Avatar of Jollan
  • Last Seen: 8 mos ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1959 (0.53 / day)
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    1. Jollan 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current doing trade school online is like reading about a sport and expecting to be able to play it without practice.
5 yrs ago
Trade > bachelors
1 like
6 yrs ago
Desire to type "git gud" intensifies...
6 yrs ago
okay, watched the first episode of goblin slayer, not nearly as bad as what it was made out to be. Still a bit depressing but hey, saved 2 of 4 rookies, coulda been worse.
6 yrs ago
So i figured out, as much as id love the equivalent of an anime doom guy slaying goblins, i dont like seeing the lovely anime chicas catch a case of the mutilation.


Why hello, you little stalker. As you can see above I have recorded your visit for potential future stalking purposes. In that list you may find some other recent stalking victims. You may wonder, "Oh no! I've been caught! Whatever shall I do! What will become of me!" Well... I can assure you nothing....as in really...nothing. Except the fact that you may have wasted a precious few moments of your life with this bio. In this, I can say for every person that reads this, I have stolen that moment in your life that you could have been doing something else. Anything really.....Are you still here? Shouldn't you...I don't know, be posting in one of your RPs? I'm sure somebody is waiting for your response, it might even be me. You are procrastinating aren't you? I know I am. At the very moment I typed this I was supposed to be writing papers for class. See? Now I've been wasting time on both our accounts. Look what you made me do.




Ok, that is enough stalking...


There really isn't anything else here...


I'm gonna call the police...


(What's the number for 9-1-1?)

Most Recent Posts

Miiba gingerly took the sheathed knife and wrapped it in her arms, hugging it to her chest. "M-Miiba keep this close, just in case, but... Miiba no know how to use. Miiba would never hurt people! Miiba be careful, will bring back, promise!" she said to Rueben. She wasn't thrilled to have a knife, she would have preferred a shield if given the choice, but if she were to protect others, she knew from her shows and Lear's stories that sometimes... to protect someone, you had to fight. Miiba then scurried off to catch up to Mira, though Mira was able to move much faster than her as she bolted out the door. She soon followed after, but by the time she got out there she didn't see anything. Geir was struggling, but with what she had no idea.

Her run slowed to a jog, to a walk and then standing still as she looked around confused. "Where glow ball?" she asked curiously, until a faint light caught the corner of her eye. "Hmm?" she hummed as her she turned towards the barn with a slightly tilted head. Soon she heard a chicken, or whatever this strange place called them, seem to get riled up. "Chicken? she called out. She then turned to where Mira was catching up to Geir, who seemed to be let go of whatever rage took hold of him for the moment, not knowing of his internal struggle with the ghostly Jason. "Mira! Pens! Bird making sounds! Miiba go look!" she yelled before turning and running to the animal pens to see what was wrong. She still held the hunting knife in it's sheath close to her chest as she quietly made her way inside. She looked around through the darkness. It easy to see when compared to the caves. Miiba, nervous, had a bit of a shake to her small voice as she tried calling out to whatever was in there.

"H-hello? Who there? Glow ball, why attack? J-just go away, leave Miiba an friends... and big meanie alone!" she called out, adding Geir to the list last. She didn't like him because of how he treated her, but from what others say, there was some reason, and he was important to them, so he was important to her. She knew how mean the goblins could be, or at least she thought she did, so maybe that's why he was so mean too. It was shortly after this thought that Miiba tripped on something...feathery. "AH!" she cried out as she fell over, dropping the knife and landing face first in the dirt. She quickly scrambled and grabbed the knife, pulling it close again as she sat up and looked at what tripped her. It was one of the chickens! "Waaaahhh! T-the chicken! Why no moving!? What happen!? she cried out in terror, using the word she knew for the creature instead of the common one for this world. She rapidly scooted back into a corner away from the dead bird and started looking around the room wide eyed. That was when she noticed it sitting on top of one of the coups, a small glowing ball of dim light. Despite her fear, Miiba slowly stood up, albeit a bit shakily and called to the creature, "You! Bad glow ball! Go away!" she yelled at it, though she has still yet to draw the knife, holding it closer to her more for comfort and a feeling of security than anything.

Delmina smirked, the narrows would work to her advantage here, meaning that the enemy could only engage with a small number at a time. "Deadly narrows," she cooed as she raised her own shield and took a crouching position to cover herself more as she aimed her gun. The situation was near perfect for Delmina. All the enemies were in a line, meaning she could hit more of them as the bullets passed through, and there was nowhere for them to run from the onslaught of fire that was about to be unleashed. All she needed to do was to lower their front-line shields. To do that, she pulled the trigger and started to unload her barrage at the legs of the shield bearers, aiming to topple them over or stumble them. The moment they faltered, she would adjust her aim up to start shredding through the ranks of lost, ripping through their columns as they tried to advance. The barrage was constant and unrelenting, though for extra measure, Delmina saved up the ichor she would be receiving so that she could cast 'fleet of foot' on Bridget once more if the group of lost started to get too close.
Meeka was a bit surprised at the commotion coming from behind her. She would have never thought that someone would get sent flying across the room. Though, from what her ears picked up, it was quite deserved. Thinking about it, Meeka never really got into a fight with her antagonizers. There were plenty where she was from, and unless Morton was there to handle it there was little to dissuade them. Meeka usually tried to ignore nasty comments, aggressive people, or people she didn't like in particular. Sure she could make threats with her shooting skills, and shoot examples to show she could make good on those threats, but if it came to a physical struggle, she wouldn't be able to pull off what the half oni just did. In a pinch she was sure she could use her fangs and claws, and she would, but that would probably only serve to make them think of her as some rabid beast when its all said and done.

Meeka refocused on her task at hand, following the man she presented the flyer to into a back room where it looked like some chairs were set out for them. Meeka scanned the room, seeing a human and a gnome already inside and waiting. She went to a chair that was the furthest from the two as not to seem like she was intruding in their space, and neatly took a seat, smoothing out her dress to reduce visible wrinkles in the fabric. She sat straight and proper with her hands resting in her lap as she waited. To pass the time in her mind, she started to think about the different places she would go. Maybe she would find other wolf beastfolk? That could be interesting. Maybe even learn some new spells, though she would have to work on her calligraphy a bit more before moving on to new talisman designs.

Miiba couldn't help but shift around nervously the whole time, after all, there was a fight going on just outside, and it seemed to be taking longer than what Lear made it sound like it would. Miiba lifted her head slightly to try to angle herself to see through the window without leaving her spot, but it was to no avail. A few more moments pass and there was a loud shout that everyone could here. Lear mentioned it being a 'warcry' and asked Mira to go help him. Lear continued on reading the story, but he seemed a bit more distracted now.

"Mr. Lear? What if Geir in trouble? We help? Can Miiba help?" she asked. She seemed anxious, like she wasnted to do something, wanted to help, even if she didn't know how. She didn't have anything that she started out with, all her tools were gone, but in her eyes it just looked like Geir was in trouble. Despite how much she didn't like him for how he treated her, she still didn't want to see him get hurt, for both his and the other's sake.

Tribal Party

Sonia had a wry smile as Gossk pointed in the direction of where to go. "Home is actually in that direction," she corrected him, "once we reach Kalla, we can tell the others where the bandits have hidden themselves." She didn't know of the scouting party that had already started their mission to find them. A short while would pass before Tyrael would come up front the cabin. One of the other girls saw Tyrael come up as well and was the first to ask about Lynn. "Will she be alright?" the younger girl asked. Sonia then chimed in as well, "We owe our lives to you three. If there is anything we can do to help once we reach Kalla, we will be glad to do so. That girl, I've never seen one before, but she is merfolk isn't she? Kalla sits next to an oasis, so there should be plenty of water to keep her in good health. We should get there by nightfa-"

Just then there was an eerie creaking sound as the sand ship took on more weight, slowing it down considerably. "Wh-what was that!?" Sonia exclaimed. She looked down to the cabin and saw water at the step's edge. "How did we take on water!? And where did those plants sticking out of the deck come from?" Due to the spell, the growth of swap plants seemed to poke through even to the upper deck here and there. Sonia thought about the mergirl and the dracodile that went down there to help her. Did they cause this? a temporary pool of water to help the aquatic traveler, huh? Smart idea, but..."This will slow us down. Now by much mind you. But if we continue like this...," she trailed off as she took in the sights and their decreased speed due to the new weight, "it looks like we will arrive in the morning a little after sunrise. If it helps her though, I'm perfectly fine with it." she acknowledged as she checked their path.

As the water started to form around Gossk and Lynn, he would notice a large bubble of air seeming to automatically leave Lynn's mouth as her gills seemed to take over by instinct alone, flaring out ever so slightly as compared to the nearly fully sealed thin lines on her neck that they appeared to be above water. However, they seemed to act supplementary to regular breathing, as she looked to be breathing with her lungs as well. She would draw in water into her lungs as if it were air, and her multipurpose lungs acted as another set of gills, filtering the oxygen from the water. As Lynn slowly started to wake back up, she was surprised by the comforting feeling of being in water. Her vibrant red eyes slowly opened to see Gossk looming over her with a strange purple light coming from his eyes. It reflected in the water enough to seem to bathe the area around them in a dim purple light. As Lynn's head weakly tilted to look around, she noticed that they seemed to be in a strange swamp-like cave, with the sunlight peaking through a wood grated ceiling, of which had some stairs that led up to it. Lynn's horn seemed to pulse with a dim cyan light in it's core, and nearly instantaneously, Lynn's voice seemed to be projected mentally, as if she was speaking on dry land. Was this how merfolk communicated when underwater? It had to have been, since she did it so naturally, and honestly it would be a wonder how there could be any other way to speak when submerged. "Where...where are we?" Gossk would here her voice as if they were standing in a normal room. "What happened? Last I remember I was trying to heal that stranger with the cloak, and everything after is very feint."

Scout Party

The corpse hurdled to the first spearman, who failed his attempt at scrambling away as the fat body of his deceased comrade slammed into him. Before they could recover they were backed off by a strange display put on by the saytr, not knowing how to approach without becoming the next victim. As the man with the shield decided enough was enough, Kistal activated a minor curse, causing the dirt to kick up and blind them, almost as if the dust was purposefully going for their eyes. This caused the man to flinch, though by the time he looked up, Kistal already in the air again, spear about to come down on him. The bandit threw up his shield, but the power of Kistal's strike backed up by his own weight pinned the man down against his old worn shield. His back hit the ground and there was a loud cracking as the spear tip, broke through, moving through to impale them man in his chest. There was a quickly silenced shout as it seemed the now blinded heavily muscled man bashed his ally's skull in, swinging wildly in hopes to hit something in his blindness. It was nearly too late for Kistal to had been able to react as he brought his club up for another swing that would have surely stuck home. Before he had even begun the downswing though, his body twitched in a number of directions as he then became still. Slowly, he fell face first into the ground, revealing that the arrows that were shot in their direction had a few bury into his back, unintentionally blocking them from Kistal's path.

As for Bidzil, He picked up the body at his feet and kicked the door in to the archer's nest. Just as he thought, an archer spun around a let loose an arrow, burring itself in the corpse. Bidzil shoved the body into the closest archer and rushed the one that fired at him, running him through before he was able to draw his dagger. As the last remaining archer shoved the body away from him, he readied an arrow and drew, only to find a metal sheath flying through the air and slamming into him. It wasn't a perfect hit to the head, but BIdzil's tactic was still successful to knock the archer off target as he let loose the arrow into the wall behind him, Using a similar technique, he then rushed the other archer and drove his sword into his gut, yanking it to one side, and then turning it to yank it to the opposite side to withdraw it. The man fell to the floor immediately. Picking up his sheath in his left hand once more, he ran out of the room back out to the rafters where he could see Allanon, "This side's clear!"

It wasn't even a second after that phrase that there were multiple explosions heard at the gate. Everyone turned to the gate in shock as there was a brief moment of silence. Then suddenly, the gates were bowled over by a half minotaur warrior in a strange sand wyrm scale armor. Kalla warriors stormed around the man nearly instantly, seeing their targets and moving in to secure them, decimating the remaining bandits as they pushed them back to form a front-line in front of the kidnapped girls, allowing their back-line to free them and start moving them out of the encampment.

Hilde smiled at her handiwork, the heavy metal plates that were holding up the doors, slamming into the sands below. She could almost jump for joy at how well it worked but held her ground. Suddenly, however, Hilde could have swore she felt something slithering up her side from behind her and the thought nearly gave her goosebumps till she looked down and for a split second saw Chihiro's face as she went in for a peck on the cheek in passing. Due to Hilde's movement however, it ended up getting her right on the lips. Even as brief as it was it was enough make Hilde blush and freeze briefly. "H-hey you! No cutting in line!" she called out as Chihiro advanced forward.

As Anrak eventually bowled down the doors, Hilde stumbled forward into a run, recovering from the impromptu smooch. Some of the warriors passing by her laughed and jeered about it, all in good fun as they ran into battle. "That was perfect Anrak!" Hilde told the half minotaur as she passed him, there was a big smile on her face but she didn't stop to chat. After all, there were plenty of bandits to smash.

A little while after Dorran came up, trying to keep up with the younger warriors, and clapped Anrak on the back. "Beautiful work, lad. Now, lets see to those cages and the chains over there holding our girls to the pillars, I reckon you could break them free without a key, eh?" Dorran requested of Anrak. "Hop to it!"

Hilde went straight for the front-lines. Due to her Sylve heritage, she was much faster than her full Varuk allies, though still a bit behind Chihiro. As the other bandits rushed forward, seeing her as a smaller weaker target, they would get a surprise as the first of their front-line seemed to spontaneously combust in an a series of small fiery explosions, making the enemy's frontline nearly non existent and easy to put down as they pushed the others back and away from the prisoners. It was turning out to be the perfect raid on the camp. Hilde would easily deflect blows with her heavy bracer, grappling their weapon arm and following through with a thrust or two with her blade, the level of training being very apparent as she took on multiple foes at a time. She wouldn't overpower them like her father would, instead, she completely outmaneuvered them. As someone who studied her may realize, just because she didn't learn to dance with Madame Valia, doesn't mean she didn't learn the dance of warfare. Just like her father, she seemed to enjoy herself in combat. It was a place where she could let loose and feel like her skills mattered, using her abilities to fight to protect people instead of a dusty temple.

Sahale's head rested in Sylph's lap, as she seemed to have resized herself to a more human size. She softly cooed over him as he laid there. Despite being healed, the man was still trying to recover from the blow, his body still sore even though it had fully recovered. As Maeve moved closer to them, Sylph's gentle cooing faded and her ayes intensely glared to the isoli woman though she stayed silent and let her approach, but was still wary of the stranger. "For a guy who just had a farming too pierce all the way through him, I'd say I've been better," Sahale said with a wry grin. "Can't say I've even been so close to death's door, it's not a place I'd fancy visiting. Of all people to show up, especially to heal me, I wouldn't of thought it'd be him." He listened to her question and thought of the best way to put his answer.

"Well, he isn't just any grusk I'm afraid, and that is saying a lot since there are so few of them now. Jeevak is the lost prince of the Grandis Empire from history. Though, being the only heir after his father passed in the final battle, that would make him the King now. A king without a throne as it were. I'd assume he is here for exactly as he said, he is looking for whatever grusk he detected, my thoughts is that kid I brought back to the temple. He is in good spirits it seems." When she asked about why the two gruskan people he detected would be so important to him, he chuckled, "All gruskan people are important to him. He wants to rebuild his empire, a safe haven for his people that they can return to and live without fear. But be wary of him. Years of seeing cruelty has warped his mind. This town is safe because Varuk people value what you can do, not just what you were born as. As he sees it, his people were being taken care of and he has taken a liking to Kalla. Had it not been the case however, none of us would be left alive... I'd try to stay far away from his presence if possible..."

Sahale then waved a dismissive hand over his head. "But enough about that, I'll tell you more after we rest. I'm rather comfortable here for now if you wish to go rest at the inn," He said with a smug smile as re-situated his head on Sylph's lap. "Besides, I'm afraid I gave Sylph a bit of a fright, at this rate she won't let me out of her sight for a week," he chuckled as he reached up an stroked her cheek. She cooed softly at his touch and gently stroked her clawed fingers through his hair, petting his head, now paying Maeve no mind.

Delmina nodded towards Bridget, hefting her shield in one arm and gun in the other. "Alright then, if we are truly trying to take the heat off of them, we need to draw more attention," she smirked under her mask as she raised her gun to the air and fired of two shots, hopefully attracting some initial lost away from the other group. Once the fighting would start, the sounds of combat should bring the others there. "It will take me a moment to build up extra ichor, but once I do, I will amplify your speed again," she explained as she prepared herself for a fight.
"My name is Dremmick, and this is Eira. We appreciate the hospitality, Krayt. If you don't mind, I'd like to make a military landing, see what we can do about joining. I have a bone to pick with the Zann Consortium, but progress is slow on my own, want to hit them harder. The Nexu isn't the hardest hitting vessel, but you won't find many that can outrun her. If you could use a ship like that and two extra members, I'd gladly like to offer my capabilities to the Republic," Dremmick finished, hoping his answer was satisfactory.

Eira on the other hand was a bit offended at the man's critique of her piloting. "I wouldn't have run us into anyone, he's just surprised his radar couldn't pick us up till I turned off the sonar dampeners," she mumbled.

"Not now Eira, you can show off the ship after we land. I'm starting to feel cramped in here," Dremmick said, waving a hand and trying to get her not to interrupt.
The road to Chrana was a long one, taking Morton nearly a week to get there with his carriage that was practically his whole restaurant remodeled into a long carriage. What was worse, Morton didn't own any ox to pull the cart, so the man then made it as if it was a large rickshaw and moved the whole shop along himself, up steep hills, and having to restrain it once going down hill, It was tiring work, but they had finally made it. Morton was surely going to sleep well as soon as he had a proper bed. So far the only place to sleep on the trip here has been some sleeping rolls he and his daughter Meeka brought along. They would lay them out in the floor of the food carriage and sleep inside withe the window shutters closed. He had purchased a spot on the market street to dock his portable restaurant into a more permanent position, the flyer promised them accommodations with the guild so long as they could pay rent for it. Honestly, it was that thought of a nice bed driving him to go faster once the city's front gate was just ahead.

Morton looked over his shoulder and noticed that he couldn't see Meeka through the window. Not surprising, it seemed like she was still asleep, or she would be sitting in one of the stools that were crammed into the little walking space that was left in the carriage. "Meeka?" he called over his shoulder, "Time to wake up, we are finally here!"

Meeka drearily sat up, stretching and yawning atop of the two stacked up bed rolls, having used both stacked atop one another for extra comfort since her father wasn't using it at the time. Meeka rose up for a moment to see their surroundings and instantly ducked back down out of sight. "F-father! You woke me up too late! I will look like a wreck by the time we enter the gates!" she exclaimed panic as she quickly reached for a brush and frantically tried to start brushing the bedhead out of her hair. It wasn't enough that people didn't like greater beastfolk already, but at least looking well groomed and tidy seemed to take the edge off of most of their scorn. Plus, what if she was able to meet new beastfolk? Should couldn't meet anyone new looking like a vagabond! She could feel the carriage leave the dirt road and begin rolling into one that felt stone paved, and Morton's loud voice already calling to the guards at the gate, striking up friendly chit chat as he stated his business. Meeka tried to brush faster and then started to tie up her hair, only to notice that her tail had also suffered some form of bedhead as she started to work frantically on it as well. She then moved on to her arms and legs. While the fur was short here, it helped keep the fur flowing in the right directions, keeping it from looking as scruffy. She took a deep breath once satisfied and looking into a mirror. Just as she went to set it down, the carriage stopped, and then felt like it dropped a foot or two onto the ground, Meeka letting out a yip of surprise as it dropped.

"Okay, this is our stop!" Morton boomed over the bustle of the market. He leaned back and stretched, causing a few joints to pop here and there much to his relief. He turned to Meeka who was still trying to compose herself, craning over the counter. "Alright, I will see about getting us checked into our new home, and get word to the company that leased us this plot for our restaurant. Go on ahead to the orientation, I will catch up and you can tell me all about it tonight," he said as she made her way out of the carriage, smoothing out her clothes. Morton raised an eyebrow with a smirk, "see? You got ready in enough time," he chuckled, "the guard said that the Chrana guildhall is just down that way, but I need to run to the leasing office first," he said as he closed the shutters and locked the carriage up. "Just be careful, I don't know who all is here, and I'd rather not have to start our stay by cracking a skulls. I mean, I wouldn't mind it but it may be bad for business," he laughed heartily as he waved to her, "Be back pronto, we can explore the town later," he finished as he tossed Meeka some keys to the carriage doors.

Meeka's ears perked up as she saw the keys being tossed her way, catching them with ease and inspecting them for a moment. She looked over to where Morton told her to go and nodded. She couldn't help but smile a little at her father's jab at her being able to get ready in a mad panic now that it was all said and done. "Yes sir," she answered. With any luck they wouldn't have to sleep in the restaurant tonight, she was dying for a decent bed herself. She could feel the eyes staring at her nearly immediately as she had left the carriage, though she did her best to ignore them as usual. She did notice a couple more greater beastfolk here and there, but there was still a very low number of them. She had hoped maybe here would be better, but... every now and then a face would wrinkle up in disgust to say otherwise. Finally making it to the guildhall, Meeka reluctantly pushed the doors open to walk inside.

Surprisingly, it was louder in here than it was out in the market, even when she did attract some stares away from their conversation. Meeka took a deep breath and looked for a counter, that seemed to be on the other side of a sea of people. She tried to make her way through politely, and squeezing by when she could, getting bumped into here ad there and eventually getting stuck in the crowd where the movement between everyone milling about and yelling at each other, and drinking ended up trapping her in their midst. Meeka growled slightly to herself as she squatted down slightly and kicked off the ground, jumping over a good number of people and landing in a clear spot in front of the counter. She stood up calmly and once again flattened out her skirt and pulled her hair back and out of her face.

She looked up and saw a rather dapper and distinguished looking man conversing with another at his counter. He showed him a flyer similar to the one she had and noticed the man lead him away, so she assumed she had the right person. Waiting for him to return, when he finally did, Meeka gave a small bow to him and stated her business. "H-hello, I am Meeka Halsey, here with my father Morton Halsey to take part in a job with your guild if you will have us." She took out the flyer that had led them here and presented it to the man. "My father is in town making arrangements for us, I hope this does not trouble you any," she said hoping that they wouldn't mind Morton not being at the orientation, "but I can relay any information I need to him." Meeka was admittedly nervous being in a new town full of new eyes and unknown people. at least back at home, she was familiar with the small number of people and knew who to stay away from and who didn't mind her so much, but this was all too new, and admittedly had her a bit anxious. As it was, she heard a group talking about what seemed to be a lesser beastfolk girl as she made her way up here, and despite what it seemed she was doing, spirit or not, it seemed like they didn't hold them to much esteem here either.
"Hey....Hey you, wake up before help you wake up," a familiar sultry yet quiet voice urged. Dremmick shot awake with a quick intake of breath an sat up in his seat quickly.

"I'm up! I'm up... I... phew, how long was I out?" Dremmick responded to Eira, not wanting to find out what her idea of waking him up would be. She was in a seat just behind him, craning her head around to see him and get a better view out of the cockpit.

"Eight hours, you should be quiet rested, and I was quiet bored. But look! We are here, that Yavin IV place you wanted me to take us to," Eira said as she pointed toward a planet they were close to....in fact... entirely too close to. Why hadn't anyone tried to reach their comms yet? Normally somebody would have contacted them to state their purpose and guide them to where the nearest landing port would be.

"E-Eira, has anyone tried to contact us?" he asked.

"No, not yet....," there was a moment of silence as Dremmick could only imagine was Eira realizing what he meant, "OH MY GOSH, THE DAMPENERS!" Eira exclaimed as she sat back down more in her seat and concentrated on her data link, hearing Dremmick sigh as she did so. Quickly the dampeners were switched off and their presence should be seen, though it might look strange that they popped up so late on anyone's radar down there, they weren't entirely so close to hopefully cause much of a panic. After all, he could still see most the curve of the planet and hadn't broken into their atmosphere.

Dremmick shook his head and reached for a radio to make contact with whoever would be monitoring their position and spoke into an open channel. "Nexu to Yavin IV, requesting permission to land. My apologies for the sudden appearance, nearly forgot to shut down dampeners."

Scout Party

There was frantic screaming what seemed to heighten in tone and then turn into more of a roar as the would be rapist transformed into a big hulking bear beastwoman, bursting from his armor that was way too small now, and not the prettiest of sorts either, even among beastmen. The man's filthy grotesque lifestlye was equally portrayed in his, or rather her, appearance. Missing patches of fur, scars and sores, filthy matted fur, and a horrid stench from teeth rotting in her skull. However, the newly formed beastwoman was quite stronger than the man she used to be. But that didn't seem to matter much when she was to busy freaking out over her form to do anything. The woman would be relieved that she wasn't being approached, however, the painful and disgusting display of the man's body breaking and twisting into a new creature terrified her, causing her to pass out.

This commotion was the portly bandit's only clue that something was wrong, but it was much to late for him. As soon as he turned to see what was going on, he was pierced through, the spear going through the man's shoulder and bursting out of his lower gut. Locked in, he couldn't move, and so much blood was pouring from him that he bled out in seconds. Though, he didn't need to warn anyone, as it seemed the whole camp which was about to investigate the wall of ice, was now focused on the satyr. there must have been over forty men at arms in this place, and now Kistal was the center of their rage. Immediately, the four closest men to Kistal carged in, two with spears, one with an ax and sheild, and the last one was a bit bulkier than the others and wielded a crude yet effective looking heavy club in both hands. The spearmen took point, having faith in their reach while the big oaf was behind them ready to deliver a crushing blow. Meanwhile the one wit the shield would attempt flanking into the satyr to catch him offgaurd or maybe even force him towards the spearmen.

The archers on the rafters were alarmed and were scrambling to get their bows strung and crossbows set at the sign of commotion. How did someone get in? What were those good for nothing archers in the towers doing over there? They were so busy trying to get ready to fire on the satyr when a shot was available, they didn't even notice Allanon and Bidzil drop in. From their point if insertion, if they split up, each of them could take out a separate wing of archers, taking them out by surprise in the least amount of time. Bidzil was a bit slower to descend than Allanon, however, while he knew how to scale down a rope, it was nowhere near the ease of which Allanon seemed to slide down. When Bidzil did reach the bottom, he instantly went for one of his swords, this time keeping the heavy sheath in a back wards grip in his left hand, and drawing his blade with a light practiced flick of his right hand. He had to act fast, clear his mind of any doubt and push forward. The archers seemed to have let loose one volley of arrows before the two could start their attack, there were eight of them, four to a side. Bidzil rushed forward to met the first archer as fast as possible. Mid run, his grip on his sheath swapped from a defensive backward grip to an offensive standard grip, and using his momentum, cracked the heavy metal sheath against the unsuspecting archers head as he started to draw his bow to fire another volley towards the satyr. There was a sickening crushing sound as the heavy sheath made contact, and a bit of give as it seemed slightly break into the skull. The man fell immediately, but not without the sound of Bidzil's rush alerting the second archer. The archer, who was mid draw, panicked and tried to spin around and fire at Bidzil, but the shot flew wide as Bidzil broke his run with a forward roll. In this roll, Bidzil made sure to end on his feet, using the momentum and his core muscles to rock him forward till it had him in a crouched position just in front of the now exposed archer. Bidzil then used his leg muscles push up and forward, slamming into the man's gut with his shoulder, knocking him off his feet and onto his back.

The bandit cursed as he hit the ground, scrambling to grab a shortsword from his belt, but it was easily knocked aside by a crushing blow to the hand with the heavy sheath, and in the same rotation of that swing, Bidzil's blade sunk into the man's heart. The man cried out in pain, alerting others close by. That took care of his side of the archers of the rafters, but now the archers inside the wooden structure knew something was up. Bidzil and got a macabre idea, reaching for the lighter of the two dead archers. He may need a shield when he comes through the door to another two enemies possibly waiting for him on the other side.

"Did ya hear that?" Dorran asked, the sound of the icy explosion and a some sort of canine outcries reaching everyone even outside, along with the air around them feeling a slight bit colder. There were multiple shouts and outcries as men started to fight and sound the alarm around the camp. Dorran laughed heartily as he stood up on top of the rock out crop they took cover behind. "Alright, that's as good enough a signal for me! How about we go teach these bastards a lesson or two, eh!?" he shouted with his weapon raised, a rallying cry from all his warriors present, even Hilde as they moved forward.

[color=D2691E]"Alright, the doors are all yours! Show me what you can do big guy!"[/colr] Hilde shouted to Anrak as she ran forward, easily outrunning the heavier set Varuk warriors and approaching Chihiro. "Nice throws!" she said in a hurry with a smile as she got within range of the gates. Hilde started to gather air into tightly compacted balls of highly compressed air, though the point was to build up a highly dense ball of mostly oxygen for her fire to light. She then sent each to a different hinge where they seemed to only grow in size, the air around everyone momentarily becoming thinner as if they had just climbed a mountain. "ALRIGHT, HAVE AT IT!" she yelled loudly as a spark seemed to make its way to each of the oxygen balls like shooting stars into the night, though just as the sparks seemed to die out close to their target, the night was briefly light up multiple huge explosions, breaking all of the hinges on the heavy gates, it seemed like all someone would need to do now is blow on them just right and they would come crashing down.

Tribal Party

After Gossk pulled up the ship, the three girls bowed kindly to their three saviors, each of them thanking them. The girl who knew a bit about ships spoke up for the others. She was a bit darker tanned than the other two, longer dark hair despite most Varuks having a light sandy color and her features were quite attractive, though she still have well toned muscle as well due to years of training with Madame Valia in their art of dance. Out of the three of the girls, she seemed to stand out a bit. Her slightly larger but also more curvaceous build made out for quite the tasteful figure, strong yet graceful and luxurious. It would come as no surprise that she was being sent on her way to Portea before some of the others. "My name is Sonia, I will do my best to bring the ship back to Kalla. Once the ship gets moving, it will be a fairly easy ride. The craft is large enough that most sand wyrms should stay away, and hopefully the more unruly ones have had their fill for the day," she said a bit worriedly still, she then shook her head, "I will make sure everything is ready for once it is repaired." She bowed once more to them before getting with the other girls to tell them what to do, once all were aboard they would soon be ready to return to Kalla.

"Okay then, here I go," Lynn started as she placed her hands on the very surface of the ball of water that encased all but Tyrael's head. "Bathe this one in healing light, and restore her to her former might...," she chanted the familiar spell, though changing it for what she assumed was a woman due to the voice. Lynn concentrated on the spell but something didn't feel right. She felt fine since Gossk used that spell, but there was something else bothering her. The water, just like last time when she healed Gossk, started to glow, and the wounds on Tyrael started to regenerate rapidly yet painlessly, as if they had never happened to begin with. However, just before the heaviest wound on Tyreal's arm was fully sealed, the water fluctuated and fell from around Tyreal, along with Lynn. Despite her feeling better due to the spell, her body was still worn, and her mana had taken a few heavy tolls between the healing and trying to survive the desert itself. She fell over, the water splashing into the sand around them, her body refusing to move efficiently. This was different than mana sickness, while she was low on mana, she hadn't developed the blue streaks. This place was definitely not where her kind belonged, and it was starting to take full effect on her. She looked around with tired eyes, her vision swimming as things blurred around her, it was strange, nobody else seemed to be tired... maybe she just needed.... a little nap....

While Lynn slipped into unconsciousness, her breathing was still heavy. While she wasn't sure what was happening, due to never being exposed to the situation and not having to deal with it in her own homeland, she seemed to be experiencing heat exhaustion. She didn't quite feel the effects of it due to Gossk'a spell, though she was nearly worn down when they had just arrived, if Gossk remembered, she was barely getting by even when just floating around on her staff. Speaking of which, even her staff, which was usually so nimbly floating around her when not in use, fell with its end sinking into the sand. If anyone were to retrieve the staff, they would find that aside from the globes of water on it, the rest seemed to be made of nothing but solid steel, making it incredibly heavy, doubtful that she had ever carried it herself without her water manipulation.

Jeevak seemed to chuckle lightly behind his mask at Maeve's remark at having only seen one grusk. He stopped walking towards the temple and turned towards her, "Is that quite right? I must apologize then, for in the heat of the moment I had forgotten to formally introduce myself." He reached up and grabbed the mask with one of his hands and removed it, though it didn't seem to be held on my any sort of straps, as if it had just been floating up against his face the entire time. When he took it off, he met Maeve eye to eye before giving a slight bow. "I am King Jeevak of the Grandis Empire. I am indebted to you and this town for providing care for my people. Not very common in these times I am afraid." He seemed to hook his mask upon his waist as if there was an invisible hook there, however, again, it just stayed there on its own. He then turned and went inside.

Jeevak saw a number of injured people, many of whom seemed to be well and in good care, but still too weak to move around. He noticed Neev in one of the rooms, resting in one of the many beds that lined the walls while a drake beastman was asleep beside her, having nodded off after a long night guarding the temple. Jeevak took a deep breath and waved his hand over her, causing her to glow a feint green color momentarily as the blue lines started to disappear. He noticed faint mana trails that connected her to nearly all of the patients inside, and a few trailing in from that Isoli girl from outside. Trails of where they spent their mana, hanging in the air like cobwebs of time passed. He made a mental note to thank them for not only protecting the young grusk, but healing him as well. Just passing by one of the largest Varuk men he had ever seen in a long time, there was a frail figure in a medical bed next to him. It was him, no doubt about it. The Grusk he had sensed from a good distance away. There was power in this one that built up and had unleashed itself violently. He could not control it so it backfired on him, a pity, but not something that couldn't be fixed. Jeevak would stand over him for a moment before speaking, though when he spoke to him, it was if he spoke not only with words, but to his mind as well, reaching to him even if he was unconscious. There was a doctor tending to him currently, he figured he would have to tell him of his intentions first. "Would you mind if I had a word with this patient, sir? It won't be long, or intrusive I assure you."
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