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    1. Jensoman 10 yrs ago


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Flin gently placed his hand on Noru's hand, gently removing it off his shoulder despite the slight annoyance on his face. "First off..." He muttered, pointing at Noru's nose with his right hand. "...Don't compare me to a kid." He said calmly, before lowering his arm and turning towards the captain and Lyullia. "I never stated that I would do it, I said that I wanted too. I know how to follow orders, don't worry about that." He stated. "I never intended to actually face the collosal threat head-on. Especially not on my own." He added, taking a deep breath.

"Even if I chose to disobey orders and do it, I'd be more clever about it. I was merely curious about them. There are plenty of ways to deal with or avoid dangerous creatures like that, as I'm sure you're aware of, captain." Flin stated, as a devilish smirk appeared across his face. "Don't worry, if any of you try to take it on by yourself head-on, I'll be sure to leave you behind too." He scoffed. "But, points taken. Don't worry, I ain't suicidal."

He remained lazily on his chair after all he'd said, looking over everyone. "Let's hope we don't run into that thing, or we'll have wasted most of our time since we're told to retreat. Besides patrolling the route, I suppose."
Flin listened closely to the captain's words. He sighed. "Bah, if we're actually a competent crew, we shouldn't be having much trouble on the road." He stated confidently. "But the fact that we're to abandon our mission and head back to Arcadia if we happen to run into that collosal threat at lake Hyu, doesn't sit well with me. I'd much rather try to take it on..." Flin declared, leaning back on his chair as he looked at the ceiling. He sighed, and sat straight again. "...But I suppose we'll just have to accept this."

With that, Flin looked at everyone. "At least our trip won't be lame, from the sound of things." He stated with a smirk. Despite having participated in caravan runs in the past, the thought of exploring the world still excited him. He waited for everyone else's responses. This was a good way to see how disciplined everyone was.
Flin listened to Daelin's story, somewhat fascinated by what he had to say despite his unrefined manner of speaking. And then he decided to question his music. It was a fair question, albeit asked in a somewhat blunt manner. "It calms my mind when I play songs. And sometimes, it does the same for others. When I mentioned that I am able to bend sound waves, I was quite serious. If I desire it so, I can make the sound only hearable to myself." He replied, taking out his guitar to show it off.

"It's poorly made, but it gets the job done." He spoke, with a grin on his face as he tapped the wood with some of his fingers. He put it back on his back as Zay called them over, and he took a seat at the table as well.
Flin's polite posture seemed to fade away due to Zay's response, his left eyebrow twitching out of annoyance. Zay's words didn't sit well with him, and it was not at all what he'd expected to hear. He deeply enjoyed and was involved with magic himself, so he felt slightly disrespected. He shrugged it off as Pyra followed up to introduce himself and Zay led them to the back of the caravan. Flin smirked, looking at the caravan. He'd seen more impressive caravans, but it was still incredible to behold. It was fine craftsmanship, which he appreciated. The man stepped on board, staring at the key that Zay had. It wasn't anything new to him, as it wasn't his first caravan that he'd been a part of.

Flin glanced over at Zay briefly as he stepped beside him. 'Wonder if he'll actually be able to protect that key...' He thought, not feeling very confident in the captain. He seemed nice enough, but...he seemed to lack discipline. Well, he'd only just met him, so perhaps it was too soon to judge. He wouldn't have liked a man who was too strict, either. Flin leaned against the wall and crossed his arms, glancing over at Marilyn briefly as she ran for the Venbu before looking over at Daelin. He couldn't get it. What was so wonderful about those filthy creatures? Well, to each their own, he supposed. Daelin's comment made him smirk, though. "So, uh..." He muttered. "How many months have you been participating in caravan runs?" He asked Daelin. He seemed to know the captain well, perhaps he could reassure him that he was competent. Or vice versa.
"Present." Flin said proudly, bowing forwards slightly with his right hand placed on his heart and his right arm pushed against his chest. "I am capable of Arcane and Metaphysical magic. I can bend sound waves to my whim, and my Arcane abilities pack quite a punch." He stated courteously, before standing straight again. He smiled at Zay, and said nothing else.
Flin looked Zay over, taking in his appearance and attitude. He had to admit, he didn't seem very impressive at first glance. What kind of guy would leave his upper body unprotected? Forget the simple fact that he wouldn't be able to block anything like that...the man could just straight up catch a cold! Flin shook his head in slight dissapointment for a moment. "Right...Anyways, let's hope that we're all competent enough to deal with whatever we'll run into." He spoke, overlooking his fellow knights. He gave the newcomer a quick nod. He sounded serious, despite the fact that he looked like a simple bard.
Flin kept playing his melody, despite spotting Noru's clear irritation. He glanced briefly at the knights around him, and then turned his attention to Zay. He stopped playing his guitar which he held in his right, and rose his left hand to stop touching the strings. He placed his guitar on his back, which seemed to fit perfectly on him. He stood up straight and in a more refined manner and moved forward to stand near his fellow knights, albeit with the same lazy look in his eyes. From the sound of it, it looked like this man would lead the caravan rather than Norwell.

Flin blinked for a moment. He wasn't very skeptical about who'd been leading them, as long as they weren't a complete idiot. But he was curious about this sudden change none the less. "Am I correct to assume that you'll be the captain of our Caravan, then? I was informed that Sir Norwell would lead us..." Flin stated, in a calm manner. His attitude sounded somewhat posh but respectful. Noru didn't seem very pleased with Zay, which Flin easily noticed. Flin himself didn't care. He would be judging if he liked this captain's command or not, through personal experience.
A figure was leaning against the caravan, who had been waiting as well. He had a slim posture, and wore no armour. Instead, he wore simple light blue pants, a yellow shirt and a light blue jacket. However, the insignia on his shoulder was more than enough to prove that he was indeed a knight of Arcadia. He held something in his hands that seemed like a simple wooden guitar, and was just casually playing on it. He had messy, short blonde hair, and was playing some sort of soothing melody. It was intended to put the nerves of the knights around himself at ease, but it also served to ease the man's own boredom while they awaited Norwell's arrival.

The man looked lazily over towards Lia who was tending the Venbu, and sighed briefly. He couldn't believe how anyone would be willing to pet such filthy, simple-minded creatures. Of course, he knew the Venbu had their uses, but it was nothing impressive. Not according to him, anyway. He didn't quite want to comment on it, though. It was the girl's first time after all, and he didn't want to make her feel bad. It didn't really inconvenience him either, so there truly was no need to speak up. He looked over towards the other knight. He seemed too uptight, but at least he was focused which was reassuring.

The man, Flin Meeru, wondered to himself just who he would be travelling with. Would they be people that he could count on? Or would it be yet another caravan filled with wild, blunt loud-mouths like he was forced to put up with last time? The sheer thought made Flin cringe ever so slightly, but it wasn't noticeable as he continued playing. He threw Lia a gentle smile as she was finished petting the Venbu, but said nothing. He hoped that she enjoyed his music, if nothing else. He always did appreciate fans of his music.

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