "Oh yeah?" Jenso replied to Zelriane, smirking at him as he paused momentarily.

"I think you forgot the fact that Bruce here nearly killed you, and Alvios nearly killed Shaidra back when he was still unfamiliar with his powers. Why do you think it'll be any different this time?" He asked. "And, if Shaidra's presence alone is truly enough to stop us, then why do you bother being here?" He questioned.

Jenso glanced briefly to Bruce and Alvios afterwards, not quite sure what to try next. "Any ideas, guys?"
Jenso nodded as he was flung onto Bruce's platform, as a burst of flames erupted from his feet to launch him upwards past Shaidra. He began to channel Ki within his left fist, keeping a close eye on her movements while launching a wide torrent of white flames in front of him with his right hand, to discourage Shaidra from vanishing and appearing in front of where he was heading. He prepared to land against the stairs with the palm of his hand, not exactly wanting to smash his face into the stairs.
Jenso glared at Rajaka, jumping further to the right to avoid taking Rajaka's punch head-on, as a powerful burst of flames emerged from his body which allowed him to slide further away from the incoming explosive wave of Ki. He waited for it until it would weaken from travelling a good distance before reaching him. He thrusted his right fist forwards as he channeled Ki within his hand, launching a powerful, focused shockwave of Ki of his own, to cancel out Rajaka's attack.

He frowned as Shaidra appeared in Rajaka's place. He looked over his shoulder at Alvios briefly."Your turn, Alvios." He spoke with a smirk.
Jenso was sent flying by Rajaka's shockwave, but kept charging the Arcane within his left hand. He landed firmly on the ground, and attempted to dash beside Rajaka in order to climb the stairs. He took aim with his left hand, launching a focused torrent of Arcane flames at Rajaka. "For what it's worth...I'm sorry, Shaidra. I had to deceive you, and be harsh in order for us to escape your dimensions." Jenso spoke, coating his body in Arcane flames as he advanced which lashed around violently in all directions. He began to channel more Arcane in his right hand.
Jenso scrambled onto his feet, coating his fists in a layer of Arki. It seemed like the Order had finally identified them as a real threat. He began to channel Arki energy into the ground with his feet, and noticed the stairs that led up to Ada's room. That was where he needed to go, but Rajaka and Zelriane would certainly make things more difficult. He began to charge up Arcane within his left hand. 'Arcane should be incredibly effective against Rajaka, but...' Jenso thought, noticing Alvios's glance. It certainly told him to 'GET DA FOK OUT'. Jenso felt the same. The whole point of escaping the Dimensions was to reach Yzeira, after all. He feigned as if he was going to rush up the stairs, waiting to see how Rajaka and Zelriane would respond.
Jenso continued on, despite everything going on. This may be it, the final push. "You no longer have the scientific mind that you once had, when you contained and discovered a type of energy, which is now known as Arki. You can't fill the void within your own soul. You will never be able to find meaning, as there is none. And you will never be able to understand the Void now, with your current mind set, no matter what you do." Jenso spoke coldly.

"Your pursuit for knowledge is meaningless."
Jenso glared at Shaidra as she charged at him. A burst of flames erupted from behind his heels, as he dashed further to the right to avoid Shaidra's charge and to steer clear of the smoke at incredible speeds. "Flame dash..." He muttered. It was a technique that he could only use once in a long while. He looked over his shoulder to see what Shaidra was doing. It seemed like something serious was happening to his dimension, and Jenso had no intention of stopping.

"What you're doing is pointless. You will not be able to unravel the mysteries of the universes this way, like you have done in the past. You no longer hold all the answers for many, will no longer feel endlessly succesful as scientist. Regardless, even if you could, it would still mean nothing. You will never be able to change what happened between Teshra, you and Nexus." He spoke coldy.
Jenso nodded in response. "That's right. There is no meaning to anything." He stated coldly. "Hence why you took your own life when the Tower where you and Yzeira met, dissapeared. Isn't that right? And you left Nexus behind. It didn't matter." He spoke in a monotone voice, more in the way of stating a fact rather than an insult.
Jenso glared at Shaidra, as his wounds began to throb. Were his bones and skin about to rot from the inside, too? Jenso began to channel Ki within his body towards the wounds, and jumped further back. Ki violently erupted from the wounds afterwards, in an attempt to force the Void energy out of his body. He coated his fists in Arki afterwards, and smirked at her. His stance remained resolute, despite everything. "Is this really how you want to live your life? You used to be a reknowned scientist with a great reputation. You intended to create a hole in space-time to help others, right? Yet...this is how it turned out. Into the Order, that leaves destruction in it's wake using that power."
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