Avatar of JohnnyWeird
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    1. JohnnyWeird 6 yrs ago


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Returning with his things to the others, Marcon returns to Torletart's side.

"Elis Incarnate, the great scryer, wrote that people talk most when they are listened to. I say we let this goblin tell its story."

The Tumari warrior sets down his rucksack on a clear spot and uses it as a cushion while he observes the situation.
"They seek answers, Master Torletarte. The goblins may know something of what happened here, and Messrs. Anchor and Wormwood are, like the learned Nzegwu before them, 'drawing answers from any source that speaks its truth to them.'"

"Myself, I think we'll have the full story from whoever stalks yonder keep." The Tumari youth points to a window high in the tower. "I know not if whoever flies the fox and rose is a friend, though, and so would hear the goblin's tale myself."

Turning back to the guards, Marcon spies his own rucksack among the baggage carried. He grins widely as he takes it, shouldering his bow.

"My thanks, gentlemen, for your bravery and your encumbrance. You were wise to hold back, for there was some violence." He gestures to the arrow wound in his shoulder.
Marcon stands on the verge of the pumpkin patch, shaking his head at Theren's boldness. Apropos of nothing, the limerick a mercenary lancer taught him years ago resurfaces.

The Thayan evoker named Bryce
Was gripped by a curious vice
As the berserker's fist
Struck his groin, he'd insist
"There's no way this could happen twice!"

Unsure if help will be needed, or wanted, he observes the situation, smiling distractedly.

Finishing his snack, Marcon moves toward Anchor and his entourage - a mother duck and her ducklings, he chuckles to imagine. As he moves, he keeps his bow to hand, eyes out for trouble, evidence, or easy loot.

Pulling out a ball of pemmican from a hanging bag, Marcon chews thoughtfully. The wealth of utility isn't the fortune he'd hoped to make, but the day is still young.

"If I could carry you all, I would," he muses. "Alas."

Restocking his quiver and grabbing a crowbar, Marcon emerges into the square and moves toward the others, still chewing the pemmican.

"Sorry, friend. Should have remembered Jannicot's advice and finished the job."

The line from "The Folly of Mercy" in his mind, Marcon pulls his arrow from the goblin's skull and examines the scene for gold or objects of value.

Marcon shoulders his bow for now - like Deadeye Dyffyd said, "You can't live your whole life with your bow drawn" - and goes to retrieve his arrows, first fron the worg and then the goblin in the house. In the latter case, anything else of value comes with him.

In battle there are plenty of things that might kill you. Swords,
arrows, fire, horses, a slick patch of grass, a wizard who's hungover. Ample threats to life and limb. But nothing kills a man in battle faster, or more certainly, than the impulse to freeze up in fear.

Marcon read Je Tsong's "Battle Mind" on a sunny afternoon in a cloistered garden. On this bloody morning of bells and worgs, the lessons in it do not desert him. Looking to the shaft in his shoulder, he follows backwards with his eyes the path it took tp get there.

When the archer is not visible, he draws again and aims as best he can back at the arrow's origin. When its owner pops up againn Marcon will repay the debt of blood.

As the goblin peeks around the casement, Marcon's arrow buries itself to the fletching in the creature's eye socket. In the square, the young warrior grunts in satisfaction.
He's not a wizard. Why would I shoot him?
If the worg is running away, it doesn't seem like there are other combatants. Have I lost track of someone?
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