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    1. jujube 4 yrs ago
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Indigo stepped onto the stage as his name was announced, his heart fluttering and his mouth dry. Neon's expression was indecipherable as always-- although Indigo knew the Magnemite was probably feeling just as on edge as him. This is Neon's first... He laid a reassuring hand on the Magnemite's head, a few affectionate pats for good measure.
"It's alright. Whether we win or lose, just try and have fun. That's the only thing I'm really thinking about it," Indigo whispered. Neon crackled, and Indigo wasn't quite sure, but it felt like he had done something right.

Truthfully, winning was always more fun than losing, and he hated that at this point, all he could think about was winning. But Margo's words of advice echoed around in his head. If he was always focused on winning, that left no room to focus on learning, growing, or his pokemon's needs in the middle of battle. This is about Neon and his confidence and his ability. I can't worry about winning, I need to support my pokemon.

"Alright, let's start off with Sonic Boom!" Just as they had practiced earlier, the appeal started with a startling and impressive Sonic Boom. Throwing in the Spark and Mirror Shot lead to a colorful and iridescent display where electric and steel type energy flowed and weaved around Neon. It went as well as Indigo could have hoped-- Neon was hitting all the points just like they had in practice earlier, and Indigo, overcome with relief, could barely stand after the appeal was done.

After the initial appeal, there was a half an hour wait for the other contestants to finish up. And Indigo found himself holding his breath with other contestants at the TV screen in their backroom. Fingers were crossed and nervous glances were made all around. Who would be making it onto the group appeals? Who would be eliminated? As the contestant avatars flashed onto the screen, Neon huddled into Indigo, his steel body shivering and colder than usual.

"Hey, you'll never figure out what happens next if you don't look with that only eye of yours," Indigo quipped, trying to lighten the mood, even if he felt anything but. As the last avatar appeared on the screen, he let out a choking sound. It wasn't true, was it?

"Neon, look! We made it!" Indigo hissed, turning the floating steel ball toward the screen. "No! Look! You're there too-- open your eye!" Neon let out a low electric beep and transfixed his eye on the screen, now unable to look away.

One appeal down, the group one was left to go. Indigo grinned, hugging the Magnemite. "Neon, that was all you-- thank you!"

The group appeals were next. There were four of them on stage, and since they were all using different pokemon for an appeal, Indigo wasn't sure what the contestants would do. One thing was for sure, they were all probably more capable than him. But that couldn't deter him, Neon had pushed him this far, not to mention the rest of his team members were counting on him. He took a deep breath as the emcee shouted, "Begin!"

There was a girl and a Chinchou that were using Bubblebeam, dancing and playing around in the bubbles. It was a classic appeal and never failed to get old, especially with how choreographed they were. As the Chinchou popped the bubbles with quick jolts of electricty, a rain of shimmery mist glittered around them. Then there was a boy with a Growlithe-- they were tossing a flaming torch back and forth, with the Puppy pokemon adding occasional flares to the performance with bursts of flame here and there. It looked simple, but Indigo knew for a fact he would have never been able to handle fire as elegantly as the other boy was. The third contestant was another girl who was commanding Cotton Guard from her Ampharos-- they were playing around and blowing the spores into each other and the audience. The spores were like dandelion tufts, fuzzy and white and blowing away gently into the wind.

Indigo took a deep breath. "Mimi! Come out!" Unfurling his top hat, Mimi bounced out with a flourish. A non-pokeball entrance was sure to get some points with the judges, he hoped. Thinking of his plan, he wasn't entirely sure it would work, but it was an idea. And he had experimented with it some time before in a few other practice sessions... It was now or never.

"Mimi! Let's bounce!" The Buneary nodded and using her strong ears, she bounced into the air with gusto. Indigo tossed his hat into the air at the same time.

Buneary as a species were known for their cuteness and especially how they bounced on their ears. "Use the whole stage, and make yourself the center of attention! Use the other attacks!" And this was the hard part-- he was going to try and catch her everytime too. Mimi bounced over to Bubblebeam appeal; the girl and her Chinchou were surprised, but nothing could quite prepare them for Mimi bouncing off the bubbles and rising higher into the air before plummeting into Indigo's hat from high above.

"Again!" And Mimi jumped out from Indigo's hat, using Quick Attack to speed over to the Cotton Spore appeal. Bouncing off a particularly fluffy cushion of Cotton, Mimi grabbed a tuft herself and blew into it, scattering a glittering trail of spores before falling into Indigo's hat once more.

"You've worked with Hawka's fire, so the last one'll be easy! Go!" Indigo whispered fiercely into the hat as Mimi once again burst out with gusto. The timing couldn't have been more adequate, because as Mimi bounced out of Indigo's hat once more, she leaped into the center of the Growlithe's Fire Spin, navigating the heat before falling into Indigo's hat once more.

Finishing up, Indigo and Mimi went through a series of twirls and choreographed dance together. Finally bouncing off Indigo's hat and landing on his outstretched arm, their group appeal finished. And as the crowd burst into cheers, Indigo hoped at least some was for Mimi and himself. Though, the next results would tell for sure.

((Sorry, I know this took me forever. I apologize, these past couple of weeks have just been super had for me personally. I still definitely want to continue though, so please let me know if we are still on! :) ))
@Balthazar007 are you still going to do the next post introducing the contest? Just wondering! Also sorry I haven’t replied in PMs yet. Im laptop less for now lol so I have to reply on my phone but that can be frustrating.

Also do you have a discord? Maybe we can get a group going for ooc? I just find it easier than forums.
@Balthazar007 hurricane Dorian has been coming up in my area so not sure when I'll be able to post. Hope you've been having a good time on your vacation!
That's awesome! If you dont mind my asking, where are you guys vacationing to?

Travelling is soooooo much fun. Hope you're having a great time! Sorry I havent replied for indigo yet in PMs but I will!
@Balthazar007sorry, been having computer issues. still working on the post with ikat!
@Balthazar007I think that'll just be Indigo's appeal post. i don't have a lot of time to write another appeal post so... xD i hope the magnemite one is ok!

also, did magnemite's appeal make sense? IDK it was like my first time trying to write an anime-esque appeal. definitely kind of hard to describe!

also, ikat and i are working on a collab post! its almost done :]

@Balthazar007replied and finally got my contest post up. I'll probably write another appeal post. sorry that took so excrutiatingly long. i;ve been in a rut with my writing lol. Thank you for being patient though.
After Mimzy had finished an appeal using her fairy-type Baby-Doll Eyes technique, Neon was left. The strange pokemon was quite ugly, there was no denying that. With his single eye and strange, steel body, the Magnemite was hardly what anyone, especially Indigo, would have called appealing. Still, an annoying quote from a certain someone popped into his head as he was examining Neon.

"I mean, if you really want to impress the crowd, wouldn't making an ugly pokemon look beautiful be even more impressive than making an already beautiful pokemon look good?" Margo's challenge bounced around in his thoughts. "It's harder, but if you pull it off, you might earn my respect."

Indigo's eyes narrowed, annoyed that he hadn't thought of it himself. As if he needed any direction from her. Of course he knew that! Maybe Neon was hideous, lacking the intimidating toughness of Hawka's newly evolved form. Perhaps Neon was not as beautiful as Kovi's glittering visage. And, obviously, Neon lacked the cutesy adorable charm that Mimzy radiated. But there were some things that were salvageable. For one, Indigo thought as he polished the surface of Neon's body, technology was cool and there was no doubt that pokemon like Neon embodied the technological appeal that their world had come to depend on. The artificial appearance truly demonstrated something futuristic and complex about the pokemon line. They were metallic, they subsisted on electricity, and they were like robots from the movies, Indy thought. There was something extraterrestrial and futuristic about them. That their typing was steel and electric only served to further the point that they were living machines.

"Looking good Neon," Indy said, holding up a small mirror he'd retrieved from his backpack. Neon's single eye swiveled about this way and that, and the Magnemite let out what sounded like a happy beep. His chrome body so shiny, he could see his own reflection from the mirror in it. "Ready to try an appeal?"

Neon's eye darted about nervously. Kovi flew over with a small noise of encouragement. Mimzy bounced up to hold onto one of Neon's magnet's playfully, and Hawka shoved him to where she had practiced her own appeal. Neon let out an alarmed sound.

"It's okay, I know you haven't really practiced in public before, but it's just us," Indy said, gently removing Mimzy and Hawka. "Just have fun, Neon." Indigo beamed in his attempt to ease Neon's nerves. "You'll be fine. Let's start off with Mirror Shot. Fly straight up."

Neon floated upwards speedily, releasing a flash of energy from his polished body. The steel type energy released was silvery and prismatic, only amplified by the day's sun. It showcased Magnet's sleek and shiny coloring, while emphasizing his steel typing. That's perfect! Okay, let's see... "Spark!"

Neon's body became enveloped in crackling blue electricity. Indy and Neon had refined Spark quite a bit in their days of practice. Controlling the voltage and flow from his center, Neon was able to undulate the electricity around him, creating a visage like a blue sun. With the remnants of the Mirror Shot energy as a bright refraction of light surrounding his amped up form, Neon looked stunning. The crowd would admire his beauty for a few moments and then--"Sonic Boom and circle around, go!"

The crescent shaped shockwave attack was directed in random direction around Neon. Combining with the Spark and remnants of Mirror Shot, the Sonic Boom flitted around Neon like a boomerang. As Neon floated, making a lap, the Sonic Boom attack raced around him frenetically. Shooting straight up into the air with another Sonic Boom from Neon, the attacks dissapated into a shower of glittering energy after a satisfying BOOM!

Even an ugly Magnemite could pull something off, Indigo thought with a grin. That would prove Margo wrong, for sure. Running towards Neon who seemed thoroughly exhausted, Indigo pulled the pokemon in for a hard hug. Literally hard, because Neon's steel body was no joke.

"Ouch! Ha, Neon, you did great!" WIth this, they'd have a quick lunch and head over to the contest hall. Margo hadn't called him yet, but Indigo figured she was doing her own thing. At least he knew his pokemon's moves looked decent, and they could be combined in all sorts of different ways to boot.

Sometime later, Indigo had thoroughly cleaned up his pokemon and donned on his tuxedo. But the nerves were getting to him once more. Dialing Margo through his pokedex, he hoped she would pick up.
Will have replies Sunday! Bleh sorry this weekend was crazy xD i really appreciate your patience
@Balthazar007that is SO exciting! omg! :D Congratulations!! I also replied in PMs :] ALSO sorry for not posting an appeal yet. This week has been so crazy, I haven't had any chances to finish it up. It should be done by saturday night though >_<
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